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Model documentation of gldcore/converters/autotest/test_markdown.json

Application Version
gridlabd 4.2.13


Name Version
assert 4.2
climate 4.2
commercial 4.2
generators 4.2
industrial 4.2
influxdb 4.2
market 4.2
optimize 4.2
powerflow 4.2
reliability 4.2
residential 4.2
revenue 4.2
tape 4.2



Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
status enumeration PUBLIC ERROR FALSE TRUE INIT NONE TRUE desired outcome of assert test
target char1024 PUBLIC REQUIRED the target property to test
part char32 PUBLIC the target property part to test
relation enumeration PUBLIC REQUIRED outside inside != >= > <= < == the relation to use for the test
value char1024 PUBLIC REQUIRED the value to compare with for binary tests
within char1024 PUBLIC the bounds within which the value must bed compared
lower char1024 PUBLIC the lower bound to compare with for interval tests
upper char1024 PUBLIC the upper bound to compare with for interval tests
group char1024 PUBLIC a target group specification to use instead of parent object
start timestamp PUBLIC INIT time to start assertion
stop timestamp PUBLIC NEVER time to stop assertion
hold double s PUBLIC a duration over which the assertion must be violated before failing


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
status enumeration PUBLIC ASSERT_NONE ASSERT_FALSE ASSERT_TRUE ASSERT_TRUE Conditions for the assert checks
once enumeration PUBLIC ONCE_DONE ONCE_TRUE ONCE_FALSE Conditions for a single assert check
within_mode enumeration PUBLIC WITHIN_RATIO WITHIN_VALUE Method of applying tolerance
value double PUBLIC Value to assert
within double PUBLIC Tolerance for a successful assert
target char1024 PUBLIC Property to perform the assert upon


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
status enumeration PUBLIC ASSERT_NONE ASSERT_FALSE ASSERT_TRUE ASSERT_TRUE Conditions for the assert checks
once enumeration PUBLIC ONCE_DONE ONCE_TRUE ONCE_FALSE Conditions for a single assert check
operation enumeration PUBLIC ANGLE MAGNITUDE IMAGINARY REAL FULL Complex operation for the comparison
value complex PUBLIC Value to assert
within double PUBLIC Tolerance for a successful assert
target char1024 PUBLIC Property to perform the assert upon


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
status enumeration PUBLIC ASSERT_NONE ASSERT_FALSE ASSERT_TRUE ASSERT_TRUE Conditions for the assert checks
value int32 PUBLIC Value to assert
target char1024 PUBLIC Property to perform the assert upon


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
within_mode enumeration PUBLIC WITHIN_RATIO WITHIN_VALUE
value int32 PUBLIC
within int32 PUBLIC
target char1024 PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
solar_elevation double rad PUBLIC OUTPUT solar elevation angle in radians
solar_azimuth double rad PUBLIC OUTPUT solar azimuth angle in radians
solar_zenith double rad PUBLIC OUTPUT solar zenith angle in radians
city char32 PUBLIC weather data city name
tmyfile char1024 PUBLIC REQUIRED weather data file name
temperature double degF PUBLIC OUTPUT 59.0 degF current temperature
humidity double pu PUBLIC OUTPUT 75% current humidity
solar_flux double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT current solar irradiance (9 orientiations)
solar_direct double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT solar direct irradiance
solar_diffuse double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT solar diffuse irradiance
solar_global double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT solar global flux irradiance
extraterrestrial_global_horizontal double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT solar global extraterrestrial irradiance
extraterrestrial_direct_normal double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT 1367 W/m^2 solar direct normal extraterrestrial irradiance
pressure double mbar PUBLIC OUTPUT 1013.25 mbar current air pressure
wind_speed double m/s PUBLIC OUTPUT current wind speed
wind_dir double rad PUBLIC OUTPUT current direction in radians
wind_gust double m/s PUBLIC OUTPUT current wind gusts
record.low double degF PUBLIC OUTPUT record low temperature observed
record.low_day int32 PUBLIC OUTPUT day of year for record low observation
record.high double degF PUBLIC OUTPUT record high temperature observed
record.high_day int32 PUBLIC OUTPUT day of year for record high observation double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT record high solar irradiance observed
rainfall double in/h PUBLIC OUTPUT rainfall observed
snowdepth double in PUBLIC OUTPUT snow depth observed
interpolate enumeration PUBLIC OUTPUT QUADRATIC LINEAR NONE NONE the interpolation mode used on the climate data
solar_horiz double PUBLIC OUTPUT solar flux on horizontal surface
solar_north double PUBLIC OUTPUT solar flux on north surface
solar_northeast double PUBLIC OUTPUT solar flux on northeast surface
solar_east double PUBLIC OUTPUT solar flux on east surface
solar_southeast double PUBLIC OUTPUT solar flux on southeast surface
solar_south double PUBLIC OUTPUT solar flux on south surface
solar_southwest double PUBLIC OUTPUT solar flux on southwest surface
solar_west double PUBLIC OUTPUT solar flux on west surface
solar_northwest double PUBLIC OUTPUT solar flux on northwest surface
solar_raw double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT raw solar flux
ground_reflectivity double pu PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.3 pu ground reflectivity observed
reader object PUBLIC weather reader object
forecast char1024 PUBLIC forecasting specifications
cloud_model enumeration PUBLIC OUTPUT CUMULUS NONE NONE the cloud model to use
cloud_opacity double pu PUBLIC OUTPUT 1.0 pu cloud opacity factor
opq_sky_cov double pu PUBLIC OUTPUT cloud sky coverage factor
cloud_speed_factor double pu PUBLIC OUTPUT 1.0 pu cloud speed factor
solar_cloud_direct double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT cloud direct irradiance
solar_cloud_diffuse double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT cloud diffuse irradiance
solar_cloud_global double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT cloud global irradiance
cloud_alpha double pu PUBLIC OUTPUT 400 pu cloud alpha
cloud_num_layers double pu PUBLIC OUTPUT 40 pu number of cloud layers
cloud_aerosol_transmissivity double pu PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.95 pu cloud aerosal transmissivity
heat_index double degF PUBLIC OUTPUT heat index based on temperature and humidity


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
temperature double degF PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 degF dry-bulb air temperature
humidity double % PUBLIC OUTPUT 0% relative humidity
solar_dir double W/sf PUBLIC DEPRECATED OUTPUT 0.0 W/sf
solar_direct double W/sf PUBLIC 0.0 W/sf direct solar flux
solar_diff double W/sf PUBLIC DEPRECATED OUTPUT 0.0 W/sf
solar_diffuse double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 W/sf diffuse solar flux
solar_global double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 W/sf global solar flux
global_horizontal_extra double W/sf PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 W/sf horizontal surface solar flux
wind_speed double mph PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 mph wind speed
wind_dir double deg PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 deg wind direction
opq_sky_cov double pu PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 pu opaque sky cover
tot_sky_cov double pu PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 pu total sky cover
rainfall double in/h PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 in/h rainfall rate
snowdepth double in PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 in depth of snow on the ground
pressure double mbar PUBLIC OUTPUT 0.0 mbar air pressure
month int16 PUBLIC OUTPUT current month
day int16 PUBLIC OUTPUT current day
hour int16 PUBLIC OUTPUT current hour
minute int16 PUBLIC OUTPUT current minute
second int16 PUBLIC OUTPUT current second


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
index int32 REFERENCE reader line index
city_name char32 PUBLIC name of city
state_name char32 PUBLIC name of state/province
lat_deg double PUBLIC latitude degrees
lat_min double PUBLIC latitude minutes
long_deg double PUBLIC longitude degrees
long_min double PUBLIC longitude minutes
low_temp double REFERENCE lowest temperature
high_temp double REFERENCE highest temperature
peak_solar double REFERENCE peak solar flux
elevation int32 PUBLIC elevation
status enumeration REFERENCE ERROR OPEN INIT reader status
timefmt char32 PUBLIC time format
timezone char32 PUBLIC timezone
timezone_offset double PUBLIC timezone offset
columns char256 PUBLIC column names
filename char256 PUBLIC filename


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
floor_area double sf PUBLIC
floor_height double ft PUBLIC
exterior_ua double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC
interior_ua double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC
interior_mass double Btu/degF PUBLIC
glazing double sf PUBLIC
glazing.north double sf PUBLIC
glazing.northeast double sf PUBLIC
glazing.east double sf PUBLIC
glazing.southeast double sf PUBLIC
glazing.south double sf PUBLIC
glazing.southwest double sf PUBLIC
glazing.west double sf PUBLIC
glazing.northwest double sf PUBLIC
glazing.horizontal double sf PUBLIC
glazing.coefficient double pu PUBLIC
occupancy double PUBLIC
occupants double PUBLIC
schedule char256 PUBLIC
air_temperature double degF PUBLIC
mass_temperature double degF PUBLIC
temperature_change double degF/h PUBLIC
outdoor_temperature double degF PUBLIC
Qh double Btu/h PUBLIC
Qs double Btu/h PUBLIC
Qi double Btu/h PUBLIC
Qz double Btu/h PUBLIC
hvac_mode enumeration PUBLIC OFF VENT ECON COOL AUX HEAT
hvac.cooling.balance_temperature double degF PUBLIC
hvac.cooling.capacity double Btu/h PUBLIC
hvac.cooling.capacity_perF double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC
hvac.cooling.design_temperature double degF PUBLIC
hvac.cooling.efficiency double pu PUBLIC
hvac.cooling.cop double pu PUBLIC
hvac.heating.balance_temperature double degF PUBLIC
hvac.heating.capacity double Btu/h PUBLIC
hvac.heating.capacity_perF double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC
hvac.heating.design_temperature double degF PUBLIC
hvac.heating.efficiency double pu PUBLIC
hvac.heating.cop double pu PUBLIC
lights.capacity double kW PUBLIC
lights.fraction double pu PUBLIC
plugs.capacity double kW PUBLIC
plugs.fraction double pu PUBLIC
demand complex kW PUBLIC
total_load complex kW PUBLIC
energy complex kWh PUBLIC
power_factor double PUBLIC
power complex kW PUBLIC
current complex A PUBLIC
admittance complex 1/Ohm PUBLIC
hvac.demand complex kW PUBLIC
hvac.load complex kW PUBLIC complex kWh PUBLIC
hvac.power_factor double PUBLIC
lights.demand complex kW PUBLIC
lights.load complex kW PUBLIC complex kWh PUBLIC
lights.power_factor double PUBLIC
lights.heatgain_fraction double PUBLIC
lights.heatgain double kW PUBLIC
plugs.demand complex kW PUBLIC
plugs.load complex kW PUBLIC complex kWh PUBLIC
plugs.power_factor double PUBLIC
plugs.heatgain_fraction double PUBLIC
plugs.heatgain double kW PUBLIC
cooling_setpoint double degF PUBLIC
heating_setpoint double degF PUBLIC
thermostat_deadband double degF PUBLIC
control.ventilation_fraction double PUBLIC
control.lighting_fraction double PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
from object PUBLIC
to object PUBLIC
ua double PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
floor_area double sf PUBLIC REQUIRED building floor area
filename method PUBLIC REQUIRED CEUS data file
composition method PUBLIC REQUIRED load composition specification
total_real_power double W PUBLIC OUTPUT total real power
total_reactive_power double W PUBLIC OUTPUT total reactive power
total_power_A complex W PUBLIC OUTPUT total complex power on phase A
total_power_B complex W PUBLIC OUTPUT total complex power on phase B
total_power_C complex W PUBLIC OUTPUT total complex power on phase C
weather object PUBLIC weather object for temperature and solar gain
tariff object PUBLIC tariff object for energy price sensitivity


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
weather object PUBLIC weather object for lighting data
lighting_nightonly bool PUBLIC TRUE lighting is used only at night (requires weather)
lighting_capacity complex PUBLIC 0 installed capacity for lighting
charger_installed int16 PUBLIC 0 number of chargers installed
charger_active double PUBLIC 0 number of chargers active
charger_unit_power complex PUBLIC 0 power demand for a single charger
lighting_power complex PUBLIC 0 power demand for lighting
ventilation_power complex PUBLIC 0 power demand for ventilation
charger_power complex PUBLIC 0 power demand for active chargers
total_power complex PUBLIC 0 power total demand for parking structure


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
Gen_type enumeration PUBLIC DYN_SYNCHRONOUS SYNCHRONOUS INDUCTION Dynamics-capable implementation of synchronous diesel generator
pf double PUBLIC desired power factor
GenElecEff double PUBLIC calculated electrical efficiency of generator
TotalOutputPow complex VA PUBLIC total complex power generated
TotalRealPow double W PUBLIC total real power generated
TotalReacPow double VAr PUBLIC total reactive power generated
speed double 1/min PUBLIC speed of an engine
cylinders double PUBLIC Total number of cylinders in a diesel engine
stroke double PUBLIC category of internal combustion engines
torque double N PUBLIC Net brake load
pressure double N/m^2 PUBLIC
time_operation double min PUBLIC
fuel double kg PUBLIC fuel consumption
w_coolingwater double kg PUBLIC weight of cooling water supplied per minute
inlet_temperature double degC PUBLIC Inlet temperature of cooling water in degC
outlet_temperature double degC PUBLIC outlet temperature of cooling water in degC
air_fuel double kg PUBLIC Air used per kg fuel
room_temperature double degC PUBLIC Room temperature in degC
exhaust_temperature double degC PUBLIC exhaust gas temperature in degC
cylinder_length double m PUBLIC length of the cylinder, used in efficiency calculations
cylinder_radius double m PUBLIC inner radius of cylinder, used in efficiency calculations
brake_diameter double m PUBLIC diameter of brake, used in efficiency calculations
calotific_fuel double kJ/kg PUBLIC calorific value of fuel
steam_exhaust double kg PUBLIC steam formed per kg of fuel in the exhaust
specific_heat_steam double kJ/kg/K PUBLIC specific heat of steam in exhaust
specific_heat_dry double kJ/kg/K PUBLIC specific heat of dry exhaust gases
indicated_hp double W PUBLIC Indicated horse power is the power developed inside the cylinder
brake_hp double W PUBLIC brake horse power is the output of the engine at the shaft measured by a dynamometer
thermal_efficiency double PUBLIC thermal efficiency or mechanical efiiciency of the engine is efined as bp/ip
energy_supplied double kJ PUBLIC energy supplied during the trail
heat_equivalent_ip double kJ PUBLIC heat equivalent of IP in a given time of operation
energy_coolingwater double kJ PUBLIC energy carried away by cooling water
mass_exhaustgas double kg PUBLIC mass of dry exhaust gas
energy_exhaustgas double kJ PUBLIC energy carried away by dry exhaust gases
energy_steam double kJ PUBLIC energy carried away by steam
total_energy_exhaustgas double kJ PUBLIC total energy carried away by dry exhaust gases is the sum of energy carried away bt steam and energy carried away by dry exhaust gases
unaccounted_energyloss double kJ PUBLIC unaccounted for energy loss
Pconv double kW PUBLIC Converted power = Mechanical input - (F & W loasses + Stray losses + Core losses)
Rated_V double V PUBLIC nominal line-line voltage in Volts
Rated_VA double VA PUBLIC nominal capacity in VA
power_out_A complex VA PUBLIC Output power of phase A
power_out_B complex VA PUBLIC Output power of phase B
power_out_C complex VA PUBLIC Output power of phase C
Rs double PUBLIC internal transient resistance in p.u.
Xs double PUBLIC internal transient impedance in p.u.
Rg double PUBLIC grounding resistance in p.u.
Xg double PUBLIC grounding impedance in p.u.
voltage_A complex V PUBLIC voltage at generator terminal, phase A
voltage_B complex V PUBLIC voltage at generator terminal, phase B
voltage_C complex V PUBLIC voltage at generator terminal, phase C
current_A complex A PUBLIC current generated at generator terminal, phase A
current_B complex A PUBLIC current generated at generator terminal, phase B
current_C complex A PUBLIC current generated at generator terminal, phase C
EfA complex V PUBLIC induced voltage on phase A
EfB complex V PUBLIC induced voltage on phase B
EfC complex V PUBLIC induced voltage on phase C
omega_ref double rad/s PUBLIC Reference frequency of generator (rad/s)
inertia double PUBLIC Inertial constant (H) of generator
damping double PUBLIC Damping constant (D) of generator
number_poles double PUBLIC Number of poles in the generator
Ra double pu PUBLIC Stator resistance (p.u.)
Xd double pu PUBLIC d-axis reactance (p.u.)
Xq double pu PUBLIC q-axis reactance (p.u.)
Xdp double pu PUBLIC d-axis transient reactance (p.u.)
Xqp double pu PUBLIC q-axis transient reactance (p.u.)
Xdpp double pu PUBLIC d-axis subtransient reactance (p.u.)
Xqpp double pu PUBLIC q-axis subtransient reactance (p.u.)
Xl double pu PUBLIC Leakage reactance (p.u.)
Tdp double s PUBLIC d-axis short circuit time constant (s)
Tdop double s PUBLIC d-axis open circuit time constant (s)
Tqop double s PUBLIC q-axis open circuit time constant (s)
Tdopp double s PUBLIC d-axis open circuit subtransient time constant (s)
Tqopp double s PUBLIC q-axis open circuit subtransient time constant (s)
Ta double s PUBLIC Armature short-circuit time constant (s)
X0 complex pu PUBLIC Zero sequence impedance (p.u.)
X2 complex pu PUBLIC Negative sequence impedance (p.u.)
rotor_speed_convergence double rad PUBLIC Convergence criterion on rotor speed used to determine when to exit deltamode
voltage_convergence double V PUBLIC Convergence criterion for voltage changes (if exciter present) to determine when to exit deltamode
rotor_speed_convergence_enabled bool PUBLIC Uses rotor_speed_convergence to determine if an exit of deltamode is needed
voltage_magnitude_convergence_enabled bool PUBLIC Uses voltage_convergence to determine if an exit of deltamode is needed - only works if an exciter is present
rotor_angle double rad PUBLIC rotor angle state variable
rotor_speed double rad/s PUBLIC machine speed state variable
field_voltage double pu PUBLIC machine field voltage state variable
flux1d double pu PUBLIC machine transient flux on d-axis state variable
flux2q double pu PUBLIC machine subtransient flux on q-axis state variable
EpRotated complex pu PUBLIC d-q rotated E-prime internal voltage state variable
VintRotated complex pu PUBLIC d-q rotated Vint voltage state variable
Eint_A complex V PUBLIC Unrotated, unsequenced phase A internal voltage
Eint_B complex V PUBLIC Unrotated, unsequenced phase B internal voltage
Eint_C complex V PUBLIC Unrotated, unsequenced phase C internal voltage
Irotated complex pu PUBLIC d-q rotated sequence current state variable
pwr_electric complex VA PUBLIC Current electrical output of machine
pwr_mech double W PUBLIC Current mechanical output of machine
torque_mech double N*m PUBLIC Current mechanical torque of machine
torque_elec double N*m PUBLIC Current electrical torque output of machine
wref double pu PUBLIC wref input to governor controls (per-unit)
vset double pu PUBLIC vset input to AVR controls (per-unit)
Pref double pu PUBLIC Pref input to governor controls (per-unit), if supported
Qref double pu PUBLIC Qref input to govornor or AVR controls (per-unit), if supported
Exciter_type enumeration PUBLIC SEXS NO_EXC Simplified Excitation System
KA double pu PUBLIC Exciter gain (p.u.)
TA double s PUBLIC Exciter time constant (seconds)
TB double s PUBLIC Exciter transient gain reduction time constant (seconds)
TC double s PUBLIC Exciter transient gain reduction time constant (seconds)
EMAX double pu PUBLIC Exciter upper limit (p.u.)
EMIN double pu PUBLIC Exciter lower limit (p.u.)
Vterm_max double pu PUBLIC Upper voltage limit for super-second (p.u.)
Vterm_min double pu PUBLIC Lower voltage limit for super-second (p.u.)
bias double PUBLIC Exciter bias state variable
xe double PUBLIC Exciter state variable
xb double PUBLIC Exciter state variable
x_cvr1 double PUBLIC Exciter state variable
x_cvr2 double PUBLIC Exciter state variable
Vref double PUBLIC Exciter CVR control voltage reference value
CVR_mode enumeration PUBLIC Feedback HighOrder First order control mode with feedback loop
P_CONSTANT_ki double PUBLIC parameter of the integration control for constant P mode
P_CONSTANT_kp double PUBLIC parameter of the proportional control for constant P mode
Exciter_Q_constant_mode bool PUBLIC True if the generator is operating under constant Q mode
Exciter_Q_constant_ki double PUBLIC parameter of the integration control for constant Q mode
Exciter_Q_constant_kp double PUBLIC parameter of the propotional control for constant Q mode
P_CONSTANT_Pref double pu PUBLIC Pref input to governor controls (per-unit), if supported
Exciter_Q_constant_Qref double pu PUBLIC Qref input to govornor or AVR controls (per-unit), if supported
CVR_enabled bool PUBLIC True if the CVR control is enabled in the exciter
CVR_ki_cvr double PUBLIC parameter of the integration control for CVR control
CVR_kp_cvr double PUBLIC parameter of the proportional control for CVR control
CVR_kd_cvr double PUBLIC parameter of the deviation control for CVR control
CVR_kt_cvr double PUBLIC parameter of the gain in feedback loop for CVR control
CVR_kw_cvr double PUBLIC parameter of the gain in feedback loop for CVR control
CVR_PI bool PUBLIC True if the PI controller is implemented in CVR control
CVR_PID bool PUBLIC True if the PID controller is implemented in CVR control
vset_EMAX double PUBLIC Maximum Vset limit
vset_EMIN double PUBLIC Minimum Vset limit
CVR_Kd1 double PUBLIC parameter of the second order transfer function for CVR control
CVR_Kd2 double PUBLIC parameter of the second order transfer function for CVR control
CVR_Kd3 double PUBLIC parameter of the second order transfer function for CVR control
CVR_Kn1 double PUBLIC parameter of the second order transfer function for CVR control
CVR_Kn2 double PUBLIC parameter of the second order transfer function for CVR control
vset_delta_MAX double PUBLIC Maximum delta Vset limit
vset_delta_MIN double PUBLIC Minimum delta Vset limit
vadd double PUBLIC Delta Vset
vadd_a double PUBLIC Delta Vset before going into bound check
Governor_type enumeration PUBLIC P_CONSTANT GGOV1 GGOV1_OLD GAST DEGOV1 NO_GOV P_CONSTANT mode Governor Model
DEGOV1_R double pu PUBLIC Governor droop constant (p.u.)
DEGOV1_T1 double s PUBLIC Governor electric control box time constant (s)
DEGOV1_T2 double s PUBLIC Governor electric control box time constant (s)
DEGOV1_T3 double s PUBLIC Governor electric control box time constant (s)
DEGOV1_T4 double s PUBLIC Governor actuator time constant (s)
DEGOV1_T5 double s PUBLIC Governor actuator time constant (s)
DEGOV1_T6 double s PUBLIC Governor actuator time constant (s)
DEGOV1_K double pu PUBLIC Governor actuator gain
DEGOV1_TMAX double pu PUBLIC Governor actuator upper limit (p.u.)
DEGOV1_TMIN double pu PUBLIC Governor actuator lower limit (p.u.)
DEGOV1_TD double s PUBLIC Governor combustion delay (s)
DEGOV1_x1 double PUBLIC Governor electric box state variable
DEGOV1_x2 double PUBLIC Governor electric box state variable
DEGOV1_x4 double PUBLIC Governor electric box state variable
DEGOV1_x5 double PUBLIC Governor electric box state variable
DEGOV1_x6 double PUBLIC Governor electric box state variable
DEGOV1_throttle double PUBLIC Governor electric box state variable
GAST_R double pu PUBLIC Governor droop constant (p.u.)
GAST_T1 double s PUBLIC Governor electric control box time constant (s)
GAST_T2 double s PUBLIC Governor electric control box time constant (s)
GAST_T3 double s PUBLIC Governor temperature limiter time constant (s)
GAST_AT double s PUBLIC Governor Ambient Temperature load limit (units)
GAST_KT double pu PUBLIC Governor temperature control loop gain
GAST_VMAX double pu PUBLIC Governor actuator upper limit (p.u.)
GAST_VMIN double pu PUBLIC Governor actuator lower limit (p.u.)
GAST_x1 double PUBLIC Governor electric box state variable
GAST_x2 double PUBLIC Governor electric box state variable
GAST_x3 double PUBLIC Governor electric box state variable
GAST_throttle double PUBLIC Governor electric box state variable
GGOV1_R double pu PUBLIC Permanent droop, p.u.
GGOV1_Rselect int32 PUBLIC Feedback signal for droop, = 1 selected electrical power, = 0 none (isochronous governor), = -1 fuel valve stroke ( true stroke),= -2 governor output ( requested stroke)
GGOV1_Tpelec double s PUBLIC Electrical power transducer time constant, sec. (>0.)
GGOV1_maxerr double PUBLIC Maximum value for speed error signal
GGOV1_minerr double PUBLIC Minimum value for speed error signal
GGOV1_Kpgov double PUBLIC Governor proportional gain
GGOV1_Kigov double PUBLIC Governor integral gain
GGOV1_Kdgov double PUBLIC Governor derivative gain
GGOV1_Tdgov double s PUBLIC Governor derivative controller time constant, sec.
GGOV1_vmax double PUBLIC Maximum valve position limit
GGOV1_vmin double PUBLIC Minimum valve position limit
GGOV1_Tact double PUBLIC Actuator time constant
GGOV1_Kturb double PUBLIC Turbine gain (>0.)
GGOV1_wfnl double pu PUBLIC No load fuel flow, p.u
GGOV1_Tb double s PUBLIC Turbine lag time constant, sec. (>0.)
GGOV1_Tc double s PUBLIC Turbine lead time constant, sec.
GGOV1_Fuel_lag int32 PUBLIC Switch for fuel source characteristic, = 0 for fuel flow independent of speed, = 1 fuel flow proportional to speed
GGOV1_Teng double PUBLIC Transport lag time constant for diesel engine
GGOV1_Tfload double PUBLIC Load Limiter time constant, sec. (>0.)
GGOV1_Kpload double PUBLIC Load limiter proportional gain for PI controller
GGOV1_Kiload double PUBLIC Load limiter integral gain for PI controller
GGOV1_Ldref double pu PUBLIC Load limiter reference value p.u.
GGOV1_Dm double pu PUBLIC Speed sensitivity coefficient, p.u.
GGOV1_ropen double pu/s PUBLIC Maximum valve opening rate, p.u./sec.
GGOV1_rclose double pu/s PUBLIC Minimum valve closing rate, p.u./sec.
GGOV1_Kimw double PUBLIC Power controller (reset) gain
GGOV1_Pmwset double MW PUBLIC Power controller setpoint, MW
GGOV1_aset double pu/s PUBLIC Acceleration limiter setpoint, p.u. / sec.
GGOV1_Ka double PUBLIC Acceleration limiter Gain
GGOV1_Ta double s PUBLIC Acceleration limiter time constant, sec. (>0.)
GGOV1_db double PUBLIC Speed governor dead band
GGOV1_Tsa double s PUBLIC Temperature detection lead time constant, sec.
GGOV1_Tsb double s PUBLIC Temperature detection lag time constant, sec.
GGOV1_Load_Limit_enable bool PUBLIC Enables/disables load limiter (fsrt) of low-value-select
GGOV1_Acceleration_Limit_enable bool PUBLIC Enables/disables acceleration limiter (fsra) of low-value-select
GGOV1_PID_enable bool PUBLIC Enables/disables PID controller (fsrn) of low-value-select
GGOV1_fsrt double PUBLIC Load limiter block input to low-value-select
GGOV1_fsra double PUBLIC Acceleration limiter block input to low-value-select
GGOV1_fsrn double PUBLIC PID block input to low-value-select
GGOV1_speed_error double pu PUBLIC Speed difference in per-unit for input to PID controller
GGOV1_x1 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x2 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x2a double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x3 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x3a double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x4 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x4a double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x4b double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x5 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x5a double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x5b double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x6 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x7 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x7a double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x8 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x8a double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x9 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x9a double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x10 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x10a double PUBLIC
GGOV1_x10b double PUBLIC
GGOV1_ValveStroke double PUBLIC
GGOV1_FuelFlow double PUBLIC
GGOV1_GovOutPut double PUBLIC
GGOV1_RselectValue double PUBLIC
GGOV1_fsrtNoLim double PUBLIC
GGOV1_err2 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_err2a double PUBLIC
GGOV1_err3 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_err4 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_err7 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_LowValSelect1 double PUBLIC
GGOV1_LowValSelect double PUBLIC
P_CONSTANT_Tpelec double s PUBLIC Electrical power transducer time constant, sec. (>0.)
P_CONSTANT_Tact double PUBLIC Actuator time constant
P_CONSTANT_Kturb double PUBLIC Turbine gain (>0.)
P_CONSTANT_wfnl double pu PUBLIC No load fuel flow, p.u
P_CONSTANT_Tb double s PUBLIC Turbine lag time constant, sec. (>0.)
P_CONSTANT_Tc double s PUBLIC Turbine lead time constant, sec.
P_CONSTANT_Teng double PUBLIC Transport lag time constant for diesel engine
P_CONSTANT_ropen double pu/s PUBLIC Maximum valve opening rate, p.u./sec.
P_CONSTANT_rclose double pu/s PUBLIC Minimum valve closing rate, p.u./sec.
P_CONSTANT_Kimw double PUBLIC Power controller (reset) gain
P_CONSTANT_x_Pconstant double PUBLIC
P_CONSTANT_ValveStroke double PUBLIC
fuelEmissionCal bool PUBLIC Boolean value indicating whether fuel and emission calculations are used or not
outputEnergy double PUBLIC Total energy(kWh) output from the generator
FuelUse double PUBLIC Total fuel usage (gal) based on kW power output
efficiency double PUBLIC Total energy output per fuel usage (kWh/gal)
CO2_emission double PUBLIC Total CO2 emissions (lbs) based on fule usage
SOx_emission double PUBLIC Total SOx emissions (lbs) based on fule usage
NOx_emission double PUBLIC Total NOx emissions (lbs) based on fule usage
PM10_emission double PUBLIC Total PM-10 emissions (lbs) based on fule usage
frequency_deviation double PUBLIC Frequency deviation of diesel_dg
frequency_deviation_energy double PUBLIC Frequency deviation accumulation of diesel_dg
frequency_deviation_max double PUBLIC Frequency deviation of diesel_dg
realPowerChange double PUBLIC Real power output change of diesel_dg
ratio_f_p double PUBLIC Ratio of frequency deviation to real power output change of diesel_dg
phases set PUBLIC CHARSET S N C B A Specifies which phases to connect to - currently not supported and assumes three-phase connection


