API-first authentication, authorization, and fraud prevention Website | Documentation | Node.js
+ 🥇 Gold sponsors At Buzzoid, you can buy Instagram followers quickly, safely, and easily with just a few clicks. Rate...
+ | API-first authentication, authorization, and fraud prevention Website | Documentation | Node.js
| We’re bound by one common purpose: to give you the financial tools, resources and information you ne...
- | Hi, we're Descope! We are building something in the authentication space for app developers and... Website | Documentation | Community
- | Best Route Planning And Route Optimization Software Explore | Free Trial | Contact
+ | Hi, we're Descope! We are building something in the authentication space for app developers and... Website | Documentation | Community
+ | Best Route Planning And Route Optimization Software Explore | Free Trial | Contact
diff --git a/components/dropdowns/node_modules/picocolors/README.md b/components/dropdowns/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
index 8e47aa8e..54e3aa3b 100644
--- a/components/dropdowns/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
+++ b/components/dropdowns/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
@@ -17,5 +17,161 @@ console.log(
- TypeScript type declarations included.
- [`NO_COLOR`](https://no-color.org/) friendly.
-## Docs
-Read **[full docs](https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors#readme)** on GitHub.
+## Motivation
+With `picocolors` we are trying to draw attention to the `node_modules` size
+problem and promote performance-first culture.
+## Prior Art
+Credits go to the following projects:
+- [Nanocolors](https://github.com/ai/nanocolors) by [@ai](https://github.com/ai)
+- [Colorette](https://github.com/jorgebucaran/colorette) by [@jorgebucaran](https://github.com/jorgebucaran)
+- [Kleur](https://github.com/lukeed/kleur) by [@lukeed](https://github.com/lukeed)
+- [Colors.js](https://github.com/Marak/colors.js) by [@Marak](https://github.com/Marak)
+- [Chalk](https://github.com/chalk/chalk) by [@sindresorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus)
+## Benchmarks
+The space in node_modules including sub-dependencies:
+$ node ./benchmarks/size.js
+Data from packagephobia.com
+ chalk 101 kB
+ cli-color 1249 kB
+ ansi-colors 25 kB
+ kleur 21 kB
+ colorette 17 kB
+ nanocolors 16 kB
++ picocolors 7 kB
+Library loading time:
+$ node ./benchmarks/loading.js
+ chalk 6.167 ms
+ cli-color 31.431 ms
+ ansi-colors 1.585 ms
+ kleur 2.008 ms
+ kleur/colors 0.773 ms
+ colorette 2.476 ms
+ nanocolors 0.833 ms
++ picocolors 0.466 ms
+Benchmark for simple use case:
+$ node ./benchmarks/simple.js
+ chalk 24,066,342 ops/sec
+ cli-color 938,700 ops/sec
+ ansi-colors 4,532,542 ops/sec
+ kleur 20,343,122 ops/sec
+ kleur/colors 35,415,770 ops/sec
+ colorette 34,244,834 ops/sec
+ nanocolors 33,443,265 ops/sec
++ picocolors 33,271,645 ops/sec
+Benchmark for complex use cases:
+$ node ./benchmarks/complex.js
+ chalk 969,915 ops/sec
+ cli-color 131,639 ops/sec
+ ansi-colors 342,250 ops/sec
+ kleur 611,880 ops/sec
+ kleur/colors 1,129,526 ops/sec
+ colorette 1,747,277 ops/sec
+ nanocolors 1,251,312 ops/sec
++ picocolors 2,024,086 ops/sec
+## Usage
+Picocolors provides an object which includes a variety of text coloring and formatting functions
+import pc from "picocolors"
+The object includes following coloring functions: `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white`, `gray`.
+console.log(`I see a ${pc.red("red door")} and I want it painted ${pc.black("black")}`)
+The object also includes following background color modifier functions: `bgBlack`, `bgRed`, `bgGreen`, `bgYellow`, `bgBlue`, `bgMagenta`, `bgCyan`, `bgWhite` and bright variants `bgBlackBright`, `bgRedBright`, `bgGreenBright`, `bgYellowBright`, `bgBlueBright`, `bgMagentaBright`, `bgCyanBright`, `bgWhiteBright`.
+ pc.bgBlack(
+ pc.white(`Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush.`)
+ )
+Besides colors, the object includes following formatting functions: `dim`, `bold`, `hidden`, `italic`, `underline`, `strikethrough`, `reset`, `inverse` and bright variants `blackBright`, `redBright`, `greenBright`, `yellowBright`, `blueBright`, `magentaBright`, `cyanBright`, `whiteBright`.
+for (let task of tasks) {
+ console.log(`${pc.bold(task.name)} ${pc.dim(task.durationMs + "ms")}`)
+The library provides additional utilities to ensure the best results for the task:
+- `isColorSupported` — boolean, explicitly tells whether or not the colors or formatting appear on the screen
+ ```javascript
+ import pc from "picocolors"
+ if (pc.isColorSupported) {
+ console.log("Yay! This script can use colors and formatters")
+ }
+ ```
+- `createColors(enabled)` — a function that returns a new API object with manually defined color support configuration
+ ```javascript
+ import pc from "picocolors"
+ let { red, bgWhite } = pc.createColors(options.enableColors)
+ ```
+## Replacing `chalk`
+1. Replace package name in import:
+ ```diff
+ - import chalk from 'chalk'
+ + import pico from 'picocolors'
+ ```
+2. Replace variable:
+ ```diff
+ - chalk.red(text)
+ + pico.red(text)
+ ```
+3. Replace chains to nested calls:
+ ```diff
+ - chalk.red.bold(text)
+ + pico.red(pico.bold(text))
+ ```
+4. You can use [`colorize-template`](https://github.com/usmanyunusov/colorize-template)
+ to replace chalk’s tagged template literal.
+ ```diff
+ + import { createColorize } from 'colorize-template'
+ + let colorize = createColorize(pico)
+ - chalk.red.bold`full {yellow ${"text"}}`
+ + colorize`{red.bold full {yellow ${"text"}}}`
+ ```
diff --git a/components/gantt/CHANGELOG.md b/components/gantt/CHANGELOG.md
index aafee605..66489230 100644
--- a/components/gantt/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/gantt/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### GanttChart
diff --git a/components/grids/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md b/components/grids/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md
index 79d91a07..e2d06b6a 100644
--- a/components/grids/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md
+++ b/components/grids/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ require('aws-sdk/lib/maintenance_mode_message').suppress = true;
To use the SDK in the browser, simply add the following script tag to your
HTML pages:
You can also build a custom browser SDK with your specified set of AWS services.
This can allow you to reduce the SDK's size, specify different API versions of
diff --git a/components/grids/node_modules/picocolors/README.md b/components/grids/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
index 8e47aa8e..54e3aa3b 100644
--- a/components/grids/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
+++ b/components/grids/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
@@ -17,5 +17,161 @@ console.log(
- TypeScript type declarations included.
- [`NO_COLOR`](https://no-color.org/) friendly.
-## Docs
-Read **[full docs](https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors#readme)** on GitHub.
+## Motivation
+With `picocolors` we are trying to draw attention to the `node_modules` size
+problem and promote performance-first culture.
+## Prior Art
+Credits go to the following projects:
+- [Nanocolors](https://github.com/ai/nanocolors) by [@ai](https://github.com/ai)
+- [Colorette](https://github.com/jorgebucaran/colorette) by [@jorgebucaran](https://github.com/jorgebucaran)
+- [Kleur](https://github.com/lukeed/kleur) by [@lukeed](https://github.com/lukeed)
+- [Colors.js](https://github.com/Marak/colors.js) by [@Marak](https://github.com/Marak)
+- [Chalk](https://github.com/chalk/chalk) by [@sindresorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus)
+## Benchmarks
+The space in node_modules including sub-dependencies:
+$ node ./benchmarks/size.js
+Data from packagephobia.com
+ chalk 101 kB
+ cli-color 1249 kB
+ ansi-colors 25 kB
+ kleur 21 kB
+ colorette 17 kB
+ nanocolors 16 kB
++ picocolors 7 kB
+Library loading time:
+$ node ./benchmarks/loading.js
+ chalk 6.167 ms
+ cli-color 31.431 ms
+ ansi-colors 1.585 ms
+ kleur 2.008 ms
+ kleur/colors 0.773 ms
+ colorette 2.476 ms
+ nanocolors 0.833 ms
++ picocolors 0.466 ms
+Benchmark for simple use case:
+$ node ./benchmarks/simple.js
+ chalk 24,066,342 ops/sec
+ cli-color 938,700 ops/sec
+ ansi-colors 4,532,542 ops/sec
+ kleur 20,343,122 ops/sec
+ kleur/colors 35,415,770 ops/sec
+ colorette 34,244,834 ops/sec
+ nanocolors 33,443,265 ops/sec
++ picocolors 33,271,645 ops/sec
+Benchmark for complex use cases:
+$ node ./benchmarks/complex.js
+ chalk 969,915 ops/sec
+ cli-color 131,639 ops/sec
+ ansi-colors 342,250 ops/sec
+ kleur 611,880 ops/sec
+ kleur/colors 1,129,526 ops/sec
+ colorette 1,747,277 ops/sec
+ nanocolors 1,251,312 ops/sec
++ picocolors 2,024,086 ops/sec
+## Usage
+Picocolors provides an object which includes a variety of text coloring and formatting functions
+import pc from "picocolors"
+The object includes following coloring functions: `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white`, `gray`.
