The runtime extensions, if present, can be either compiled in a minimal or a full mode. In the minimal mode only set-eval-quota
is present. Minimal mode is the default when compiling LBM. To get the full mode the -DFULL_RTS_LIB
flag must be used when compiling.
can be used to reify, turn into value, parts of the global environment. The global environment is stored as a hashtable and an index into this hashtable is used to extract the bindings stored under that hash.
Example | Result |
(env-get 0) |
((chapter-gc section 2 "GC" ((newline (section 3 "set-gc-stack-size" ((para ("With `set-gc-stack-size` you can change the size of the stack used for heap traversal" "by the garbage collector.")) (code ((set-gc-stack-size 100))) nil)) newline hline))) (eva |
(env-get 1) |
((environment-get newline (section 3 "env-get" ((para ("`env-get` can be used to reify, turn into value, parts of the global environment." "The global environment is stored as a hashtable and an index into this hashtable" "is used to extract the bindings |
(env-get 2) |
((environment-set newline (section 3 "env-set" ((para ("`env-set` destructively sets an entry in the global environment hashtable.")) (program (((if (eq (env-get 1) nil) (env-set 1 (list (quote (a . 75))))) (env-get 1)))) (para ("Note that in the example |
(env-get 3) |
((program-disp closure (c) (list (quote program-disp) c) nil) (to-dot closure (x) (str-merge "digraph SExpression {\n" " node [shape=ellipse, fontsize=12];\n" " edge [fontsize=10];\n" (car (cdr (dot-it 1u64 x))) "\n}") nil) (render-program-disp-gif-ta |
(env-get 4) |
((local-environment-get newline (section 3 "local-env-get" ((para ("`local-env-get` can be used to reify, turn into value, the local environment.")) (code ((local-env-get))) (program (((let ((a 50)) (local-env-get))))) nil)) newline hline) (render-program |
(env-get 5) |
((chapter-environments section 2 "Environments" ((newline (section 3 "env-get" ((para ("`env-get` can be used to reify, turn into value, parts of the global environment." "The global environment is stored as a hashtable and an index into this hashtable" " |
(env-get 6) |
((symbol-table-size newline (section 3 "symtab-size" ((para ("`symtab-size` returns the size of the symbol table in bytes.")) (code ((symtab-size))) nil)) newline hline) (render-program-res-pairs closure (rend cs) (match cs (nil t) (((? x) ? xs) (let ((x- |
(env-get 7) |
((symbol-table-size-flash newline (section 3 "symtab-size-flash" ((para ("`symtab-size-flash` returns the size in bytes of the portion of the symbol table" "that is stored in flash.")) (code ((symtab-size-flash))) nil)) newline hline) (gif-count . 0) (ind |
(env-get 8) |
((symbol-table-size-names newline (section 3 "symtab-size-names" ((para ("`symtab-size-names` returns the size in bytes of the string names stored in" "the symbol table.")) (code ((symtab-size-names))) nil)) newline hline) (defun macro (name args body) (m |
(env-get 9) |
((symbol-table-size-names-flash newline (section 3 "symtab-size-names-flash" ((para ("`symtab-size-names` returns the size in bytes of the string names stored in" "the symbol table in flash.")) (code ((symtab-size-names-flash))) nil)) newline hline) (imag |
(env-get 10) |
((chapter-symboltable section 2 "Symbol table" ((newline (section 3 "symtab-size" ((para ("`symtab-size` returns the size of the symbol table in bytes.")) (code ((symtab-size))) nil)) newline hline) (newline (section 3 "symtab-size-flash" ((para ("`symtab |
(env-get 11) |
((version newline (section 3 "lbm-version" ((para ("`lbm-version` returns the version of the lbm runtime system.")) (code ((lbm-version))) nil)) newline hline) (info para ("This document was generated by LispBM version 0.29.1")) (str-merge-list closure (s |
(env-get 12) |
((arch newline (section 3 "is-64bit" ((para ("`is-64bit` returns true if a 64bit version of lbm is running.")) (code ((is-64bit))) nil)) newline hline) (render-program-disp-res-pairs closure (rend cs) (match cs (nil t) (((? x) ? xs) (let ((x-str (if (is-r |
(env-get 13) |
((word newline (section 3 "word-size" ((para ("`word-size` returns 4 on 32bit LBM and 8 on 64bits.")) (code ((word-size))) nil)) newline hline) (leading-zeroes closure (n) (if (< n 10) (str-merge "000" (to-str n)) (if (< n 100) (str-merge "00" (to-str n) |
(env-get 14) |
