This document outlines the mission, scope, and objectives of the Open Services Group Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee is the governing body of the Open Services Group project, providing decision-making and oversight pertaining to the Open Services Group project bylaws, sub-organizations, and financial planning. The Steering Committee also defines the project values and structure.
- Adapt the role and structure of the Steering Committee as needed to meet the needs of the project.
- Responsibilities not explicitly delegated to other parties2 through their charters reside with the Steering Committee.
- All management1 responsibilities should be delegated to other parties2.
- All technical responsibilities should be delegated to SIGs (i.e. the SC shouldn't retain technical responsibilities itself).
The following responsibilities belong directly to the Steering Committee.
- Through the chartering review process, delegate ownership of, responsibility for and authority over areas of the project to specific entities2.
- Define, evolve, and defend the non-technical vision / mission and the values of the project.
- Charter and refine policy for defining new community groups3, and establish transparency and accountability policies for such groups
- Define and evolve project and group3 governance structures and policies4.
- Act as a final non-technical escalation point for any Kubernetes repository5.
- Define and enforce requirements for community groups3 to be in good standing such as having an approved charter.
Steering committee members are generally expected to attend every meeting. We use the following guidelines to determine whether we have reached quorum and are able to proceed with a meeting.
- Round quorum up if total number of members is odd
- Quorum to meet is 1/2 members attending (eg: 6/12, 6/11, 4/7)
- Quorum to vote in a meeting is 2/3 members attending (eg: 8/12, 8/11, 5/7)
Members of the committee must take an Inclusive Open Source Community Orientation course in support of our community values. Members are required to report completion of the course as part of on-boarding within 30 days from the date of their appointment.
1: Decisions and work pertaining to the daily operations of the project.
2: Such as individuals, Special Interest Groups and Committees
3: Such as Special Interest Groups, Working Groups, and Committees
4: including how contributors become committers/maintainers, approvers, reviewers, members, etc. As well as responsibilities associated with these role
5: Currently includes all repositories under the github organization open-services-group