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
Gen_status enumeration PUBLIC ONLINE OFFLINE Generator is currently available to supply power
Gen_type enumeration PUBLIC SYNCHRONOUS INDUCTION Standard synchronous generator; is also used to 'fake' a doubly-fed induction generator for now
Gen_mode enumeration PUBLIC CONSTANTPQ CONSTANTP CONSTANTE Maintains the real and reactive output at the terminals - currently unsupported
turbine_height double m PUBLIC Describes the height of the wind turbine hub above the ground
roughness_length_factor double PUBLIC European Wind Atlas unitless correction factor for adjusting wind speed at various heights above ground and terrain types, default=0.055
blade_diam double m PUBLIC Diameter of blades
blade_diameter double m PUBLIC Diameter of blades
cut_in_ws double m/s PUBLIC Minimum wind speed for generator operation
cut_out_ws double m/s PUBLIC Maximum wind speed for generator operation
ws_rated double m/s PUBLIC Rated wind speed for generator operation
ws_maxcp double m/s PUBLIC Wind speed at which generator reaches maximum Cp
Cp_max double pu PUBLIC Maximum coefficient of performance
Cp_rated double pu PUBLIC Rated coefficient of performance
Cp double pu PUBLIC Calculated coefficient of performance
Rated_VA double VA PUBLIC Rated generator power output
Rated_V double V PUBLIC Rated generator terminal voltage
Pconv double W PUBLIC Amount of electrical power converted from mechanical power delivered
P_converted double W PUBLIC Amount of electrical power converted from mechanical power delivered
GenElecEff double % PUBLIC Calculated generator electrical efficiency
generator_efficiency double % PUBLIC Calculated generator electrical efficiency
TotalRealPow double W PUBLIC Total real power output
total_real_power double W PUBLIC Total real power output
TotalReacPow double VA PUBLIC Total reactive power output
total_reactive_power double VA PUBLIC Total reactive power output
power_A complex VA PUBLIC Total complex power injected on phase A
power_B complex VA PUBLIC Total complex power injected on phase B
power_C complex VA PUBLIC Total complex power injected on phase C
WSadj double m/s PUBLIC Speed of wind at hub height
wind_speed_adjusted double m/s PUBLIC Speed of wind at hub height
Wind_Speed double m/s PUBLIC Wind speed at 5-15m level (typical measurement height)
wind_speed double m/s PUBLIC Wind speed at 5-15m level (typical measurement height)
air_density double kg/m^3 PUBLIC Estimated air density
R_stator double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Induction generator primary stator resistance in p.u.
X_stator double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Induction generator primary stator reactance in p.u.
R_rotor double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Induction generator primary rotor resistance in p.u.
X_rotor double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Induction generator primary rotor reactance in p.u.
R_core double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Induction generator primary core resistance in p.u.
X_magnetic double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Induction generator primary core reactance in p.u.
Max_Vrotor double pu*V PUBLIC Induction generator maximum induced rotor voltage in p.u., e.g. 1.2
Min_Vrotor double pu*V PUBLIC Induction generator minimum induced rotor voltage in p.u., e.g. 0.8
Rs double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Synchronous generator primary stator resistance in p.u.
Xs double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Synchronous generator primary stator reactance in p.u.
Rg double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Synchronous generator grounding resistance in p.u.
Xg double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Synchronous generator grounding reactance in p.u.
Max_Ef double pu*V PUBLIC Synchronous generator maximum induced rotor voltage in p.u., e.g. 0.8
Min_Ef double pu*V PUBLIC Synchronous generator minimum induced rotor voltage in p.u., e.g. 0.8
pf double pu PUBLIC Desired power factor in CONSTANTP mode (can be modified over time)
power_factor double pu PUBLIC Desired power factor in CONSTANTP mode (can be modified over time)
voltage_A complex V PUBLIC Terminal voltage on phase A
voltage_B complex V PUBLIC Terminal voltage on phase B
voltage_C complex V PUBLIC Terminal voltage on phase C
current_A complex A PUBLIC Calculated terminal current on phase A
current_B complex A PUBLIC Calculated terminal current on phase B
current_C complex A PUBLIC Calculated terminal current on phase C
EfA complex V PUBLIC Synchronous generator induced voltage on phase A
EfB complex V PUBLIC Synchronous generator induced voltage on phase B
EfC complex V PUBLIC Synchronous generator induced voltage on phase C
Vrotor_A complex V PUBLIC Induction generator induced voltage on phase A in p.u.
Vrotor_B complex V PUBLIC Induction generator induced voltage on phase B in p.u.
Vrotor_C complex V PUBLIC Induction generator induced voltage on phase C in p.u.
Irotor_A complex V PUBLIC Induction generator induced current on phase A in p.u.
Irotor_B complex V PUBLIC Induction generator induced current on phase B in p.u.
Irotor_C complex V PUBLIC Induction generator induced current on phase C in p.u.
phases set PUBLIC CHARSET S N C B A Specifies which phases to connect to - currently not supported and assumes three-phase connection


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
generator_status enumeration PUBLIC ONLINE OFFLINE
filter_frequency enumeration PUBLIC F240HZ F180HZ F120HZ
power_type enumeration PUBLIC DC AC
Rated_kW double kW PUBLIC
Max_P double kW PUBLIC
Min_P double kW PUBLIC
Rated_kVA double kVA PUBLIC
Rated_kV double kV PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
generator_status enumeration PUBLIC ONLINE OFFLINE
power_type enumeration PUBLIC DC AC
Rinternal double PUBLIC
V_Max double V PUBLIC
I_Max complex A PUBLIC
E_Max double PUBLIC
Energy double PUBLIC
efficiency double PUBLIC
Rated_kVA double kVA PUBLIC
V_Out complex V PUBLIC
I_Out complex A PUBLIC
VA_Out complex VA PUBLIC
V_In complex V PUBLIC
I_In complex A PUBLIC
V_Internal complex V PUBLIC
I_Internal complex A PUBLIC
I_Prev complex A PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
inverter_type enumeration PUBLIC FOUR_QUADRANT PWM TWELVE_PULSE SIX_PULSE TWO_PULSE LEGACY MODEL: Sets efficiencies and other parameters; if using four_quadrant_control_mode, set this to FOUR_QUADRANT
pf_reg enumeration PUBLIC EXCLUDED INCLUDED_ALT INCLUDED Activate (or not) power factor regulation in four_quadrant_control_mode
generator_status enumeration PUBLIC ONLINE OFFLINE describes whether the generator is online or offline
generator_mode enumeration PUBLIC SUPPLY_DRIVEN CONSTANT_PF CONSTANT_PQ CONSTANT_V UNKNOWN LEGACY MODEL: Selects generator control mode when using legacy model; in non-legacy models, this should be SUPPLY_DRIVEN.
inverter_convergence_criterion double PUBLIC The maximum change in error threshold for exitting deltamode.
V_In complex V PUBLIC DC voltage
I_In complex A PUBLIC DC current
VA_In complex VA PUBLIC DC power
VA_Out complex VA PUBLIC AC power
Vdc double V PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: DC voltage
phaseA_V_Out complex V PUBLIC AC voltage on A phase in three-phase system; 240-V connection on a triplex system
phaseB_V_Out complex V PUBLIC AC voltage on B phase in three-phase system
phaseC_V_Out complex V PUBLIC AC voltage on C phase in three-phase system
phaseA_I_Out complex V PUBLIC AC current on A phase in three-phase system; 240-V connection on a triplex system
phaseB_I_Out complex V PUBLIC AC current on B phase in three-phase system
phaseC_I_Out complex V PUBLIC AC current on C phase in three-phase system
power_A complex VA PUBLIC AC power on A phase in three-phase system; 240-V connection on a triplex system
power_B complex VA PUBLIC AC power on B phase in three-phase system
power_C complex VA PUBLIC AC power on C phase in three-phase system
curr_VA_out_A complex VA PUBLIC AC power on A phase in three-phase system; 240-V connection on a triplex system
curr_VA_out_B complex VA PUBLIC AC power on B phase in three-phase system
curr_VA_out_C complex VA PUBLIC AC power on C phase in three-phase system
prev_VA_out_A complex VA PUBLIC AC power on A phase in three-phase system; 240-V connection on a triplex system
prev_VA_out_B complex VA PUBLIC AC power on B phase in three-phase system
prev_VA_out_C complex VA PUBLIC AC power on C phase in three-phase system
P_Out double VA PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Scheduled real power out in CONSTANT_PQ control mode
Q_Out double VAr PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Schedule reactive power out in CONSTANT_PQ control mode
power_in double W PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: No longer used
rated_power double VA PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: The rated power of the inverter
rated_battery_power double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: The rated power of battery when battery is attached
inverter_efficiency double PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: The efficiency of the inverter
battery_soc double pu PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: The state of charge of an attached battery
soc_reserve double pu PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: The reserve state of charge of an attached battery for islanding cases
power_factor double unit PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: The power factor used for CONSTANT_PF control mode
islanded_state bool PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Boolean used to let control modes to act under island conditions
nominal_frequency double Hz PUBLIC
Pref double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The real power reference.
Qref double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The reactive power reference.
kpd double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The d-axis integration gain for the current modulation PI controller.
kpq double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The q-axis integration gain for the current modulation PI controller.
kid double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The d-axis proportional gain for the current modulation PI controller.
kiq double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The q-axis proportional gain for the current modulation PI controller.
kdd double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The d-axis differentiator gain for the current modulation PID controller
kdq double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The q-axis differentiator gain for the current modulation PID controller
epA double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The real current error for phase A or triplex phase.
epB double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The real current error for phase B.
epC double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The real current error for phase C.
eqA double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The reactive current error for phase A or triplex phase.
eqB double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The reactive current error for phase B.
eqC double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The reactive current error for phase C.
delta_epA double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in real current error for phase A or triplex phase.
delta_epB double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in real current error for phase B.
delta_epC double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in real current error for phase C.
delta_eqA double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in reactive current error for phase A or triplex phase.
delta_eqB double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in reactive current error for phase B.
delta_eqC double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in reactive current error for phase C.
mdA double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The d-axis current modulation for phase A or triplex phase.
mdB double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The d-axis current modulation for phase B.
mdC double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The d-axis current modulation for phase C.
mqA double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The q-axis current modulation for phase A or triplex phase.
mqB double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The q-axis current modulation for phase B.
mqC double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The q-axis current modulation for phase C.
delta_mdA double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in d-axis current modulation for phase A or triplex phase.
delta_mdB double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in d-axis current modulation for phase B.
delta_mdC double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in d-axis current modulation for phase C.
delta_mqA double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in q-axis current modulation for phase A or triplex phase.
delta_mqB double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in q-axis current modulation for phase B.
delta_mqC double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The change in q-axis current modulation for phase C.
IdqA complex PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The dq-axis current for phase A or triplex phase.
IdqB complex PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The dq-axis current for phase B.
IdqC complex PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The dq-axis current for phase C.
Tfreq_delay double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The time constant for delayed frequency seen by the inverter
inverter_droop_fp bool PUBLIC DELTAMODE: Boolean used to indicate whether inverter f/p droop is included or not
R_fp double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The droop parameter of the f/p droop
Tvol_delay double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The time constant for delayed voltage seen by the inverter
inverter_droop_vq bool PUBLIC DELTAMODE: Boolean used to indicate whether inverter q/v droop is included or not
R_vq double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The droop parameter of the v/q droop
Tp_delay double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The time constant for delayed real power seen by the VSI droop controller
Tq_delay double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The time constant for delayed reactive power seen by the VSI droop controller
VSI_Rfilter complex pu PUBLIC VSI filter resistance (p.u.)
VSI_Xfilter complex pu PUBLIC VSI filter inductance (p.u.)
VSI_mode enumeration PUBLIC VSI_DROOP VSI_ISOCHRONOUS VSI MODEL: Selects VSI mode for either isochronous or droop one
VSI_freq double PUBLIC VSI frequency
ki_Vterminal double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The integrator gain for the VSI terminal voltage modulation
kp_Vterminal double PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The proportional gain for the VSI terminal voltage modulation
enable_ramp_rates_real bool PUBLIC DELTAMODE: Boolean used to indicate whether inverter ramp rate is enforced or not
max_ramp_up_real double W/s PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The real power ramp up rate limit
max_ramp_down_real double W/s PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The real power ramp down rate limit
enable_ramp_rates_reactive bool PUBLIC DELTAMODE: Boolean used to indicate whether inverter ramp rate is enforced or not
max_ramp_up_reactive double VAr/s PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The reactive power ramp up rate limit
max_ramp_down_reactive double VAr/s PUBLIC DELTAMODE: The reactive power ramp down rate limit
dynamic_model_mode enumeration PUBLIC PI PID DELTAMODE: Underlying model to use for deltamode control
enable_1547_checks bool PUBLIC DELTAMODE: Enable IEEE 1547-2003 disconnect checking
reconnect_time double s PUBLIC DELTAMODE: Time delay after IEEE 1547-2003 violation clears before resuming generation
inverter_1547_status bool PUBLIC DELTAMODE: Indicator if the inverter is curtailed due to a 1547 violation or not
IEEE_1547_version enumeration PUBLIC IEEE1547A IEEE1547 NONE DELTAMODE: Version of IEEE 1547 to use to populate defaults
over_freq_high_cutout double Hz PUBLIC DELTAMODE: OF2 set point for IEEE 1547a
over_freq_high_disconenct_time double s PUBLIC DELTAMODE: OF2 clearing time for IEEE1547a
over_freq_low_cutout double Hz PUBLIC DELTAMODE: OF1 set point for IEEE 1547a
over_freq_low_disconenct_time double s PUBLIC DELTAMODE: OF1 clearing time for IEEE 1547a
under_freq_high_cutout double Hz PUBLIC DELTAMODE: UF2 set point for IEEE 1547a
under_freq_high_disconenct_time double s PUBLIC DELTAMODE: UF2 clearing time for IEEE1547a
under_freq_low_cutout double Hz PUBLIC DELTAMODE: UF1 set point for IEEE 1547a
under_freq_low_disconenct_time double s PUBLIC DELTAMODE: UF1 clearing time for IEEE 1547a
under_voltage_low_cutout double pu PUBLIC Lowest voltage threshold for undervoltage
under_voltage_middle_cutout double pu PUBLIC Middle-lowest voltage threshold for undervoltage
under_voltage_high_cutout double pu PUBLIC High value of low voltage threshold for undervoltage
over_voltage_low_cutout double pu PUBLIC Lowest voltage value for overvoltage
over_voltage_high_cutout double pu PUBLIC High voltage value for overvoltage
under_voltage_low_disconnect_time double s PUBLIC Lowest voltage clearing time for undervoltage
under_voltage_middle_disconnect_time double s PUBLIC Middle-lowest voltage clearing time for undervoltage
under_voltage_high_disconnect_time double s PUBLIC Highest voltage clearing time for undervoltage
over_voltage_low_disconnect_time double s PUBLIC Lowest voltage clearing time for overvoltage
over_voltage_high_disconnect_time double s PUBLIC Highest voltage clearing time for overvoltage
phases set PUBLIC CHARSET S N C B A The phases the inverter is attached to
use_multipoint_efficiency bool PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: boolean to used the multipoint efficiency curve for the inverter when solar is attached
inverter_manufacturer enumeration PUBLIC XANTREX SMA FRONIUS NONE MULTIPOINT EFFICIENCY MODEL: the manufacturer of the inverter to setup up pre-existing efficiency curves
maximum_dc_power double PUBLIC MULTIPOINT EFFICIENCY MODEL: the maximum dc power point for the efficiency curve
maximum_dc_voltage double PUBLIC MULTIPOINT EFFICIENCY MODEL: the maximum dc voltage point for the efficiency curve
minimum_dc_power double PUBLIC MULTIPOINT EFFICIENCY MODEL: the minimum dc power point for the efficiency curve
c_0 double PUBLIC MULTIPOINT EFFICIENCY MODEL: the first coefficient in the efficienty curve
c_1 double PUBLIC MULTIPOINT EFFICIENCY MODEL: the second coefficient in the efficienty curve
c_2 double PUBLIC MULTIPOINT EFFICIENCY MODEL: the third coefficient in the efficienty curve
c_3 double PUBLIC MULTIPOINT EFFICIENCY MODEL: the fourth coefficient in the efficienty curve
sense_object object PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: name of the object the inverter is trying to mitigate the load on (node/link) in LOAD_FOLLOWING
max_charge_rate double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: maximum rate the battery can be charged in LOAD_FOLLOWING
max_discharge_rate double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: maximum rate the battery can be discharged in LOAD_FOLLOWING
charge_on_threshold double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: power level at which the inverter should try charging the battery in LOAD_FOLLOWING
charge_off_threshold double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: power level at which the inverter should cease charging the battery in LOAD_FOLLOWING
discharge_on_threshold double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: power level at which the inverter should try discharging the battery in LOAD_FOLLOWING
discharge_off_threshold double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: power level at which the inverter should cease discharging the battery in LOAD_FOLLOWING
excess_input_power double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Excess power at the input of the inverter that is otherwise just lost, or could be shunted to a battery
charge_lockout_time double s PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Lockout time when a charging operation occurs before another LOAD_FOLLOWING dispatch operation can occur
discharge_lockout_time double s PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Lockout time when a discharging operation occurs before another LOAD_FOLLOWING dispatch operation can occur
pf_reg_activate double PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Lowest acceptable power-factor level below which power-factor regulation will activate.
pf_reg_deactivate double PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Lowest acceptable power-factor above which no power-factor regulation is needed.
pf_target double PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Desired power-factor to maintain (signed) positive is inductive
pf_reg_high double PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Upper limit for power-factor - if exceeds, go full reverse reactive
pf_reg_low double PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Lower limit for power-factor - if exceeds, stop regulating - pf_target_var is below this
pf_reg_activate_lockout_time double s PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Mandatory pause between the deactivation of power-factor regulation and it reactivation
disable_volt_var_if_no_input_power bool PUBLIC
delay_time double s PUBLIC
max_var_slew_rate double VAr/s PUBLIC
max_pwr_slew_rate double W/s PUBLIC
volt_var_sched char1024 PUBLIC
freq_pwr_sched char1024 PUBLIC
charge_threshold double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Level at which all inverters in the group will begin charging attached batteries. Regulated minimum load level.
discharge_threshold double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Level at which all inverters in the group will begin discharging attached batteries. Regulated maximum load level.
group_max_charge_rate double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Sum of the charge rates of the batteries involved in the group load-following.
group_max_discharge_rate double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Sum of the discharge rates of the batteries involved in the group load-following.
group_rated_power double W PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: Sum of the inverter power ratings of the inverters involved in the group power-factor regulation.
V_base double V PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: The base voltage on the grid side of the inverter. Used in VOLT_VAR control mode.
V1 double pu PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: voltage point 1 in volt/var curve. Used in VOLT_VAR control mode.
Q1 double pu PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: VAR point 1 in volt/var curve. Used in VOLT_VAR control mode.
V2 double pu PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: voltage point 2 in volt/var curve. Used in VOLT_VAR control mode.
Q2 double pu PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: VAR point 2 in volt/var curve. Used in VOLT_VAR control mode.
V3 double pu PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: voltage point 3 in volt/var curve. Used in VOLT_VAR control mode.
Q3 double pu PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: VAR point 3 in volt/var curve. Used in VOLT_VAR control mode.
V4 double pu PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: voltage point 4 in volt/var curve. Used in VOLT_VAR control mode.
Q4 double pu PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT MODEL: VAR point 4 in volt/var curve. Used in VOLT_VAR control mode.
volt_var_control_lockout double s PUBLIC FOUR QUADRANT QUADRANT MODEL: the lockout time between volt/var actions.


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
dc_dc_converter_type enumeration PUBLIC BUCK_BOOST BOOST BUCK
V_Out complex V PUBLIC
I_Out complex A PUBLIC
Vdc complex V PUBLIC
VA_Out complex VA PUBLIC
P_Out double PUBLIC
Q_Out double PUBLIC
service_ratio double PUBLIC
V_In complex V PUBLIC
I_In complex A PUBLIC
VA_In complex VA PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
V_Out complex V PUBLIC
V_Rated double V PUBLIC
I_Out complex A PUBLIC
VA_Out complex VA PUBLIC
P_Out double PUBLIC
Q_Out double PUBLIC
Vdc complex V PUBLIC
voltage_A complex V PUBLIC
voltage_B complex V PUBLIC
voltage_C complex V PUBLIC
current_A complex V PUBLIC
current_B complex V PUBLIC
current_C complex V PUBLIC
power_A_In complex VA PUBLIC
power_B_In complex VA PUBLIC
power_C_In complex VA PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
generator_status enumeration PUBLIC ONLINE OFFLINE
power_type enumeration PUBLIC DC AC
Rinternal double PUBLIC
Rload double PUBLIC
V_Max double V PUBLIC
I_Max complex A PUBLIC
frequency double Hz PUBLIC
Max_Frequency double Hz PUBLIC
Min_Frequency double Hz PUBLIC
Fuel_Used double kVA PUBLIC
Heat_Out double kVA PUBLIC
KV double PUBLIC
Power_Angle double PUBLIC
Max_P double kW PUBLIC
Min_P double kW PUBLIC
phaseA_V_Out complex kV PUBLIC
phaseB_V_Out complex kV PUBLIC
phaseC_V_Out complex kV PUBLIC
phaseA_I_Out complex A PUBLIC
phaseB_I_Out complex A PUBLIC
phaseC_I_Out complex A PUBLIC
power_A_Out complex PUBLIC
power_B_Out complex PUBLIC
power_C_Out complex PUBLIC
VA_Out complex PUBLIC
pf_Out double PUBLIC
E_A_Internal complex PUBLIC
E_B_Internal complex PUBLIC
E_C_Internal complex PUBLIC
efficiency double PUBLIC
Rated_kVA double kVA PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
generator_mode enumeration PUBLIC POWER_VOLTAGE_HYBRID VOLTAGE_CONTROLLED POWER_DRIVEN SUPPLY_DRIVEN CONSTANT_PF CONSTANT_PQ CONSTANT_V UNKNOWN UNKNOWN LEGACY MODEL: Selects generator control mode when using legacy model; in non-legacy models, this should be SUPPLY_DRIVEN.
additional_controls enumeration PUBLIC LINEAR_TEMPERATURE NONE NONE LEGACY MODEL: In conjunction with POWER_DRIVEN, VOLTAGE_CONTROLLED, and POWER_VOLTAGE_HYBRID, this will activate control set points that adjust with temperature
generator_status enumeration PUBLIC ONLINE OFFLINE ONLINE describes whether the generator is online or offline
rfb_size enumeration PUBLIC LARGE MED_HIGH_ENERGY MED_COMMERCIAL SMALL HOUSEHOLD Default settings for certain sizes of batteries
power_type enumeration PUBLIC DC AC LEGACY MODEL: Not currently used
battery_state enumeration PUBLIC CONFLICTED EMPTY FULL WAITING DISCHARGING CHARGING Describes the current state of the battery
number_battery_state_changes double PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: Number of times battery switches between charging and discharging
monitored_power double W PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: output only; power output value of parent meter when performing load following modes (POWER_DRIVEN)
power_set_high double W PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: high set point of dead band for load following (POWER_DRIVEN)
power_set_low double W PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: low set point of dead band for load following (POWER_DRIVEN)
power_set_high_highT double W PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: high set point of dead band for load following at higher temperatures (POWER_DRIVEN + LINEAR_TEMPERATURE)
power_set_low_highT double W PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: low set point of dead band for load following at higher temperatures (POWER_DRIVEN + LINEAR_TEMPERATURE)
check_power_low double W PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: high set point of dead band for load following at lower temperatures (POWER_DRIVEN + LINEAR_TEMPERATURE)
check_power_high double W PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: low set point of dead band for load following at lower temperatures (POWER_DRIVEN + LINEAR_TEMPERATURE)
voltage_set_high double V PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: high set point for voltage control
voltage_set_low double V PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: low set point for voltage control
deadband double V PUBLIC 0 V LEGACY MODEL: voltage deadband
sensitivity double PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: describes how sensitive the control is to temperature excursions; defines slope of linear control
high_temperature double degF PUBLIC 100 degF LEGACY MODEL: high temperature of linear control; defines slope
midpoint_temperature double degF PUBLIC 50 degF LEGACY MODEL: midpoint temperature of linear control; defines slope
low_temperature double degF PUBLIC 0 degF LEGACY MODEL: low temperature of linear control; defines slope
scheduled_power double W PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: real power output of battery/inverter system
Rinternal double Ohm PUBLIC 10 Ohm LEGACY MODEL: the internal resistance of the battery.
V_Max double V PUBLIC 0 V LEGACY MODEL: the maximum terminal voltage of the battery.
I_Max complex A PUBLIC 0 A LEGACY MODEL: the maximum current output of the battery.
E_Max double Wh PUBLIC 0 Wh LEGACY MODEL: the maximum capacity of the battery.
P_Max double W PUBLIC 0 W LEGACY MODEL: the maximum power output of the battery.
power_factor double PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: the power factor output of the battery.
Energy double Wh PUBLIC -1 LEGACY MODEL: the available capacity of the battery.
efficiency double unit PUBLIC 0 unit LEGACY MODEL: the efficiency of the battery.
base_efficiency double unit PUBLIC 0 unit LEGACY MODEL: the efficiency of the battery at rated voltaged and current.
parasitic_power_draw double W PUBLIC 0 W LEGACY MODEL: the parasytic power draw of the battery when idle.
Rated_kVA double kVA PUBLIC DEPRECATED 1 kVA LEGACY MODEL: the rated power of the battery.
V_Out complex V PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: the AC voltage at the terminals of the battery.
I_Out complex A PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: the AC current output of the battery.
VA_Out complex VA PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: the power output of the battery.
V_In complex V PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: the voltage at the terminals of the battery.
I_In complex A PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: the current flowing into the battery of the battery.
V_Internal complex V PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: the internal voltage of the battery.
I_Internal complex A PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: the internal current of the battery.
I_Prev complex A PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: the previous current output of the battery.
power_transferred double PUBLIC LEGACY MODEL: the power output of the battery.
use_internal_battery_model bool PUBLIC FALSE Enables the INTERNAL BATTERY MODEL.
battery_type enumeration PUBLIC LEAD_ACID LI_ION UNKNOWN INTERNAL BATTERY MODEL: the type of the battery. Used to determine the soc vs voltage curve.
nominal_voltage double V PUBLIC INTERNAL BATTERY MODEL: the rated DC voltage at the terminals of the battery.
rated_power double W PUBLIC INTERNAL BATTERY MODEL: the rated power output of the battery.
battery_capacity double Wh PUBLIC INTERNAL BATTERY MODEL: the rated battery capacity of the battery.
round_trip_efficiency double pu PUBLIC INTERNAL BATTERY MODEL: the round trip efficiency of the battery according to a full discharge/charge cycle.
state_of_charge double pu PUBLIC -1 pu INTERNAL BATTERY MODEL: the current state of charge of the battery.
battery_load double W PUBLIC INTERNAL BATTERY MODEL: the current power output of the battery.
reserve_state_of_charge double pu PUBLIC 0 pu INTERNAL BATTERY MODEL: the reserve state of charge the battery can reach.


