Monolith -> Microsvc ->
HTTP Queue:
- Fake architects conversation Arnold: Hey Bart, hoe gaat het? Are you doing anything interesting these days? Bart: Hoi Arnold, I’m good! You know what? We have finally rewritten our crappy monolith and we’re on a full microservices deployment! Arnold: Microservices? We are also doing that! How many services do you guys deploy? Bart: We have about 30 services running, next to our Oracle cluster Arnold: Oracle cluster?! Are you using the same old relational database for those new services? Bart: Well yes, but.. Arnold: Then you are just faking microservices. Every service needs its own private datastore. Bart: How dare you! We’re so 12-factor we’re 13-factor! Besides, one datastore per service? I’m sure your services are pretty fat.. Arnold: You dumbass! Our microservices are so micro they’re nano! Bart: I don’t want to talk to you anymore, I hate you! (the audio beeps) Arnold: I really don’t like you (long beep in the audio) … both go home and start a flame war on Reddit
- Build from Dockerfile: docker build -t monkey/sucker .
- Tail the GOCD logs: docker exec -it gocd tail -f /var/log/go-server/go-server.log
- Start FCGIWrap: spawn-fcgi -s /usr/local/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket – /usr/local/Cellar/fcgiwrap/1.1.0/sbin/fcgiwrap
- Maven repo
- Consul
- The sucker Config
- GoCD
- Wilderness http://localhost:3000
- Intro: microservices are a huge hype
- Fake audio conversation between Dutch startup CTO’s
- No guidelines, no definition of micro
- Best qualifying features so far:
- minimal surface contact with the external world, say max 10 REST endpoints or equivalent
- fast processing time, say 50ms max latency per request
- fully encapsulate strict transactional behavior in one service
- embrace eventual consistency across the system
- push for statelessness
- prefer async over sync communication patterns
- Doesn’t come for free
- distributed systems are hard
- async is harder than sync
- exponential operational overhead
- not great fit for inherently strict transactional systems
- Then why microservices?
- Smaller codebases
- Lower maintenance risk
- Easier SDLC, faster time to market
- Promotes polyglot development
- Promotes best practices in teams
- Meet the Micromonkeys
- Selfish gene quote
- High level description of the system
- Present the three kinds of monkeys
- Quick demo of Play + Infection + Grooming
- Microservices practice #1: strong automation
- Docker for a consistent deployment model
- Challenges: minimize footprint, security
- CI / CD process
- Present alternatices
- Present GoCD
- Show the Value Stream
- Present Terraform
- Immutable infrastructure
- Convergence model
- Plan vs Apply
- Demo (using GoCD)
- Docker for a consistent deployment model
- Microservices practice #2: service discovery
- Intro
- Present Consul
- highly distributable
- datacenter aware
- agent-based network with gossip
- Service registration (DEMO)
- Healthcheck (Demo)
- HTTP vs DNS (DEMO with Postman)
- Show how to get list of services
- Show code for fetching healthy services
- Extra features
- K/V store
- watches
- Microservices practice #3: sync vs async communication
- Show code for sync communication monkey<->monkey
- better pattern: use HAProxy + Consul watches
- Show code for async communication wilderness<->monkeys
- Show code for sync communication monkey<->monkey
- Microservices practices #4: deal with partitions
- CAP theorem explained
- Convergent replicated data types intro
- The clock as a counter (DEMO)
- Further practices
- How about datastores?
- Monitoring
- Self healing
- Circuit pattern / Bulkheading
- Conclusions
- self-check for microservices envy
- understand the pros and cons
- there’s much more than just modularizing code
- learn to love your devops
- don’t be a bitchy hipster when discussing microservices in the hallways
- (or any technical topic, for that matter)
- 00:00 Intro
- 01:00 So, µservices, huh?
- 02:00 Meet the micromonkeys
- 05:00 Demo time
- 07:00 A closer look
- 09:00 Containers as deployment units
- 12:00 Terraform
- 13:00 Go CD
- 14:00 Consul