Create an ancestral fasta file from a reference by replacing the ref base with the ancestral base. Requires Biopython. Ancestral file format has 3 columns CHROM POS ALLELE
breaks vcf into smaller chunks for faster processing --vcf FOO.vcf --integer 10000
creates a VCF with polarization defined by est-sfs (Keightly and Jackson 2018)
Create input files for est-sfs (Keightly and Jackson 2018)
file format should be from vcftools --counts -i ingroup.counts -o1 outgroup.counts [-o2 outgroup.counts -o3 outgroup.counts]
convert freebayes vcf format to that used by gatk
fixes freebayes missing to be in the same format as gatk
The fields can be different lengths if the site is physically phased in gatk
reformats missing sites in VCf
normalizes a gatk file for merging
creates a geno file (Plink) from a vcf
normalizes gatk fior merging
create a bedgraph from a vcf file
This program creates a consensus fasta sequence, new reference, that uses information from a population vcf to replace the reference base with fixed or high freq ALT calls
thin a vcf file to reduce the effects of linked selection.
remake the header for a vcf
fill a gvcf file with 0 band