+console.log(`I see a ${pc.red("red door")} and I want it painted ${pc.black("black")}`)
+The object also includes following background color modifier functions: `bgBlack`, `bgRed`, `bgGreen`, `bgYellow`, `bgBlue`, `bgMagenta`, `bgCyan`, `bgWhite` and bright variants `bgBlackBright`, `bgRedBright`, `bgGreenBright`, `bgYellowBright`, `bgBlueBright`, `bgMagentaBright`, `bgCyanBright`, `bgWhiteBright`.
+ pc.bgBlack(
+ pc.white(`Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush.`)
+ )
+Besides colors, the object includes following formatting functions: `dim`, `bold`, `hidden`, `italic`, `underline`, `strikethrough`, `reset`, `inverse` and bright variants `blackBright`, `redBright`, `greenBright`, `yellowBright`, `blueBright`, `magentaBright`, `cyanBright`, `whiteBright`.
+for (let task of tasks) {
+ console.log(`${pc.bold(task.name)} ${pc.dim(task.durationMs + "ms")}`)
+The library provides additional utilities to ensure the best results for the task:
+- `isColorSupported` — boolean, explicitly tells whether or not the colors or formatting appear on the screen
+ ```javascript
+ import pc from "picocolors"
+ if (pc.isColorSupported) {
+ console.log("Yay! This script can use colors and formatters")
+ }
+ ```
+- `createColors(enabled)` — a function that returns a new API object with manually defined color support configuration
+ ```javascript
+ import pc from "picocolors"
+ let { red, bgWhite } = pc.createColors(options.enableColors)
+ ```
+## Replacing `chalk`
+1. Replace package name in import:
+ ```diff
+ - import chalk from 'chalk'
+ + import pico from 'picocolors'
+ ```
+2. Replace variable:
+ ```diff
+ - chalk.red(text)
+ + pico.red(text)
+ ```
+3. Replace chains to nested calls:
+ ```diff
+ - chalk.red.bold(text)
+ + pico.red(pico.bold(text))
+ ```
+4. You can use [`colorize-template`](https://github.com/usmanyunusov/colorize-template)
+ to replace chalk’s tagged template literal.
+ ```diff
+ + import { createColorize } from 'colorize-template'
+ + let colorize = createColorize(pico)
+ - chalk.red.bold`full {yellow ${"text"}}`
+ + colorize`{red.bold full {yellow ${"text"}}}`
+ ```
diff --git a/components/grids/package.json b/components/grids/package.json
index d4b6a973..8ef4037e 100644
--- a/components/grids/package.json
+++ b/components/grids/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-grids",
- "version": "26.2.11",
+ "version": "26.2.12",
"description": "Feature-rich JavaScript datagrid (datatable) control with built-in support for editing, filtering, grouping, paging, sorting, and exporting to Excel. for Vue",
"author": "Syncfusion Inc.",
"license": "SEE LICENSE IN license",
diff --git a/components/inputs/CHANGELOG.md b/components/inputs/CHANGELOG.md
index 551d6992..dd37fcf9 100644
--- a/components/inputs/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/inputs/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,13 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
+### Uploader
+- `#I619977` - Fixed an issue where the ActionComplete event did not return file data properly.
+## 26.2.11 (2024-08-27)
### Uploader
diff --git a/components/inputs/node_modules/@types/eslint/README.md b/components/inputs/node_modules/@types/eslint/README.md
index a5f2930b..4757ca94 100644
--- a/components/inputs/node_modules/@types/eslint/README.md
+++ b/components/inputs/node_modules/@types/eslint/README.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ This package contains type definitions for eslint (https://eslint.org).
Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/eslint.
### Additional Details
- * Last updated: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 16:38:53 GMT
+ * Last updated: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 07:08:02 GMT
* Dependencies: [@types/estree](https://npmjs.com/package/@types/estree), [@types/json-schema](https://npmjs.com/package/@types/json-schema)
# Credits
diff --git a/components/inputs/node_modules/@types/validator/README.md b/components/inputs/node_modules/@types/validator/README.md
index 5a9c5be4..c7267f87 100644
--- a/components/inputs/node_modules/@types/validator/README.md
+++ b/components/inputs/node_modules/@types/validator/README.md
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ This package contains type definitions for validator (https://github.com/validat
Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/validator.
### Additional Details
- * Last updated: Sun, 16 Jun 2024 11:35:49 GMT
+ * Last updated: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 02:45:06 GMT
* Dependencies: none
# Credits
-These definitions were written by [tgfjt](https://github.com/tgfjt), [Ilya Mochalov](https://github.com/chrootsu), [Ayman Nedjmeddine](https://github.com/IOAyman), [Louay Alakkad](https://github.com/louy), [Bonggyun Lee](https://github.com/deptno), [Naoto Yokoyama](https://github.com/builtinnya), [Philipp Katz](https://github.com/qqilihq), [Jace Warren](https://github.com/keatz55), [Munif Tanjim](https://github.com/MunifTanjim), [Vlad Poluch](https://github.com/vlapo), [Piotr Błażejewicz](https://github.com/peterblazejewicz), [Matteo Nista](https://github.com/Mattewn99), [Roman Babiak](https://github.com/Almost-Infinity), and [Daniel Freire](https://github.com/dcfreire).
+These definitions were written by [tgfjt](https://github.com/tgfjt), [Ilya Mochalov](https://github.com/chrootsu), [Ayman Nedjmeddine](https://github.com/IOAyman), [Louay Alakkad](https://github.com/louy), [Bonggyun Lee](https://github.com/deptno), [Naoto Yokoyama](https://github.com/builtinnya), [Philipp Katz](https://github.com/qqilihq), [Jace Warren](https://github.com/keatz55), [Munif Tanjim](https://github.com/MunifTanjim), [Vlad Poluch](https://github.com/vlapo), [Piotr Błażejewicz](https://github.com/peterblazejewicz), [Matteo Nista](https://github.com/Mattewn99), and [Daniel Freire](https://github.com/dcfreire).
diff --git a/components/inputs/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md b/components/inputs/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md
index 20cbf25c..e2d06b6a 100644
--- a/components/inputs/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md
+++ b/components/inputs/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ require('aws-sdk/lib/maintenance_mode_message').suppress = true;
To use the SDK in the browser, simply add the following script tag to your
HTML pages:
You can also build a custom browser SDK with your specified set of AWS services.
This can allow you to reduce the SDK's size, specify different API versions of
diff --git a/components/inputs/node_modules/axios/README.md b/components/inputs/node_modules/axios/README.md
index 71381cb2..33c4749e 100644
--- a/components/inputs/node_modules/axios/README.md
+++ b/components/inputs/node_modules/axios/README.md
@@ -1,62 +1,12 @@
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- Alloy is the integration development platform that makes it simple and fast for SaaS companies to launch critical user-facing integrations.
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- Gold sponsors
+ 🥇 Gold sponsors At Buzzoid, you can buy Instagram followers quickly, safely, and easily with just a few clicks. Rate...
+ | API-first authentication, authorization, and fraud prevention Website | Documentation | Node.js
+ | We’re bound by one common purpose: to give you the financial tools, resources and information you ne...
+ | Hi, we're Descope! We are building something in the authentication space for app developers and... Website | Documentation | Community
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+ |
diff --git a/components/inputs/node_modules/browser-sync/node_modules/micromatch/README.md b/components/inputs/node_modules/browser-sync/node_modules/micromatch/README.md
index 68b4637e..d72a059a 100644
--- a/components/inputs/node_modules/browser-sync/node_modules/micromatch/README.md
+++ b/components/inputs/node_modules/browser-sync/node_modules/micromatch/README.md
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Please consider following this project's author, [Jon Schlinkert](https://github
## Install
-Install with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) (requires [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) >=8.6):
+Install with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/):
$ npm install --save micromatch
@@ -99,15 +99,15 @@ console.log(micromatch.isMatch('foo', ['b*', 'f*'])) //=> true
> micromatch is a [replacement](#switching-to-micromatch) for minimatch and multimatch
-- Supports all of the same matching features as [minimatch][] and [multimatch][]
-- More complete support for the Bash 4.3 specification than minimatch and multimatch. Micromatch passes _all of the spec tests_ from bash, including some that bash still fails.
-- **Fast & Performant** - Loads in about 5ms and performs [fast matches](#benchmarks).
-- **Glob matching** - Using wildcards (`*` and `?`), globstars (`**`) for nested directories
-- **[Advanced globbing](#extended-globbing)** - Supports [extglobs](#extglobs), [braces](#braces-1), and [POSIX brackets](#posix-bracket-expressions), and support for escaping special characters with `\` or quotes.