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
generator_status enumeration PUBLIC ONLINE OFFLINE
power_type enumeration PUBLIC DC AC
SOLAR_TILT_MODEL enumeration PUBLIC PLAYERVALUE SOLPOS DEFAULT DEFAULT solar tilt model used to compute insolation values
a_coeff double PUBLIC -2.81 a coefficient for module temperature correction formula
b_coeff double s/m PUBLIC -0.0455 s/m b coefficient for module temperature correction formula
dT_coeff double m^2*degC/kW PUBLIC 0 m^2*degC/kW Temperature difference coefficient for module temperature correction formula
T_coeff double %/degC PUBLIC -0.5 %/degC Maximum power temperature coefficient for module temperature correction formula
NOCT double degF PUBLIC 118.4 degF Nominal operating cell temperature NOCT in deg F
Tmodule double degF PUBLIC Temperature of PV module
Tambient double degC PUBLIC 25 degC Ambient temperature for cell efficiency calculations
wind_speed double mph PUBLIC 0 mph Wind speed
ambient_temperature double degF PUBLIC 77 degF Current ambient temperature of air from climate data
Insolation double W/sf PUBLIC 0 W/sf
Rinternal double Ohm PUBLIC 0.05 Ohm
Rated_Insolation double W/sf PUBLIC 92.902 W/sf
Pmax_temp_coeff double PUBLIC temperature coefficient of rated power in %/degC
Voc_temp_coeff double PUBLIC
V_Max complex V PUBLIC 27.1+0i Vmax of solar module found on specs
Voc_Max complex V PUBLIC 34+0i Voc max of solar module
Voc complex V PUBLIC 34+0i
efficiency double unit PUBLIC
area double sf PUBLIC solar panel area
soiling double pu PUBLIC 0.95 pu Soiling of array factor - representing dirt on array
derating double pu PUBLIC 0.95 pu Panel derating to account for manufacturing variances
Tcell double degC PUBLIC 69.8 degF
Rated_kVA double kVA PUBLIC DEPRECATED This variable has issues with inconsistent handling in the code, so we will deprecate this in the future (VA maps to kVA, for example).
rated_power double W PUBLIC Used to define the size of the solar panel in power rather than square footage.
P_Out complex kW PUBLIC
V_Out complex V PUBLIC
I_Out complex A PUBLIC
VA_Out complex VA PUBLIC
weather object PUBLIC
shading_factor double pu PUBLIC 1 pu Shading factor for scaling solar power to the array
tilt_angle double deg PUBLIC 45 deg Tilt angle of PV array
orientation_azimuth double deg PUBLIC 180 deg Facing direction of the PV array
latitude_angle_fix bool PUBLIC FALSE Fix tilt angle to installation latitude value


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
controlled_dgs char32 PUBLIC the group ID of the dg objects the controller controls.
feederhead_meter object PUBLIC the name of the meter.
peak_S double W PUBLIC
pf_low double unit PUBLIC
pf_high double unit PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
groupid_dg char32 PUBLIC the group ID of the dg objects the controller controls.
ki double PUBLIC parameter of the propotional control
kp double PUBLIC parameter of the integral control
gain double PUBLIC Gain of the controller
ki_QV double PUBLIC parameter of the propotional control for secondary voltage control
kp_QV double PUBLIC parameter of the integral control for secondary voltage control
gain_QV double PUBLIC Gain of the controller for secondary voltage control


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
naics_code int32 PUBLIC REQUIRED 0 NAICS facility code
power_pf double PUBLIC 1.0 power factor for constant power load
impedance_pf double PUBLIC 1.0 power factor for constant impedance load
operating_factor double pu PUBLIC fraction of facility power capacity that is operating
operating_capacity double MW PUBLIC facility power when operating at full capacity
total_power double W PUBLIC OUTPUT 0 MW total facility power demand


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
username char32 PUBLIC user name
password char32 PUBLIC user password
hostname char256 PUBLIC server hostname
port int32 PUBLIC TCP port number
database char256 PUBLIC database name
options set PUBLIC OVERWRITE NEWDB NOCREATE SHOWQUERY NONE destroy existing files before output dump/backup results (risky)
sync_interval double s PUBLIC interval at which on_sync is called
tz_offset int32 PUBLIC timezone offset used by timestamp in the database
uses_dst bool PUBLIC timestamps in database include summer time offsets
logname char32 PUBLIC name of log table
logtag method PUBLIC property tag add method


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
trigger char32 PUBLIC condition to trigger recorder
file char1024 PUBLIC REQUIRED file in which to record data
filetype char8 PUBLIC file type to use when storing data
mode char32 PUBLIC file recorder operating mode
multifile char1024 PUBLIC
limit int32 PUBLIC 0 limit on number of rows to record (0=none)
plotcommands char1024 PUBLIC
xdata char32 PUBLIC
columns char32 PUBLIC
flush int32 PUBLIC -1 row flush mode (-1=when full, 0=every row, >0=interval in seconds)
format bool PUBLIC 0
interval double s PUBLIC -1 s sampling interval
strftime_format char256 PUBLIC date/time format
property method PUBLIC REQUIRED list of properties to sample
header_units enumeration PUBLIC NONE ALL DEFAULT DEFAULT header option for output of units
line_units enumeration PUBLIC NONE ALL DEFAULT DEFAULT inline option for output of units


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
unit char32 PUBLIC unit of quantity
period double s PUBLIC interval of time between market clearings
latency double s PUBLIC latency between market clearing and delivery
market_id int64 REFERENCE unique identifier of market clearing
network object PUBLIC the comm network used by object to talk to the market (if any)
verbose bool PUBLIC enable verbose auction operations
linkref object PUBLIC DEPRECATED reference to link object that has demand as power_out (only used when not all loads are bidding)
pricecap double PUBLIC DEPRECATED the maximum price (magnitude) allowed
price_cap double PUBLIC the maximum price (magnitude) allowed
statistic_mode enumeration PUBLIC OFF ON
fixed_price double PUBLIC
fixed_quantity double PUBLIC
capacity_reference_object object PUBLIC
capacity_reference_property char32 PUBLIC
capacity_reference_bid_price double PUBLIC
max_capacity_reference_bid_quantity double PUBLIC
capacity_reference_bid_quantity double PUBLIC
init_price double PUBLIC
init_stdev double PUBLIC
future_mean_price double PUBLIC
use_future_mean_price bool PUBLIC
current_market.start_time timestamp PUBLIC
current_market.end_time timestamp PUBLIC
current_market.clearing_price double $ PUBLIC
current_market.clearing_quantity double PUBLIC
current_market.marginal_quantity_load double PUBLIC
current_market.marginal_quantity double PUBLIC
current_market.marginal_quantity_bid double PUBLIC
current_market.marginal_quantity_frac double PUBLIC
current_market.seller_total_quantity double PUBLIC
current_market.buyer_total_quantity double PUBLIC
current_market.seller_min_price double PUBLIC
current_market.buyer_total_unrep double PUBLIC
current_market.cap_ref_unrep double PUBLIC
next_market.start_time timestamp PUBLIC
next_market.end_time timestamp PUBLIC
next_market.clearing_price double $ PUBLIC
next_market.clearing_quantity double PUBLIC
next_market.marginal_quantity_load double PUBLIC
next_market.marginal_quantity_bid double PUBLIC
next_market.marginal_quantity_frac double PUBLIC
next_market.seller_total_quantity double PUBLIC
next_market.buyer_total_quantity double PUBLIC
next_market.seller_min_price double PUBLIC
next_market.cap_ref_unrep double PUBLIC
past_market.start_time timestamp PUBLIC
past_market.end_time timestamp PUBLIC
past_market.clearing_price double $ PUBLIC
past_market.clearing_quantity double PUBLIC
past_market.marginal_quantity_load double PUBLIC
past_market.marginal_quantity_bid double PUBLIC
past_market.marginal_quantity_frac double PUBLIC
past_market.seller_total_quantity double PUBLIC
past_market.buyer_total_quantity double PUBLIC
past_market.seller_min_price double PUBLIC
past_market.cap_ref_unrep double PUBLIC
margin_mode enumeration PUBLIC PROB DENY NORMAL
warmup int32 PUBLIC
ignore_failed_market enumeration PUBLIC TRUE FALSE
ignore_pricecap enumeration PUBLIC TRUE FALSE
transaction_log_file char256 PUBLIC
transaction_log_limit int32 PUBLIC
curve_log_file char256 PUBLIC
curve_log_limit int32 PUBLIC
curve_log_info enumeration PUBLIC EXTRA NORMAL


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
bid_mode enumeration PUBLIC PROXY OFF ON
use_override enumeration PUBLIC ON OFF
ramp_low double degF PUBLIC the comfort response below the setpoint
ramp_high double degF PUBLIC the comfort response above the setpoint
range_low double PUBLIC the setpoint limit on the low side
range_high double PUBLIC the setpoint limit on the high side
target char32 PUBLIC the observed property (e.g., air temperature)
setpoint char32 PUBLIC the controlled property (e.g., heating setpoint)
demand char32 PUBLIC the controlled load when on
load char32 PUBLIC the current controlled load
total char32 PUBLIC the uncontrolled load (if any)
market char32 PUBLIC the market to bid into
state char32 PUBLIC the state property of the controlled load
avg_target char32 PUBLIC
std_target char32 PUBLIC
bid_price double REFERENCE the bid price
bid_quantity double REFERENCE the bid quantity
set_temp double degF REFERENCE the reset value
base_setpoint double degF PUBLIC
market_price double PUBLIC the current market clearing price seen by the controller.
period double s PUBLIC interval of time between market clearings
control_mode enumeration PUBLIC DEV_LEVEL DOUBLE_RAMP RAMP
resolve_mode enumeration PUBLIC SLIDING DEADBAND
slider_setting double PUBLIC
slider_setting_heat double PUBLIC
slider_setting_cool double PUBLIC
override char32 PUBLIC
heating_range_high double degF PUBLIC
heating_range_low double degF PUBLIC
heating_ramp_high double PUBLIC
heating_ramp_low double PUBLIC
cooling_range_high double degF PUBLIC
cooling_range_low double degF PUBLIC
cooling_ramp_high double PUBLIC
cooling_ramp_low double PUBLIC
heating_base_setpoint double degF PUBLIC
cooling_base_setpoint double degF PUBLIC
deadband char32 PUBLIC
heating_setpoint char32 PUBLIC
heating_demand char32 PUBLIC
cooling_setpoint char32 PUBLIC
cooling_demand char32 PUBLIC
sliding_time_delay double s PUBLIC time interval desired for the sliding resolve mode to change from cooling or heating to off
use_predictive_bidding bool PUBLIC
device_actively_engaged double PUBLIC
cleared_market int32 PUBLIC
locked int32 PUBLIC
p_ON double PUBLIC
p_OFF double PUBLIC
delta_u double PUBLIC
regulation_market_on char32 PUBLIC the willing to change state from ON->OFF market to bid into for regulation case
regulation_market_off char32 PUBLIC the willing to change state from OFF->ON market to bid into for regulation case
fast_regulation_signal double s PUBLIC the regulation signal that the controller compares against (i.e., how often is there a control action
market_price_on double PUBLIC the current market clearing price seen by the controller in ON->OFF regulation market
market_price_off double PUBLIC the current market clearing price seen by the controller in OFF->ON regulation market
period_on double s PUBLIC interval of time between market clearings in ON->OFF regulation market
period_off double s PUBLIC interval of time between market clearings in OFF->ON regulation market
regulation_period int32 PUBLIC fast regulation signal period
r1 double PUBLIC temporary diagnostic variable
mu0 double PUBLIC temporary diagnostic variable
mu1 double PUBLIC temporary diagnostic variable
average_target char32 PUBLIC
standard_deviation_target char32 PUBLIC
bid_id int64 PUBLIC
bid_delay int32 PUBLIC
thermostat_state char32 PUBLIC The name of the thermostat state property within the object being controlled
proxy_average double PUBLIC
proxy_standard_deviation double PUBLIC
proxy_market_id int64 PUBLIC
proxy_market2_id int64 PUBLIC
proxy_clear_price double $ PUBLIC
proxy_clear_price2 double $ PUBLIC
proxy_price_cap double PUBLIC
proxy_price_cap2 double PUBLIC
proxy_market_unit char32 PUBLIC
proxy_initial_price double PUBLIC
proxy_marginal_fraction double PUBLIC
proxy_marginal_fraction2 double PUBLIC
proxy_clearing_quantity double PUBLIC
proxy_clearing_quantity2 double PUBLIC
proxy_seller_total_quantity double PUBLIC
proxy_seller_total_quantity2 double PUBLIC
proxy_margin_mode enumeration PUBLIC PROB DENY NORMAL


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
unit char32 PUBLIC unit of quantity
period double s PUBLIC interval of time between market clearings
last.P double PUBLIC last cleared price
current_market.clearing_price double PUBLIC next cleared price
past_market.clearing_price double PUBLIC last cleared price
next.P double PUBLIC next cleared price
avg24 double PUBLIC daily average of price
std24 double PUBLIC daily stdev of price
avg72 double PUBLIC three day price average
std72 double PUBLIC three day price stdev
avg168 double PUBLIC weekly average of price
std168 double PUBLIC weekly stdev of price
market_id int64 REFERENCE unique identifier of market clearing
verbose bool PUBLIC enable verbose stubauction operations
control_mode enumeration PUBLIC DISABLED NORMAL the control mode to use for determining average and deviation calculations


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
input_state int32 PUBLIC
input_setpoint double PUBLIC
input_chained bool PUBLIC
observation double REFERENCE the observed value
mean_observation double REFERENCE the observed mean value
stdev_observation double REFERENCE the observed standard deviation value
expectation double REFERENCE the observed expected value
sensitivity double PUBLIC DEPRECATED the sensitivity of the control actuator to observation deviations
period double s PUBLIC the cycle period for the controller logic
expectation_prop char32 PUBLIC DEPRECATED the name of the property to observe for the expected value
expectation_obj object PUBLIC DEPRECATED the object to watch for the expectation property
expectation_property char32 PUBLIC the name of the property to observe for the expected value
expectation_object object PUBLIC the object to watch for the expectation property
setpoint_prop char32 PUBLIC DEPRECATED the name of the setpoint property in the parent object
setpoint char32 PUBLIC the name of the setpoint property in the parent object
state_prop char32 PUBLIC DEPRECATED the name of the actuator property in the parent object
state_property char32 PUBLIC the name of the actuator property in the parent object
observation_obj object PUBLIC DEPRECATED the object to observe
observation_prop char32 PUBLIC DEPRECATED the name of the observation property
observation_object object PUBLIC the object to observe
observation_property char32 PUBLIC the name of the observation property
mean_observation_prop char32 PUBLIC DEPRECATED the name of the mean observation property
stdev_observation_prop char32 PUBLIC DEPRECATED the name of the standard deviation observation property
stdev_observation_property char32 PUBLIC the name of the standard deviation observation property
cycle_length int32 PUBLIC DEPRECATED length of time between processing cycles
base_setpoint double PUBLIC the base setpoint to base control off of
critical_day double PUBLIC used to switch between TOU and CPP days, 1 is CPP, 0 is TOU
two_tier_cpp bool PUBLIC
daily_elasticity double PUBLIC
sub_elasticity_first_second double PUBLIC
sub_elasticity_first_third double PUBLIC
second_tier_hours int32 PUBLIC
third_tier_hours int32 PUBLIC
first_tier_hours int32 PUBLIC
first_tier_price double PUBLIC
second_tier_price double PUBLIC
third_tier_price double PUBLIC
old_first_tier_price double PUBLIC
old_second_tier_price double PUBLIC
old_third_tier_price double PUBLIC
Percent_change_in_price double PUBLIC
Percent_change_in_peakoffpeak_ratio double PUBLIC
Percent_change_in_Criticalpeakoffpeak_ratio double PUBLIC
linearize_elasticity bool PUBLIC
price_offset double PUBLIC
pool_pump_model bool PUBLIC Boolean flag for turning on the pool pump version of the DUTYCYCLE control
base_duty_cycle double PUBLIC This is the duty cycle before modification due to the price signal
trigger_time_under_frequency int32 PUBLIC Time to stay in triggered off state in seconds
trigger_time_over_frequency int32 PUBLIC Time to stay in triggered on state in seconds
release_time_under_frequency int32 PUBLIC Time to stay in released on state in seconds
release_time_over_frequency int32 PUBLIC Time to stay in released off state in seconds
release_point_under_frequency double PUBLIC Frequency value for releasing GFA in under frequency mode
release_point_over_frequency double PUBLIC Frequency value for releasing GFA in over frequency mode
trigger_point_under_frequency double PUBLIC Frequency value for triggereing GFA in under frequency mode
trigger_point_over_frequency double PUBLIC Frequency value for triggereing GFA in over frequency mode
frequency double PUBLIC Frequency value
PFC_mode enumeration PUBLIC OVER_UNDER_FREQUENCY UNDER_FREQUENCY OVER_FREQUENCY operation mode of the primary frequency controller
state_observed char32 PUBLIC the name of the observed state property in the parent object
power_observed char32 PUBLIC the name of the observed state property in the parent object
output_observed int32 PUBLIC
bid_delay int32 PUBLIC time the controller will bid in advance before clearing
voltage_lockout double % PUBLIC lockout primary frequency control if voltage is deviating % from nominal
voltage_lockout_time double s PUBLIC voltage lockout period
voltage_lockout_state int32 PUBLIC value to determine if water heater is in voltage lockout
distribution_type enumeration PUBLIC UNIFORM EXPONENTIAL NORMAL
comfort_level double PUBLIC
range_high double PUBLIC
range_low double PUBLIC
ramp_high double PUBLIC
ramp_low double PUBLIC
prob_off double PUBLIC
output_state int32 REFERENCE the target setpoint given the input observations
output_setpoint double PUBLIC
control_mode enumeration PUBLIC PRIMARY_FREQUENCY_CONTROL DIRECT_LOAD_CONTROL ELASTICITY_MODEL PROBABILITY_OFF DUTYCYCLE RAMP NONE the control mode to use for determining controller action
dlc_mode enumeration PUBLIC CYCLING OFF this mode is roughly designed to force cycle an AC unit
cycle_length_off double s PUBLIC
cycle_length_on double s PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
thermostat_mode enumeration PUBLIC COOL HEAT OFF INVALID
resolve_mode enumeration PUBLIC STICKY DEADBAND NONE
setup_mode enumeration PUBLIC HOUSE NONE
bid_mode enumeration PUBLIC OFF ON
last_mode_timer int64 PUBLIC
cool_ramp_low double PUBLIC
cool_ramp_high double PUBLIC
cool_range_low double PUBLIC
cool_range_high double PUBLIC
cool_set_base double PUBLIC
cool_setpoint double PUBLIC
heat_ramp_low double PUBLIC
heat_ramp_high double PUBLIC
heat_range_low double PUBLIC
heat_range_high double PUBLIC
heat_set_base double PUBLIC
heat_setpoint double PUBLIC
temperature_name char32 PUBLIC
cool_setpoint_name char32 PUBLIC
cool_demand_name char32 PUBLIC
heat_setpoint_name char32 PUBLIC
heat_demand_name char32 PUBLIC
load_name char32 PUBLIC
total_load_name char32 PUBLIC
deadband_name char32 PUBLIC
state_name char32 PUBLIC
market object PUBLIC the market to bid into
market_period double PUBLIC
bid_price double REFERENCE the bid price
bid_quant double REFERENCE the bid quantity
load char32 PUBLIC the current controlled load
total char32 PUBLIC the uncontrolled load (if any)
last_price double PUBLIC
temperature double PUBLIC
cool_bid double PUBLIC
heat_bid double PUBLIC
cool_demand double PUBLIC
heat_demand double PUBLIC
price double PUBLIC
avg_price double PUBLIC
stdev_price double PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
bid_period double s PUBLIC
count int16 PUBLIC
market object PUBLIC
role enumeration PUBLIC SELLER BUYER
price double PUBLIC
quantity double PUBLIC
bid_id int64 PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
generator_state enumeration PUBLIC STARTING RUNNING OFF Current generator state
amortization_type enumeration PUBLIC LINEAR_BID LINEAR_COST EXPONENTIAL Amortization compounding method
generator_state_number int32 PUBLIC Current generator state as numeric value
market object PUBLIC Market the object will watch and bid into
bid_curve char1024 PUBLIC Bidding curve text format
bid_curve_file char1024 PUBLIC Bidding curve file name
bid_generator_rating double VA PUBLIC Size of generator in VA for the bid curve
update_curve bool PUBLIC Flag to force updating of bidding curve parse
is_marginal_gen bool PUBLIC Flag to indicate if the generator is a marginal generator
generator_rating double VA PUBLIC Size of generator in VA for the active bid
generator_output double PUBLIC Current real power output of generator
input_unit_base double MW PUBLIC Base multiplier for generator bid units
startup_cost double $ PUBLIC Cost to start the generator from OFF status
shutdown_cost double $ PUBLIC Cost to shut down the generator prematurely
minimum_runtime double s PUBLIC Minimum time the generator should run to avoid shutdown cost
minimum_downtime double s PUBLIC Minimum down time for the generator before it can bid again
capacity_factor double PUBLIC Calculation of generator's current capacity factor based on the market period
amortization_factor double 1/s PUBLIC Exponential decay factor in 1/s for shutdown cost repayment
bid_delay double PUBLIC Time before a market closes to bid
generator_attachment enumeration PUBLIC BUILDING STANDALONE Generator attachment type - determines interactions
building_load_curr double PUBLIC Present building load value (if BUILDING attachment)
building_load_bid double PUBLIC Expected building load value for currently bidding market period (if BUILDING attachment)
year_runtime_limit double h PUBLIC Total number of hours the generator can run in a year
current_year_runtime double h PUBLIC Total number of hours generator has run this year
runtime_year_end char1024 PUBLIC Date and time the generator runtime year resets
scaling_factor double unit PUBLIC scaling factor applied to license premium calculation
license_premium double PUBLIC current value of the generator license premium calculated
hours_in_year double h PUBLIC Number of hours assumed for the total year
op_and_maint_cost double $ PUBLIC Operation and maintenance cost per runtime year
bid_id int64 PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
unit char32 PUBLIC unit of quantity
period double s PUBLIC interval of time between market clearings
market_id int32 REFERENCE unique identifier of market clearing
nominal_frequency double Hz PUBLIC nominal frequency
droop double % PUBLIC droop value for the supervisor
frequency_deadband double Hz PUBLIC frequency deadband for assigning trigger frequencies
PFC_mode enumeration PUBLIC OVER_UNDER_FREQUENCY UNDER_FREQUENCY OVER_FREQUENCY operation mode of the primary frequency controller
bid_sort_mode enumeration PUBLIC VOLTAGE_EXTREMES VOLTAGE_DEVIAION_FROM_NOMINAL POWER_DECREASING POWER_INCREASING NONE Determines how the bids into the market is sorted to contruct the PF curve


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
objective char1024 PUBLIC Optimization objective value
variable char1024 PUBLIC Optimization decision variables
constraint char1024 PUBLIC Optimization constraints
delta double PUBLIC Change applied to decision variable
epsilon double PUBLIC Precision of objective value
trials int32 PUBLIC Limits on number of trials
goal enumeration PUBLIC MAXIMUM MINIMUM EXTREMUM EXTREMUM Optimization objective goal


