on-merge: backport to 2.2
on-merge: backport to 2.3
Potentially stale or out of date issues.
An issue opened for, or undergoing discussion.
Affects the documentation.
This issue or pull request already exists.
Requires a large time investment.
Requires a small time investment.
Requires a moderate time investment.
Related to the Example Gallery.
The best issues for new people to tackle!
Issues or PRs that affect the CI or packaging.
For issues and PRs which are not valid contributions.
A label to ward off stale bots.
Hit that merge button when it's all green!
PR only needs one approval to merge.
PRs that were abandoned but should be picked up again and merged in.
Needs reviews before merge.
Skip any changelog checks.
Requires alot of knowledge of the package.
Requires some of knowledge of the package.
Requires little of knowledge of the package.
A label related to the memory or speed or other performance metrics of the code.
Automatically fix pre-commit issues on this PR.