-- **Accurate** - Covers more scenarios [than minimatch](https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/pull/3339)
-- **Well tested** - More than 5,000 [test assertions](./test)
-- **Windows support** - More reliable windows support than minimatch and multimatch.
-- **[Safe][braces]{#braces-is-safe}** - Micromatch is not subject to DoS with brace patterns like minimatch and multimatch.
+* Supports all of the same matching features as [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch) and [multimatch](https://github.com/sindresorhus/multimatch)
+* More complete support for the Bash 4.3 specification than minimatch and multimatch. Micromatch passes _all of the spec tests_ from bash, including some that bash still fails.
+* **Fast & Performant** - Loads in about 5ms and performs [fast matches](#benchmarks).
+* **Glob matching** - Using wildcards (`*` and `?`), globstars (`**`) for nested directories
+* **[Advanced globbing](#extended-globbing)** - Supports [extglobs](#extglobs), [braces](#braces-1), and [POSIX brackets](#posix-bracket-expressions), and support for escaping special characters with `\` or quotes.
+* **Accurate** - Covers more scenarios [than minimatch](https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/pull/3339)
+* **Well tested** - More than 5,000 [test assertions](./test)
+* **Windows support** - More reliable windows support than minimatch and multimatch.
+* **[Safe](https://github.com/micromatch/braces#braces-is-safe)** - Micromatch is not subject to DoS with brace patterns like minimatch and multimatch.
### Matching features
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ console.log(micromatch.isMatch('foo', ['b*', 'f*'])) //=> true
* Negation (`'!a/*.js'`, `'*!(b).js'`)
* [extglobs](#extglobs) (`+(x|y)`, `!(a|b)`)
* [POSIX character classes](#posix-bracket-expressions) (`[[:alpha:][:digit:]]`)
-* [brace expansion][braces] (`foo/{1..5}.md`, `bar/{a,b,c}.js`)
+* [brace expansion](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) (`foo/{1..5}.md`, `bar/{a,b,c}.js`)
* regex character classes (`foo-[1-5].js`)
* regex logical "or" (`foo/(abc|xyz).js`)
@@ -167,7 +167,8 @@ console.log(mm(['a.js', 'a.txt'], ['*.js']));
//=> [ 'a.js' ]
-### [.matcher](index.js#L104)
+### [.matcher](index.js#L109)
Returns a matcher function from the given glob `pattern` and `options`. The returned function takes a string to match as its only argument and returns true if the string is a match.
@@ -187,7 +188,8 @@ console.log(isMatch('a.a')); //=> false
console.log(isMatch('a.b')); //=> true
-### [.isMatch](index.js#L123)
+### [.isMatch](index.js#L128)
Returns true if **any** of the given glob `patterns` match the specified `string`.
@@ -207,7 +209,8 @@ console.log(mm.isMatch('a.a', ['b.*', '*.a'])); //=> true
console.log(mm.isMatch('a.a', 'b.*')); //=> false
-### [.not](index.js#L148)
+### [.not](index.js#L153)
Returns a list of strings that _**do not match any**_ of the given `patterns`.
@@ -227,7 +230,8 @@ console.log(mm.not(['a.a', 'b.b', 'c.c'], '*.a'));
//=> ['b.b', 'c.c']
-### [.contains](index.js#L188)
+### [.contains](index.js#L193)
Returns true if the given `string` contains the given pattern. Similar to [.isMatch](#isMatch) but the pattern can match any part of the string.
@@ -249,8 +253,9 @@ console.log(mm.contains('aa/bb/cc', '*d'));
//=> false
-### [.matchKeys](index.js#L230)
-Filter the keys of the given object with the given `glob` pattern and `options`. Does not attempt to match nested keys. If you need this feature, use [glob-object][] instead.
+### [.matchKeys](index.js#L235)
+Filter the keys of the given object with the given `glob` pattern and `options`. Does not attempt to match nested keys. If you need this feature, use [glob-object](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-object) instead.
@@ -270,7 +275,8 @@ console.log(mm.matchKeys(obj, '*b'));
//=> { ab: 'b' }
-### [.some](index.js#L259)
+### [.some](index.js#L264)
Returns true if some of the strings in the given `list` match any of the given glob `patterns`.
@@ -292,7 +298,8 @@ console.log(mm.some(['foo.js'], ['*.js', '!foo.js']));
// false
-### [.every](index.js#L295)
+### [.every](index.js#L300)
Returns true if every string in the given `list` matches any of the given glob `patterns`.
@@ -318,7 +325,8 @@ console.log(mm.every(['foo.js'], ['*.js', '!foo.js']));
// false
-### [.all](index.js#L334)
+### [.all](index.js#L339)
Returns true if **all** of the given `patterns` match the specified string.
@@ -347,8 +355,9 @@ console.log(mm.all('foo.js', ['*.js', 'f*', '*o*', '*o.js']));
// true
-### [.capture](index.js#L361)
-Returns an array of matches captured by `pattern` in `string, or `null` if the pattern did not match.
+### [.capture](index.js#L366)
+Returns an array of matches captured by `pattern` in `string, or`null` if the pattern did not match.
@@ -369,7 +378,8 @@ console.log(mm.capture('test/*.js', 'foo/bar.css'));
//=> null
-### [.makeRe](index.js#L387)
+### [.makeRe](index.js#L392)
Create a regular expression from the given glob `pattern`.
@@ -388,7 +398,8 @@ console.log(mm.makeRe('*.js'));
//=> /^(?:(\.[\\\/])?(?!\.)(?=.)[^\/]*?\.js)$/
-### [.scan](index.js#L403)
+### [.scan](index.js#L408)
Scan a glob pattern to separate the pattern into segments. Used by the [split](#split) method.
@@ -404,7 +415,8 @@ const mm = require('micromatch');
const state = mm.scan(pattern[, options]);
-### [.parse](index.js#L419)
+### [.parse](index.js#L424)
Parse a glob pattern to create the source string for a regular expression.
@@ -420,13 +432,14 @@ const mm = require('micromatch');
const state = mm.parse(pattern[, options]);
-### [.braces](index.js#L446)
+### [.braces](index.js#L451)
Process the given brace `pattern`.
* `pattern` **{String}**: String with brace pattern to process.
-* `options` **{Object}**: Any [options](#options) to change how expansion is performed. See the [braces][] library for all available options.
+* `options` **{Object}**: Any [options](#options) to change how expansion is performed. See the [braces](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) library for all available options.
* `returns` **{Array}**
@@ -487,7 +500,7 @@ console.log(braces('foo/{a,b,c}/bar', { expand: true }));
### options.basename
-Allow glob patterns without slashes to match a file path based on its basename. Same behavior as [minimatch][] option `matchBase`.
+Allow glob patterns without slashes to match a file path based on its basename. Same behavior as [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch) option `matchBase`.
**Type**: `Boolean`
@@ -527,7 +540,7 @@ console.log(micromatch(files, '[a-c]*', { bash: false }));
**Default**: `undefined`
-Custom function for expanding ranges in brace patterns. The [fill-range][] library is ideal for this purpose, or you can use custom code to do whatever you need.
+Custom function for expanding ranges in brace patterns. The [fill-range](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range) library is ideal for this purpose, or you can use custom code to do whatever you need.
@@ -636,7 +649,7 @@ Alias for [options.nullglob](#options-nullglob).
### options.nullglob
-If `true`, when no matches are found the actual (arrayified) glob pattern is returned instead of an empty array. Same behavior as [minimatch][] option `nonull`.
+If `true`, when no matches are found the actual (arrayified) glob pattern is returned instead of an empty array. Same behavior as [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch) option `nonull`.
**Type**: `Boolean`
@@ -761,7 +774,7 @@ baz/2/qux
-Visit [braces][] to see the full range of features and options related to brace expansion, or to create brace matching or expansion related issues.
+Visit [braces](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) to see the full range of features and options related to brace expansion, or to create brace matching or expansion related issues.
### Regex character classes
@@ -771,7 +784,7 @@ Given the list: `['a.js', 'b.js', 'c.js', 'd.js', 'E.js']`:
* `[b-d].js`: matches from `b` to `d`, returning `['b.js', 'c.js', 'd.js']`
* `a/[A-Z].js`: matches and uppercase letter, returning `['a/E.md']`
-Learn about [regex character classes][charclass].
+Learn about [regex character classes](http://www.regular-expressions.info/charclass.html).
### Regex groups
@@ -808,13 +821,13 @@ However, it's suprising how many edge cases and rabbit holes there are with glob
There is an important, notable difference between minimatch and micromatch _in regards to how backslashes are handled_ in glob patterns.
-- Micromatch exclusively and explicitly reserves backslashes for escaping characters in a glob pattern, even on windows, which is consistent with bash behavior. _More importantly, unescaping globs can result in unsafe regular expressions_.
-- Minimatch converts all backslashes to forward slashes, which means you can't use backslashes to escape any characters in your glob patterns.
+* Micromatch exclusively and explicitly reserves backslashes for escaping characters in a glob pattern, even on windows, which is consistent with bash behavior. _More importantly, unescaping globs can result in unsafe regular expressions_.
