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Quickstart UI for Openstack Horizon

This dashboard for Openstack's Horizon frontend aims to facilitate the creation of VMs for users. It takes the burden to know network and firewall configurations from the user and provides a simple interface to create a VM with a few clicks.



  • One single dialog for VM creation
  • Grouping of Images (by OS type)
  • Selection of relevant flavors
  • Creation / selection of SSH keypair if using Linux image
  • Automatic creation of SSH / RDP Security Group based on Linux/Window image
  • Apply correct security group to VM
  • Automatically create private network
  • Automatically assign floating IPv4 address
  • Help with creating / attaching additional volumes
  • Display login (SSH information)

Quickstart has been tested with Horizon Pike.

Quickstart Installation with pip

Installing as a module

sudo pip install -e <your-gitrepo>#egg=sw-openstack-quickstart

Change in openstack_dashboard/local/

For debugging disable compression:


Configure the Email for outgoing mails:
    EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'

    # Configure these for your outgoing email host

    EMAIL_USE_TLS = True
    EMAIL_HOST = ''
    EMAIL_PORT = 587
    EMAIL_HOST_USER = '[email protected]'
    EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'secret'
    DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '[email protected]'

copy to /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/enabled/

change the settings accoriding to your setup:

        'SW_EMAIL_FROM': '[email protected]',
        'SW_OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION': 2, #Version of the nova client
        'SW_SEND_VM_CREATED_NOTIFICATION': True #True if emails should be sent upon VM creation.

collect static:
    python collectstatic --noinput

restart apache:
    sudo apache2ctl restart

Installing on SWITCHengines controller

install pip (maybe via `apt-get install python-pip`)

change /etc/openstack-dashboard/

sudo cp ~/src/sw-openstack-quickstart/quickstart/ /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/enabled
sudo apt-get install python-dev
sudo pip install oslo.serialization==1.2.0

The following 2 commands are only required if you have a db and you haven't initialized before
sudo python /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/ syncdb
# sudo python /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/ migrate quickstart

sudo python /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/ collectstatic --noinput
sudo apachectl2 restart

Installation via fabric

Building and deploying QuickstartDashboard

env$ fab <env> deploy
env$ fab pawel deploy:dry_run=True

Quickstart Dashboard paths

#### Basepath
    cd /opt/stack/horizon

#### Dashboard config
    cd /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/local

#### Quickstart Dashboard
    cd /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/quickstart

#### Settings
    cd /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/local

Building the application module with disttools

python sdist

Initial devstack installation

Get devstack code

sudo apt-get install git
git clone

create local.conf in devstack folder:
    cat << “EOD” > local.conf
    #neutron config
    disable_service n-net
    enable_service q-svc
    enable_service q-agt
    enable_service q-dhcp
    enable_service q-l3
    enable_service q-meta
    # Optional, to enable tempest configuration as part of devstack
    enable_service tempest

Replace <IP> with IP of your machine (if you run it behind a NAT use the private IP).

To install a specific relase

git checkout stable/juno

otherwise you'll install the master tree

cd devstack; ./

Runs installation scripts → /opt/stack

cd /opt/stack/horizon/

Install custom dashboard (covered by the fabric deployment)

copy the content of this repo to /opt/stack/horizon/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/

copy quickstart/ to /opt/stack/openstack_dashboard/enabled/

Also for better debugging add. Otherwise set to true:


from /opt/stack/horizon run

yes yes | python collectstatic && sudo apache2ctl restart && date


Image metadata

With help of metadata the display of images and the UI’s behaviour can be controlled. The following metadata keys are available:

  • os_flavor: Type of OS (“Windows”, “Ubuntu”, …). Image categories using this name will be added to the UI.
  • os_version: The OS' version e.g. “Trusty 14.04”. This information will be displayed in the UI.
  • default_user: The default user for the OS. This information will be presented to the user
  • requires_ssh: If set to “true” it indicates that a SSH rule must be added in order to create an instance. If set to “false” it indicates that the OS does not requires a keypair. In this case the field in the form will be hidden!
  • requires_rdp: Indicates if a RDP rule must be added in order to create an instance. The value can be “true” or “false”. See requires_ssh.


Only applicable if your WEBROOT is other than '/horizon/'. In order to have the correct WEBROOT the frontend code needs to be rebuilt.

  1. Run npm install from Quickstart's root directory
  2. Copy webroot.json.example to webroot.json.
  3. Change the webroot property in webroot.json to reflect your setup.
  4. Run grunt build (Rebuilds the JS bundle and copies everything to the Django code)

Text & Translations

In order to change the texts or to add new languages run:

  1. Run .tox/<required python version>/bin/django-admin makemessages -l <lang>
  2. Add/Replace your text in quickstart/locale/<lang>. You might want to change the following text in django.po:


All icons are located in Quickstart’s static/quickstart/fonts directory.


For development the easiest setup is to run Horizon and the Quickstart UI on the local development machine.


  1. Checkout Openstack Horizon
  2. From Horizon’s root directory run tox. This will install the required Python packages.
  3. Checkout Quickstart UI’s code to openstack_dashboard/dashboards
  4. Add the Quickstart UI to the installed Python packages: .tox/<required python version>/bin/pip install -e <path to horizon>/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/<quickstart directory>/
  5. Copy <path to horizon>/horizon/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/<quickstart directory>/quickstart/ to <path to horizon>/horizon/openstack_dashboard/enabled
  6. Change the UPDATE_HORIZON_CONFIG settings in
  7. Create a <path to horizon>/horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/ according to your setup. <path to horizon>/horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/,example is a good starting point.
  8. Make sure that COMPRESS_OFFLINE is set to False
  9. Rebuild the frontend with the correct WEBROOT set (see above).
  10. Run from .tox/<required python version>/bin/python runserver Horizon’s main directory. This runs the Django webserver
  11. From Quickstart’s root directory run grunt watch. This will copy the JS code to the Django’s static folder if any file in the app directory is altered.


For backend tests run (from horizon root):

.tox/<required python version>/bin/python test quickstart --settings=horizon.test.settings

and for Angular run (from horizon root):

./node_modules/.bin/karma start openstack_dashboard/karma.conf.js --single-run

or for npm > 5.2

npx karma start openstack_dashboard/karma.conf.js --single-run


  • Remove WEBROOT setting from Gruntfile. Use WEBROOT from the horizon config, so that no rebuild of the JS code is required.
  • Follow Openstack AngularJS Guide
  • Include JS Tests in code base, not Django’s static directory
  • Refactor swCreateInstanceForm
  • Convert Angular directives to components
  • Increase test coverage