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
nominal_voltage double V PUBLIC REQUIRED nominal voltage for this object
supernode_name char1024 PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
bustype enumeration PUBLIC SWING_PQ SWING PV PQ PQ defines whether the node is a PQ, PV, or SWING node
busflags set PUBLIC ISSOURCE HASSOURCE HASSOURCE flag indicates node has a source for voltage, i.e. connects to the swing node
reference_bus object PUBLIC reference bus from which frequency is defined
maximum_voltage_error double V PUBLIC 0 V convergence voltage limit or convergence criteria
voltage_A complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT bus voltage, Phase A to ground
voltage_B complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT bus voltage, Phase B to ground
voltage_C complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT bus voltage, Phase C to ground
voltage_AB complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT line voltages, Phase AB
voltage_BC complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT line voltages, Phase BC
voltage_CA complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT line voltages, Phase CA
current_A complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT bus current injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
current_B complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT bus current injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
current_C complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT bus current injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
power_A complex VA HIDDEN OUTPUT bus power injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
power_B complex VA HIDDEN OUTPUT bus power injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
power_C complex VA HIDDEN OUTPUT bus power injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
shunt_A complex S HIDDEN OUTPUT bus shunt admittance, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
shunt_B complex S HIDDEN OUTPUT bus shunt admittance, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
shunt_C complex S HIDDEN OUTPUT bus shunt admittance, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
prerotated_current_A complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT deltamode-functionality - bus current injection (in = positive), but will not be rotated by powerflow for off-nominal frequency, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
prerotated_current_B complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT deltamode-functionality - bus current injection (in = positive), but will not be rotated by powerflow for off-nominal frequency, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
prerotated_current_C complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT deltamode-functionality - bus current injection (in = positive), but will not be rotated by powerflow for off-nominal frequency, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
current_AB complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT bus current delta-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
current_BC complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT bus current delta-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
current_CA complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT bus current delta-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
current_AN complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT bus current wye-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
current_BN complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT bus current wye-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
current_CN complex A HIDDEN OUTPUT bus current wye-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
power_AB complex VA HIDDEN OUTPUT bus power delta-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
power_BC complex VA HIDDEN OUTPUT bus power delta-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
power_CA complex VA HIDDEN OUTPUT bus power delta-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
power_AN complex VA HIDDEN OUTPUT bus power wye-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
power_BN complex VA HIDDEN OUTPUT bus power wye-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
power_CN complex VA HIDDEN OUTPUT bus power wye-connected injection (in = positive), this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
shunt_AB complex S HIDDEN OUTPUT bus shunt delta-connected admittance, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
shunt_BC complex S HIDDEN OUTPUT bus shunt delta-connected admittance, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
shunt_CA complex S HIDDEN OUTPUT bus shunt delta-connected admittance, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
shunt_AN complex S HIDDEN OUTPUT bus shunt wye-connected admittance, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
shunt_BN complex S HIDDEN OUTPUT bus shunt wye-connected admittance, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
shunt_CN complex S HIDDEN OUTPUT bus shunt wye-connected admittance, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
mean_repair_time double s PUBLIC 0 s Time after a fault clears for the object to be back in service
frequency_measure_type enumeration PUBLIC PLL SIMPLE NONE PLL frequency measurement
sfm_Tf double s PUBLIC Transducer time constant for simplified frequency measurement (seconds)
pll_Kp double pu PUBLIC Proportional gain of PLL frequency measurement
pll_Ki double pu PUBLIC Integration gain of PLL frequency measurement
measured_angle_A double rad PUBLIC bus angle measurement, phase A
measured_frequency_A double Hz PUBLIC frequency measurement, phase A
measured_angle_B double rad PUBLIC bus angle measurement, phase B
measured_frequency_B double Hz PUBLIC frequency measurement, phase B
measured_angle_C double rad PUBLIC bus angle measurement, phase C
measured_frequency_C double Hz PUBLIC frequency measurement, phase C
measured_frequency double Hz PUBLIC frequency measurement - average of present phases
service_status enumeration PUBLIC OUT_OF_SERVICE IN_SERVICE In and out of service flag
service_status_double double PUBLIC In and out of service flag - type double - will indiscriminately override service_status - useful for schedules
previous_uptime double min PUBLIC Previous time between disconnects of node in minutes
current_uptime double min PUBLIC Current time since last disconnect of node in minutes
Norton_dynamic bool PUBLIC Flag to indicate a Norton-equivalent connection -- used for generators and deltamode
generator_dynamic bool PUBLIC Flag to indicate a voltage-sourcing or swing-type generator is present -- used for generators and deltamode
GFA_enable bool PUBLIC Disable/Enable Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_freq_low_trip double Hz PUBLIC Low frequency trip point for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_freq_high_trip double Hz PUBLIC High frequency trip point for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_volt_low_trip double pu PUBLIC Low voltage trip point for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_volt_high_trip double pu PUBLIC High voltage trip point for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_reconnect_time double s PUBLIC Reconnect time for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_freq_disconnect_time double s PUBLIC Frequency violation disconnect time for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_volt_disconnect_time double s PUBLIC Voltage violation disconnect time for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_status bool PUBLIC Low frequency trip point for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
topological_parent object PUBLIC topological parent as per GLM configuration


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
status enumeration PUBLIC OPEN CLOSED CLOSED
from object PUBLIC REQUIRED from_node - source node
to object PUBLIC REQUIRED to_node - load node
power_in complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power flow in (w.r.t from node)
power_out complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power flow out (w.r.t to node)
power_out_real double W PUBLIC OUTPUT power flow out (w.r.t to node), real
power_losses complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power losses
power_in_A complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power flow in (w.r.t from node), phase A
power_in_B complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power flow in (w.r.t from node), phase B
power_in_C complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power flow in (w.r.t from node), phase C
power_out_A complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power flow out (w.r.t to node), phase A
power_out_B complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power flow out (w.r.t to node), phase B
power_out_C complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power flow out (w.r.t to node), phase C
power_losses_A complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power losses, phase A
power_losses_B complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power losses, phase B
power_losses_C complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power losses, phase C
current_out_A complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT current flow out of link (w.r.t. to node), phase A
current_out_B complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT current flow out of link (w.r.t. to node), phase B
current_out_C complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT current flow out of link (w.r.t. to node), phase C
current_in_A complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT current flow to link (w.r.t from node), phase A
current_in_B complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT current flow to link (w.r.t from node), phase B
current_in_C complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT current flow to link (w.r.t from node), phase C
fault_current_in_A complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT fault current flowing in, phase A
fault_current_in_B complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT fault current flowing in, phase B
fault_current_in_C complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT fault current flowing in, phase C
fault_current_out_A complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT fault current flowing out, phase A
fault_current_out_B complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT fault current flowing out, phase B
fault_current_out_C complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT fault current flowing out, phase C
fault_voltage_A complex A PUBLIC fault voltage, phase A
fault_voltage_B complex A PUBLIC fault voltage, phase B
fault_voltage_C complex A PUBLIC fault voltage, phase C
flow_direction set PUBLIC OUTPUT CN CR CF BN BR BF AN AR AF UNKNOWN flag used for describing direction of the flow of power
mean_repair_time double s PUBLIC Time after a fault clears for the object to be back in service
continuous_rating double A PUBLIC Continuous rating for this link object (set individual line segments
emergency_rating double A PUBLIC Emergency rating for this link object (set individual line segments
inrush_convergence_value double V PUBLIC Tolerance, as change in line voltage drop between iterations, for deltamode in-rush completion


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
pt_phase set PUBLIC CHARSET N D C B A Phase(s) that the PT is on, used as measurement points for control
phases_connected set PUBLIC CHARSET N D C B A phases capacitor is connected to
switchA enumeration PUBLIC CLOSED OPEN OPEN capacitor A switch open or close
switchB enumeration PUBLIC CLOSED OPEN OPEN capacitor B switch open or close
switchC enumeration PUBLIC CLOSED OPEN OPEN capacitor C switch open or close
control enumeration PUBLIC CURRENT VARVOLT VOLT VAR MANUAL MANUAL control operation strategy
cap_A_switch_count double PUBLIC OUTPUT -1 number of switch operations on Phase A
cap_B_switch_count double PUBLIC OUTPUT -1 number of switch operations on Phase B
cap_C_switch_count double PUBLIC OUTPUT -1 number of switch operations on Phase C
voltage_set_high double V PUBLIC Turn off if voltage is above this set point
voltage_set_low double V PUBLIC Turns on if voltage is below this set point
VAr_set_high double VAr PUBLIC high VAR set point for VAR control (turn off)
VAr_set_low double VAr PUBLIC low VAR set point for VAR control (turn on)
current_set_low double A PUBLIC high current set point for current control mode (turn on)
current_set_high double A PUBLIC low current set point for current control mode (turn off)
capacitor_A double VAr PUBLIC Capacitance value for phase A or phase AB
capacitor_B double VAr PUBLIC Capacitance value for phase B or phase BC
capacitor_C double VAr PUBLIC Capacitance value for phase C or phase CA
cap_nominal_voltage double V PUBLIC Nominal voltage for the capacitor. Used for calculation of capacitance value
time_delay double s PUBLIC control time delay
dwell_time double s PUBLIC Time for system to remain constant before a state change will be passed
lockout_time double s PUBLIC Time for capacitor to remain locked out from further switching operations (VARVOLT control)
remote_sense object PUBLIC Remote object for sensing values used for control schemes
remote_sense_B object PUBLIC Secondary Remote object for sensing values used for control schemes (VARVOLT uses two)
control_level enumeration PUBLIC INDIVIDUAL BANK INDIVIDUAL define bank or individual control


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
phase_A_status enumeration PUBLIC GOOD BLOWN GOOD
phase_B_status enumeration PUBLIC GOOD BLOWN GOOD
phase_C_status enumeration PUBLIC GOOD BLOWN GOOD
repair_dist_type enumeration PUBLIC EXPONENTIAL NONE NONE
current_limit double A PUBLIC 9999 A
mean_replacement_time double s PUBLIC
fuse_resistance double Ohm PUBLIC -1 Ohm The resistance value of the fuse when it is not blown.


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
measured_real_energy double Wh PUBLIC OUTPUT metered real energy consumption, cummalitive
measured_real_energy_delta double Wh PUBLIC OUTPUT delta in metered real energy consumption from last specified measured_energy_delta_timestep
measured_reactive_energy double VAh PUBLIC OUTPUT metered reactive energy consumption, cummalitive
measured_reactive_energy_delta double VAh PUBLIC OUTPUT delta in metered reactive energy consumption from last specified measured_energy_delta_timestep
measured_energy_delta_timestep double s PUBLIC OUTPUT Period of timestep for real and reactive delta energy calculation
measured_power complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT metered complex power
measured_power_A complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT metered complex power on phase A
measured_power_B complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT metered complex power on phase B
measured_power_C complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT metered complex power on phase C
measured_demand double W PUBLIC OUTPUT greatest metered real power during simulation
measured_real_power double W PUBLIC OUTPUT metered real power
measured_reactive_power double VAr PUBLIC OUTPUT metered reactive power
meter_power_consumption complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT metered power used for operating the meter; standby and communication losses
measured_voltage_A complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT measured line-to-neutral voltage on phase A
measured_voltage_B complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT measured line-to-neutral voltage on phase B
measured_voltage_C complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT measured line-to-neutral voltage on phase C
measured_voltage_AB complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT measured line-to-line voltage on phase AB
measured_voltage_BC complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT measured line-to-line voltage on phase BC
measured_voltage_CA complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT measured line-to-line voltage on phase CA
measured_real_max_voltage_in_interval_A double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real max line-to-neutral voltage on phase A over a specified interval
measured_real_max_voltage_in_interval_B double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real max line-to-neutral voltage on phase B over a specified interval
measured_real_max_voltage_in_interval_C double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real max line-to-neutral voltage on phase C over a specified interval
measured_reactive_max_voltage_in_interval_A double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive max line-to-neutral voltage on phase A over a specified interval
measured_reactive_max_voltage_in_interval_B double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive max line-to-neutral voltage on phase B over a specified interval
measured_reactive_max_voltage_in_interval_C double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive max line-to-neutral voltage on phase C over a specified interval
measured_real_max_voltage_in_interval_AB double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real max line-to-line voltage on phase A over a specified interval
measured_real_max_voltage_in_interval_BC double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real max line-to-line voltage on phase B over a specified interval
measured_real_max_voltage_in_interval_CA double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real max line-to-line voltage on phase C over a specified interval
measured_reactive_max_voltage_in_interval_AB double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive max line-to-line voltage on phase A over a specified interval
measured_reactive_max_voltage_in_interval_BC double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive max line-to-line voltage on phase B over a specified interval
measured_reactive_max_voltage_in_interval_CA double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive max line-to-line voltage on phase C over a specified interval
measured_real_min_voltage_in_interval_A double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real min line-to-neutral voltage on phase A over a specified interval
measured_real_min_voltage_in_interval_B double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real min line-to-neutral voltage on phase B over a specified interval
measured_real_min_voltage_in_interval_C double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real min line-to-neutral voltage on phase C over a specified interval
measured_reactive_min_voltage_in_interval_A double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive min line-to-neutral voltage on phase A over a specified interval
measured_reactive_min_voltage_in_interval_B double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive min line-to-neutral voltage on phase B over a specified interval
measured_reactive_min_voltage_in_interval_C double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive min line-to-neutral voltage on phase C over a specified interval
measured_real_min_voltage_in_interval_AB double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real min line-to-line voltage on phase A over a specified interval
measured_real_min_voltage_in_interval_BC double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real min line-to-line voltage on phase B over a specified interval
measured_real_min_voltage_in_interval_CA double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured real min line-to-line voltage on phase C over a specified interval
measured_reactive_min_voltage_in_interval_AB double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive min line-to-line voltage on phase A over a specified interval
measured_reactive_min_voltage_in_interval_BC double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive min line-to-line voltage on phase B over a specified interval
measured_reactive_min_voltage_in_interval_CA double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured reactive min line-to-line voltage on phase C over a specified interval
measured_avg_voltage_mag_in_interval_A double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured avg line-to-neutral voltage magnitude on phase A over a specified interval
measured_avg_voltage_mag_in_interval_B double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured avg line-to-neutral voltage magnitude on phase B over a specified interval
measured_avg_voltage_mag_in_interval_C double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured avg line-to-neutral voltage magnitude on phase C over a specified interval
measured_avg_voltage_mag_in_interval_AB double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured avg line-to-line voltage magnitude on phase A over a specified interval
measured_avg_voltage_mag_in_interval_BC double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured avg line-to-line voltage magnitude on phase B over a specified interval
measured_avg_voltage_mag_in_interval_CA double PUBLIC OUTPUT measured avg line-to-line voltage magnitude on phase C over a specified interval
measured_current_A complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT measured current on phase A
measured_current_B complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT measured current on phase B
measured_current_C complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT measured current on phase C
customer_interrupted bool PUBLIC OUTPUT Reliability flag - goes active if the customer is in an 'interrupted' state
customer_interrupted_secondary bool PUBLIC OUTPUT Reliability flag - goes active if the customer is in an 'secondary interrupted' state - i.e., momentary
monthly_bill double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT Accumulator for the current month's bill
previous_monthly_bill double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT Total monthly bill for the previous month
previous_monthly_energy double kWh PUBLIC OUTPUT Total monthly energy for the previous month
monthly_fee double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT Once a month flat fee for customer hook-up
monthly_energy double kWh PUBLIC OUTPUT Accumulator for the current month's energy consumption
bill_mode enumeration PUBLIC TIERED_RTP HOURLY TIERED UNIFORM NONE NONE Billing structure desired
power_market object PUBLIC Market (auction object) where the price is being received from
bill_day int32 PUBLIC 15 day of month bill is to be processed (currently limited to days 1-28)
price double $/kWh PUBLIC current price of electricity
price_base double $/kWh PUBLIC Used only in TIERED_RTP mode to describe the price before the first tier
first_tier_price double $/kWh PUBLIC price of electricity between first tier and second tier energy usage
first_tier_energy double kWh PUBLIC switching point between base price and first tier price
second_tier_price double $/kWh PUBLIC price of electricity between second tier and third tier energy usage
second_tier_energy double kWh PUBLIC switching point between first tier price and second tier price
third_tier_price double $/kWh PUBLIC price of electricity when energy usage exceeds third tier energy usage
third_tier_energy double kWh PUBLIC switching point between second tier price and third tier price


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
configuration object PUBLIC REQUIRED reference to library object that describes this line's configuration
length double ft PUBLIC REQUIRED length of this line


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
measured_phase enumeration PUBLIC REQUIRED C B A phase from which measurement is taken
measured_voltage complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT voltage measurement (with noise)
measured_current complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT current measurement (with noise)
measured_power complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT power measurement (with noise)
location double ft PUBLIC REQUIRED sensor placement downline
covariance double_array PUBLIC sensor covariance matrix (components are [Vr Vi Ir Ii])


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
distance_AB double ft PUBLIC 0 ft
distance_BC double ft PUBLIC 0 ft
distance_AC double ft PUBLIC 0 ft
distance_AN double ft PUBLIC 0 ft
distance_BN double ft PUBLIC 0 ft
distance_CN double ft PUBLIC 0 ft
distance_AE double ft PUBLIC 0 ft distance between phase A wire and earth
distance_BE double ft PUBLIC 0 ft distance between phase B wire and earth
distance_CE double ft PUBLIC 0 ft distance between phase C wire and earth
distance_NE double ft PUBLIC 0 ft distance between neutral wire and earth


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
geometric_mean_radius double ft PUBLIC REQUIRED radius of the conductor
resistance double Ohm/mile PUBLIC REQUIRED resistance in Ohms/mile of the conductor
diameter double in PUBLIC REQUIRED Diameter of line for capacitance calculations
rating.summer.continuous double A PUBLIC 1000 A Continuous summer amp rating
rating.summer.emergency double A PUBLIC 2000 A Emergency summer amp rating
rating.winter.continuous double A PUBLIC 1000 A Continuous winter amp rating
rating.winter.emergency double A PUBLIC 2000 A Emergency winter amp rating


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
outer_diameter double in PUBLIC REQUIRED Outer diameter of conductor and sheath
conductor_gmr double ft PUBLIC Geometric mean radius of the conductor
conductor_diameter double in PUBLIC REQUIRED Diameter of conductor
conductor_resistance double Ohm/mile PUBLIC Resistance of conductor in ohm/mile
neutral_gmr double ft PUBLIC Geometric mean radius of an individual neutral conductor/strand
neutral_diameter double in PUBLIC REQUIRED Diameter of individual neutral conductor/strand of concentric neutral
neutral_resistance double Ohm/mile PUBLIC Resistance of an individual neutral conductor/strand in ohm/mile
neutral_strands int16 PUBLIC Number of cable strands in neutral conductor
shield_thickness double in PUBLIC The thickness of Tape shield in inches
shield_diameter double in PUBLIC The outside diameter of Tape shield in inches
insulation_relative_permitivitty double unit PUBLIC 1 unit Permitivitty of insulation, relative to air
shield_gmr double ft PUBLIC Geometric mean radius of shielding sheath
shield_resistance double Ohm/mile PUBLIC Resistance of shielding sheath in ohms/mile
rating.summer.continuous double A PUBLIC 1000 A amp rating in summer, continuous
rating.summer.emergency double A PUBLIC 2000 A amp rating in summer, short term
rating.winter.continuous double A PUBLIC 1000 A amp rating in winter, continuous
rating.winter.emergency double A PUBLIC 2000 A amp rating in winter, short term


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
conductor_A object PUBLIC
conductor_B object PUBLIC
conductor_C object PUBLIC
conductor_N object PUBLIC
spacing object PUBLIC
z11 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC 0+0j
z12 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC 0+0j
z13 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC 0+0j
z21 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC 0+0j
z22 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC 0+0j
z23 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC 0+0j
z31 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC 0+0j
z32 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC 0+0j
z33 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC 0+0j
c11 double nF/mile PUBLIC 0 nF/mile
c12 double nF/mile PUBLIC 0 nF/mile
c13 double nF/mile PUBLIC 0 nF/mile
c21 double nF/mile PUBLIC 0 nF/mile
c22 double nF/mile PUBLIC 0 nF/mile
c23 double nF/mile PUBLIC 0 nF/mile
c31 double nF/mile PUBLIC 0 nF/mile
c32 double nF/mile PUBLIC 0 nF/mile
c33 double nF/mile PUBLIC 0 nF/mile
rating.summer.continuous double A PUBLIC 1000 A amp rating in summer, continuous
rating.summer.emergency double A PUBLIC 2000 A amp rating in summer, short term
rating.winter.continuous double A PUBLIC 1000 A amp rating in winter, continuous
rating.winter.emergency double A PUBLIC 2000 A amp rating in winter, short term


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
install_type enumeration PUBLIC VAULT PADMOUNT POLETOP UNKNOWN UNKNOWN transformation installation type
coolant_type enumeration PUBLIC DRY MINERAL_OIL UNKNOWN UNKNOWN transformation coolant type
cooling_type enumeration PUBLIC DFOW DFOA NDFOW NDFOA FA OA UNKNOWN UNKNOWN transformation cooling type
primary_voltage double V PUBLIC REQUIRED primary voltage level in L-L value kV
secondary_voltage double V PUBLIC REQUIRED secondary voltage level kV
power_rating double kVA PUBLIC REQUIRED kVA rating of transformer, total
powerA_rating double kVA PUBLIC kVA rating of transformer, phase A
powerB_rating double kVA PUBLIC kVA rating of transformer, phase B
powerC_rating double kVA PUBLIC kVA rating of transformer, phase C
powerN_rating double kVA PUBLIC kVA rating of transformer, neutral
resistance double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Series impedance, pu, real
reactance double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Series impedance, pu, imag
impedance complex pu*Ohm PUBLIC Series impedance, pu
resistance1 double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Secondary series impedance (only used when you want to define each individual winding seperately, pu, real
reactance1 double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Secondary series impedance (only used when you want to define each individual winding seperately, pu, imag
impedance1 complex pu*Ohm PUBLIC Secondary series impedance (only used when you want to define each individual winding seperately, pu
resistance2 double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Secondary series impedance (only used when you want to define each individual winding seperately, pu, real
reactance2 double pu*Ohm PUBLIC Secondary series impedance (only used when you want to define each individual winding seperately, pu, imag
impedance2 complex pu*Ohm PUBLIC Secondary series impedance (only used when you want to define each individual winding seperately, pu
shunt_resistance double pu*Ohm PUBLIC +1e+09 pu*Ohm Shunt impedance on primary side, pu, real
shunt_reactance double pu*Ohm PUBLIC +1e+09 pu*Ohm Shunt impedance on primary side, pu, imag
shunt_impedance complex pu*Ohm PUBLIC +1e+09+1e+09j pu*Ohm Shunt impedance on primary side, pu
core_coil_weight double lb PUBLIC The weight of the core and coil assembly in pounds
tank_fittings_weight double lb PUBLIC The weight of the tank and fittings in pounds
oil_volume double gal PUBLIC The number of gallons of oil in the transformer
rated_winding_time_constant double h PUBLIC The rated winding time constant in hours
rated_winding_hot_spot_rise double degC PUBLIC winding hottest-spot rise over ambient temperature at rated load, degrees C
rated_top_oil_rise double degC PUBLIC top-oil hottest-spot rise over ambient temperature at rated load, degrees C
no_load_loss double pu PUBLIC Another method of specifying transformer impedances, defined as per unit power values (shunt)
full_load_loss double pu PUBLIC Another method of specifying transformer impedances, defined as per unit power values (shunt and series)
reactance_resistance_ratio double PUBLIC the reactance to resistance ratio (X/R)
installed_insulation_life double h PUBLIC the normal lifetime of the transformer insulation at rated load, hours
magnetization_location enumeration PUBLIC BOTH SECONDARY PRIMARY NONE winding to place magnetization influence for in-rush calculations
inrush_saturation_enabled bool PUBLIC flag to include saturation effects during inrush calculations
L_A double pu PUBLIC +0.2 pu Air core inductance of transformer
phi_K double pu PUBLIC +1.17 pu Knee flux value where the air core inductance interstes the flux axis of the saturation curve
phi_M double pu PUBLIC +1 pu Peak magnetization flux at rated voltage of the saturation curve
I_M double pu PUBLIC +0.01 pu Peak magnetization current at rated voltage of the saturation curve
T_D double PUBLIC +0.5 Inrush decay time constant for inrush current


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
configuration object PUBLIC REQUIRED Configuration library used for transformer setup
climate object PUBLIC climate object used to describe thermal model ambient temperature
ambient_temperature double degC PUBLIC ambient temperature in degrees C
top_oil_hot_spot_temperature double degC PUBLIC top-oil hottest-spot temperature, degrees C
winding_hot_spot_temperature double degC PUBLIC winding hottest-spot temperature, degrees C
percent_loss_of_life double PUBLIC the percent loss of life
aging_constant double PUBLIC the aging rate slope for the transformer insulation
use_thermal_model bool PUBLIC boolean to enable use of thermal model
transformer_replacement_count double PUBLIC counter of the number times the transformer has been replaced due to lifetime failure
aging_granularity double s PUBLIC maximum timestep before updating thermal and aging model in seconds
phase_A_primary_flux_value double Wb PUBLIC instantaneous magnetic flux in phase A on the primary side of the transformer during saturation calculations
phase_B_primary_flux_value double Wb PUBLIC instantaneous magnetic flux in phase B on the primary side of the transformer during saturation calculations
phase_C_primary_flux_value double Wb PUBLIC instantaneous magnetic flux in phase C on the primary side of the transformer during saturation calculations
phase_A_secondary_flux_value double Wb PUBLIC instantaneous magnetic flux in phase A on the secondary side of the transformer during saturation calculations
phase_B_secondary_flux_value double Wb PUBLIC instantaneous magnetic flux in phase B on the secondary side of the transformer during saturation calculations
phase_C_secondary_flux_value double Wb PUBLIC instantaneous magnetic flux in phase C on the secondary side of the transformer during saturation calculations