+* Minimatch converts all backslashes to forward slashes, which means you can't use backslashes to escape any characters in your glob patterns.
We made this decision for micromatch for a couple of reasons:
-- Consistency with bash conventions.
-- Glob patterns are not filepaths. They are a type of [regular language][regular-language] that is converted to a JavaScript regular expression. Thus, when forward slashes are defined in a glob pattern, the resulting regular expression will match windows or POSIX path separators just fine.
+* Consistency with bash conventions.
+* Glob patterns are not filepaths. They are a type of [regular language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_language) that is converted to a JavaScript regular expression. Thus, when forward slashes are defined in a glob pattern, the resulting regular expression will match windows or POSIX path separators just fine.
**A note about joining paths to globs**
@@ -842,7 +855,7 @@ $ npm run bench
### Latest results
-As of July 12, 2023 (longer bars are better):
+As of August 23, 2024 (longer bars are better):
# .makeRe star
@@ -902,25 +915,19 @@ All contributions are welcome! Please read [the contributing guide](.github/cont
Please create an issue if you encounter a bug or matching behavior that doesn't seem correct. If you find a matching-related issue, please:
-- [research existing issues first](../../issues) (open and closed)
-- visit the [GNU Bash documentation][bash] to see how Bash deals with the pattern
-- visit the [minimatch][] documentation to cross-check expected behavior in node.js
-- if all else fails, since there is no real specification for globs we will probably need to discuss expected behavior and decide how to resolve it. which means any detail you can provide to help with this discussion would be greatly appreciated.
+* [research existing issues first](../../issues) (open and closed)
+* visit the [GNU Bash documentation](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/) to see how Bash deals with the pattern
+* visit the [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch) documentation to cross-check expected behavior in node.js
+* if all else fails, since there is no real specification for globs we will probably need to discuss expected behavior and decide how to resolve it. which means any detail you can provide to help with this discussion would be greatly appreciated.
**Platform issues**
It's important to us that micromatch work consistently on all platforms. If you encounter any platform-specific matching or path related issues, please let us know (pull requests are also greatly appreciated).
-[regular-language]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_language
-[bash]: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/
-[charclass]: http://www.regular-expressions.info/charclass.html
-[extended]: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/Patterns#Extended_Globs
-[brackets]: https://github.com/micromatch/expand-brackets
-[braces]: https://github.com/micromatch/braces
## About
- Contributing
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new).
@@ -929,7 +936,7 @@ Please read the [contributing guide](.github/contributing.md) for advice on open
- Running Tests
+Running Tests
Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:
@@ -940,7 +947,7 @@ $ npm install && npm test
- Building docs
+Building docs
_(This project's readme.md is generated by [verb](https://github.com/verbose/verb-generate-readme), please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the [.verb.md](.verb.md) readme template.)_
@@ -956,62 +963,62 @@ $ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb
You might also be interested in these projects:
-- [braces](https://www.npmjs.com/package/braces): Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/braces "Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed.")
-- [expand-brackets](https://www.npmjs.com/package/expand-brackets): Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns. | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/expand-brackets "Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns.")
-- [extglob](https://www.npmjs.com/package/extglob): Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/extglob) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/extglob "Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob patterns.")
-- [fill-range](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fill-range): Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to… [more](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range) | [homepage](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range "Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex`")
-- [nanomatch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/nanomatch): Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/nanomatch) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/nanomatch "Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash 4.3 wildcard support only (no support for exglobs, posix brackets or braces)")
+* [braces](https://www.npmjs.com/package/braces): Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/braces "Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed.")
+* [expand-brackets](https://www.npmjs.com/package/expand-brackets): Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns. | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/expand-brackets "Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns.")
+* [extglob](https://www.npmjs.com/package/extglob): Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/extglob) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/extglob "Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob patterns.")
+* [fill-range](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fill-range): Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to… [more](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range) | [homepage](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range "Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex`")
+* [nanomatch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/nanomatch): Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/nanomatch) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/nanomatch "Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash 4.3 wildcard support only (no support for exglobs, posix brackets or braces)")
### Contributors
-| **Commits** | **Contributor** |
-| --- | --- |
-| 515 | [jonschlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert) |
-| 12 | [es128](https://github.com/es128) |
-| 9 | [danez](https://github.com/danez) |
-| 8 | [doowb](https://github.com/doowb) |
-| 6 | [paulmillr](https://github.com/paulmillr) |
-| 5 | [mrmlnc](https://github.com/mrmlnc) |
-| 3 | [DrPizza](https://github.com/DrPizza) |
-| 2 | [TrySound](https://github.com/TrySound) |
-| 2 | [mceIdo](https://github.com/mceIdo) |
-| 2 | [Glazy](https://github.com/Glazy) |
-| 2 | [MartinKolarik](https://github.com/MartinKolarik) |
-| 2 | [antonyk](https://github.com/antonyk) |
-| 2 | [Tvrqvoise](https://github.com/Tvrqvoise) |
-| 1 | [amilajack](https://github.com/amilajack) |
-| 1 | [Cslove](https://github.com/Cslove) |
-| 1 | [devongovett](https://github.com/devongovett) |
-| 1 | [DianeLooney](https://github.com/DianeLooney) |
-| 1 | [UltCombo](https://github.com/UltCombo) |
-| 1 | [frangio](https://github.com/frangio) |
-| 1 | [joyceerhl](https://github.com/joyceerhl) |
-| 1 | [juszczykjakub](https://github.com/juszczykjakub) |
-| 1 | [muescha](https://github.com/muescha) |
-| 1 | [sebdeckers](https://github.com/sebdeckers) |
-| 1 | [tomByrer](https://github.com/tomByrer) |
-| 1 | [fidian](https://github.com/fidian) |
-| 1 | [curbengh](https://github.com/curbengh) |
-| 1 | [simlu](https://github.com/simlu) |
-| 1 | [wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg](https://github.com/wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg) |
-| 1 | [yvele](https://github.com/yvele) |
+| **Commits** | **Contributor** |
+| --- | --- |
+| 523 | [jonschlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert) |
+| 12 | [es128](https://github.com/es128) |
+| 9 | [danez](https://github.com/danez) |
+| 8 | [doowb](https://github.com/doowb) |
+| 6 | [paulmillr](https://github.com/paulmillr) |
+| 5 | [mrmlnc](https://github.com/mrmlnc) |
+| 3 | [DrPizza](https://github.com/DrPizza) |
+| 2 | [Tvrqvoise](https://github.com/Tvrqvoise) |
+| 2 | [antonyk](https://github.com/antonyk) |
+| 2 | [MartinKolarik](https://github.com/MartinKolarik) |
+| 2 | [Glazy](https://github.com/Glazy) |
+| 2 | [mceIdo](https://github.com/mceIdo) |
+| 2 | [TrySound](https://github.com/TrySound) |
+| 1 | [yvele](https://github.com/yvele) |
+| 1 | [wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg](https://github.com/wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg) |
+| 1 | [simlu](https://github.com/simlu) |
+| 1 | [curbengh](https://github.com/curbengh) |
+| 1 | [fidian](https://github.com/fidian) |
+| 1 | [tomByrer](https://github.com/tomByrer) |
+| 1 | [ZoomerTedJackson](https://github.com/ZoomerTedJackson) |
+| 1 | [styfle](https://github.com/styfle) |
+| 1 | [sebdeckers](https://github.com/sebdeckers) |
+| 1 | [muescha](https://github.com/muescha) |
+| 1 | [juszczykjakub](https://github.com/juszczykjakub) |
+| 1 | [joyceerhl](https://github.com/joyceerhl) |
+| 1 | [donatj](https://github.com/donatj) |
+| 1 | [frangio](https://github.com/frangio) |
+| 1 | [UltCombo](https://github.com/UltCombo) |
+| 1 | [DianeLooney](https://github.com/DianeLooney) |
+| 1 | [devongovett](https://github.com/devongovett) |
+| 1 | [Cslove](https://github.com/Cslove) |
+| 1 | [amilajack](https://github.com/amilajack) |
### Author
**Jon Schlinkert**
-+ [GitHub Profile](https://github.com/jonschlinkert)
-+ [Twitter Profile](https://twitter.com/jonschlinkert)
-+ [LinkedIn Profile](https://linkedin.com/in/jonschlinkert)
+* [GitHub Profile](https://github.com/jonschlinkert)
+* [Twitter Profile](https://twitter.com/jonschlinkert)
+* [LinkedIn Profile](https://linkedin.com/in/jonschlinkert)
### License
-Copyright © 2023, [Jon Schlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert).
+Copyright © 2024, [Jon Schlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert).
Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).
