Releases: suriyun-mmorpg/UnityMultiplayerARPG_AimAtCursorController
Releases · suriyun-mmorpg/UnityMultiplayerARPG_AimAtCursorController
Update for 1.70
Implement fire on release
0.9 Implement fire on release fire type
Update for 1.66c
0.8 Changes skill APIs
Update for 1.65
0.7 Don't set target entity
Fix target entity UI not showing up
0.5 Delete unused codes
Update for 1.53c
0.4 Make `UISceneGameplay` extendable
Update for 1.53b
0.3 Update codes follow CORE changes
Tested on PC
- Can move with WASD keys
- Character look at the mouse position
- Can attack while pressing a left mouse button
- Can build the building when release left mouse button