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
load_class enumeration PUBLIC A I C R U U Flag to track load type, not currently used for anything except sorting
constant_power_A complex VA PUBLIC 0 VA constant power load on phase A, specified as VA
constant_power_B complex VA PUBLIC 0 VA constant power load on phase B, specified as VA
constant_power_C complex VA PUBLIC 0 VA constant power load on phase C, specified as VA
constant_power_A_real double W PUBLIC 0 W constant power load on phase A, real only, specified as W
constant_power_B_real double W PUBLIC 0 W constant power load on phase B, real only, specified as W
constant_power_C_real double W PUBLIC 0 W constant power load on phase C, real only, specified as W
constant_power_A_reac double VAr PUBLIC 0 VAr constant power load on phase A, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_power_B_reac double VAr PUBLIC 0 VAr constant power load on phase B, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_power_C_reac double VAr PUBLIC 0 VAr constant power load on phase C, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_current_A complex A PUBLIC 0 A constant current load on phase A, specified as Amps
constant_current_B complex A PUBLIC 0 A constant current load on phase B, specified as Amps
constant_current_C complex A PUBLIC 0 A constant current load on phase C, specified as Amps
constant_current_A_real double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current load on phase A, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_B_real double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current load on phase B, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_C_real double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current load on phase C, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_A_reac double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current load on phase A, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_current_B_reac double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current load on phase B, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_current_C_reac double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current load on phase C, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_impedance_A complex Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance load on phase A, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_B complex Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance load on phase B, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_C complex Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance load on phase C, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_A_real double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance load on phase A, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_B_real double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance load on phase B, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_C_real double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance load on phase C, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_A_reac double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance load on phase A, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_B_reac double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance load on phase B, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_C_reac double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance load on phase C, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
constant_power_AN complex VA PUBLIC 0 VA constant power wye-connected load on phase A, specified as VA
constant_power_BN complex VA PUBLIC 0 VA constant power wye-connected load on phase B, specified as VA
constant_power_CN complex VA PUBLIC 0 VA constant power wye-connected load on phase C, specified as VA
constant_power_AN_real double W PUBLIC 0 W constant power wye-connected load on phase A, real only, specified as W
constant_power_BN_real double W PUBLIC 0 W constant power wye-connected load on phase B, real only, specified as W
constant_power_CN_real double W PUBLIC 0 W constant power wye-connected load on phase C, real only, specified as W
constant_power_AN_reac double VAr PUBLIC 0 VAr constant power wye-connected load on phase A, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_power_BN_reac double VAr PUBLIC 0 VAr constant power wye-connected load on phase B, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_power_CN_reac double VAr PUBLIC 0 VAr constant power wye-connected load on phase C, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_current_AN complex A PUBLIC 0 A constant current wye-connected load on phase A, specified as Amps
constant_current_BN complex A PUBLIC 0 A constant current wye-connected load on phase B, specified as Amps
constant_current_CN complex A PUBLIC 0 A constant current wye-connected load on phase C, specified as Amps
constant_current_AN_real double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current wye-connected load on phase A, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_BN_real double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current wye-connected load on phase B, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_CN_real double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current wye-connected load on phase C, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_AN_reac double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current wye-connected load on phase A, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_current_BN_reac double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current wye-connected load on phase B, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_current_CN_reac double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current wye-connected load on phase C, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_impedance_AN complex Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance wye-connected load on phase A, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_BN complex Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance wye-connected load on phase B, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_CN complex Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance wye-connected load on phase C, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_AN_real double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance wye-connected load on phase A, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_BN_real double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance wye-connected load on phase B, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_CN_real double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance wye-connected load on phase C, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_AN_reac double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance wye-connected load on phase A, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_BN_reac double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance wye-connected load on phase B, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_CN_reac double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance wye-connected load on phase C, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
constant_power_AB complex VA PUBLIC 0 VA constant power delta-connected load on phase A, specified as VA
constant_power_BC complex VA PUBLIC 0 VA constant power delta-connected load on phase B, specified as VA
constant_power_CA complex VA PUBLIC 0 VA constant power delta-connected load on phase C, specified as VA
constant_power_AB_real double W PUBLIC 0 W constant power delta-connected load on phase A, real only, specified as W
constant_power_BC_real double W PUBLIC 0 W constant power delta-connected load on phase B, real only, specified as W
constant_power_CA_real double W PUBLIC 0 W constant power delta-connected load on phase C, real only, specified as W
constant_power_AB_reac double VAr PUBLIC 0 VAr constant power delta-connected load on phase A, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_power_BC_reac double VAr PUBLIC 0 VAr constant power delta-connected load on phase B, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_power_CA_reac double VAr PUBLIC 0 VAr constant power delta-connected load on phase C, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_current_AB complex A PUBLIC 0 A constant current delta-connected load on phase A, specified as Amps
constant_current_BC complex A PUBLIC 0 A constant current delta-connected load on phase B, specified as Amps
constant_current_CA complex A PUBLIC 0 A constant current delta-connected load on phase C, specified as Amps
constant_current_AB_real double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current delta-connected load on phase A, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_BC_real double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current delta-connected load on phase B, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_CA_real double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current delta-connected load on phase C, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_AB_reac double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current delta-connected load on phase A, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_current_BC_reac double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current delta-connected load on phase B, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_current_CA_reac double A PUBLIC 0 A constant current delta-connected load on phase C, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_impedance_AB complex Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance delta-connected load on phase A, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_BC complex Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance delta-connected load on phase B, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_CA complex Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance delta-connected load on phase C, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_AB_real double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance delta-connected load on phase A, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_BC_real double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance delta-connected load on phase B, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_CA_real double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance delta-connected load on phase C, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_AB_reac double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance delta-connected load on phase A, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_BC_reac double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance delta-connected load on phase B, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_CA_reac double Ohm PUBLIC 0 Ohm constant impedance delta-connected load on phase C, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
measured_voltage_A complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT current measured voltage on phase A
measured_voltage_B complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT current measured voltage on phase B
measured_voltage_C complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT current measured voltage on phase C
measured_voltage_AB complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT current measured voltage on phases AB
measured_voltage_BC complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT current measured voltage on phases BC
measured_voltage_CA complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT current measured voltage on phases CA
phase_loss_protection bool PUBLIC FALSE Trip all three phases of the load if a fault occurs
base_power_A double VA PUBLIC 0 VA in similar format as ZIPload, this represents the nominal power on phase A before applying ZIP fractions
base_power_B double VA PUBLIC 0 VA in similar format as ZIPload, this represents the nominal power on phase B before applying ZIP fractions
base_power_C double VA PUBLIC 0 VA in similar format as ZIPload, this represents the nominal power on phase C before applying ZIP fractions
power_pf_A double pu PUBLIC 1 pu in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase A constant power portion of load
current_pf_A double pu PUBLIC 1 pu in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase A constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_A double pu PUBLIC 1 pu in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase A constant impedance portion of load
power_pf_B double pu PUBLIC 1 pu in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase B constant power portion of load
current_pf_B double pu PUBLIC 1 pu in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase B constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_B double pu PUBLIC 1 pu in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase B constant impedance portion of load
power_pf_C double pu PUBLIC 1 pu in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase C constant power portion of load
current_pf_C double pu PUBLIC 1 pu in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase C constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_C double pu PUBLIC 1 pu in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase C constant impedance portion of load
power_fraction_A double pu PUBLIC 0 pu this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase A
current_fraction_A double pu PUBLIC 0 pu this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase A
impedance_fraction_A double pu PUBLIC 0 pu this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase A
power_fraction_B double pu PUBLIC 0 pu this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase B
current_fraction_B double pu PUBLIC 0 pu this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase B
impedance_fraction_B double pu PUBLIC 0 pu this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase B
power_fraction_C double pu PUBLIC 0 pu this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase C
current_fraction_C double pu PUBLIC 0 pu this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase C
impedance_fraction_C double pu PUBLIC 0 pu this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase C


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
band_center double V PUBLIC 0 V band center setting of regulator control
band_width double V PUBLIC 0 V band width setting of regulator control
time_delay double s PUBLIC 0 s mechanical time delay between tap changes
dwell_time double s PUBLIC 0 s time delay before a control action of regulator control
raise_taps int16 PUBLIC 0 number of regulator raise taps, or the maximum raise voltage tap position
lower_taps int16 PUBLIC 0 number of regulator lower taps, or the minimum lower voltage tap position
current_transducer_ratio double pu PUBLIC 0 pu primary rating of current transformer
power_transducer_ratio double pu PUBLIC 0 pu potential transformer rating
compensator_r_setting_A double V PUBLIC 0 V Line Drop Compensation R setting of regulator control (in volts) on Phase A
compensator_r_setting_B double V PUBLIC 0 V Line Drop Compensation R setting of regulator control (in volts) on Phase B
compensator_r_setting_C double V PUBLIC 0 V Line Drop Compensation R setting of regulator control (in volts) on Phase C
compensator_x_setting_A double V PUBLIC 0 V Line Drop Compensation X setting of regulator control (in volts) on Phase A
compensator_x_setting_B double V PUBLIC 0 V Line Drop Compensation X setting of regulator control (in volts) on Phase B
compensator_x_setting_C double V PUBLIC 0 V Line Drop Compensation X setting of regulator control (in volts) on Phase C
CT_phase set PUBLIC CHARSET C B A ABC phase(s) monitored by CT
PT_phase set PUBLIC CHARSET C B A ABC phase(s) monitored by PT
regulation double % PUBLIC 0 % regulation of voltage regulator in %
control_level enumeration PUBLIC BANK INDIVIDUAL INDIVIDUAL Designates whether control is on per-phase or banked level
Control enumeration PUBLIC REMOTE_NODE LINE_DROP_COMP OUTPUT_VOLTAGE MANUAL MANUAL Type of control used for regulating voltage
reverse_flow_control enumeration PUBLIC LOCK_CURRENT_POSITION LOCK_NEUTRAL LOCK_NONE LOCK_NONE Type of control used when power is flowing in reverse through the regulator
Type enumeration PUBLIC B A B Defines regulator type
tap_pos_A int16 PUBLIC 999 initial tap position of phase A
tap_pos_B int16 PUBLIC 999 initial tap position of phase B
tap_pos_C int16 PUBLIC 999 initial tap position of phase C


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
configuration object PUBLIC REQUIRED reference to the regulator_configuration object used to determine regulator properties
tap_A int16 PUBLIC current tap position of tap A
tap_B int16 PUBLIC current tap position of tap B
tap_C int16 PUBLIC current tap position of tap C
tap_A_change_count double PUBLIC OUTPUT count of all physical tap changes on phase A since beginning of simulation (plus initial value)
tap_B_change_count double PUBLIC OUTPUT count of all physical tap changes on phase B since beginning of simulation (plus initial value)
tap_C_change_count double PUBLIC OUTPUT count of all physical tap changes on phase C since beginning of simulation (plus initial value)
sense_node object PUBLIC Node to be monitored for voltage control in remote sense mode
regulator_resistance double Ohm PUBLIC The resistance value of the regulator when it is not blown.


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
bustype enumeration PUBLIC SWING_PQ SWING PV PQ defines whether the node is a PQ, PV, or SWING node
busflags set PUBLIC ISSOURCE HASSOURCE flag indicates node has a source for voltage, i.e. connects to the swing node
reference_bus object PUBLIC reference bus from which frequency is defined
maximum_voltage_error double V PUBLIC convergence voltage limit or convergence criteria
voltage_1 complex V PUBLIC bus voltage, phase 1 to ground
voltage_2 complex V PUBLIC bus voltage, phase 2 to ground
voltage_N complex V PUBLIC bus voltage, phase N to ground
voltage_12 complex V PUBLIC bus voltage, phase 1 to 2
voltage_1N complex V PUBLIC bus voltage, phase 1 to N
voltage_2N complex V PUBLIC bus voltage, phase 2 to N
current_1 complex A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 1, also acts as accumulator
current_2 complex A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 2, also acts as accumulator
current_N complex A PUBLIC constant current load on phase N, also acts as accumulator
current_1_real double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 1, real
current_2_real double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 2, real
current_N_real double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase N, real
current_1_reac double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 1, imag
current_2_reac double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 2, imag
current_N_reac double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase N, imag
current_12 complex A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 1 to 2
current_12_real double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 1 to 2, real
current_12_reac double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 1 to 2, imag
prerotated_current_1 complex A HIDDEN deltamode-functionality - bus current injection (in = positive), but will not be rotated by powerflow for off-nominal frequency, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
prerotated_current_2 complex A HIDDEN deltamode-functionality - bus current injection (in = positive), but will not be rotated by powerflow for off-nominal frequency, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
prerotated_current_12 complex A HIDDEN deltamode-functionality - bus current injection (in = positive), but will not be rotated by powerflow for off-nominal frequency, this an accumulator only, not a output or input variable
residential_nominal_current_1 complex A HIDDEN posted current on phase 1 from a residential object, if attached
residential_nominal_current_2 complex A HIDDEN posted current on phase 2 from a residential object, if attached
residential_nominal_current_12 complex A HIDDEN posted current on phase 1 to 2 from a residential object, if attached
residential_nominal_current_1_real double A HIDDEN posted current on phase 1, real, from a residential object, if attached
residential_nominal_current_1_imag double A HIDDEN posted current on phase 1, imag, from a residential object, if attached
residential_nominal_current_2_real double A HIDDEN posted current on phase 2, real, from a residential object, if attached
residential_nominal_current_2_imag double A HIDDEN posted current on phase 2, imag, from a residential object, if attached
residential_nominal_current_12_real double A HIDDEN posted current on phase 1 to 2, real, from a residential object, if attached
residential_nominal_current_12_imag double A HIDDEN posted current on phase 1 to 2, imag, from a residential object, if attached
power_1 complex VA PUBLIC constant power on phase 1 (120V)
power_2 complex VA PUBLIC constant power on phase 2 (120V)
power_12 complex VA PUBLIC constant power on phase 1 to 2 (240V)
power_1_real double W PUBLIC constant power on phase 1, real
power_2_real double W PUBLIC constant power on phase 2, real
power_12_real double W PUBLIC constant power on phase 1 to 2, real
power_1_reac double VAr PUBLIC constant power on phase 1, imag
power_2_reac double VAr PUBLIC constant power on phase 2, imag
power_12_reac double VAr PUBLIC constant power on phase 1 to 2, imag
shunt_1 complex S PUBLIC constant shunt impedance on phase 1
shunt_2 complex S PUBLIC constant shunt impedance on phase 2
shunt_12 complex S PUBLIC constant shunt impedance on phase 1 to 2
impedance_1 complex Ohm PUBLIC constant series impedance on phase 1
impedance_2 complex Ohm PUBLIC constant series impedance on phase 2
impedance_12 complex Ohm PUBLIC constant series impedance on phase 1 to 2
impedance_1_real double Ohm PUBLIC constant series impedance on phase 1, real
impedance_2_real double Ohm PUBLIC constant series impedance on phase 2, real
impedance_12_real double Ohm PUBLIC constant series impedance on phase 1 to 2, real
impedance_1_reac double Ohm PUBLIC constant series impedance on phase 1, imag
impedance_2_reac double Ohm PUBLIC constant series impedance on phase 2, imag
impedance_12_reac double Ohm PUBLIC constant series impedance on phase 1 to 2, imag
house_present bool PUBLIC boolean for detecting whether a house is attached, not an input
GFA_enable bool PUBLIC Disable/Enable Grid Friendly Applicance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_freq_low_trip double Hz PUBLIC Low frequency trip point for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_freq_high_trip double Hz PUBLIC High frequency trip point for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_volt_low_trip double pu PUBLIC Low voltage trip point for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_volt_high_trip double pu PUBLIC High voltage trip point for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_reconnect_time double s PUBLIC Reconnect time for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_freq_disconnect_time double s PUBLIC Frequency violation disconnect time for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_volt_disconnect_time double s PUBLIC Voltage violation disconnect time for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
GFA_status bool PUBLIC Low frequency trip point for Grid Friendly Appliance(TM)-type functionality
service_status enumeration PUBLIC OUT_OF_SERVICE IN_SERVICE In and out of service flag
service_status_double double PUBLIC In and out of service flag - type double - will indiscriminately override service_status - useful for schedules
previous_uptime double min PUBLIC Previous time between disconnects of node in minutes
current_uptime double min PUBLIC Current time since last disconnect of node in minutes
topological_parent object PUBLIC topological parent as per GLM configuration
frequency_measure_type enumeration PUBLIC PLL SIMPLE NONE PLL frequency measurement
sfm_Tf double s PUBLIC Transducer time constant for simplified frequency measurement (seconds)
pll_Kp double pu PUBLIC Proportional gain of PLL frequency measurement
pll_Ki double pu PUBLIC Integration gain of PLL frequency measurement
measured_angle_1 double rad PUBLIC bus angle measurement, phase 1N
measured_frequency_1 double Hz PUBLIC frequency measurement, phase 1N
measured_angle_2 double rad PUBLIC bus angle measurement, phase 2N
measured_frequency_2 double Hz PUBLIC frequency measurement, phase 2N
measured_angle_12 double rad PUBLIC bus angle measurement, across the phases
measured_frequency_12 double Hz PUBLIC frequency measurement, across the phases
measured_frequency double Hz PUBLIC frequency measurement - average of present phases


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
measured_real_energy double Wh PUBLIC metered real energy consumption
measured_real_energy_delta double Wh PUBLIC delta in metered real energy consumption from last specified measured_energy_delta_timestep
measured_reactive_energy double VAh PUBLIC metered reactive energy consumption
measured_reactive_energy_delta double VAh PUBLIC delta in metered reactive energy consumption from last specified measured_energy_delta_timestep
measured_energy_delta_timestep double s PUBLIC Period of timestep for real and reactive delta energy calculation
measured_power complex VA PUBLIC metered power
indiv_measured_power_1 complex VA PUBLIC metered power, phase 1
indiv_measured_power_2 complex VA PUBLIC metered power, phase 2
indiv_measured_power_N complex VA PUBLIC metered power, phase N
measured_demand double W PUBLIC metered demand (peak of power)
measured_real_power double W PUBLIC metered real power
measured_reactive_power double VAr PUBLIC metered reactive power
meter_power_consumption complex VA PUBLIC power consumed by meter operation
measured_voltage_1 complex V PUBLIC measured voltage, phase 1 to ground
measured_voltage_2 complex V PUBLIC measured voltage, phase 2 to ground
measured_voltage_12 complex V PUBLIC measured voltage, phase 1 to phase 2
measured_voltage_N complex V PUBLIC measured voltage, phase N to ground
measured_real_max_voltage_1_in_interval double PUBLIC measured real max line-to-ground voltage on phase 1 over a specified interval
measured_real_max_voltage_2_in_interval double PUBLIC measured real max line-to-ground voltage on phase 2 over a specified interval
measured_real_max_voltage_12_in_interval double PUBLIC measured real max line-to-ground voltage on phase 12 over a specified interval
measured_imag_max_voltage_1_in_interval double PUBLIC measured imaginary max line-to-ground voltage on phase 1 over a specified interval
measured_imag_max_voltage_2_in_interval double PUBLIC measured imaginary max line-to-ground voltage on phase 2 over a specified interval
measured_imag_max_voltage_12_in_interval double PUBLIC measured imaginary max line-to-ground voltage on phase 12 over a specified interval
measured_real_min_voltage_1_in_interval double PUBLIC measured real min line-to-ground voltage on phase 1 over a specified interval
measured_real_min_voltage_2_in_interval double PUBLIC measured real min line-to-ground voltage on phase 2 over a specified interval
measured_real_min_voltage_12_in_interval double PUBLIC measured real min line-to-ground voltage on phase 12 over a specified interval
measured_imag_min_voltage_1_in_interval double PUBLIC measured imaginary min line-to-ground voltage on phase 1 over a specified interval
measured_imag_min_voltage_2_in_interval double PUBLIC measured imaginary min line-to-ground voltage on phase 2 over a specified interval
measured_imag_min_voltage_12_in_interval double PUBLIC measured imaginary min line-to-ground voltage on phase 12 over a specified interval
measured_avg_voltage_mag_1_in_interval double PUBLIC measured average line-to-ground voltage magnitude on phase 1 over a specified interval
measured_avg_voltage_mag_2_in_interval double PUBLIC measured average line-to-ground voltage magnitude on phase 2 over a specified interval
measured_avg_voltage_mag_12_in_interval double PUBLIC measured average line-to-ground voltage magnitude on phase 12 over a specified interval
measured_current_1 complex A PUBLIC measured current, phase 1
measured_current_2 complex A PUBLIC measured current, phase 2
measured_current_N complex A PUBLIC measured current, phase N
customer_interrupted bool PUBLIC Reliability flag - goes active if the customer is in an interrupted state
customer_interrupted_secondary bool PUBLIC Reliability flag - goes active if the customer is in a secondary interrupted state - i.e., momentary
monthly_bill double $ PUBLIC Accumulator for the current month's bill
previous_monthly_bill double $ PUBLIC Total monthly bill for the previous month
previous_monthly_energy double kWh PUBLIC
monthly_fee double $ PUBLIC Total monthly energy for the previous month
monthly_energy double kWh PUBLIC Accumulator for the current month's energy
bill_mode enumeration PUBLIC TIERED_RTP HOURLY TIERED UNIFORM NONE Designates the bill mode to be used
power_market object PUBLIC Designates the auction object where prices are read from for bill mode
bill_day int32 PUBLIC Day bill is to be processed (assumed to occur at midnight of that day)
price double $/kWh PUBLIC Standard uniform pricing
price_base double $/kWh PUBLIC Used only in TIERED_RTP mode to describe the price before the first tier
first_tier_price double $/kWh PUBLIC first tier price of energy between first and second tier energy
first_tier_energy double kWh PUBLIC price of energy on tier above price or price base
second_tier_price double $/kWh PUBLIC first tier price of energy between second and third tier energy
second_tier_energy double kWh PUBLIC price of energy on tier above first tier
third_tier_price double $/kWh PUBLIC first tier price of energy greater than third tier energy
third_tier_energy double kWh PUBLIC price of energy on tier above second tier


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
conductor_1 object PUBLIC conductor type for phase 1
conductor_2 object PUBLIC conductor type for phase 2
conductor_N object PUBLIC conductor type for phase N
insulation_thickness double in PUBLIC thickness of insulation around cabling
diameter double in PUBLIC total diameter of cable
spacing object PUBLIC defines the line spacing configuration
z11 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC phase 1 self-impedance, used for direct entry of impedance values
z12 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC phase 1-2 induced impedance, used for direct entry of impedance values
z21 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC phase 2-1 induced impedance, used for direct entry of impedance values
z22 complex Ohm/mile PUBLIC phase 2 self-impedance, used for direct entry of impedance values
rating.summer.continuous double A PUBLIC amp rating in summer, continuous
rating.summer.emergency double A PUBLIC amp rating in summer, short term
rating.winter.continuous double A PUBLIC amp rating in winter, continuous
rating.winter.emergency double A PUBLIC amp rating in winter, short term


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
resistance double Ohm/mile PUBLIC resistance of cable in ohm/mile
geometric_mean_radius double ft PUBLIC geometric mean radius of the cable
rating.summer.continuous double A PUBLIC amp ratings for the cable during continuous operation in summer
rating.summer.emergency double A PUBLIC amp ratings for the cable during short term operation in summer
rating.winter.continuous double A PUBLIC amp ratings for the cable during continuous operation in winter
rating.winter.emergency double A PUBLIC amp ratings for the cable during short term operation in winter


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
status enumeration PUBLIC DIRECT TOGGLE ARMED IDLE switch coordination status
arm method PUBLIC method to arm a switch
disarm method PUBLIC method to disarm a switch
connect method PUBLIC method to connect switches
armed set PUBLIC OUTPUT NONE set of armed switches


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
phase_A_state enumeration PUBLIC CLOSED OPEN CLOSED state of phase A switch
phase_B_state enumeration PUBLIC CLOSED OPEN CLOSED state of phase B switch
phase_C_state enumeration PUBLIC CLOSED OPEN CLOSED state of phase C switch
operating_mode enumeration PUBLIC BANKED INDIVIDUAL BANKED switch bank operating mode
switch_resistance double Ohm PUBLIC The resistance value of the switch when it is not blown.


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
zero_sequence_voltage complex V PUBLIC The zero sequence representation of the voltage for the substation object.
positive_sequence_voltage complex V PUBLIC The positive sequence representation of the voltage for the substation object.
negative_sequence_voltage complex V PUBLIC The negative sequence representation of the voltage for the substation object.
base_power double VA PUBLIC The 3 phase VA power rating of the substation.
power_convergence_value double VA PUBLIC Default convergence criterion before power is posted to pw_load objects if connected, otherwise ignored
reference_phase enumeration PUBLIC PHASE_C PHASE_B PHASE_A PHASE_A The reference phase for the positive sequence voltage.
transmission_level_constant_power_load complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT the average constant power load to be posted directly to the pw_load object.
transmission_level_constant_current_load complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT the average constant current load at nominal voltage to be posted directly to the pw_load object.
transmission_level_constant_impedance_load complex Ohm PUBLIC OUTPUT the average constant impedance load at nominal voltage to be posted directly to the pw_load object.
distribution_load complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT The total load of all three phases at the substation object.
distribution_power_A complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_power_B complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_power_C complex VA PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_voltage_A complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_voltage_B complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_voltage_C complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_voltage_AB complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_voltage_BC complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_voltage_CA complex V PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_current_A complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_current_B complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_current_C complex A PUBLIC OUTPUT
distribution_real_energy double Wh PUBLIC OUTPUT


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
weather object PUBLIC
T_nominal double degF PUBLIC
Zp_T double ohm/degF PUBLIC
Zp_H double ohm/% PUBLIC
Zp_S double ohm*h/Btu PUBLIC
Zp_W double ohm/mph PUBLIC
Zp_R double ohm*h/in PUBLIC
Zp double ohm PUBLIC
Zq_T double F/degF PUBLIC
Zq_H double F/% PUBLIC
Zq_S double F*h/Btu PUBLIC
Zq_W double F/mph PUBLIC
Zq_R double F*h/in PUBLIC
Zq double F PUBLIC
Im_T double A/degF PUBLIC
Im_H double A/% PUBLIC
Im_S double A*h/Btu PUBLIC
Im_W double A/mph PUBLIC
Im_R double A*h/in PUBLIC
Im double A PUBLIC
Ia_T double deg/degF PUBLIC
Ia_H double deg/% PUBLIC
Ia_S double deg*h/Btu PUBLIC
Ia_W double deg/mph PUBLIC
Ia_R double deg*h/in PUBLIC
Ia double deg PUBLIC
Pp_T double W/degF PUBLIC
Pp_H double W/% PUBLIC
Pp_S double W*h/Btu PUBLIC
Pp_W double W/mph PUBLIC
Pp_R double W*h/in PUBLIC
Pp double W PUBLIC
Pq_T double VAr/degF PUBLIC
Pq_H double VAr/% PUBLIC
Pq_S double VAr*h/Btu PUBLIC
Pq_W double VAr/mph PUBLIC
Pq_R double VAr*h/in PUBLIC
Pq double VAr PUBLIC
input_temp double degF REFERENCE
input_humid double % REFERENCE
input_solar double Btu/h REFERENCE
input_wind double mph REFERENCE
input_rain double in/h REFERENCE
output_imped_p double Ohm REFERENCE
output_imped_q double Ohm REFERENCE
output_current_m double A REFERENCE
output_current_a double deg REFERENCE
output_power_p double W REFERENCE
output_power_q double VAr REFERENCE
output_impedance complex ohm REFERENCE
output_current complex A REFERENCE
output_power complex VA REFERENCE


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
group char32 PUBLIC the group ID to output data for (all nodes if empty)
runtime timestamp PUBLIC NEVER the time to check voltage data
filename char256 PUBLIC REQUIRED the file to dump the voltage data into
file char256 PUBLIC DEPRECATED the file to dump the voltage data into
runcount int32 REFERENCE 0 the number of times the file has been written to
maxcount int32 PUBLIC -1 the maximum number of times the file is written
mode enumeration PUBLIC polar rect rect dumps the voltages in either polar or rectangular notation
filemode char8 PUBLIC sets the file write mode
version int32 PUBLIC 0 dump format version
interval double s PUBLIC 0 s interval at which voltdump runs


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
phase_A_impedance complex Ohm PUBLIC Series impedance of reactor on phase A
phase_A_resistance double Ohm PUBLIC Resistive portion of phase A's impedance
phase_A_reactance double Ohm PUBLIC Reactive portion of phase A's impedance
phase_B_impedance complex Ohm PUBLIC Series impedance of reactor on phase B
phase_B_resistance double Ohm PUBLIC Resistive portion of phase B's impedance
phase_B_reactance double Ohm PUBLIC Reactive portion of phase B's impedance
phase_C_impedance complex Ohm PUBLIC Series impedance of reactor on phase C
phase_C_resistance double Ohm PUBLIC Resistive portion of phase C's impedance
phase_C_reactance double Ohm PUBLIC Reactive portion of phase C's impedance
rated_current_limit double A PUBLIC Rated current limit for the reactor


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
reconfig_attempts int32 PUBLIC Number of reconfigurations/timestep to try before giving up
reconfig_iteration_limit int32 PUBLIC Number of iterations to let PF go before flagging this as a bad reconfiguration
source_vertex object PUBLIC Source vertex object for reconfiguration
faulted_section object PUBLIC Faulted section for reconfiguration
feeder_power_limit char1024 PUBLIC Comma-separated power limit (VA) for feeders during reconfiguration
feeder_power_links char1024 PUBLIC Comma-separated list of link-based objects for monitoring power through
feeder_vertex_list char1024 PUBLIC Comma-separated object list that defines the feeder vertices
microgrid_power_limit char1024 PUBLIC Comma-separated power limit (complex VA) for microgrids during reconfiguration
microgrid_power_links char1024 PUBLIC Comma-separated list of link-based objects for monitoring power through
microgrid_vertex_list char1024 PUBLIC Comma-separated object list that defines the microgrid vertices
lower_voltage_limit double pu PUBLIC Lower voltage limit for the reconfiguration validity checks - per unit
upper_voltage_limit double pu PUBLIC Upper voltage limit for the reconfiguration validity checks - per unit
output_filename char1024 PUBLIC Output text file name to describe final or attempted switching operations
generate_all_scenarios bool PUBLIC Flag to determine if restoration reconfiguration and continues, or explores the full space