-_This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](https://github.com/verbose/verb-generate-readme), v0.8.0, on July 12, 2023._
-[extglob]: https://github.com/micromatch/extglob
-[fill-range]: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range
-[glob-object]: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-object
-[minimatch]: https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch
-[multimatch]: https://github.com/sindresorhus/multimatch
+_This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](https://github.com/verbose/verb-generate-readme), v0.8.0, on August 23, 2024._
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/inputs/node_modules/fast-glob/node_modules/micromatch/README.md b/components/inputs/node_modules/fast-glob/node_modules/micromatch/README.md
index 68b4637e..d72a059a 100644
--- a/components/inputs/node_modules/fast-glob/node_modules/micromatch/README.md
+++ b/components/inputs/node_modules/fast-glob/node_modules/micromatch/README.md
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Please consider following this project's author, [Jon Schlinkert](https://github
## Install
-Install with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) (requires [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) >=8.6):
+Install with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/):
$ npm install --save micromatch
@@ -99,15 +99,15 @@ console.log(micromatch.isMatch('foo', ['b*', 'f*'])) //=> true
> micromatch is a [replacement](#switching-to-micromatch) for minimatch and multimatch
-- Supports all of the same matching features as [minimatch][] and [multimatch][]
-- More complete support for the Bash 4.3 specification than minimatch and multimatch. Micromatch passes _all of the spec tests_ from bash, including some that bash still fails.
-- **Fast & Performant** - Loads in about 5ms and performs [fast matches](#benchmarks).
-- **Glob matching** - Using wildcards (`*` and `?`), globstars (`**`) for nested directories
-- **[Advanced globbing](#extended-globbing)** - Supports [extglobs](#extglobs), [braces](#braces-1), and [POSIX brackets](#posix-bracket-expressions), and support for escaping special characters with `\` or quotes.
-- **Accurate** - Covers more scenarios [than minimatch](https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/pull/3339)
-- **Well tested** - More than 5,000 [test assertions](./test)
-- **Windows support** - More reliable windows support than minimatch and multimatch.
-- **[Safe][braces]{#braces-is-safe}** - Micromatch is not subject to DoS with brace patterns like minimatch and multimatch.
+* Supports all of the same matching features as [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch) and [multimatch](https://github.com/sindresorhus/multimatch)
+* More complete support for the Bash 4.3 specification than minimatch and multimatch. Micromatch passes _all of the spec tests_ from bash, including some that bash still fails.
+* **Fast & Performant** - Loads in about 5ms and performs [fast matches](#benchmarks).
+* **Glob matching** - Using wildcards (`*` and `?`), globstars (`**`) for nested directories
+* **[Advanced globbing](#extended-globbing)** - Supports [extglobs](#extglobs), [braces](#braces-1), and [POSIX brackets](#posix-bracket-expressions), and support for escaping special characters with `\` or quotes.
+* **Accurate** - Covers more scenarios [than minimatch](https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/pull/3339)
+* **Well tested** - More than 5,000 [test assertions](./test)
+* **Windows support** - More reliable windows support than minimatch and multimatch.
+* **[Safe](https://github.com/micromatch/braces#braces-is-safe)** - Micromatch is not subject to DoS with brace patterns like minimatch and multimatch.
### Matching features
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ console.log(micromatch.isMatch('foo', ['b*', 'f*'])) //=> true
* Negation (`'!a/*.js'`, `'*!(b).js'`)
* [extglobs](#extglobs) (`+(x|y)`, `!(a|b)`)
* [POSIX character classes](#posix-bracket-expressions) (`[[:alpha:][:digit:]]`)
-* [brace expansion][braces] (`foo/{1..5}.md`, `bar/{a,b,c}.js`)
+* [brace expansion](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) (`foo/{1..5}.md`, `bar/{a,b,c}.js`)
* regex character classes (`foo-[1-5].js`)
* regex logical "or" (`foo/(abc|xyz).js`)
@@ -167,7 +167,8 @@ console.log(mm(['a.js', 'a.txt'], ['*.js']));
//=> [ 'a.js' ]
-### [.matcher](index.js#L104)
+### [.matcher](index.js#L109)
Returns a matcher function from the given glob `pattern` and `options`. The returned function takes a string to match as its only argument and returns true if the string is a match.
@@ -187,7 +188,8 @@ console.log(isMatch('a.a')); //=> false
console.log(isMatch('a.b')); //=> true
-### [.isMatch](index.js#L123)
+### [.isMatch](index.js#L128)
Returns true if **any** of the given glob `patterns` match the specified `string`.
@@ -207,7 +209,8 @@ console.log(mm.isMatch('a.a', ['b.*', '*.a'])); //=> true
console.log(mm.isMatch('a.a', 'b.*')); //=> false
-### [.not](index.js#L148)
+### [.not](index.js#L153)
Returns a list of strings that _**do not match any**_ of the given `patterns`.
@@ -227,7 +230,8 @@ console.log(mm.not(['a.a', 'b.b', 'c.c'], '*.a'));
//=> ['b.b', 'c.c']
-### [.contains](index.js#L188)
+### [.contains](index.js#L193)
Returns true if the given `string` contains the given pattern. Similar to [.isMatch](#isMatch) but the pattern can match any part of the string.
@@ -249,8 +253,9 @@ console.log(mm.contains('aa/bb/cc', '*d'));
//=> false
-### [.matchKeys](index.js#L230)
-Filter the keys of the given object with the given `glob` pattern and `options`. Does not attempt to match nested keys. If you need this feature, use [glob-object][] instead.
+### [.matchKeys](index.js#L235)
+Filter the keys of the given object with the given `glob` pattern and `options`. Does not attempt to match nested keys. If you need this feature, use [glob-object](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-object) instead.
@@ -270,7 +275,8 @@ console.log(mm.matchKeys(obj, '*b'));
//=> { ab: 'b' }
-### [.some](index.js#L259)
+### [.some](index.js#L264)
Returns true if some of the strings in the given `list` match any of the given glob `patterns`.
@@ -292,7 +298,8 @@ console.log(mm.some(['foo.js'], ['*.js', '!foo.js']));
// false
-### [.every](index.js#L295)
+### [.every](index.js#L300)
Returns true if every string in the given `list` matches any of the given glob `patterns`.
@@ -318,7 +325,8 @@ console.log(mm.every(['foo.js'], ['*.js', '!foo.js']));
// false
-### [.all](index.js#L334)
+### [.all](index.js#L339)
Returns true if **all** of the given `patterns` match the specified string.
@@ -347,8 +355,9 @@ console.log(mm.all('foo.js', ['*.js', 'f*', '*o*', '*o.js']));
// true
-### [.capture](index.js#L361)
-Returns an array of matches captured by `pattern` in `string, or `null` if the pattern did not match.
+### [.capture](index.js#L366)
+Returns an array of matches captured by `pattern` in `string, or`null` if the pattern did not match.
@@ -369,7 +378,8 @@ console.log(mm.capture('test/*.js', 'foo/bar.css'));
//=> null
-### [.makeRe](index.js#L387)
+### [.makeRe](index.js#L392)
Create a regular expression from the given glob `pattern`.
@@ -388,7 +398,8 @@ console.log(mm.makeRe('*.js'));
//=> /^(?:(\.[\\\/])?(?!\.)(?=.)[^\/]*?\.js)$/
-### [.scan](index.js#L403)
+### [.scan](index.js#L408)
Scan a glob pattern to separate the pattern into segments. Used by the [split](#split) method.
@@ -404,7 +415,8 @@ const mm = require('micromatch');
const state = mm.scan(pattern[, options]);
-### [.parse](index.js#L419)
+### [.parse](index.js#L424)
Parse a glob pattern to create the source string for a regular expression.
@@ -420,13 +432,14 @@ const mm = require('micromatch');
const state = mm.parse(pattern[, options]);
-### [.braces](index.js#L446)
+### [.braces](index.js#L451)
Process the given brace `pattern`.
* `pattern` **{String}**: String with brace pattern to process.
-* `options` **{Object}**: Any [options](#options) to change how expansion is performed. See the [braces][] library for all available options.
+* `options` **{Object}**: Any [options](#options) to change how expansion is performed. See the [braces](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) library for all available options.
* `returns` **{Array}**
@@ -487,7 +500,7 @@ console.log(braces('foo/{a,b,c}/bar', { expand: true }));
### options.basename
-Allow glob patterns without slashes to match a file path based on its basename. Same behavior as [minimatch][] option `matchBase`.
+Allow glob patterns without slashes to match a file path based on its basename. Same behavior as [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch) option `matchBase`.
**Type**: `Boolean`
@@ -527,7 +540,7 @@ console.log(micromatch(files, '[a-c]*', { bash: false }));
**Default**: `undefined`
-Custom function for expanding ranges in brace patterns. The [fill-range][] library is ideal for this purpose, or you can use custom code to do whatever you need.
+Custom function for expanding ranges in brace patterns. The [fill-range](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range) library is ideal for this purpose, or you can use custom code to do whatever you need.
@@ -636,7 +649,7 @@ Alias for [options.nullglob](#options-nullglob).
### options.nullglob
-If `true`, when no matches are found the actual (arrayified) glob pattern is returned instead of an empty array. Same behavior as [minimatch][] option `nonull`.
+If `true`, when no matches are found the actual (arrayified) glob pattern is returned instead of an empty array. Same behavior as [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch) option `nonull`.
**Type**: `Boolean`
@@ -761,7 +774,7 @@ baz/2/qux
-Visit [braces][] to see the full range of features and options related to brace expansion, or to create brace matching or expansion related issues.