((chapter-versioning section 2 "Version" ((newline (section 3 "lbm-version" ((para ("`lbm-version` returns the version of the lbm runtime system.")) (code ((lbm-version))) nil)) newline hline) (newline (section 3 "is-64bit" ((para ("`is-64bit` returns tru |
(env-get 15) |
((manual (section 1 "LispBM Runtime Extensions Reference Manual" ((para ("The runtime extensions, if present, can be either compiled" "in a minimal or a full mode." "In the minimal mode only `set-eval-quota` is present." "Minimal mode is the default when |
(env-get 16) |
((render-manual closure nil (let ((h (fopen "" "w")) (r (lambda (s) (fwrite-str h s)))) (progn (gc) (var t0 (systime)) (render r manual) (print "Runtime reference manual was generated in " (secs-since t0) " seconds"))) nil) (s-exp-graph closu |
(env-get 17) |
((pretty-aligned-ontop closure (n cs) (match cs (nil [0]) (((? x) ? xs) (str-merge "\n" (pretty-ind n x) (pretty-aligned-ontop n xs)))) nil) (section closure (i str strs) (list (quote section) i str strs) nil)) |
(env-get 18) |
((render-dot closure (filename code) (let ((dot-str (to-dot code)) (name-dot (str-merge "./images/" filename ".dot")) (name-png (str-merge "./images/" filename ".png")) (fp-dot (fopen name-dot "w")) (fp-png (fopen name-png "w"))) (progn (fwrite fp-dot dot |
(env-get 19) |
((semantic-step closure (c1 c2 prop) (list (quote semantic-step) c1 c2 prop) nil) (render closure (rend ss) (match ss (nil t) (((? x) ? xs) (progn (render-it rend x) (render rend xs)))) nil)) |
(env-get 20) |
((para closure (str) (list (quote para) str) nil) (is-read-eval-txt closure (x) (match x ((read-eval . _) t) (_ nil)) nil)) |
(env-get 21) |
((verb closure (str) (list (quote verb) str) nil)) |
(env-get 22) |
((pretty-list closure (c) (match c (nil [0]) (((? x)) (str-merge " " (pretty nil x))) (((? x) ? y) (if (eq (type-of y) type-list) (str-merge " " (pretty nil x) (pretty-list y)) (str-merge " " (pretty nil x) "." (pretty nil y)))) ((? x) (str-merge " . " (p |
(env-get 23) |
((newline closure nil (quote newline) nil) (code-examples closure (c) (list (quote code-examples) c) nil)) |
(env-get 24) |
((evaluation-quota newline (section 3 "set-eval-quota" ((para ("`set-eval-quota` sets the number of evaluation steps that is" "given to each context when given turn to execute by the round-robin" "scheduler.")) (code ((set-eval-quota 30))) nil)) newline h |
(env-get 25) |
((chapter-scheduling section 2 "Scheduling" ((newline (section 3 "set-eval-quota" ((para ("`set-eval-quota` sets the number of evaluation steps that is" "given to each context when given turn to execute by the round-robin" "scheduler.")) (code ((set-eval- |
(env-get 26) |
((num-free newline (section 3 "mem-num-free" ((para ("`mem-num-free` returns the number of free words in the LBM memory." "This is the memory where arrays and strings are stored.")) (code ((mem-num-free))) nil)) newline hline) (render-code-res-pairs closu |
(env-get 27) |
((longest-free newline (section 3 "mem-longest-free" ((para ("`mem-longest-free` returns the length in words of the longest" "consecutive sequence of free words in the LBM memory.")) (code ((mem-num-free))) nil)) newline hline) (code closure (c) (list (qu |
(env-get 28) |
((memory-size newline (section 3 "mem-size" ((para ("`mem-size` returns the size of the LBM memory.")) (code ((mem-size))) nil)) newline hline) (s+ closure (s ss) (cons s ss) nil) (render-code-table closure (rend c) (progn (rend "<table>\n") (rend "<tr>\n |
(env-get 29) |
((heap-state newline (section 3 "lbm-heap-state" ((para ("`lbm-heap-state` can be used to query information about heap usage.")) (code ((lbm-heap-state (quote get-heap-size)) (lbm-heap-state (quote get-heap-bytes)) (lbm-heap-state (quote get-num-alloc-cel |
(env-get 30) |
((chapter-memory section 2 "Memory" ((newline (section 3 "mem-num-free" ((para ("`mem-num-free` returns the number of free words in the LBM memory." "This is the memory where arrays and strings are stored.")) (code ((mem-num-free))) nil)) newline hline) ( |
(env-get 31) |
((gc-stack newline (section 3 "set-gc-stack-size" ((para ("With `set-gc-stack-size` you can change the size of the stack used for heap traversal" "by the garbage collector.")) (code ((set-gc-stack-size 100))) nil)) newline hline) (png-file closure nil (pr |
destructively sets an entry in the global environment hashtable.