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
Frequency_Mode enumeration PUBLIC AUTO OFF Frequency object operations mode
Frequency double Hz PUBLIC Instantaneous frequency value
FreqChange double Hz/s PUBLIC Frequency change from last timestep
Deadband double Hz PUBLIC Frequency deadband of the governor
Tolerance double % PUBLIC % threshold a power difference must be before it is cared about
M double pu*s PUBLIC Inertial constant of the system
D double % PUBLIC Load-damping constant
Rated_power double W PUBLIC Rated power of system (base power)
Gen_power double W PUBLIC Mechanical power equivalent
Load_power double W PUBLIC Last sensed load value
Gov_delay double s PUBLIC Governor delay time
Ramp_rate double W/s PUBLIC Ramp ideal ramp rate
Low_Freq_OI double Hz PUBLIC Low frequency setpoint for GFA devices
High_Freq_OI double Hz PUBLIC High frequency setpoint for GFA devices
avg24 double Hz PUBLIC Average of last 24 hourly instantaneous measurements
std24 double Hz PUBLIC Standard deviation of last 24 hourly instantaneous measurements
avg168 double Hz PUBLIC Average of last 168 hourly instantaneous measurements
std168 double Hz PUBLIC Standard deviation of last 168 hourly instantaneous measurements
Num_Resp_Eqs int32 PUBLIC Total number of equations the response can contain


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
control_method enumeration PUBLIC STANDBY ACTIVE IVVC activated or in standby
capacitor_delay double s PUBLIC Default capacitor time delay - overridden by local defintions
regulator_delay double s PUBLIC Default regulator time delay - overriden by local definitions
desired_pf double PUBLIC Desired power-factor magnitude at the substation transformer or regulator
d_max double PUBLIC Scaling constant for capacitor switching on - typically 0.3 - 0.6
d_min double PUBLIC Scaling constant for capacitor switching off - typically 0.1 - 0.4
substation_link object PUBLIC Substation link, transformer, or regulator to measure power factor
pf_phase set PUBLIC CHARSET C B A Phase to include in power factor monitoring
regulator_list char1024 PUBLIC List of voltage regulators for the system, separated by commas
capacitor_list char1024 PUBLIC List of controllable capacitors on the system separated by commas
voltage_measurements char1024 PUBLIC List of voltage measurement devices, separated by commas
minimum_voltages char1024 PUBLIC Minimum voltages allowed for feeder, separated by commas
maximum_voltages char1024 PUBLIC Maximum voltages allowed for feeder, separated by commas
desired_voltages char1024 PUBLIC Desired operating voltages for the regulators, separated by commas
max_vdrop char1024 PUBLIC Maximum voltage drop between feeder and end measurements for each regulator, separated by commas
high_load_deadband char1024 PUBLIC High loading case voltage deadband for each regulator, separated by commas
low_load_deadband char1024 PUBLIC Low loading case voltage deadband for each regulator, separated by commas
pf_signed bool PUBLIC Set to true to consider the sign on the power factor. Otherwise, it just maintains the deadband of +/-desired_pf


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
check_mode enumeration PUBLIC ALL ONCHANGE SINGLE Frequency of fault checks
output_filename char1024 PUBLIC Output filename for list of unsupported nodes
reliability_mode bool PUBLIC General flag indicating if fault_check is operating under faulting or restoration mode -- reliability set this
strictly_radial bool PUBLIC Flag to indicate if a system is known to be strictly radial -- uses radial assumptions for reliability alterations
full_output_file bool PUBLIC Flag to indicate if the output_filename report contains both supported and unsupported nodes -- if false, just does unsupported
grid_association bool PUBLIC Flag to indicate if multiple, distinct grids are allowed in a GLM, or if anything not attached to the master swing is removed
eventgen_object object PUBLIC Link to generic eventgen object to handle unexpected faults


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
base_power double W PUBLIC base power
n double PUBLIC ratio of stator auxiliary windings to stator main windings
Rds double ohm PUBLIC d-axis resistance
Rqs double ohm PUBLIC q-asis resistance
Rr double ohm PUBLIC rotor resistance
Xm double ohm PUBLIC magnetizing reactance
Xr double ohm PUBLIC rotor reactance
Xc_run double ohm PUBLIC running capacitor reactance
Xc_start double ohm PUBLIC starting capacitor reactance
Xd_prime double ohm PUBLIC d-axis reactance
Xq_prime double ohm PUBLIC q-axis reactance
A_sat double PUBLIC flux saturation parameter, A
b_sat double PUBLIC flux saturation parameter, b
H double PUBLIC moment of inertia
To_prime double s PUBLIC rotor time constant
capacitor_speed double % PUBLIC percentage speed of nominal when starting capacitor kicks in
trip_time double s PUBLIC time motor can stay stalled before tripping off
reconnect_time double s PUBLIC time before tripped motor reconnects
mechanical_torque double PUBLIC mechanical torque applied to the motor
iteration_count double PUBLIC maximum number of iterations for steady state model
delta_mode_voltage_trigger double % PUBLIC percentage voltage of nominal when delta mode is triggered
delta_mode_rotor_speed_trigger double % PUBLIC percentage speed of nominal when delta mode is triggered
delta_mode_voltage_exit double % PUBLIC percentage voltage of nominal to exit delta mode
delta_mode_rotor_speed_exit double % PUBLIC percentage speed of nominal to exit delta mode
maximum_speed_error double PUBLIC maximum speed error for the steady state model
wr double PUBLIC rotor speed
motor_status enumeration PUBLIC OFF TRIPPED STALLED RUNNING the current status of the motor
motor_status_number int32 PUBLIC the current status of the motor as an integer
motor_override enumeration PUBLIC OFF ON override function to dictate if motor is turned off or on
motor_operation_type enumeration PUBLIC THREE-PHASE SINGLE-PHASE current operation type of the motor - deltamode related
triplex_connection_type enumeration PUBLIC TRIPLEX_12 TRIPLEX_2N TRIPLEX_1N Describes how the motor will connect to the triplex devices
wb double rad/s HIDDEN base speed
ws double HIDDEN system speed
psi_b complex HIDDEN backward rotating flux
psi_f complex HIDDEN forward rotating flux
psi_dr complex HIDDEN Rotor d axis flux
psi_qr complex HIDDEN Rotor q axis flux
Ids complex HIDDEN time before tripped motor reconnects
Iqs complex HIDDEN time before tripped motor reconnects
If complex HIDDEN forward current
Ib complex HIDDEN backward current
Is complex HIDDEN motor current
Ss complex HIDDEN motor power
electrical_torque double HIDDEN electrical torque
Vs complex HIDDEN motor voltage
motor_trip bool PUBLIC boolean variable to check if motor is tripped
trip double HIDDEN current time in tripped state
reconnect double HIDDEN current time since motor was tripped
rs double pu PUBLIC stator resistance
rr double pu PUBLIC rotor resistance
lm double pu PUBLIC magnetizing reactance
lls double pu PUBLIC stator leakage reactance
llr double pu PUBLIC rotor leakage reactance
TPIM_rated_mechanical_Load_torque double PUBLIC rated mechanical load torque applied to three-phase induction motor
friction_coefficient double PUBLIC coefficient of speed-dependent torque
TPIM_initial_status enumeration PUBLIC STATIONARY RUNNING initial status of three-phase induction motor: RUNNING or STATIONARY
wsyn double HIDDEN system frequency in pu
phips complex HIDDEN positive sequence stator flux
phins_cj complex HIDDEN conjugate of negative sequence stator flux
phipr complex HIDDEN positive sequence rotor flux
phinr_cj complex HIDDEN conjugate of negative sequence rotor flux
omgr0 double HIDDEN dc component of rotor speed
TL double HIDDEN actually applied mechanical torque
Ias complex HIDDEN motor phase-a stator current
Ibs complex HIDDEN motor phase-b stator current
Ics complex HIDDEN motor phase-c stator current
Smt complex HIDDEN motor complex power
Vas complex HIDDEN motor phase-a stator-to-ground voltage
Vbs complex HIDDEN motor phase-b stator-to-ground voltage
Vcs complex HIDDEN motor phase-c stator-to-ground voltage
Ips complex HIDDEN positive sequence stator current
Ipr complex HIDDEN positive sequence rotor current
Ins_cj complex HIDDEN conjugate of negative sequence stator current
Inr_cj complex HIDDEN conjugate of negative sequence rotor current
Ls double HIDDEN stator synchronous reactance
Lr double HIDDEN rotor synchronous reactance
sigma1 double HIDDEN intermediate variable 1 associated with synch. react.
sigma2 double HIDDEN intermediate variable 2 associated with synch. react.


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
group char32 PUBLIC the group ID to output data for (all nodes if empty)
runtime timestamp PUBLIC the time to check voltage data
filename char256 PUBLIC the file to dump the voltage data into
runcount int32 REFERENCE the number of times the file has been written to
meter_type enumeration PUBLIC METER TRIPLEX_METER describes whether to collect from 3-phase or S-phase meters


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
SAIFI double PUBLIC Displays annual SAIFI values as per IEEE 1366-2003
SAIFI_int double PUBLIC Displays SAIFI values over the period specified by base_time_value as per IEEE 1366-2003
SAIDI double PUBLIC Displays annual SAIDI values as per IEEE 1366-2003
SAIDI_int double PUBLIC Displays SAIDI values over the period specified by base_time_value as per IEEE 1366-2003
CAIDI double PUBLIC Displays annual CAIDI values as per IEEE 1366-2003
CAIDI_int double PUBLIC Displays SAIDI values over the period specified by base_time_value as per IEEE 1366-2003
ASAI double PUBLIC Displays annual AISI values as per IEEE 1366-2003
ASAI_int double PUBLIC Displays AISI values over the period specified by base_time_value as per IEEE 1366-2003
MAIFI double PUBLIC Displays annual MAIFI values as per IEEE 1366-2003
MAIFI_int double PUBLIC Displays MAIFI values over the period specified by base_time_value as per IEEE 1366-2003
base_time_value double s PUBLIC time period over which _int values are claculated


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
group char32 PUBLIC the group ID to output data for (all links if empty)
runtime timestamp PUBLIC NEVER the time to check current data
filename char256 PUBLIC REQUIRED the file to dump the current data into
runcount int32 REFERENCE 0 the number of times the file has been written to
maxcount int32 PUBLIC 1 the maximum number of times the file is written
interval double s PUBLIC 0 s interval at which currdump runs
filemode char8 PUBLIC w sets the file write mode
mode enumeration PUBLIC POLAR RECT RECT
version int32 PUBLIC 0 dump format version


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
retry_time double s PUBLIC the amount of time in seconds to wait before the recloser attempts to close
max_number_of_tries double PUBLIC the number of times the recloser will try to close before permanently opening
number_of_tries double PUBLIC OUTPUT Current number of tries recloser has attempted


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
Nuclear_Order double PUBLIC
Hydroelectric_Order double PUBLIC
Solarthermal_Order double PUBLIC
Biomass_Order double PUBLIC
Wind_Order double PUBLIC
Coal_Order double PUBLIC
Naturalgas_Order double PUBLIC
Geothermal_Order double PUBLIC
Petroleum_Order double PUBLIC
Naturalgas_Max_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Coal_Max_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Biomass_Max_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Geothermal_Max_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Hydroelectric_Max_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Nuclear_Max_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Wind_Max_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Petroleum_Max_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Solarthermal_Max_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Naturalgas_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Coal_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Biomass_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Geothermal_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Hydroelectric_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Nuclear_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Wind_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Petroleum_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Solarthermal_Out double kWh PUBLIC
Naturalgas_Conv_Eff double Btu/kWh PUBLIC
Coal_Conv_Eff double Btu/kWh PUBLIC
Biomass_Conv_Eff double Btu/kWh PUBLIC
Geothermal_Conv_Eff double Btu/kWh PUBLIC
Hydroelectric_Conv_Eff double Btu/kWh PUBLIC
Nuclear_Conv_Eff double Btu/kWh PUBLIC
Wind_Conv_Eff double Btu/kWh PUBLIC
Petroleum_Conv_Eff double Btu/kWh PUBLIC
Solarthermal_Conv_Eff double Btu/kWh PUBLIC
Naturalgas_CO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Coal_CO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Biomass_CO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Geothermal_CO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Hydroelectric_CO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Nuclear_CO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Wind_CO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Petroleum_CO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Solarthermal_CO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Naturalgas_SO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Coal_SO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Biomass_SO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Geothermal_SO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Hydroelectric_SO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Nuclear_SO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Wind_SO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Petroleum_SO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Solarthermal_SO2 double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Naturalgas_NOx double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Coal_NOx double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Biomass_NOx double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Geothermal_NOx double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Hydroelectric_NOx double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Nuclear_NOx double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Wind_NOx double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Petroleum_NOx double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Solarthermal_NOx double lb/Btu PUBLIC
Naturalgas_emissions_CO2 double lb PUBLIC
Naturalgas_emissions_SO2 double lb PUBLIC
Naturalgas_emissions_NOx double lb PUBLIC
Coal_emissions_CO2 double lb PUBLIC
Coal_emissions_SO2 double lb PUBLIC
Coal_emissions_NOx double lb PUBLIC
Biomass_emissions_CO2 double lb PUBLIC
Biomass_emissions_SO2 double lb PUBLIC
Biomass_emissions_NOx double lb PUBLIC
Geothermal_emissions_CO2 double lb PUBLIC
Geothermal_emissions_SO2 double lb PUBLIC
Geothermal_emissions_NOx double lb PUBLIC
Hydroelectric_emissions_CO2 double lb PUBLIC
Hydroelectric_emissions_SO2 double lb PUBLIC
Hydroelectric_emissions_NOx double lb PUBLIC
Nuclear_emissions_CO2 double lb PUBLIC
Nuclear_emissions_SO2 double lb PUBLIC
Nuclear_emissions_NOx double lb PUBLIC
Wind_emissions_CO2 double lb PUBLIC
Wind_emissions_SO2 double lb PUBLIC
Wind_emissions_NOx double lb PUBLIC
Petroleum_emissions_CO2 double lb PUBLIC
Petroleum_emissions_SO2 double lb PUBLIC
Petroleum_emissions_NOx double lb PUBLIC
Solarthermal_emissions_CO2 double lb PUBLIC
Solarthermal_emissions_SO2 double lb PUBLIC
Solarthermal_emissions_NOx double lb PUBLIC
Total_emissions_CO2 double lb PUBLIC
Total_emissions_SO2 double lb PUBLIC
Total_emissions_NOx double lb PUBLIC
Total_energy_out double kWh PUBLIC
Region double PUBLIC
cycle_interval double s PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
target object PUBLIC target object to track the load of
target_property char256 PUBLIC property on the target object representing the load
operation enumeration PUBLIC ANGLE MAGNITUDE IMAGINARY REAL operation to perform on complex property types
full_scale double PUBLIC magnitude of the load at full load, used for feed-forward control
setpoint double PUBLIC load setpoint to track to
deadband double PUBLIC percentage deadband
damping double PUBLIC load setpoint to track to
output double PUBLIC output scaling value
feedback double PUBLIC the feedback signal, for reference purposes


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
load_class enumeration PUBLIC A I C R U Flag to track load type, not currently used for anything except sorting
constant_power_1 complex VA PUBLIC constant power load on split phase 1, specified as VA
constant_power_2 complex VA PUBLIC constant power load on split phase 2, specified as VA
constant_power_12 complex VA PUBLIC constant power load on split phase 12, specified as VA
constant_power_1_real double W PUBLIC constant power load on spit phase 1, real only, specified as W
constant_power_2_real double W PUBLIC constant power load on phase 2, real only, specified as W
constant_power_12_real double W PUBLIC constant power load on phase 12, real only, specified as W
constant_power_1_reac double VAr PUBLIC constant power load on phase 1, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_power_2_reac double VAr PUBLIC constant power load on phase 2, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_power_12_reac double VAr PUBLIC constant power load on phase 12, imaginary only, specified as VAr
constant_current_1 complex A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 1, specified as Amps
constant_current_2 complex A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 2, specified as Amps
constant_current_12 complex A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 12, specified as Amps
constant_current_1_real double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 1, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_2_real double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 2, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_12_real double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 12, real only, specified as Amps
constant_current_1_reac double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 1, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_current_2_reac double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 2, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_current_12_reac double A PUBLIC constant current load on phase 12, imaginary only, specified as Amps
constant_impedance_1 complex Ohm PUBLIC constant impedance load on phase 1, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_2 complex Ohm PUBLIC constant impedance load on phase 2, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_12 complex Ohm PUBLIC constant impedance load on phase 12, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_1_real double Ohm PUBLIC constant impedance load on phase 1, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_2_real double Ohm PUBLIC constant impedance load on phase 2, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_12_real double Ohm PUBLIC constant impedance load on phase 12, real only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_1_reac double Ohm PUBLIC constant impedance load on phase 1, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_2_reac double Ohm PUBLIC constant impedance load on phase 2, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
constant_impedance_12_reac double Ohm PUBLIC constant impedance load on phase 12, imaginary only, specified as Ohms
measured_voltage_1 complex V PUBLIC measured voltage on phase 1
measured_voltage_2 complex V PUBLIC measured voltage on phase 2
measured_voltage_12 complex V PUBLIC measured voltage on phase 12
base_power_1 double VA PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this represents the nominal power on phase 1 before applying ZIP fractions
base_power_2 double VA PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this represents the nominal power on phase 2 before applying ZIP fractions
base_power_12 double VA PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this represents the nominal power on phase 12 before applying ZIP fractions
power_pf_1 double pu PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase 1 constant power portion of load
current_pf_1 double pu PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase 1 constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_1 double pu PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase 1 constant impedance portion of load
power_pf_2 double pu PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase 2 constant power portion of load
current_pf_2 double pu PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase 2 constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_2 double pu PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase 2 constant impedance portion of load
power_pf_12 double pu PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase 12 constant power portion of load
current_pf_12 double pu PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase 12 constant current portion of load
impedance_pf_12 double pu PUBLIC in similar format as ZIPload, this is the power factor of the phase 12 constant impedance portion of load
power_fraction_1 double pu PUBLIC this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase 1
current_fraction_1 double pu PUBLIC this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase 1
impedance_fraction_1 double pu PUBLIC this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase 1
power_fraction_2 double pu PUBLIC this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase 2
current_fraction_2 double pu PUBLIC this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase 2
impedance_fraction_2 double pu PUBLIC this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase 2
power_fraction_12 double pu PUBLIC this is the constant power fraction of base power on phase 12
current_fraction_12 double pu PUBLIC this is the constant current fraction of base power on phase 12
impedance_fraction_12 double pu PUBLIC this is the constant impedance fraction of base power on phase 12


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
group char32 PUBLIC the group ID to output data for (all links if empty)
filename char256 PUBLIC the file to dump the current data into
runtime timestamp PUBLIC the time to check voltage data
runcount int32 REFERENCE the number of times the file has been written to


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
rated_motor_speed double 1/min PUBLIC Rated speed of the VFD in RPM. Default = 1800 RPM
desired_motor_speed double 1/min PUBLIC Desired speed of the VFD In ROM. Default = 1800 RPM (max)
motor_poles double PUBLIC Number of Motor Poles. Default = 4
rated_output_voltage double V PUBLIC Line to Line Voltage - VFD Rated voltage. Default to TO node nominal_voltage
rated_horse_power double hp PUBLIC Rated Horse Power of the VFD. Default = 75 HP
nominal_output_frequency double Hz PUBLIC Nominal VFD output frequency. Default = 60 Hz
desired_output_frequency double Hz PUBLIC VFD desired output frequency based on the desired RPM
current_output_frequency double Hz PUBLIC VFD currently output frequency
efficiency double % PUBLIC Current VFD efficiency based on the load/VFD output Horsepower
stable_time double s PUBLIC Time taken by the VFD to reach desired frequency (based on RPM). Default = 1.45 seconds
vfd_state enumeration PUBLIC STEADY_STATE CHANGING OFF Current state of the VFD


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
pole_status enumeration PUBLIC FAILED OK pole status
tilt_angle double rad PUBLIC tilt angle of pole
tilt_direction double deg PUBLIC tilt direction of pole
weather object PUBLIC weather data
configuration object PUBLIC configuration data
equipment_area double sf PUBLIC equipment cross sectional area
equipment_height double ft PUBLIC equipment height on pole
pole_stress double pu PUBLIC ratio of actual stress to critical stress
pole_stress_polynomial_a double ft*lb PUBLIC constant a of the pole stress polynomial function
pole_stress_polynomial_b double ft*lb PUBLIC constant b of the pole stress polynomial function
pole_stress_polynomial_c double ft*lb PUBLIC constant c of the pole stress polynomial function
susceptibility double pu*s/m PUBLIC susceptibility of pole to wind stress (derivative of pole stress w.r.t wind speed)
total_moment double ft*lb PUBLIC the total moment on the pole.
resisting_moment double ft*lb PUBLIC the resisting moment on the pole.
critical_wind_speed double m/s PUBLIC wind speed at pole failure
install_year int32 PUBLIC the year of pole was installed
repair_time double h PUBLIC typical repair time after pole failure


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
pole_type enumeration PUBLIC STEEL CONCRETE WOOD material from which pole is made
design_ice_thickness double in PUBLIC design ice thickness on conductors
design_wind_loading double psi PUBLIC design wind loading on pole
design_temperature double degF PUBLIC design temperature for pole
overload_factor_vertical double PUBLIC design overload factor (vertical)
overload_factor_transverse_general double PUBLIC design overload factor (transverse general)
overload_factor_transverse_crossing double PUBLIC design overload factor (transverse crossing)
overload_factor_transverse_wire double PUBLIC design overload factor (transverse wire)
overload_factor_longitudinal_general double PUBLIC design overload factor (longitudinal general)
overload_factor_longitudinal_deadend double PUBLIC design overload factor (longitudinal deadend)
strength_factor_250b_wood double PUBLIC design strength factor (Rule 250B wood structure)
strength_factor_250b_support double PUBLIC design strength factor (Rule 250B support hardware)
strength_factor_250c_wood double PUBLIC design strength factor (Rule 250C wood structure)
strength_factor_250c_support double PUBLIC design strength factor (Rule 250C support hardware)
pole_length double ft PUBLIC total length of pole (including underground portion)
pole_depth double ft PUBLIC depth of pole underground
ground_diameter double in PUBLIC diameter of pole at ground level
top_diameter double in PUBLIC diameter of pole at top
fiber_strength double psi PUBLIC pole structural strength
repair_time double h PUBLIC pole repair time
degradation_rate double in/yr PUBLIC rate of pole degradation.
treatment_method enumeration PUBLIC CCA PENTA CREOSOTE NONE pole degradation prevention treatment


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
report_file char1024 PUBLIC
customer_group char1024 PUBLIC
module_metrics_object object PUBLIC
metrics_of_interest char1024 PUBLIC
metric_interval double s PUBLIC
report_interval double s PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
target_group char1024 PUBLIC
fault_type char256 PUBLIC
failure_dist_param_1 double PUBLIC
failure_dist_param_2 double PUBLIC
restoration_dist_param_1 double PUBLIC
restoration_dist_param_2 double PUBLIC
manual_outages char1024 PUBLIC
max_outage_length double s PUBLIC
max_simultaneous_faults int32 PUBLIC
controlled_switch char256 PUBLIC Name of a switch to manually fault/un-fault
switch_state int32 PUBLIC Current state (1=closed, 0=open) for the controlled switch
external_fault_event char1024 PUBLIC This variable is populated from external programs with a fault they would like to add/remove to the system.
use_external_faults bool PUBLIC Boolean to let the object know to check for faults messages from an external source.


