wget -O - https://get.acme.sh | sh -s email="[email protected]" --install --force --home /etc/certbot
/etc/certbot/acme.sh --issue -d dsysang.site --nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/rasax.nginx --home /etc/certbot/ --server buypass --force
/etc/certbot/acme.sh --install-cert -d dsysang.site --fullchain-file /etc/certs/fullchain.pem --key-file /etc/certs/privkey.pem --home /etc/certbot/
docker exec rasachatbot-nginx-1 bash -c '/etc/certbot/acme.sh --issue -d dsysang.site --nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/rasax.nginx --home /etc/certbot/ --server buypass' docker exec rasachatbot-nginx-1 bash -c '/etc/certbot/acme.sh --install-cert -d dsysang.site --fullchain-file /etc/certs/fullchain.pem --key-file /etc/certs/privkey.pem --home /etc/certbot/'
docker exec rasachatbot-nginx-1 bash -c '/etc/certbot/acme.sh --issue -d cs.dsysang.site --nginx /etc/nginx/conf.d/chatwoot.nginx --home /etc/certbot/ --server buypass' docker exec rasachatbot-nginx-1 bash -c '/etc/certbot/acme.sh --install-cert -d cs.dsysang.site --fullchain-file /etc/certs/cs.fullchain.pem --key-file /etc/certs/cs.privkey.pem --home /etc/certbot/'
docker exec rasachatbot-botfrontend-1 bash -c 'python manage.py collectstatic --noinput'
from rasa.core.training import load_data
from rasa.shared.core.domain import Domain
import asyncio
domain = Domain.from_file('domain.yml')
training_trackers = asyncio.run(load_data(resource_name='data', domain=domain, augmentation_factor=0))
interpreter = create_interpreter('/tmp/tmp01_hudjq/nlu') # trained nlu model
tracker_state_features, label_ids, entity_tags = ted._featurize_for_training(training_trackers, domain, interpreter)
sample_no = 0
for tracker_state, label in zip(tracker_state_features, label_ids):
print('\nsample: ', sample_no)
print('label: ', label)
print('features: ')
for features in tracker_state:
sample_no += 1
Docker fails to connect with archive.ubuntu.com, https://mklasen.com/docker-fails-to-connect-with-archive-ubuntu-com/
sudo nvim /etc/docker/daemon.json
{"dns": [""]}
sudo service docker restart
- rasa-3.2.1, tensorflow-2.7.3
wget https://github.com/RasaHQ/rasa/archive/refs/tags/3.2.1.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/archive/refs/tags/v2.7.3.tar.gz
- use Dockerfile-tf-v2.7.3 to build image -> sysang/tf-2.7.3-source-build
- replace base image in rasa-3.2.1/docker/Dockerfile.base by sysang/tf-2.7.3-source-build:latest
- replace rasa-3.2.1/Dockerfile by Dockerfile-rasa-3.2.1, use Dockerfile-rasa-3.2.1 to build rasa:localdev
- (replace peotry.lock by peotry-rasa-3.2.1.lock which is resolved by pyproject.toml after exclude tensorflow section and set numpy===1.21.4)
(a trick to overcome a tricky bug, it caches nlu part for combining just only for curren process, not for reusing in other process)
- Reference: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/webhooks
- Reference: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v14.0/app/subscriptions#readperms
- Reference: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/guides/access-tokens#apptokens
- Reference: https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/connectors/facebook-messenger
- Go to https://developers.facebook.com/ -> [create app] -> (Business) -> [Messenger]
- Go to Settings -> Basic -> use: App ID, App Secret
- Go to Messenger -> Setting -> add page, add callback url, copy page access token to
- Go to Messenger -> Setting (Webhooks) to subsribe
filed for webhook
- issue: RasaHQ/rasa#11061
- advise: RasaHQ/rasa#11061 (comment)
nvim /opt/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rasa/shared/constants.py
- Be for running
docker compose up -d
prepare the database by running the migrations bydocker compose run --rm rails bundle exec rails db:chatwoot_prepare
- Access Rails console,
docker exec -it chatwoot_rails_1 bundle exec rails c
- (optional)
chmod 777 -R mounts/cw/storage
- (optional)
chmod 777 -R mounts/cwdb
- (optional)
rm -rf mounts/cwdb/*
- Add AgentBot: https://www.chatwoot.com/docs/product/others/agent-bots
bot = AgentBot.create!(name: "Rasa Chatbot for Website", outgoing_url: "http://rasa-production:5005/webhooks/chatwoot/cwwebsite")
AgentBotInbox.create!(inbox: Inbox.find(1), agent_bot: AgentBot.find(1))
- Super admin Console
docker exec -it chatwoot_rails_1 bundle exec rails c
s = SuperAdmin.create!(email: '[email protected]', password: 'Qwer!234', name: 'Admin')
- Fix the way chatwoot request to sendMessage api
sudo docker cp telegram.rb rasachatbot-sidekiq-1:/app/app/models/channel/telegram.rb