Learn about Switchboard: https://docs.switchboard.xyz
Learn about Foundry: https://book.getfoundry.sh/
With the above installed, run the following commands to get started:
# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/switchboard-xyz/evm-coin-flip
cd evm-coin-flip
# Setup the environment variables
cp sample.env .env
# Test then deploy contract, place a guess, then view the request
CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli make test
CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli make deploy
CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli make flip
CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli make print-request
The following will walk you through deploying this contract on different clusters and a few commands to help you manage the deployment. When a new deploy is run, the contract address and Switchboard Function ID will be added to deployments.json and be used for future scripts. The deployments file gets used by the Frontend App to populate the supported chains.
Contract commands can be prepended with CHAIN=<target_chain>
to target a
different chainId. For example, CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli make test
will fork the
arbitrum Goerli testnet and run the CoinFlip.t.sol unit tests. Available options
are: [arbitrumGoerli
, coreGoerli
, optimismGoerli
, baseGoerli
, or
First, copy the sample.env
and add your $PRIVATE_KEY
cp sample.env .env
Then, add the env variables to your shell:
- PRIVATE_KEY: a hex encoded string of a wallet with active funds on the network you are interacting with
- DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME: optional, the name of your dockerhub container where
we will deploy your Switchboard Function. You may use
if you dont plan on making any changes.
Using a web wallet allows you to manage your Switchboard Functions in the
Switchboard App. Get your mnemonic phrase from
your web wallet and set MNEMONIC
in your .env file. Then run the following
forge script and copy the PRIVATE_KEY
output to your .env file.
$ forge script script/MnemonicHelper.s.sol:MnemonicHelper -v
Add the following to your .env file:
MNEMONIC="word word word word word word word word word word word word"
After setting up your environment, run the following to build and test the contract
# or
CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli make
Next, we can publish our Switchboard Function to the dockerhub registry.
Note You may skip this step if using the Switchboard Labs provided container
The switchboard-function directory contains an example of a Switchboard Funciton in Rust and Typescript to respond on-chain to your contract's requests.
You will need a dockerhub account in order to host your Switchboard Function
container. Edit the .env
file with your dockerhub repository (Ex.
switchboardlabs/evm-coin-flip). Then run the following command to build the
make build-rust-function
When ready, you can publish the function to dockerhub so the Switchboard verifiers can pickup the function and run it.
make publish-rust-function
With the Switchboard Function container published, we can deploy the contract and create our function pointing to our container.
CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli make deploy
View the broadcast directory to see the deployment logs. Your Switchboard Function is now configured and ready to use! Let's send some requests to our contract
Run the following command to flip a coin
make flip
# OR
CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli make flip
Then after a small delay, run the following command to see the status of the flip
make print-request
# OR
CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli make print-request
# OR
CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli COIN_FLIP_REQUEST_ID=4 make print-request
After updates to the Switchboard Function, you will need to update your function
config with the new MrEnclave measurement. You can run
make measurement-rust-function
to output the hex value to the console or run
the following command to fetch the latest MrEnclave measurement and invoke the
Switchboard contract to update your function's config:
make set-mr-enclave
# OR
CHAIN=arbitrumGoerli make set-mr-enclave
Switchboard Functions allow you to trigger and execute any arbitrary code
off-chain and relay a set of instructions on-chain. This allows you to build
more reactive smart contracts. Switchboard utilizes Trusted Execution
Environments in order to verifiably run your code. After the execution, a
value is generated and verified against a set of pre-defined
measurements you whitelist. This MRENCLAVE
value will change anytime your
code's binary changes, whether due to a new dependency or updated logic. This
enforces "code is law" when executing your off-chain async logic in your smart
Switchboard Functions can be run
- Scheduled: A cron-based pattern when initializing the function - off-chain oracles will use this cron schedule to deteremine if your function is ready to be run again
- On-Demand: On-demand by creating a request for a function, which allows custom parameters to be passed. A function can have many request accounts (1:N mapping) and can be thought of as user-level reactions to your app. So a user interacts with your contract, your contract triggers a request, then have your Switchboard Function handle the logic for building the response.
This example will use an on-demand request to execute our Switchboard Function's container.
We will need to support the following interfaces:
- coinFlipGuess(guess): user's submit a guess and we trigger a request
- coinFlipSettle(requestId, result): our Switchboard Funciton will build a transaction to call coinFlipSettle and have the execution be handled and verified by the Switchboard attestation network.
We will make use of two contracts from the switchboard-contracts repo:
- ISwitchboard: An interface representing the Switchboard Diamond deployment and supported function calls.
- SwitchboardCallbackHandler:
An abstract contract we will implement which will give us access to the
- isSwitchboardCaller: asserts the Switchboard contract is the callee when calling our coinFlipSettle method.