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
total double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT Total cost of outages


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
shape loadshape PUBLIC
load enduse PUBLIC the enduse load description
energy complex kVAh PUBLIC the total energy consumed since the last meter reading
power complex kVA PUBLIC the total power consumption of the load
peak_demand complex kVA PUBLIC the peak power consumption since the last meter reading
heatgain double Btu/h PUBLIC the heat transferred from the enduse to the parent
cumulative_heatgain double Btu PUBLIC the cumulative heatgain from the enduse to the parent
heatgain_fraction double pu PUBLIC the fraction of the heat that goes to the parent
current_fraction double pu PUBLIC the fraction of total power that is constant current
impedance_fraction double pu PUBLIC the fraction of total power that is constant impedance
power_fraction double pu PUBLIC the fraction of the total power that is constant power
power_factor double PUBLIC the power factor of the load
constant_power complex kVA PUBLIC the constant power portion of the total load
constant_current complex kVA PUBLIC the constant current portion of the total load
constant_admittance complex kVA PUBLIC the constant admittance portion of the total load
voltage_factor double pu PUBLIC the voltage change factor
breaker_amps double A PUBLIC the rated breaker amperage
configuration set PUBLIC IS220 IS110 the load configuration options
override enumeration PUBLIC OFF ON NORMAL NORMAL
power_state enumeration PUBLIC UNKNOWN ON OFF OFF


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
powers complex_array PUBLIC
impedances complex_array PUBLIC
currents complex_array PUBLIC
durations double_array PUBLIC
transitions double_array PUBLIC
heatgains double_array PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
weather object PUBLIC reference to the climate object
floor_area double sf PUBLIC +0 home conditioned floor area
gross_wall_area double sf PUBLIC +0 gross outdoor wall area
ceiling_height double ft PUBLIC +0 average ceiling height
aspect_ratio double PUBLIC +0 aspect ratio of the home's footprint
envelope_UA double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC +0 overall UA of the home's envelope
window_wall_ratio double PUBLIC +0 ratio of window area to wall area
number_of_doors double PUBLIC +0 ratio of door area to wall area
exterior_wall_fraction double PUBLIC +0 ratio of exterior wall area to total wall area
interior_exterior_wall_ratio double PUBLIC +0 ratio of interior to exterior walls
exterior_ceiling_fraction double PUBLIC +0 ratio of external ceiling sf to floor area
exterior_floor_fraction double PUBLIC +0 ratio of floor area used in UA calculation
window_shading double PUBLIC +0 transmission coefficient through window due to glazing
window_exterior_transmission_coefficient double PUBLIC +0 coefficient for the amount of energy that passes through window
solar_heatgain_factor double REFERENCE +0 product of the window area, window transmitivity, and the window exterior transmission coefficient
airchange_per_hour double unit/h PUBLIC -1 number of air-changes per hour
airchange_UA double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC +0 additional UA due to air infiltration
UA double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC -1 the total UA
internal_gain double Btu/h PUBLIC +0 internal heat gains
solar_gain double Btu/h PUBLIC +0 solar heat gains
incident_solar_radiation double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 average incident solar radiation hitting the house
heat_cool_gain double Btu/h PUBLIC +0 system heat gains(losses)
include_solar_quadrant set PUBLIC ALL ALLWALLS W S E N H NONE ALLWALLS bit set for determining which solar incidence quadrants should be included in the solar heatgain
horizontal_diffuse_solar_radiation double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 incident solar radiation hitting the top of the house
north_incident_solar_radiation double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 incident solar radiation hitting the north side of the house
northwest_incident_solar_radiation double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 incident solar radiation hitting the northwest side of the house
west_incident_solar_radiation double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 incident solar radiation hitting the west side of the house
southwest_incident_solar_radiation double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 incident solar radiation hitting the southwest side of the house
south_incident_solar_radiation double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 incident solar radiation hitting the south side of the house
southeast_incident_solar_radiation double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 incident solar radiation hitting the southeast side of the house
east_incident_solar_radiation double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 incident solar radiation hitting the east side of the house
northeast_incident_solar_radiation double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 incident solar radiation hitting the northeast side of the house
heating_cop_curve enumeration PUBLIC CURVED LINEAR FLAT DEFAULT DEFAULT Defines the function type to use for the adjusted heating COP as a function of outside air temperature.
heating_cap_curve enumeration PUBLIC CURVED LINEAR FLAT DEFAULT DEFAULT Defines the function type to use for the adjusted heating capacity as a function of outside air temperature.
cooling_cop_curve enumeration PUBLIC CURVED LINEAR FLAT DEFAULT DEFAULT Defines the function type to use for the adjusted cooling COP as a function of outside air temperature.
cooling_cap_curve enumeration PUBLIC CURVED LINEAR FLAT DEFAULT DEFAULT Defines the function type to use for the adjusted cooling capacity as a function of outside air temperature.
use_latent_heat bool PUBLIC TRUE Boolean for using the heat latency of the air to the humidity when cooling.
include_fan_heatgain bool PUBLIC TRUE Boolean to choose whether to include the heat generated by the fan in the ETP model.
thermostat_deadband double degF PUBLIC +0 deadband of thermostat control
dlc_offset double degF PUBLIC +0 used as a cap to offset the thermostat deadband for direct load control applications
thermostat_cycle_time int16 PUBLIC 0 minimum time in seconds between thermostat updates
thermostat_off_cycle_time int16 PUBLIC -1 the minimum amount of time the thermostat cycle must stay in the off state
thermostat_on_cycle_time int16 PUBLIC -1 the minimum amount of time the thermostat cycle must stay in the on state
thermostat_last_cycle_time timestamp PUBLIC 0 last time the thermostat changed state
heating_setpoint double degF PUBLIC +0 thermostat heating setpoint
cooling_setpoint double degF PUBLIC +0 thermostat cooling setpoint
design_heating_setpoint double degF PUBLIC +0 system design heating setpoint
design_cooling_setpoint double degF PUBLIC +0 system design cooling setpoint
over_sizing_factor double PUBLIC +0 over sizes the heating and cooling system from standard specifications (0.2 ='s 120% sizing)
simulate_window_openings bool PUBLIC FALSE activates a representation of an occupant opening a window and de-activating the HVAC system
is_window_open double PUBLIC +0 defines the state of the window opening, 1=open, 2=closed
window_low_temperature_cutoff double degF PUBLIC +60 lowest temperature at which the window opening might occur
window_high_temperature_cutoff double degF PUBLIC +80 highest temperature at which the window opening might occur
window_quadratic_coefficient double PUBLIC +0 quadratic coefficient for describing function between low and high temperature cutoffs
window_linear_coefficient double PUBLIC +0 linear coefficient for describing function between low and high temperature cutoffs
window_constant_coefficient double PUBLIC +1 constant coefficient for describing function between low and high temperature cutoffs
window_temperature_delta double PUBLIC +5 change in outdoor temperature required to update the window opening model
design_heating_capacity double Btu/h PUBLIC +0 system heating capacity
design_cooling_capacity double Btu/h PUBLIC +0 system cooling capacity
cooling_design_temperature double degF PUBLIC +0 system cooling design temperature
heating_design_temperature double degF PUBLIC +0 system heating design temperature
design_peak_solar double Btu/h/sf PUBLIC +0 system design solar load
design_internal_gains double Btu/h PUBLIC +0 system design internal gains
air_heat_fraction double pu PUBLIC +0 fraction of heat gain/loss that goes to air (as opposed to mass)
mass_solar_gain_fraction double pu PUBLIC +0 fraction of the heat gain/loss from the solar gains that goes to the mass
mass_internal_gain_fraction double pu PUBLIC +0 fraction of heat gain/loss from the internal gains that goes to the mass
auxiliary_heat_capacity double Btu/h PUBLIC +0 installed auxiliary heating capacity
aux_heat_deadband double degF PUBLIC +0 temperature offset from standard heat activation to auxiliary heat activation
aux_heat_temperature_lockout double degF PUBLIC +0 temperature at which auxiliary heat will not engage above
aux_heat_time_delay double s PUBLIC +0 time required for heater to run until auxiliary heating engages
cooling_supply_air_temp double degF PUBLIC +50 temperature of air blown out of the cooling system
heating_supply_air_temp double degF PUBLIC +150 temperature of air blown out of the heating system
duct_pressure_drop double inH2O PUBLIC +0 end-to-end pressure drop for the ventilation ducts, in inches of water
fan_design_power double W PUBLIC -1 designed maximum power draw of the ventilation fan
fan_low_power_fraction double pu PUBLIC +0 fraction of ventilation fan power draw during low-power mode (two-speed only)
fan_power double kW REFERENCE +0 current ventilation fan power draw
fan_design_airflow double cfm PUBLIC +0 designed airflow for the ventilation system
fan_impedance_fraction double pu PUBLIC +0.2534 Impedance component of fan ZIP load
fan_power_fraction double pu PUBLIC +0.0135 Power component of fan ZIP load
fan_current_fraction double pu PUBLIC +0.7332 Current component of fan ZIP load
fan_power_factor double pu PUBLIC +0.96 Power factor of the fan load
heating_demand double kW REFERENCE +0 the current power draw to run the heating system
cooling_demand double kW REFERENCE +0 the current power draw to run the cooling system
heating_COP double pu PUBLIC +0 system heating performance coefficient
cooling_COP double Btu/kWh PUBLIC +0 system cooling performance coefficient
air_temperature double degF PUBLIC DYNAMIC +0 indoor air temperature
outdoor_temperature double degF PUBLIC +0 outdoor air temperature
outdoor_rh double % PUBLIC +0 outdoor relative humidity
mass_heat_capacity double Btu/degF PUBLIC +0 interior mass heat capacity
mass_heat_coeff double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC +0 interior mass heat exchange coefficient
mass_temperature double degF PUBLIC DYNAMIC +0 interior mass temperature
air_volume double cf PUBLIC +0 air volume
air_mass double lb PUBLIC +0 air mass
air_heat_capacity double Btu/degF PUBLIC +0 air thermal mass
latent_load_fraction double pu PUBLIC +0 fractional increase in cooling load due to latent heat
total_thermal_mass_per_floor_area double Btu/degF/sf PUBLIC +0
interior_surface_heat_transfer_coeff double Btu/h/degF/sf PUBLIC +0
number_of_stories double PUBLIC +0 number of stories within the structure
is_AUX_on double PUBLIC OUTPUT +0 logic statement to determine population statistics - is the AUX on? 0 no, 1 yes
is_HEAT_on double PUBLIC OUTPUT +0 logic statement to determine population statistics - is the HEAT on? 0 no, 1 yes
is_COOL_on double PUBLIC OUTPUT +0 logic statement to determine population statistics - is the COOL on? 0 no, 1 yes
thermal_storage_present double PUBLIC +0 logic statement for determining if energy storage is present
thermal_storage_in_use double PUBLIC +0 logic statement for determining if energy storage is being utilized
thermostat_mode enumeration PUBLIC COOL HEAT AUTO OFF AUTO tells the thermostat whether it is even allowed to heat or cool the house.
system_type set PUBLIC RESISTIVE TWOSTAGE FORCEDAIR AIRCONDITIONING GAS NONE NONE heating/cooling system type/options
auxiliary_strategy set PUBLIC LOCKOUT TIMER DEADBAND NONE NONE auxiliary heating activation strategies
system_mode enumeration PUBLIC AUX COOL OFF HEAT UNKNOWN UNKNOWN heating/cooling system operation state
last_system_mode enumeration PUBLIC AUX COOL OFF HEAT UNKNOWN UNKNOWN heating/cooling system operation state
heating_system_type enumeration PUBLIC RESISTANCE HEAT_PUMP GAS NONE UNKNOWN HEAT_PUMP heating system type
cooling_system_type enumeration PUBLIC HEAT_PUMP ELECTRIC NONE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN cooling system type
auxiliary_system_type enumeration PUBLIC ELECTRIC NONE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN auxiliary heating type
glass_type enumeration PUBLIC LOW_E_GLASS GLASS OTHER LOW_E_GLASS glass used in the windows
glazing_treatment enumeration PUBLIC HIGH_S LOW_S REFL ABS CLEAR OTHER CLEAR the treatment to increase the reflectivity of the exterior windows
glazing_layers enumeration PUBLIC OTHER THREE TWO ONE TWO number of layers of glass in each window
motor_model enumeration PUBLIC FULL BASIC NONE NONE indicates the level of detail used in modelling the hvac motor parameters
motor_efficiency enumeration PUBLIC VERY_GOOD GOOD AVERAGE POOR VERY_POOR AVERAGE when using motor model, describes the efficiency of the motor
last_mode_timer int64 PUBLIC OUTPUT
hvac_motor_efficiency double unit PUBLIC +1 when using motor model, percent efficiency of hvac motor
hvac_motor_loss_power_factor double unit PUBLIC +0.125 when using motor model, power factor of motor losses
Rroof double degFsfh/Btu PUBLIC +0 roof R-value
Rwall double degFsfh/Btu PUBLIC +0 wall R-value
Rfloor double degFsfh/Btu PUBLIC +0 floor R-value
Rwindows double degFsfh/Btu PUBLIC +0 window R-value
Rdoors double degFsfh/Btu PUBLIC +0 door R-value
hvac_breaker_rating double A PUBLIC +0 determines the amount of current the HVAC circuit breaker can handle
hvac_power_factor double unit PUBLIC +0 power factor of hvac
hvac_load double kW PUBLIC OUTPUT heating/cooling system load
last_heating_load double kW PUBLIC OUTPUT stores the previous heating/cooling system load
last_cooling_load double kW PUBLIC OUTPUT stores the previous heating/cooling system load
hvac_power complex kVA PUBLIC OUTPUT describes hvac load complex power consumption
total_load double kW PUBLIC OUTPUT total panel enduse load
panel enduse PUBLIC the enduse load description complex kVAh PUBLIC the total energy consumed since the last meter reading
panel.power complex kVA PUBLIC the total power consumption of the load
panel.peak_demand complex kVA PUBLIC the peak power consumption since the last meter reading
panel.heatgain double Btu/h PUBLIC the heat transferred from the enduse to the parent
panel.cumulative_heatgain double Btu PUBLIC the cumulative heatgain from the enduse to the parent
panel.heatgain_fraction double pu PUBLIC the fraction of the heat that goes to the parent
panel.current_fraction double pu PUBLIC the fraction of total power that is constant current
panel.impedance_fraction double pu PUBLIC the fraction of total power that is constant impedance
panel.power_fraction double pu PUBLIC the fraction of the total power that is constant power
panel.power_factor double PUBLIC the power factor of the load
panel.constant_power complex kVA PUBLIC the constant power portion of the total load
panel.constant_current complex kVA PUBLIC the constant current portion of the total load
panel.constant_admittance complex kVA PUBLIC the constant admittance portion of the total load
panel.voltage_factor double pu PUBLIC the voltage change factor
panel.breaker_amps double A PUBLIC the rated breaker amperage
panel.configuration set PUBLIC IS220 IS110 the load configuration options
design_internal_gain_density double W/sf PUBLIC +0.6 average density of heat generating devices in the house
compressor_on bool PUBLIC OUTPUT
compressor_count int64 PUBLIC OUTPUT
hvac_last_on timestamp PUBLIC OUTPUT
hvac_last_off timestamp PUBLIC OUTPUT
hvac_period_length double s PUBLIC OUTPUT
hvac_duty_cycle double PUBLIC OUTPUT
Tevent double HIDDEN OUTPUT
Qlatent double HIDDEN OUTPUT
dTair double HIDDEN OUTPUT
adj_cooling_cap double HIDDEN OUTPUT
adj_heating_cap double HIDDEN OUTPUT
adj_cooling_cop double HIDDEN OUTPUT
adj_heating_cop double HIDDEN OUTPUT
thermostat_control enumeration PUBLIC NONE BAND FULL FULL determine level of internal thermostatic control
gas_enduses char1024 PUBLIC list of implicit enduses that use gas instead of electricity
circuit method PROTECTED smart breaker message handlers
load_power_fraction double PUBLIC +0.8 fraction of total load that is constant power
load_impedance_fraction double PUBLIC +0.2 fraction of total load that is constant impedance
load_current_fraction double PUBLIC +0 fraction of total load that is constant current


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
tank_volume double gal PUBLIC the volume of water in the tank when it is full
tank_UA double Btu*h/degF PUBLIC the UA of the tank (surface area divided by R-value)
tank_diameter double ft PUBLIC the diameter of the water heater tank
tank_height double ft PUBLIC the height of the water heater tank
water_demand double gpm PUBLIC the hot water draw from the water heater
heating_element_capacity double kW PUBLIC the power of the heating element
inlet_water_temperature double degF PUBLIC the inlet temperature of the water tank
waterheater_model enumeration PUBLIC NONE FORTRAN TWONODE ONENODE the water heater model to use
heat_mode enumeration PUBLIC HEAT_PUMP GASHEAT ELECTRIC the energy source for heating the water heater
location enumeration PUBLIC GARAGE INSIDE whether the water heater is inside or outside
tank_setpoint double degF PUBLIC the temperature around which the water heater will heat its contents
thermostat_deadband double degF PUBLIC the degree to heat the water tank, when needed
temperature double degF PUBLIC the outlet temperature of the water tank
height double ft PUBLIC the height of the hot water column within the water tank
demand complex kVA PUBLIC the water heater power consumption
actual_load double kW PUBLIC the actual load based on the current voltage across the coils
previous_load double kW PUBLIC the previous load based on voltage across the coils at the last sync operation
actual_power complex kVA PUBLIC the actual power based on the current voltage across the coils
is_waterheater_on double PUBLIC simple logic output to determine state of waterheater (1-on, 0-off)
gas_fan_power double kW PUBLIC load of a running gas waterheater
gas_standby_power double kW PUBLIC load of a gas waterheater in standby
heat_pump_coefficient_of_performance double Btu/kWh PUBLIC current COP of the water heater pump - currently calculated internally and not an input
Tcontrol double degF PUBLIC in heat pump operation, defines the blended temperature used for turning on and off HP - currently calculated internally and not an input
current_tank_status enumeration PUBLIC EMPTY PARTIAL FULL
dr_signal double PUBLIC the on/off signal to send to the fortran waterheater model
COP double PUBLIC the cop of the fortran heat pump water heater model.
operating_mode double PUBLIC the operating mode the fortran water heater should be using.
fortran_sim_time double s PUBLIC the amount of time the fortran model should simulate.
waterheater_power double kW PUBLIC the current power draw from the fortran water heater.
actual_voltage double HIDDEN
nominal_voltage double HIDDEN
re_override enumeration PUBLIC OV_OFF OV_NORMAL OV_ON the override setting for the water heater


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
type enumeration PUBLIC HID SSL CFL FLUORESCENT INCANDESCENT lighting type (affects power_factor)
placement enumeration PUBLIC OUTDOOR INDOOR lighting location (affects where heatgains go)
installed_power double kW PUBLIC installed lighting capacity
power_density double W/sf PUBLIC installed power density
curtailment double pu PUBLIC lighting curtailment factor
demand double pu PUBLIC the current lighting demand
actual_power complex kVA PUBLIC actual power demand of lights object


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
size double cf PUBLIC volume of the refrigerator
rated_capacity double Btu/h PUBLIC
temperature double degF PUBLIC
setpoint double degF PUBLIC
deadband double degF PUBLIC
cycle_time double s PUBLIC
output double PUBLIC
event_temp double PUBLIC
UA double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC
compressor_off_normal_energy double PUBLIC
compressor_off_normal_power double W PUBLIC
compressor_on_normal_energy double PUBLIC
compressor_on_normal_power double W PUBLIC
defrost_energy double PUBLIC
defrost_power double W PUBLIC
icemaking_energy double PUBLIC
icemaking_power double W PUBLIC
ice_making_probability double PUBLIC
FF_Door_Openings int32 PUBLIC
door_opening_energy int32 PUBLIC
door_opening_power int32 PUBLIC
DO_Thershold double PUBLIC
dr_mode_double double PUBLIC
energy_needed double PUBLIC
energy_used double PUBLIC
refrigerator_power double PUBLIC
icemaker_running bool PUBLIC
check_DO int32 PUBLIC
is_240 bool PUBLIC
defrostDelayed double PUBLIC
long_compressor_cycle_due bool PUBLIC
long_compressor_cycle_time double PUBLIC
long_compressor_cycle_power double PUBLIC
long_compressor_cycle_energy double PUBLIC
long_compressor_cycle_threshold double PUBLIC
run_defrost bool PUBLIC
door_opening_criterion double PUBLIC
compressor_defrost_time double PUBLIC
delay_defrost_time double PUBLIC
daily_door_opening int32 PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
motor_power double kW PUBLIC
circuit_split double PUBLIC
queue double unit PUBLIC the total laundry accumulated
demand double unit/day PUBLIC the amount of laundry accumulating daily
energy_meter complex kWh PUBLIC
stall_voltage double V PUBLIC
start_voltage double V PUBLIC
clothesWasherPower double PUBLIC
stall_impedance complex Ohm PUBLIC
trip_delay double s PUBLIC
reset_delay double s PUBLIC
Is_on double PUBLIC
normal_perc double PUBLIC
perm_press_perc double PUBLIC
queue_min double unit PUBLIC
queue_max double unit PUBLIC
clotheswasher_run_prob double PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
control_power double W PUBLIC
dishwasher_coil_power_1 double W PUBLIC
dishwasher_coil_power_2 double W PUBLIC
dishwasher_coil_power_3 double W PUBLIC
motor_power double W PUBLIC
circuit_split double PUBLIC
queue double unit PUBLIC number of loads accumulated
stall_voltage double V PUBLIC
start_voltage double V PUBLIC
stall_impedance complex Ohm PUBLIC
trip_delay double s PUBLIC
reset_delay double s PUBLIC
total_power double W PUBLIC
energy_baseline double kWh PUBLIC
energy_used double kWh PUBLIC
control_check1 bool PUBLIC
control_check2 bool PUBLIC
control_check3 bool PUBLIC
control_check4 bool PUBLIC
control_check5 bool PUBLIC
control_check6 bool PUBLIC
control_check7 bool PUBLIC
control_check8 bool PUBLIC
control_check9 bool PUBLIC
control_check10 bool PUBLIC
control_check11 bool PUBLIC
control_check12 bool PUBLIC
control_check_temp bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check1 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check2 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check3 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check4 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check5 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check6 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check7 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check8 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check9 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_temp1 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_temp2 bool PUBLIC
motor_coil_only_check1 bool PUBLIC
motor_coil_only_check2 bool PUBLIC
heateddry_check1 bool PUBLIC
heateddry_check2 bool PUBLIC
coil_only_check1 bool PUBLIC
coil_only_check2 bool PUBLIC
coil_only_check3 bool PUBLIC
Heateddry_option_check bool PUBLIC
queue_min double unit PUBLIC
queue_max double unit PUBLIC
pulse_interval_1 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_2 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_3 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_4 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_5 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_6 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_7 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_8 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_9 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_10 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_11 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_12 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_13 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_14 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_15 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_16 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_17 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_18 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_19 double s PUBLIC
dishwasher_run_prob double PUBLIC
energy_needed double kWh PUBLIC
dishwasher_demand double kWh PUBLIC
daily_dishwasher_demand double kWh PUBLIC
actual_dishwasher_demand double kWh PUBLIC
motor_on_off double PUBLIC
motor_coil_on_off double PUBLIC
is_240 bool PUBLIC load is 220/240 V (across both phases)


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
number_of_occupants int32 PUBLIC
occupancy_fraction double unit PUBLIC
heatgain_per_person double Btu/h PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
circuit_split double PUBLIC
demand double unit PUBLIC
installed_power double kW PUBLIC installed plugs capacity
actual_power complex kVA PUBLIC actual power demand


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
installed_power double kW PUBLIC rated microwave power level
standby_power double kW PUBLIC standby microwave power draw (unshaped only)
circuit_split double PUBLIC
state enumeration PUBLIC ON OFF on/off state of the microwave
cycle_length double s PUBLIC length of the combined on/off cycle between uses
runtime double s PUBLIC
state_time double s PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
oven_volume double gal PUBLIC the volume of the oven
oven_UA double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC the UA of the oven (surface area divided by R-value)
oven_diameter double ft PUBLIC the diameter of the oven
oven_demand double gpm PUBLIC the hot food take out from the oven
heating_element_capacity double kW PUBLIC the power of the heating element
inlet_food_temperature double degF PUBLIC the inlet temperature of the food
heat_mode enumeration PUBLIC GASHEAT ELECTRIC the energy source for heating the oven
location enumeration PUBLIC GARAGE INSIDE whether the range is inside or outside
oven_setpoint double degF PUBLIC the temperature around which the oven will heat its contents
thermostat_deadband double degF PUBLIC the degree to heat the food in the oven, when needed
temperature double degF PUBLIC the outlet temperature of the oven
height double ft PUBLIC the height of the oven
food_density double PUBLIC food density
specificheat_food double PUBLIC
queue_cooktop double unit PUBLIC number of loads accumulated
queue_oven double unit PUBLIC number of loads accumulated
queue_min double unit PUBLIC
queue_max double unit PUBLIC
time_cooktop_operation double PUBLIC
time_cooktop_setting double PUBLIC
cooktop_run_prob double PUBLIC
oven_run_prob double PUBLIC
cooktop_coil_setting_1 double kW PUBLIC
cooktop_coil_setting_2 double kW PUBLIC
cooktop_coil_setting_3 double kW PUBLIC
total_power_oven double kW PUBLIC
total_power_cooktop double kW PUBLIC
total_power_range double kW PUBLIC
demand_cooktop double unit/day PUBLIC number of loads accumulating daily
demand_oven double unit/day PUBLIC number of loads accumulating daily
stall_voltage double V PUBLIC
start_voltage double V PUBLIC
stall_impedance complex Ohm PUBLIC
trip_delay double s PUBLIC
reset_delay double s PUBLIC
time_oven_operation double s PUBLIC
time_oven_setting double s PUBLIC
cooktop_energy_baseline double kWh PUBLIC
cooktop_energy_used double PUBLIC
Toff double PUBLIC
Ton double PUBLIC
cooktop_interval_setting_1 double s PUBLIC
cooktop_interval_setting_2 double s PUBLIC
cooktop_interval_setting_3 double s PUBLIC
cooktop_energy_needed double kWh PUBLIC
heat_needed bool PUBLIC
oven_check bool PUBLIC
remainon bool PUBLIC
cooktop_check bool PUBLIC
actual_load double kW PUBLIC the actual load based on the current voltage across the coils
previous_load double kW PUBLIC the actual load based on current voltage stored for use in controllers
actual_power complex kVA PUBLIC the actual power based on the current voltage across the coils
is_range_on double PUBLIC simple logic output to determine state of range (1-on, 0-off)


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
size double cf PUBLIC
rated_capacity double Btu/h PUBLIC
temperature double degF PUBLIC
setpoint double degF PUBLIC
deadband double degF PUBLIC
next_time timestamp PUBLIC
output double PUBLIC
event_temp double PUBLIC
UA double Btu/degF/h PUBLIC
state enumeration PUBLIC ON OFF


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
motor_power double W PUBLIC
dryer_coil_power double W PUBLIC
controls_power double W PUBLIC
circuit_split double PUBLIC
queue double unit PUBLIC number of loads accumulated
queue_min double unit PUBLIC
queue_max double unit PUBLIC
stall_voltage double V PUBLIC
start_voltage double V PUBLIC
stall_impedance complex Ohm PUBLIC
trip_delay double s PUBLIC
reset_delay double s PUBLIC
total_power double W PUBLIC
energy_baseline double kWh PUBLIC
energy_used double kWh PUBLIC
next_t double PUBLIC
control_check bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check1 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check2 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check3 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check4 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check5 bool PUBLIC
motor_only_check6 bool PUBLIC
dryer_on bool PUBLIC
dryer_ready bool PUBLIC
dryer_check bool PUBLIC
motor_coil_only_check1 bool PUBLIC
motor_coil_only_check2 bool PUBLIC
motor_coil_only_check3 bool PUBLIC
motor_coil_only_check4 bool PUBLIC
motor_coil_only_check5 bool PUBLIC
motor_coil_only_check6 bool PUBLIC
dryer_run_prob double PUBLIC
dryer_turn_on double PUBLIC
pulse_interval_1 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_2 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_3 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_4 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_5 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_6 double s PUBLIC
pulse_interval_7 double s PUBLIC
energy_needed double kWh PUBLIC
daily_dryer_demand double kWh PUBLIC
actual_dryer_demand double kWh PUBLIC
motor_on_off double PUBLIC
motor_coil_on_off double PUBLIC
is_240 bool PUBLIC load is 220/240 V (across both phases)


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
charger_type enumeration PUBLIC HIGH MEDIUM LOW
vehicle_type enumeration PUBLIC HYBRID ELECTRIC
state enumeration PUBLIC WORK HOME UNKNOWN
p_go_home double unit/h PUBLIC
p_go_work double unit/h PUBLIC
work_dist double mile PUBLIC
capacity double kWh PUBLIC
charge double unit PUBLIC
charge_at_work bool PUBLIC
charge_throttle double unit PUBLIC
charger_efficiency double unit PUBLIC Efficiency of the charger in terms of energy in to battery stored
power_train_efficiency double mile/kWh PUBLIC Miles per kWh of battery charge
mileage_classification double mile PUBLIC Miles expected range on battery only
demand_profile char1024 PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
heat_fraction double PUBLIC fraction of ZIPload that is transferred as heat
base_power double kW PUBLIC base real power of the overall load
power_pf double PUBLIC power factor for constant power portion
current_pf double PUBLIC power factor for constant current portion
impedance_pf double PUBLIC power factor for constant impedance portion
is_240 bool PUBLIC load is 220/240 V (across both phases)
breaker_val double A PUBLIC Amperage of connected breaker
actual_power complex kVA PUBLIC variable to pull actual load as function of voltage
multiplier double PUBLIC this variable is used to modify the base power as a function of multiplier x base_power
heatgain_only bool PUBLIC allows the zipload to generate heat only (no kW), not activated by default
demand_response_mode bool PUBLIC Activates equilibrium dynamic representation of demand response
number_of_devices int16 PUBLIC Number of devices to model - base power is the total load of all devices
thermostatic_control_range int16 PUBLIC Range of the thermostat's control operation
number_of_devices_off double PUBLIC Total number of devices that are off
number_of_devices_on double PUBLIC Total number of devices that are on
rate_of_cooling double K/h PUBLIC rate at which devices cool down
rate_of_heating double K/h PUBLIC rate at which devices heat up
temperature int16 PUBLIC temperature of the device's controlled media (eg air temp or water temp)
phi double PUBLIC duty cycle of the device
demand_rate double 1/h PUBLIC consumer demand rate that prematurely turns on a device or population
nominal_power double PUBLIC the rated amount of power demanded by devices that are on
duty_cycle double pu PUBLIC fraction of time in the on state
recovery_duty_cycle double pu PUBLIC fraction of time in the on state, while in recovery interval
period double h PUBLIC time interval to apply duty cycle
phase double pu PUBLIC initial phase of load; duty will be assumed to occur at beginning of period


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
total_capacity double Btu PUBLIC total storage capacity of unit
stored_capacity double Btu PUBLIC amount of capacity that is stored
recharge_power double kW PUBLIC installed compressor power usage
discharge_power double kW PUBLIC installed pump power usage
recharge_pf double PUBLIC installed compressor power factor
discharge_pf double PUBLIC installed pump power factor
discharge_schedule_type enumeration PUBLIC EXTERNAL INTERNAL Scheduling method for discharging
recharge_schedule_type enumeration PUBLIC EXTERNAL INTERNAL Scheduling method for charging
recharge_time double PUBLIC Flag indicating if recharging is available at the current time (1 or 0)
discharge_time double PUBLIC Flag indicating if discharging is available at the current time (1 or 0)
discharge_rate double Btu/h PUBLIC rating of discharge or cooling
SOC double % PUBLIC state of charge as percentage of total capacity
k double W/m/K PUBLIC coefficient of thermal conductivity (W/m/K)