Example | Result |
(if (eq (env-get 1) nil) (env-set 1 (list '(a . 75))))
(env-get 1) |
((environment-get newline (section 3 "env-get" ((para ("`env-get` can be used to reify, turn into value, parts of the global environment." "The global environment is stored as a hashtable and an index into this hashtable" "is used to extract the bindings |
Note that in the example code above there is no guarantee that the symbol a
actually hashes to index 1 in the environment table. So a
is most likely impossible to look up from this environment. The use case for env-set
and env-get
are rather that they are together. Use env-get
to extract index i
from the table, then modify it in some way and end by using env-set
to the same index i
can be used to reify, turn into value, the local environment.
Example | Result |
(local-env-get) |
nil |
Example | Result |
(let ((a 50))
(local-env-get)) |
((a . 50)) |
With set-gc-stack-size
you can change the size of the stack used for heap traversal by the garbage collector.
Example | Result |
(set-gc-stack-size 100) |
t |
returns the number of free words in the LBM memory. This is the memory where arrays and strings are stored.
Example | Result |
(mem-num-free) |
254550 |
returns the length in words of the longest consecutive sequence of free words in the LBM memory.
Example | Result |
(mem-num-free) |
254480 |
returns the size of the LBM memory.
Example | Result |
(mem-size) |
262144 |
can be used to query information about heap usage.
Example | Result |
(lbm-heap-state 'get-heap-size) |
10000000u |
(lbm-heap-state 'get-heap-bytes) |
80000000u |
(lbm-heap-state 'get-num-alloc-cells) |
10485u |
(lbm-heap-state 'get-num-alloc-arrays) |
818u |
(lbm-heap-state 'get-gc-num) |
1u |
(lbm-heap-state 'get-gc-num-marked) |
3690u |
(lbm-heap-state 'get-gc-num-recovered-cells) |
9996310u |
(lbm-heap-state 'get-gc-num-recovered-arrays) |
0u |
(lbm-heap-state 'get-gc-num-least-free) |
9996310u |
(lbm-heap-state 'get-gc-num-last-free) |
9996310u |
sets the number of evaluation steps that is given to each context when given turn to execute by the round-robin scheduler.
Example | Result |
(set-eval-quota 30) |
t |
returns the size of the symbol table in bytes.
Example | Result |
(symtab-size) |
3697u |
returns the size in bytes of the portion of the symbol table that is stored in flash.
Example | Result |
(symtab-size-flash) |
0u |
returns the size in bytes of the string names stored in the symbol table.
Example | Result |
(symtab-size-names) |
1579u |
returns the size in bytes of the string names stored in the symbol table in flash.
Example | Result |
(symtab-size-names-flash) |
0u |
returns the version of the lbm runtime system.
Example | Result |
(lbm-version) |
(0 29 1) |
returns true if a 64bit version of lbm is running.
Example | Result |
(is-64bit) |
nil |
returns 4 on 32bit LBM and 8 on 64bits.
Example | Result |
(word-size) |
4 |
This document was generated by LispBM version 0.29.1