+Visit [braces](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) to see the full range of features and options related to brace expansion, or to create brace matching or expansion related issues.
### Regex character classes
@@ -771,7 +784,7 @@ Given the list: `['a.js', 'b.js', 'c.js', 'd.js', 'E.js']`:
* `[b-d].js`: matches from `b` to `d`, returning `['b.js', 'c.js', 'd.js']`
* `a/[A-Z].js`: matches and uppercase letter, returning `['a/E.md']`
-Learn about [regex character classes][charclass].
+Learn about [regex character classes](http://www.regular-expressions.info/charclass.html).
### Regex groups
@@ -808,13 +821,13 @@ However, it's suprising how many edge cases and rabbit holes there are with glob
There is an important, notable difference between minimatch and micromatch _in regards to how backslashes are handled_ in glob patterns.
-- Micromatch exclusively and explicitly reserves backslashes for escaping characters in a glob pattern, even on windows, which is consistent with bash behavior. _More importantly, unescaping globs can result in unsafe regular expressions_.
-- Minimatch converts all backslashes to forward slashes, which means you can't use backslashes to escape any characters in your glob patterns.
+* Micromatch exclusively and explicitly reserves backslashes for escaping characters in a glob pattern, even on windows, which is consistent with bash behavior. _More importantly, unescaping globs can result in unsafe regular expressions_.
+* Minimatch converts all backslashes to forward slashes, which means you can't use backslashes to escape any characters in your glob patterns.
We made this decision for micromatch for a couple of reasons:
-- Consistency with bash conventions.
-- Glob patterns are not filepaths. They are a type of [regular language][regular-language] that is converted to a JavaScript regular expression. Thus, when forward slashes are defined in a glob pattern, the resulting regular expression will match windows or POSIX path separators just fine.
+* Consistency with bash conventions.
+* Glob patterns are not filepaths. They are a type of [regular language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_language) that is converted to a JavaScript regular expression. Thus, when forward slashes are defined in a glob pattern, the resulting regular expression will match windows or POSIX path separators just fine.
**A note about joining paths to globs**
@@ -842,7 +855,7 @@ $ npm run bench
### Latest results
-As of July 12, 2023 (longer bars are better):
+As of August 23, 2024 (longer bars are better):
# .makeRe star
@@ -902,25 +915,19 @@ All contributions are welcome! Please read [the contributing guide](.github/cont
Please create an issue if you encounter a bug or matching behavior that doesn't seem correct. If you find a matching-related issue, please:
-- [research existing issues first](../../issues) (open and closed)
-- visit the [GNU Bash documentation][bash] to see how Bash deals with the pattern
-- visit the [minimatch][] documentation to cross-check expected behavior in node.js
-- if all else fails, since there is no real specification for globs we will probably need to discuss expected behavior and decide how to resolve it. which means any detail you can provide to help with this discussion would be greatly appreciated.
+* [research existing issues first](../../issues) (open and closed)
+* visit the [GNU Bash documentation](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/) to see how Bash deals with the pattern
+* visit the [minimatch](https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch) documentation to cross-check expected behavior in node.js
+* if all else fails, since there is no real specification for globs we will probably need to discuss expected behavior and decide how to resolve it. which means any detail you can provide to help with this discussion would be greatly appreciated.
**Platform issues**
It's important to us that micromatch work consistently on all platforms. If you encounter any platform-specific matching or path related issues, please let us know (pull requests are also greatly appreciated).
-[regular-language]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_language
-[bash]: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/
-[charclass]: http://www.regular-expressions.info/charclass.html
-[extended]: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/Patterns#Extended_Globs
-[brackets]: https://github.com/micromatch/expand-brackets
-[braces]: https://github.com/micromatch/braces
## About
- Contributing
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new).
@@ -929,7 +936,7 @@ Please read the [contributing guide](.github/contributing.md) for advice on open
- Running Tests
+Running Tests
Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:
@@ -940,7 +947,7 @@ $ npm install && npm test
- Building docs
+Building docs
_(This project's readme.md is generated by [verb](https://github.com/verbose/verb-generate-readme), please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the [.verb.md](.verb.md) readme template.)_
@@ -956,62 +963,62 @@ $ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb
You might also be interested in these projects:
-- [braces](https://www.npmjs.com/package/braces): Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/braces "Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed.")
-- [expand-brackets](https://www.npmjs.com/package/expand-brackets): Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns. | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/expand-brackets "Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns.")
-- [extglob](https://www.npmjs.com/package/extglob): Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/extglob) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/extglob "Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob patterns.")
-- [fill-range](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fill-range): Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to… [more](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range) | [homepage](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range "Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex`")
-- [nanomatch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/nanomatch): Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/nanomatch) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/nanomatch "Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash 4.3 wildcard support only (no support for exglobs, posix brackets or braces)")
+* [braces](https://www.npmjs.com/package/braces): Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/braces) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/braces "Bash-like brace expansion, implemented in JavaScript. Safer than other brace expansion libs, with complete support for the Bash 4.3 braces specification, without sacrificing speed.")
+* [expand-brackets](https://www.npmjs.com/package/expand-brackets): Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns. | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/expand-brackets "Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns.")
+* [extglob](https://www.npmjs.com/package/extglob): Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/extglob) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/extglob "Extended glob support for JavaScript. Adds (almost) the expressive power of regular expressions to glob patterns.")
+* [fill-range](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fill-range): Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to… [more](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range) | [homepage](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range "Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or `step` to use, or create a regex-compatible range with `options.toRegex`")
+* [nanomatch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/nanomatch): Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash… [more](https://github.com/micromatch/nanomatch) | [homepage](https://github.com/micromatch/nanomatch "Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and multimatch, but complete Bash 4.3 wildcard support only (no support for exglobs, posix brackets or braces)")
### Contributors
-| **Commits** | **Contributor** |
-| --- | --- |
-| 515 | [jonschlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert) |
-| 12 | [es128](https://github.com/es128) |
-| 9 | [danez](https://github.com/danez) |
-| 8 | [doowb](https://github.com/doowb) |
-| 6 | [paulmillr](https://github.com/paulmillr) |
-| 5 | [mrmlnc](https://github.com/mrmlnc) |
-| 3 | [DrPizza](https://github.com/DrPizza) |
-| 2 | [TrySound](https://github.com/TrySound) |
-| 2 | [mceIdo](https://github.com/mceIdo) |
-| 2 | [Glazy](https://github.com/Glazy) |
-| 2 | [MartinKolarik](https://github.com/MartinKolarik) |
-| 2 | [antonyk](https://github.com/antonyk) |
-| 2 | [Tvrqvoise](https://github.com/Tvrqvoise) |
-| 1 | [amilajack](https://github.com/amilajack) |
-| 1 | [Cslove](https://github.com/Cslove) |
-| 1 | [devongovett](https://github.com/devongovett) |
-| 1 | [DianeLooney](https://github.com/DianeLooney) |
-| 1 | [UltCombo](https://github.com/UltCombo) |
-| 1 | [frangio](https://github.com/frangio) |
-| 1 | [joyceerhl](https://github.com/joyceerhl) |
-| 1 | [juszczykjakub](https://github.com/juszczykjakub) |
-| 1 | [muescha](https://github.com/muescha) |
-| 1 | [sebdeckers](https://github.com/sebdeckers) |
-| 1 | [tomByrer](https://github.com/tomByrer) |
-| 1 | [fidian](https://github.com/fidian) |
-| 1 | [curbengh](https://github.com/curbengh) |
-| 1 | [simlu](https://github.com/simlu) |
-| 1 | [wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg](https://github.com/wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg) |
-| 1 | [yvele](https://github.com/yvele) |
+| **Commits** | **Contributor** |
+| --- | --- |
+| 523 | [jonschlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert) |
+| 12 | [es128](https://github.com/es128) |
+| 9 | [danez](https://github.com/danez) |
+| 8 | [doowb](https://github.com/doowb) |
+| 6 | [paulmillr](https://github.com/paulmillr) |
+| 5 | [mrmlnc](https://github.com/mrmlnc) |
+| 3 | [DrPizza](https://github.com/DrPizza) |
+| 2 | [Tvrqvoise](https://github.com/Tvrqvoise) |
+| 2 | [antonyk](https://github.com/antonyk) |
+| 2 | [MartinKolarik](https://github.com/MartinKolarik) |
+| 2 | [Glazy](https://github.com/Glazy) |
+| 2 | [mceIdo](https://github.com/mceIdo) |
+| 2 | [TrySound](https://github.com/TrySound) |
+| 1 | [yvele](https://github.com/yvele) |
+| 1 | [wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg](https://github.com/wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg) |
+| 1 | [simlu](https://github.com/simlu) |
+| 1 | [curbengh](https://github.com/curbengh) |
+| 1 | [fidian](https://github.com/fidian) |
+| 1 | [tomByrer](https://github.com/tomByrer) |
+| 1 | [ZoomerTedJackson](https://github.com/ZoomerTedJackson) |
+| 1 | [styfle](https://github.com/styfle) |
+| 1 | [sebdeckers](https://github.com/sebdeckers) |
+| 1 | [muescha](https://github.com/muescha) |
+| 1 | [juszczykjakub](https://github.com/juszczykjakub) |
+| 1 | [joyceerhl](https://github.com/joyceerhl) |
+| 1 | [donatj](https://github.com/donatj) |
+| 1 | [frangio](https://github.com/frangio) |
+| 1 | [UltCombo](https://github.com/UltCombo) |
+| 1 | [DianeLooney](https://github.com/DianeLooney) |
+| 1 | [devongovett](https://github.com/devongovett) |
+| 1 | [Cslove](https://github.com/Cslove) |
+| 1 | [amilajack](https://github.com/amilajack) |
### Author
**Jon Schlinkert**
-+ [GitHub Profile](https://github.com/jonschlinkert)
-+ [Twitter Profile](https://twitter.com/jonschlinkert)
-+ [LinkedIn Profile](https://linkedin.com/in/jonschlinkert)
+* [GitHub Profile](https://github.com/jonschlinkert)
+* [Twitter Profile](https://twitter.com/jonschlinkert)
+* [LinkedIn Profile](https://linkedin.com/in/jonschlinkert)
### License
-Copyright © 2023, [Jon Schlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert).