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
charge_rate double W PUBLIC Current demanded charge rate of the vehicle
variation_mean double s PUBLIC Mean of normal variation of schedule variation
variation_std_dev double s PUBLIC Standard deviation of normal variation of schedule times
variation_trip_mean double mile PUBLIC Mean of normal variation of trip distance variation
variation_trip_std_dev double mile PUBLIC Standard deviation of normal variation of trip distance
mileage_classification double mile PUBLIC Mileage classification of electric vehicle
work_charging_available bool PUBLIC Charging available when at work
data_file char1024 PUBLIC Path to .CSV file with vehicle travel information
vehicle_index int32 PUBLIC Index of vehicles in file this particular vehicle's data
travel_distance double mile PUBLIC Distance vehicle travels from home to home
arrival_at_work double PUBLIC Time vehicle arrives at work - HHMM
duration_at_work double s PUBLIC Duration the vehicle remains at work
arrival_at_home double PUBLIC Time vehicle arrives at home - HHMM
duration_at_home double s PUBLIC Duration the vehicle remains at home
battery_capacity double kWh PUBLIC Current capacity of the battery in kWh
battery_SOC double % PUBLIC State of charge of battery
battery_size double kWh PUBLIC Full capacity of battery
mileage_efficiency double mile/kWh PUBLIC Efficiency of drive train in mile/kWh
maximum_charge_rate double W PUBLIC Maximum output rate of charger in kW
charging_efficiency double unit PUBLIC Efficiency of charger (ratio) when charging


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
floor_area double sf PUBLIC building floor area
filename method PUBLIC RBSA data file
composition method PUBLIC load composition specification
total_real_power double W PUBLIC total real power
total_reactive_power double W PUBLIC total reactive power
total_power_A complex W PUBLIC total complex power on phase A
total_power_B complex W PUBLIC total complex power on phase B
total_power_C complex W PUBLIC total complex power on phase C
weather object PUBLIC weather object for temperature and solar gain
tariff object PUBLIC tariff object for energy price sensitivity


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
rate_design char32 PUBLIC
minimum_daily_charge double $/day PUBLIC
energy_charge_base double $/kWh PUBLIC
energy_charge_100 double $/kWh PUBLIC
energy_charge_400 double $/kWh PUBLIC
average_total_rate double $/kWh PUBLIC
minimum_average_rate_limit double $/kWh PUBLIC
discount double PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
tariff object PUBLIC REQUIRED reference to the tariff object used for this bill
meter object PUBLIC REQUIRED reference to the meter object use for this bill
bill_day int32 PUBLIC day of month when the bill is generated
bill_date timestamp PUBLIC OUTPUT date of the last bill generated
billing_days int32 PUBLIC OUTPUT number of day of last bill
total_bill double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill total
total_charges double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill total charges
energy_charges double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill energy charges
capacity_charges double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill capacity charges
ramping_charges double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill ramping charges
fixed_charges double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill fixed charges
total_credits double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill total credits
energy_credits double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill energy credits
capacity_credits double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill capacity credits
ramping_credits double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill ramping credits
fixed_credits double $ PUBLIC OUTPUT last bill fixed credits
metering_interval double s PUBLIC interval at which meter is observed
baseline_demand double kWh/day PUBLIC daily demand of baseline tier


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
property char256 PUBLIC REQUIRED property to play values into
file char1024 PUBLIC REQUIRED file from which to read values
filetype char8 PUBLIC
mode char32 PUBLIC
loop int32 PUBLIC 0 number of time to loop the player


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
file char1024 PUBLIC
filetype char8 PUBLIC
mode char32 PUBLIC
group char256 PUBLIC
property char256 PUBLIC
magnitude double PUBLIC
events double PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
interval double s PUBLIC -1 s sampling interval
property method PUBLIC REQUIRED list of properties to sample
trigger char32 PUBLIC condition to trigger recorder
file char1024 PUBLIC REQUIRED file in which to record data
filetype char8 PUBLIC file type to use when storing data
mode char32 PUBLIC file recorder operating mode
multifile char1024 PUBLIC
limit int32 PUBLIC 0 limit on number of rows to record (0=none)
plotcommands char1024 PUBLIC
xdata char32 PUBLIC
columns char32 PUBLIC
format char32 PUBLIC 0
header_units enumeration PUBLIC NONE ALL DEFAULT
line_units enumeration PUBLIC NONE ALL DEFAULT


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
trigger char32 PUBLIC
file char1024 PUBLIC
limit int32 PUBLIC
group char256 PUBLIC
flush int32 PUBLIC
interval double s PUBLIC
property method PUBLIC


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
filename char1024 PUBLIC the name of the file to write
filetype char8 PUBLIC the format to output a histogram in
mode char32 PUBLIC the mode of file output
group char1024 PUBLIC the GridLAB-D group expression to use for this histogram
bins char1024 PUBLIC the specific bin values to use
property char256 PUBLIC the property to sample
min double PUBLIC the minimum value of the auto-sized bins to use
max double PUBLIC the maximum value of the auto-sized bins to use
samplerate double s PUBLIC the rate at which samples are read
countrate double s PUBLIC the reate at which bins are counted and written
bin_count int32 PUBLIC the number of auto-sized bins to use
limit int32 PUBLIC the number of samples to write


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
file char256 PUBLIC output file name
group char1024 PUBLIC group definition string
interval double s PUBLIC recordering interval (0 'every iteration', -1 'on change')
flush_interval double s PUBLIC file flush interval (0 never, negative on samples)
strict bool PUBLIC causes the group_recorder to stop the simulation should there be a problem opening or writing with the group_recorder
print_units bool PUBLIC flag to append units to each written value, if applicable
property char256 PUBLIC property to record
limit int32 PUBLIC the maximum number of lines to write to the file
format bool PUBLIC determines whether output timestamp is formatted to be formatted as human-readable (default) or epoch
complex_part enumeration PUBLIC ANG_RAD ANG_DEG MAG IMAG REAL NONE the complex part to record if complex properties are gathered


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
file char256 PUBLIC output file name
summary char256 PUBLIC summary output file name
virtual_substation char256 PUBLIC name of the substation node to monitor for reverse flow violation
interval double s PUBLIC recording interval (0 'every iteration', -1 'on change')
flush_interval double s PUBLIC file flush interval (0 never, negative on samples)
strict bool PUBLIC causes the violation_recorder to stop the simulation should there be a problem opening or writing with the violation_recorder
echo bool PUBLIC causes the violation_recorder to echo messages to the screen
limit int32 PUBLIC the maximum number of lines to write to the file
violation_delay int32 PUBLIC the number of seconds to skip before recording violations
xfrmr_thermal_limit_upper double PUBLIC xfrmr_thermal_limit_upper
xfrmr_thermal_limit_lower double PUBLIC xfrmr_thermal_limit_lower
line_thermal_limit_upper double PUBLIC line_thermal_limit_upper
line_thermal_limit_lower double PUBLIC line_thermal_limit_lower
node_instantaneous_voltage_limit_upper double PUBLIC node_instantaneous_voltage_limit_upper
node_instantaneous_voltage_limit_lower double PUBLIC node_instantaneous_voltage_limit_lower
node_continuous_voltage_limit_upper double PUBLIC node_continuous_voltage_limit_upper
node_continuous_voltage_limit_lower double PUBLIC node_continuous_voltage_limit_lower
node_continuous_voltage_interval double PUBLIC node_continuous_voltage_interval
secondary_dist_voltage_rise_upper_limit double PUBLIC secondary_dist_voltage_rise_upper_limit
secondary_dist_voltage_rise_lower_limit double PUBLIC secondary_dist_voltage_rise_lower_limit
substation_breaker_A_limit double PUBLIC breaker_phase_A_limit
substation_breaker_B_limit double PUBLIC breaker_phase_B_limit
substation_breaker_C_limit double PUBLIC breaker_phase_C_limit
substation_pf_lower_limit double PUBLIC substation_pf_lower_limit
inverter_v_chng_per_interval_upper_bound double PUBLIC inverter_v_chng_per_interval_upper_bound
inverter_v_chng_per_interval_lower_bound double PUBLIC inverter_v_chng_per_interval_lower_bound
inverter_v_chng_interval double PUBLIC inverter_v_chng_interval


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
interval double s PUBLIC Interval at which the metrics_collector output is stored in JSON format


Property Type Unit Access Flags Keywords Default Description
filename char256 PUBLIC the JSON formatted output file name
interval double s PUBLIC Interval at which the metrics_collector_writer output is stored in JSON format

Global data

Header data

Name Type Access
id int32 PROTECTED
class string PROTECTED
groupid char32 PROTECTED
name string PROTECTED
next object PROTECTED
parent object PROTECTED
child_count int32 PROTECTED
rank int32 PROTECTED
clock timestamp PROTECTED
valid_to timestamp PROTECTED
schedule_skew int64 PROTECTED
latitude double PROTECTED
longitude double PROTECTED
in_svc timestamp PROTECTED
out_svc timestamp PROTECTED
rng_state int32 PROTECTED
heartbeat int64 PROTECTED
guid int64 PROTECTED
profiler.presync int32 PROTECTED
profiler.sync int32 PROTECTED
profiler.postsync int32 PROTECTED
profiler.init int32 PROTECTED
profiler.heartbeat int32 PROTECTED
profiler.precommit int32 PROTECTED
profiler.commit int32 PROTECTED
profiler.finalize int32 PROTECTED
event.init string PROTECTED
event.precommit string PROTECTED
event.presync string PROTECTED
event.sync string PROTECTED
event.postsync string PROTECTED
event.commit string PROTECTED
event.finalize string PROTECTED
flags int64 PROTECTED

Data Types

Type Format Default Size Converters Comparators
double decimal 0.0 24 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
complex string 0+0i 48 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
enumeration string 0 1024 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
set string 0 1024 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
int16 integer 0 6 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
int32 integer 0 12 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
int64 integer 0 24 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
char8 string 8 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
char32 string 32 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
char256 string 256 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
char1024 string 1024 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
object string (na) 64 tostr fromstr create stream == !=
delegated string (na) (na) create stream
bool string FALSE 6 tostr fromstr create stream == !=
timestamp string 0 32 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
double_array string 1024 tostr fromstr create stream
complex_array string 1024 tostr fromstr create stream
real decimal 0.0 24 tostr fromstr create stream
float decimal 0.0 24 tostr fromstr create stream
loadshape string (na) 1024 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
enduse string (na) 1024 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
randomvar string (na) 24 tostr fromstr create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
method string (na) (na) create stream
string string (na) create stream == <= >= != < > inside outside
python string None (na) create stream

Global variables

Name Module Type Access Keywords Value
version.major int32 REFERENCE 4
version.minor int32 REFERENCE 2
version.patch int32 REFERENCE 13 int32 REFERENCE 201012
version.branch char256 REFERENCE develop_add_markdown_output_options
version char1024 REFERENCE 4.2.13-201012-develop_add_markdown_output_options
command_line char1024 REFERENCE /usr/local/opt/gridlabd/4.2.13-201012-develop_add_markdown_output_options/bin/gridlabd.bin gldcore/converters/autotest/test_markdown.glm -o gldcore/converters/autotest/
environment char1024 PUBLIC batch
quiet bool PUBLIC FALSE
warn bool PUBLIC TRUE
debugger bool PUBLIC FALSE
debug bool PUBLIC FALSE
test bool PUBLIC FALSE
verbose bool PUBLIC FALSE
iteration_limit int32 PUBLIC 100
workdir char1024 REFERENCE /Users/dchassin/github/gridlabd
dumpfile char1024 PUBLIC gridlabd.json
savefile char1024 PUBLIC gldcore/converters/autotest/
dumpall bool PUBLIC FALSE
runchecks bool PUBLIC FALSE
threadcount int32 PUBLIC 1
profiler bool PUBLIC FALSE
pauseatexit bool PUBLIC FALSE
testoutputfile char1024 PUBLIC test.txt
xml_encoding int32 PUBLIC 8
clock timestamp PUBLIC 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
starttime timestamp PUBLIC 2000-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
stoptime timestamp PUBLIC NEVER
double_format char32 PUBLIC %+lg
complex_format char256 PUBLIC %+lg%+lg%c
object_format char32 PUBLIC %s:%d
object_scan char32 PUBLIC %[^:]:%d
object_tree_balance bool PUBLIC FALSE
kmlfile char1024 PUBLIC
kmlhost char1024 PUBLIC
modelname char1024 REFERENCE gldcore/converters/autotest/test_markdown.glm
execdir char1024 REFERENCE /usr/local/opt/gridlabd/4.2.13-201012-develop_add_markdown_output_options/bin
strictnames bool PUBLIC TRUE
website char1024 PUBLIC
urlbase char1024 PUBLIC
randomstate int32 PUBLIC -1342211304
randomseed int32 PUBLIC -1342211304
include char1024 REFERENCE
trace char1024 PUBLIC
gdb_window bool PUBLIC FALSE
tmp char1024 PUBLIC /Users/dchassin/.gridlabd/tmp
force_compile int32 PUBLIC 0
nolocks bool PUBLIC FALSE
skipsafe bool PUBLIC FALSE
dateformat enumeration PUBLIC ISO US EURO ISO8601 ISO
minimum_timestep int32 PUBLIC 1
platform char8 REFERENCE MACOSX
suppress_repeat_messages bool PUBLIC TRUE
maximum_synctime int32 PUBLIC 60
run_realtime bool PUBLIC FALSE
enter_realtime timestamp PUBLIC NEVER
realtime_metric double REFERENCE +0
no_deprecate bool PUBLIC FALSE
streaming_io bool PROTECTED FALSE
compileonly bool PROTECTED TRUE
relax_naming_rules bool PUBLIC FALSE
browser char1024 PUBLIC safari
server_portnum int32 PUBLIC 0
server_quit_on_close bool PUBLIC FALSE
client_allowed char1024 PUBLIC
autoclean bool PUBLIC TRUE
show_progress bool PUBLIC TRUE
checkpoint_type enumeration PUBLIC NONE WALL SIM NONE
checkpoint_file char1024 PUBLIC
checkpoint_seqnum int32 PUBLIC 0
checkpoint_interval int32 PUBLIC 0
checkpoint_keepall bool PUBLIC FALSE
check_version bool PUBLIC FALSE
random_number_generator enumeration PUBLIC RNG2 RNG3 RNG3
pauseat timestamp PUBLIC NEVER
infourl char1024 PUBLIC
hostname char1024 PUBLIC localhost
hostaddr char32 PUBLIC
autostart_gui bool PUBLIC TRUE
master char1024 PUBLIC
master_port int64 PUBLIC 0
multirun_conn enumeration PUBLIC NONE MEMORY SOCKET NONE
signal_timeout int32 PUBLIC 5000
slave_port int16 PUBLIC 6267
slave_id int64 PUBLIC 0
return_code int32 REFERENCE 0
exit_code int16 REFERENCE 0
init_max_defer int32 REFERENCE 64
mt_analysis bool PUBLIC FALSE
inline_block_size int32 PUBLIC 1048576
sanitize_prefix char8 PUBLIC GLD_
sanitize_index char1024 PUBLIC .txt
sanitize_offset char32 PUBLIC
deltamode_allowed bool PUBLIC FALSE
deltamode_timestep int32 PUBLIC 10000000
deltamode_maximumtime int64 PUBLIC 3600000000000
deltaclock int64 PUBLIC 0
delta_current_clock double PUBLIC +0
deltamode_updateorder char1024 REFERENCE
deltamode_iteration_limit int32 PUBLIC 10
deltamode_forced_extra_timesteps int32 PUBLIC 0
deltamode_forced_always bool PUBLIC FALSE
run_powerworld bool PUBLIC FALSE
bigranks bool PUBLIC TRUE
exename char1024 REFERENCE /usr/local/opt/gridlabd/4.2.13-201012-develop_add_markdown_output_options/bin/gridlabd.bin
wget_options char1024 PUBLIC maxsize:100MB;update:newer
curl_options char1024 PUBLIC maxsize:100MB;update:newer
svnroot char1024 PUBLIC
github char1024 PUBLIC
gitraw char1024 PUBLIC
allow_reinclude bool PUBLIC FALSE
permissive_access int32 PUBLIC 0
relax_undefined_if bool PUBLIC FALSE
literal_if bool PUBLIC TRUE
validto_context enumeration PUBLIC SYNC PRECOMMIT COMMIT 1129600256
daemon_configfile char1024 PUBLIC gridlabd.cnf
timezone_locale char1024 REFERENCE UTC0
ignore_errors bool PUBLIC FALSE
keep_progress bool PUBLIC FALSE
allow_variant_aggregates bool PUBLIC FALSE
progress double REFERENCE +0
server_keepalive bool PUBLIC FALSE
pythonpath char1024 PUBLIC .
datadir char1024 PUBLIC /usr/local/opt/gridlabd/4.2.13-201012-develop_add_markdown_output_options/share/gridlabd
rusage_file char1024 PUBLIC gridlabd-rusage.csv
rusage_rate int64 PUBLIC 0
rusage char1024 PUBLIC {}
library_path char1024 PUBLIC /usr/local/opt/gridlabd/4.2.13-201012-develop_add_markdown_output_options/share/gridlabd/weather/US
warn_control bool PUBLIC TRUE
warn_low_temp double PUBLIC +50
warn_high_temp double PUBLIC +90
default_nominal_voltage_A complex PUBLIC +240+0d
default_nominal_voltage_B complex PUBLIC +268.328-26.5651d
default_nominal_voltage_C complex PUBLIC +268.328+26.5651d
default_nominal_voltage double PUBLIC +240
default_weekday_code char32 PUBLIC WEEKDAY
default_saturday_code char32 PUBLIC SATURDAY
default_sunday_code char32 PUBLIC SUNDAY
default_holiday_code char32 PUBLIC HOLIDAY
default_month_heading char32 PUBLIC Month
default_daytype_heading char32 PUBLIC Daytype
default_hour_heading char32 PUBLIC Hour
default_temperature_heating_balance double PUBLIC +55
default_temperature_cooling_balance double PUBLIC +70
default_temperature_heating_base double PUBLIC +55
default_temperature_cooling_base double PUBLIC +70
default_temperature_heating_design double PUBLIC +0
default_temperature_cooling_design double PUBLIC +100
default_solargain_base double PUBLIC +0
default_price_base double PUBLIC +0
default_occupancy_base double PUBLIC +1
temperature_variable_name char1024 PUBLIC temperature
solargain_variable_name char1024 PUBLIC solar_direct
price_variable_name char1024 PUBLIC energy_price
occupancy_variable_name char1024 PUBLIC occupancy_fraction
nightlight_threshold double PUBLIC +0 W/m^2
enable_subsecond_models bool PUBLIC FALSE
deltamode_timestep double PUBLIC +1e+07 ns
naics_data_file char1024 PUBLIC naics_data_file.csv
load_property_name char256 PUBLIC base_power_
default_username char32 PUBLIC gridlabd
default_password char32 PUBLIC gridlabd
default_hostname char256 PUBLIC localhost
default_port int32 PUBLIC 8086
default_database char256 PUBLIC gridlabd
connection_protocol char32 PUBLIC http
synchronous_postdata bool PUBLIC FALSE
bid_offset double PUBLIC +0.0001 $
show_matrix_values bool PUBLIC FALSE
primary_voltage_ratio double PUBLIC +60
nominal_frequency double PUBLIC +60
require_voltage_control bool PUBLIC FALSE
geographic_degree double PUBLIC +0
fault_impedance complex PUBLIC +1e-06+0j
ground_impedance complex PUBLIC +1e-06+0j
warning_underfrequency double PUBLIC +55
warning_overfrequency double PUBLIC +65
warning_undervoltage double PUBLIC +0.8
warning_overvoltage double PUBLIC +1.2
warning_voltageangle double PUBLIC +2
maximum_voltage_error double PUBLIC +1e-06
solver_method powerflow enumeration PUBLIC NR GS FBS FBS
NR_matrix_file char256 PUBLIC
NR_matrix_output_interval powerflow enumeration PUBLIC ALL PER_CALL ONCE NEVER NEVER
NR_matrix_output_references bool PUBLIC FALSE
line_capacitance bool PUBLIC FALSE
line_limits bool PUBLIC TRUE
lu_solver char256 PUBLIC
NR_iteration_limit int64 PUBLIC 500
NR_deltamode_iteration_limit int64 PUBLIC 10
NR_superLU_procs int32 PUBLIC 1
default_maximum_voltage_error double PUBLIC +1e-06
default_maximum_power_error double PUBLIC +0.0001
NR_admit_change bool PUBLIC TRUE
enable_subsecond_models bool PUBLIC FALSE
all_powerflow_delta bool PUBLIC FALSE
deltamode_timestep double PUBLIC +1e+07 ns
current_frequency double PUBLIC +60 Hz
master_frequency_update bool PUBLIC FALSE
enable_frequency_dependence bool PUBLIC FALSE
default_resistance double PUBLIC +0.0001
enable_inrush bool PUBLIC FALSE
low_voltage_impedance_level double PUBLIC +0.7
enable_mesh_fault_current bool PUBLIC FALSE
convergence_error_handling powerflow enumeration PUBLIC COLLAPSE IGNORE FATAL FATAL
solver_profile_enable bool PUBLIC FALSE
solver_profile_filename char1024 PUBLIC solver_nr_profile.csv
solver_profile_headers_included bool PUBLIC TRUE
solver_headers char1024 PUBLIC timestamp,duration[microsec],iteration,bus_count,branch_count,error
solver_py_config char1024 PUBLIC /usr/local/var/gridlabd/solver_py.conf
solver_dump_enable bool PUBLIC FALSE
market_price_name char1024 PUBLIC current_market.clearing_price
repair_time double PUBLIC +24 h
climate_impact_zone powerflow enumeration PUBLIC NONE LOW MODERATE INTERMEDIATE HIGH EXTREME NONE
message_flags reliability set PUBLIC QUIET WARNING DEBUG VERBOSE DEBUG
enable_subsecond_models bool PUBLIC FALSE
maximum_event_length double PUBLIC +432000 s
report_event_log bool PUBLIC TRUE
deltamode_timestep int32 PUBLIC 10000000
FOOD_delay_time double PUBLIC +8 h
FOOD_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +72 $
FOOD_variable_cost double PUBLIC +0 $/h
WATER_delay_time double PUBLIC +1 h
WATER_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +0 $
WATER_variable_cost double PUBLIC +6.25 $/h
SEPTIC_delay_time double PUBLIC +24 h
SEPTIC_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +1492 $
SEPTIC_variable_cost double PUBLIC +0 $/h
GEN_BASIC_delay_time double PUBLIC +0 h
GEN_BASIC_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +4000 $
GEN_BASIC_variable_cost double PUBLIC +39 $/h
GEN_COMFORT_delay_time double PUBLIC +0 h
GEN_COMFORT_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +4000 $
GEN_COMFORT_variable_cost double PUBLIC +83 $/h
GEN_ALL_delay_time double PUBLIC +0 h
GEN_ALL_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +8000 $
GEN_ALL_variable_cost double PUBLIC +222 $/h
LODGING_delay_time double PUBLIC +48 h
LODGING_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +0 $
LODGING_variable_cost double PUBLIC +12.5 $/h
BUSINESS_delay_time double PUBLIC +72 h
BUSINESS_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +0 $
BUSINESS_variable_cost double PUBLIC +10 $/h
ELDERCARE_delay_time double PUBLIC +24 h
ELDERCARE_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +0 $
ELDERCARE_variable_cost double PUBLIC +12.5 $/h
HEATING_delay_time double PUBLIC +1 h
HEATING_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +100 $
HEATING_variable_cost double PUBLIC +2 $/h
COOKING_delay_time double PUBLIC +12 h
COOKING_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +100 $
COOKING_variable_cost double PUBLIC +1.5 $/h
LIGHTS_delay_time double PUBLIC +0 h
LIGHTS_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +100 $
LIGHTS_variable_cost double PUBLIC +1.5 $/h
WAGES_delay_time double PUBLIC +48 h
WAGES_fixed_cost double PUBLIC +0 $
WAGES_variable_cost double PUBLIC +12 $/h
message_flags residential set PUBLIC QUIET WARNING DEBUG VERBOSE DEBUG
default_line_voltage complex PUBLIC +240+0d V
default_line_current complex PUBLIC +0+0j A
default_outdoor_temperature double PUBLIC +74 degF
default_humidity double PUBLIC +75 %
default_solar double PUBLIC +0 Btu/sf
default_etp_iterations int64 PUBLIC 100
ANSI_voltage_check bool PUBLIC TRUE
enable_subsecond_models bool PUBLIC FALSE
deltamode_timestep double PUBLIC +1e+07 ns
all_house_delta bool PUBLIC FALSE
implicit_enduse_source residential enumeration PUBLIC EIA2015 RBSA2014_DISCRETE RBSA2014 ELCAP2010 ELCAP1990 ELCAP1990
house_low_temperature_warning double PUBLIC +55 degF
house_high_temperature_warning double PUBLIC +95 degF
thermostat_control_warning double PUBLIC +4.94066e-324
system_dwell_time double PUBLIC +1 s
aux_cutin_temperature double PUBLIC +10 degF
paneldump_filename char1024 PUBLIC paneldump.csv
paneldump_interval int64 PUBLIC 0
paneldump_resolution double PUBLIC +0
default_nominal_voltage_A complex PUBLIC +240+0d
default_nominal_voltage_B complex PUBLIC +268.328-26.5651d
default_nominal_voltage_C complex PUBLIC +268.328+26.5651d
default_nominal_voltage double PUBLIC +240
default_weekday_code char32 PUBLIC WEEKDAY
default_saturday_code char32 PUBLIC SATURDAY
default_sunday_code char32 PUBLIC SUNDAY
default_holiday_code char32 PUBLIC HOLIDAY
default_month_heading char32 PUBLIC Month
default_daytype_heading char32 PUBLIC Daytype
default_hour_heading char32 PUBLIC Hour
default_temperature_heating_balance double PUBLIC +55
default_temperature_cooling_balance double PUBLIC +70
default_temperature_heating_base double PUBLIC +55
default_temperature_cooling_base double PUBLIC +70
default_temperature_heating_design double PUBLIC +0
default_temperature_cooling_design double PUBLIC +100
default_solargain_base double PUBLIC +0
default_price_base double PUBLIC +0
default_occupancy_base double PUBLIC +1
temperature_variable_name char1024 PUBLIC temperature
solargain_variable_name char1024 PUBLIC solar_direct
price_variable_name char1024 PUBLIC energy_price
occupancy_variable_name char1024 PUBLIC occupancy_fraction
lowincome_discount double PUBLIC +0 $
program_credit double PUBLIC +0 $
program_credit_months char1024 PUBLIC
summer_season_months char1024 PUBLIC
winter_season_months char1024 PUBLIC
billing_module char1024 PUBLIC
billing_library char1024 PUBLIC /usr/local/opt/gridlabd/current/share
billing_function char1024 PUBLIC compute_bill
gnuplot_path char1024 PUBLIC /usr/bin/gnuplot
flush_interval int32 PUBLIC 0
csv_data_only int32 PUBLIC 0
csv_header_type tape enumeration PUBLIC NAME NONE FULL FULL
csv_keep_clean int32 PUBLIC 0
delta_mode_needed timestamp PUBLIC NEVER