- isFunctionId: asserts our hard coded function ID is the function being called by the Switchboard contract.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import {ISwitchboard} from "switchboard/ISwitchboard.sol";
import {SwitchboardCallbackHandler} from "switchboard/SwitchboardCallbackHandler.sol";
/// @title A Coin Flip Smart Contract
/// @author Switchboard
/// @notice The contract allows users to guess on the outcome of a coin flip.
/// The randomness for the flip is sourced using Switchboard Functions.
contract CoinFlip is SwitchboardCallbackHandler {
/// @notice Nonce used for indexing requests.
uint256 public s_nextRequestId = 1;
/// @notice The fee required to play the coin flip game.
uint256 public immutable i_entryFee;
/// @notice The Switchboard Function ID that will call our contract and settle requests.
/// @dev This doesnt have to be immutable.
address public immutable i_functionId;
/// @notice Initializes a new CoinFlip contract.
/// @param switchboardAddress The address of the Switchboard contract.
/// @param entryFee The fee required to play the coin flip game.
/// @param functionId The ID used for the Switchboard function calls.
constructor(address switchboardAddress, uint256 entryFee, address functionId) {
i_entryFee = entryFee;
i_functionId = functionId;
switchboard = ISwitchboard(switchboardAddress);
/// @notice Guess the result of a coin flip.
/// @dev Could do a better job validating a user is valid. Maybe store a user-level config.
/// @param guess The user's guess on the coin flip outcome.
function coinFlipRequest(CoinFlipSelection guess) external payable {}
/// @notice Settle a coin flip bet.
/// @dev This function is only call-able by the Switchboard contract and the first 20 bytesmust equal our i_functionId.
/// @param requestId The ID of the request to settle.
/// @param result The outcome of the coin flip.
function coinFlipSettle(uint256 requestId, uint256 result) external isSwitchboardCaller isFunctionId {}
// SwitchboardCallbackHandler abstract methods ////////
/// @notice Get the Switchboard contract address.
/// @dev Needed for the SwitchboardCallbackHandler class to validate Switchboard as the coinFlipSettle caller.
/// @return The address of the Switchboard contract.
function getSwithboardAddress() internal view override returns (address) {
return address(switchboard);
/// @notice Get the Switchboard Function ID.
/// @dev Needed for the SwitchboardCallbackHandler class to validate the functionId is attached to the msg.
/// @return The address of the Switchboard Function to settle our requests.
function getSwitchboardFunctionId() internal view override returns (address) {
return i_functionId;
The Switchboard Function is implemented in typescript and rust and depicts how to deserialize randomness request parameters and call the coinFlipSettle method.
use ethers::prelude::*;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use switchboard_common::Gramine;
use switchboard_evm::sdk::{EVMFunctionRunner, EVMMiddleware};
pub type SwitchboardContractCall<T> = ContractCall<EVMMiddleware<T>, ()>;
pub type ContractCalls<T> = Vec<SwitchboardContractCall<T>>;
// define the abi for the functions in the contract you'll be calling
// -- here it's just a function named "coinFlipSettle", expecting the requestId and a random u256
function coinFlipSettle(uint256,uint256)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, EthAbiType, EthAbiCodec)]
struct RequestParams {
game_type: U256, // 1 = COIN_FLIP, 2 = DICE_ROLL
contract_address: Address,
user: Address,
request_id: U256,
request_timestamp: U256,
#[tokio::main(worker_threads = 12)]
async fn main() {
// Generates a new enclave wallet, pulls in relevant environment variables
let function_runner = EVMFunctionRunner::new().unwrap();
let client = function_runner.get_client(None).await.unwrap();
// Get individual call parameters and their corresponding call ids
let params = function_runner.params::<RequestParams>();
println!("Params Len: {:?}", params.len());
// Iterate over params and try to create a contract call for each
let mut contract_calls: Vec<SwitchboardContractCall<Http>> = Vec::new();
for param in ¶ms {
let (param_result, _call_id) = param;
if let Ok(request) = param_result {
// generate a random number U256
let (result_lower_bound, result_upper_bound) = get_game_config(request.game_type);
let random_value = generate_randomness(result_lower_bound, result_upper_bound);
// call function
let contract = RandomnessDiamond::new(request.contract_address, client.clone());
let contract_call = contract.coin_flip_settle(request.request_id, random_value);
"Adding contract call for request #{:?} with result={:?}, address={:?}",
request.request_id, random_value, request.contract_address
} else {
println!("Failed to decode request parameter: {:?}", param_result);
println!("Calls Len: {:?}", contract_calls.len());
if contract_calls.is_empty() {
println!("Failed to build any contract calls");
} else {
let expiration_timestamp = unix_timestamp().checked_add(180.into()).unwrap();
// Emit the result