+Copyright © 2024, [Jon Schlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert).
Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).
-_This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](https://github.com/verbose/verb-generate-readme), v0.8.0, on July 12, 2023._
-[extglob]: https://github.com/micromatch/extglob
-[fill-range]: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/fill-range
-[glob-object]: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-object
-[minimatch]: https://github.com/isaacs/minimatch
-[multimatch]: https://github.com/sindresorhus/multimatch
+_This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](https://github.com/verbose/verb-generate-readme), v0.8.0, on August 23, 2024._
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/components/inputs/node_modules/picocolors/README.md b/components/inputs/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
index 8e47aa8e..54e3aa3b 100644
--- a/components/inputs/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
+++ b/components/inputs/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
@@ -17,5 +17,161 @@ console.log(
- TypeScript type declarations included.
- [`NO_COLOR`](https://no-color.org/) friendly.
-## Docs
-Read **[full docs](https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors#readme)** on GitHub.
+## Motivation
+With `picocolors` we are trying to draw attention to the `node_modules` size
+problem and promote performance-first culture.
+## Prior Art
+Credits go to the following projects:
+- [Nanocolors](https://github.com/ai/nanocolors) by [@ai](https://github.com/ai)
+- [Colorette](https://github.com/jorgebucaran/colorette) by [@jorgebucaran](https://github.com/jorgebucaran)
+- [Kleur](https://github.com/lukeed/kleur) by [@lukeed](https://github.com/lukeed)
+- [Colors.js](https://github.com/Marak/colors.js) by [@Marak](https://github.com/Marak)
+- [Chalk](https://github.com/chalk/chalk) by [@sindresorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus)
+## Benchmarks
+The space in node_modules including sub-dependencies:
+$ node ./benchmarks/size.js
+Data from packagephobia.com
+ chalk 101 kB
+ cli-color 1249 kB
+ ansi-colors 25 kB
+ kleur 21 kB
+ colorette 17 kB
+ nanocolors 16 kB
++ picocolors 7 kB
+Library loading time:
+$ node ./benchmarks/loading.js
+ chalk 6.167 ms
+ cli-color 31.431 ms
+ ansi-colors 1.585 ms
+ kleur 2.008 ms
+ kleur/colors 0.773 ms
+ colorette 2.476 ms
+ nanocolors 0.833 ms
++ picocolors 0.466 ms
+Benchmark for simple use case:
+$ node ./benchmarks/simple.js
+ chalk 24,066,342 ops/sec
+ cli-color 938,700 ops/sec
+ ansi-colors 4,532,542 ops/sec
+ kleur 20,343,122 ops/sec
+ kleur/colors 35,415,770 ops/sec
+ colorette 34,244,834 ops/sec
+ nanocolors 33,443,265 ops/sec
++ picocolors 33,271,645 ops/sec
+Benchmark for complex use cases:
+$ node ./benchmarks/complex.js
+ chalk 969,915 ops/sec
+ cli-color 131,639 ops/sec
+ ansi-colors 342,250 ops/sec
+ kleur 611,880 ops/sec
+ kleur/colors 1,129,526 ops/sec
+ colorette 1,747,277 ops/sec
+ nanocolors 1,251,312 ops/sec
++ picocolors 2,024,086 ops/sec
+## Usage
+Picocolors provides an object which includes a variety of text coloring and formatting functions
+import pc from "picocolors"
+The object includes following coloring functions: `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white`, `gray`.
+console.log(`I see a ${pc.red("red door")} and I want it painted ${pc.black("black")}`)
+The object also includes following background color modifier functions: `bgBlack`, `bgRed`, `bgGreen`, `bgYellow`, `bgBlue`, `bgMagenta`, `bgCyan`, `bgWhite` and bright variants `bgBlackBright`, `bgRedBright`, `bgGreenBright`, `bgYellowBright`, `bgBlueBright`, `bgMagentaBright`, `bgCyanBright`, `bgWhiteBright`.
+ pc.bgBlack(
+ pc.white(`Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush.`)
+ )
+Besides colors, the object includes following formatting functions: `dim`, `bold`, `hidden`, `italic`, `underline`, `strikethrough`, `reset`, `inverse` and bright variants `blackBright`, `redBright`, `greenBright`, `yellowBright`, `blueBright`, `magentaBright`, `cyanBright`, `whiteBright`.
+for (let task of tasks) {
+ console.log(`${pc.bold(task.name)} ${pc.dim(task.durationMs + "ms")}`)
+The library provides additional utilities to ensure the best results for the task:
+- `isColorSupported` — boolean, explicitly tells whether or not the colors or formatting appear on the screen
+ ```javascript
+ import pc from "picocolors"
+ if (pc.isColorSupported) {
+ console.log("Yay! This script can use colors and formatters")
+ }
+ ```
+- `createColors(enabled)` — a function that returns a new API object with manually defined color support configuration
+ ```javascript
+ import pc from "picocolors"
+ let { red, bgWhite } = pc.createColors(options.enableColors)
+ ```
+## Replacing `chalk`
+1. Replace package name in import:
+ ```diff
+ - import chalk from 'chalk'
+ + import pico from 'picocolors'
+ ```
+2. Replace variable:
+ ```diff
+ - chalk.red(text)
+ + pico.red(text)
+ ```
+3. Replace chains to nested calls:
+ ```diff
+ - chalk.red.bold(text)
+ + pico.red(pico.bold(text))
+ ```
+4. You can use [`colorize-template`](https://github.com/usmanyunusov/colorize-template)
+ to replace chalk’s tagged template literal.
+ ```diff
+ + import { createColorize } from 'colorize-template'
+ + let colorize = createColorize(pico)
+ - chalk.red.bold`full {yellow ${"text"}}`
+ + colorize`{red.bold full {yellow ${"text"}}}`
+ ```
diff --git a/components/inputs/node_modules/webpack/README.md b/components/inputs/node_modules/webpack/README.md
index 1babcc08..e26e3b27 100644
--- a/components/inputs/node_modules/webpack/README.md
+++ b/components/inputs/node_modules/webpack/README.md
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
[![PR's welcome][prs]][prs-url]
@@ -716,9 +717,11 @@ src="https://static.monei.net/monei-logo.svg" height="30" alt="MONEI">
[node-url]: https://nodejs.org
[prs]: https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg
[prs-url]: https://webpack.js.org/contribute/
-[builds2]: https://dev.azure.com/webpack/webpack/_apis/build/status/webpack.webpack
-[builds2-url]: https://dev.azure.com/webpack/webpack/_build/latest?definitionId=3
-[licenses-url]: https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fwebpack%2Fwebpack?ref=badge_shield
-[licenses]: https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fwebpack%2Fwebpack.svg?type=shield
+[builds1]: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg
+[builds1-url]: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/actions/workflows/test.yml
+[builds2]: https://dev.azure.com/webpack/webpack/_apis/build/status%2Fwebpack.webpack?branchName=main
+[builds2-url]: https://dev.azure.com/webpack/webpack/_build/latest?definitionId=3&branchName=main
+[dependency-review-url]: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/actions/workflows/dependency-review.yml
+[dependency-review]: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/actions/workflows/dependency-review.yml/badge.svg
[cover]: https://codecov.io/gh/webpack/webpack/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=mDP3mQJNnn
[cover-url]: https://codecov.io/gh/webpack/webpack
diff --git a/components/inputs/package.json b/components/inputs/package.json
index bb60a784..430961e5 100644
--- a/components/inputs/package.json
+++ b/components/inputs/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-inputs",
- "version": "26.2.10",
+ "version": "26.2.11",
"description": "A package of Essential JS 2 input components such as Textbox, Color-picker, Masked-textbox, Numeric-textbox, Slider, Upload, and Form-validator that is used to get input from the users. for Vue",
"author": "Syncfusion Inc.",
"license": "SEE LICENSE IN license",
diff --git a/components/kanban/CHANGELOG.md b/components/kanban/CHANGELOG.md
index 6d5c5af1..3d1d4cbd 100644
--- a/components/kanban/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/kanban/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### Kanban
diff --git a/components/lists/CHANGELOG.md b/components/lists/CHANGELOG.md
index 2fc36e2f..12892729 100644
--- a/components/lists/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/lists/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### ListView
diff --git a/components/maps/CHANGELOG.md b/components/maps/CHANGELOG.md
index 5df63cbe..db2b075b 100644
--- a/components/maps/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/maps/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### Maps
diff --git a/components/multicolumncombobox/CHANGELOG.md b/components/multicolumncombobox/CHANGELOG.md
index 1f7fd2d0..c18509db 100644
--- a/components/multicolumncombobox/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/multicolumncombobox/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### MultiColumn ComboBox
diff --git a/components/navigations/CHANGELOG.md b/components/navigations/CHANGELOG.md
index 7b1fb581..2d82e378 100644
--- a/components/navigations/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/navigations/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### Stepper
diff --git a/components/pdfviewer/CHANGELOG.md b/components/pdfviewer/CHANGELOG.md
index 321abd85..425ee02c 100644
--- a/components/pdfviewer/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/pdfviewer/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### PDF Viewer
diff --git a/components/pivotview/CHANGELOG.md b/components/pivotview/CHANGELOG.md
index 18c19e54..c7b251e8 100644
--- a/components/pivotview/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/pivotview/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### PivotTable
diff --git a/components/popups/CHANGELOG.md b/components/popups/CHANGELOG.md
index e6f610ad..805579f0 100644
--- a/components/popups/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/popups/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### Dialog
diff --git a/components/querybuilder/CHANGELOG.md b/components/querybuilder/CHANGELOG.md
index 212d3458..c478a5f1 100644
--- a/components/querybuilder/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/querybuilder/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### QueryBuilder
diff --git a/components/richtexteditor/CHANGELOG.md b/components/richtexteditor/CHANGELOG.md
index 4cf6f21a..b8b8adb0 100644
--- a/components/richtexteditor/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/richtexteditor/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,6 +2,16 @@
## [Unreleased]
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
+### RichTextEditor
+#### Bug Fixes
+- `#I621958` - Now, when pressing the Backspace key on indented text, the indentation is decreased by one level in the Rich Text Editor.
+- `#I615533` - Now, applying bold and then using the @ character to open the mention popup is fixed.
## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
### RichTextEditor
diff --git a/components/richtexteditor/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md b/components/richtexteditor/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md
index 79d91a07..e2d06b6a 100644
--- a/components/richtexteditor/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md
+++ b/components/richtexteditor/node_modules/aws-sdk/README.md
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ require('aws-sdk/lib/maintenance_mode_message').suppress = true;
To use the SDK in the browser, simply add the following script tag to your
HTML pages:
You can also build a custom browser SDK with your specified set of AWS services.
This can allow you to reduce the SDK's size, specify different API versions of
diff --git a/components/richtexteditor/node_modules/picocolors/README.md b/components/richtexteditor/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
index 8e47aa8e..54e3aa3b 100644
--- a/components/richtexteditor/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
+++ b/components/richtexteditor/node_modules/picocolors/README.md
@@ -17,5 +17,161 @@ console.log(
- TypeScript type declarations included.
- [`NO_COLOR`](https://no-color.org/) friendly.
-## Docs
-Read **[full docs](https://github.com/alexeyraspopov/picocolors#readme)** on GitHub.
+## Motivation
+With `picocolors` we are trying to draw attention to the `node_modules` size
+problem and promote performance-first culture.
+## Prior Art
+Credits go to the following projects:
+- [Nanocolors](https://github.com/ai/nanocolors) by [@ai](https://github.com/ai)
+- [Colorette](https://github.com/jorgebucaran/colorette) by [@jorgebucaran](https://github.com/jorgebucaran)
+- [Kleur](https://github.com/lukeed/kleur) by [@lukeed](https://github.com/lukeed)
+- [Colors.js](https://github.com/Marak/colors.js) by [@Marak](https://github.com/Marak)
+- [Chalk](https://github.com/chalk/chalk) by [@sindresorhus](https://github.com/sindresorhus)
+## Benchmarks
+The space in node_modules including sub-dependencies:
+$ node ./benchmarks/size.js
+Data from packagephobia.com
+ chalk 101 kB
+ cli-color 1249 kB
+ ansi-colors 25 kB
+ kleur 21 kB
+ colorette 17 kB
+ nanocolors 16 kB
++ picocolors 7 kB
+Library loading time:
+$ node ./benchmarks/loading.js
+ chalk 6.167 ms
+ cli-color 31.431 ms
+ ansi-colors 1.585 ms
+ kleur 2.008 ms
+ kleur/colors 0.773 ms
+ colorette 2.476 ms
+ nanocolors 0.833 ms
++ picocolors 0.466 ms
+Benchmark for simple use case:
+$ node ./benchmarks/simple.js
+ chalk 24,066,342 ops/sec
+ cli-color 938,700 ops/sec
+ ansi-colors 4,532,542 ops/sec
+ kleur 20,343,122 ops/sec
+ kleur/colors 35,415,770 ops/sec
+ colorette 34,244,834 ops/sec
+ nanocolors 33,443,265 ops/sec
++ picocolors 33,271,645 ops/sec
+Benchmark for complex use cases:
+$ node ./benchmarks/complex.js
+ chalk 969,915 ops/sec
+ cli-color 131,639 ops/sec
+ ansi-colors 342,250 ops/sec
+ kleur 611,880 ops/sec
+ kleur/colors 1,129,526 ops/sec
+ colorette 1,747,277 ops/sec
+ nanocolors 1,251,312 ops/sec
++ picocolors 2,024,086 ops/sec
+## Usage
+Picocolors provides an object which includes a variety of text coloring and formatting functions
+import pc from "picocolors"
+The object includes following coloring functions: `black`, `red`, `green`, `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white`, `gray`.
+console.log(`I see a ${pc.red("red door")} and I want it painted ${pc.black("black")}`)
+The object also includes following background color modifier functions: `bgBlack`, `bgRed`, `bgGreen`, `bgYellow`, `bgBlue`, `bgMagenta`, `bgCyan`, `bgWhite` and bright variants `bgBlackBright`, `bgRedBright`, `bgGreenBright`, `bgYellowBright`, `bgBlueBright`, `bgMagentaBright`, `bgCyanBright`, `bgWhiteBright`.
+ pc.bgBlack(
+ pc.white(`Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled brush.`)
+ )
+Besides colors, the object includes following formatting functions: `dim`, `bold`, `hidden`, `italic`, `underline`, `strikethrough`, `reset`, `inverse` and bright variants `blackBright`, `redBright`, `greenBright`, `yellowBright`, `blueBright`, `magentaBright`, `cyanBright`, `whiteBright`.
+for (let task of tasks) {
+ console.log(`${pc.bold(task.name)} ${pc.dim(task.durationMs + "ms")}`)
+The library provides additional utilities to ensure the best results for the task:
+- `isColorSupported` — boolean, explicitly tells whether or not the colors or formatting appear on the screen
+ ```javascript
+ import pc from "picocolors"
+ if (pc.isColorSupported) {
+ console.log("Yay! This script can use colors and formatters")
+ }
+ ```
+- `createColors(enabled)` — a function that returns a new API object with manually defined color support configuration
+ ```javascript
+ import pc from "picocolors"
+ let { red, bgWhite } = pc.createColors(options.enableColors)
+ ```
+## Replacing `chalk`
+1. Replace package name in import:
+ ```diff
+ - import chalk from 'chalk'
+ + import pico from 'picocolors'
+ ```
+2. Replace variable:
+ ```diff
+ - chalk.red(text)
+ + pico.red(text)
+ ```
+3. Replace chains to nested calls:
+ ```diff
+ - chalk.red.bold(text)
+ + pico.red(pico.bold(text))
+ ```
+4. You can use [`colorize-template`](https://github.com/usmanyunusov/colorize-template)
+ to replace chalk’s tagged template literal.
+ ```diff
+ + import { createColorize } from 'colorize-template'
+ + let colorize = createColorize(pico)
+ - chalk.red.bold`full {yellow ${"text"}}`
+ + colorize`{red.bold full {yellow ${"text"}}}`
+ ```
diff --git a/components/richtexteditor/package.json b/components/richtexteditor/package.json
index f7cd70e6..2e614e44 100644
--- a/components/richtexteditor/package.json
+++ b/components/richtexteditor/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-richtexteditor",
- "version": "26.2.11",
+ "version": "26.2.12",
"description": "Essential JS 2 RichTextEditor component for Vue",
"author": "Syncfusion Inc.",
"license": "SEE LICENSE IN license",
diff --git a/components/treegrid/CHANGELOG.md b/components/treegrid/CHANGELOG.md
index 7644f5c4..0c548c22 100644
--- a/components/treegrid/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/components/treegrid/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## [Unreleased]
-## 26.2.12 (2024-09-03)
+## 26.2.13 (2024-09-05)
### Tree Grid