The libui-ng project would like to acknowledge the following contributors:
- Pietro Gagliardi @andlabs
- @cody271
- @inkydragon
- Angelo Haller @szanni
- Niklas Mischkulnig @mischnic
- Simon Ser @emersion
- Florent Clairambault @fclairamb
- Kevin Wojniak @kainjow
- Mike Sinkovsky @msink
- Ben Campbell @bcampbell
- Trond Arne Bråthen @tabrath
- Joe Watkins @krakjoe
- Lars Wrenger @wrenger
- Thomas Corwin @simplexidev
- @nopara73
- Alexander Neumann @lxn
- Andrea Parodi @parro-it
- Andy Maleh @AndyObtiva
- @ForsakenHarmony
- Boris Momčilović @kornrunner
- Boris Nagaev @starius
- Dominik Picheta @dom96
- George Zhao @zhaozg
- Gregory Haberek @ghaberek
- Hugo Schmitt @hugows
- @jaens
- João Ventura @joaoventura
- Leonora Tindall @NoraCodes
- Neel Chauhan @neelchauhan
- Patrick Walton @pcwalton
- Pedro Tacla Yamada @yamadapc
- Rafał Jopek @rjopek
- Steven Clukey @sclukey
- Thomas Schaller @torkleyy
- Tim Gates @timgates42
- Travis Gibson @Garland-g
- Actionless Loveless @actionless
- @ddo
- @kojix2
- @l0calh05t
- Marco Trosi @marcotrosi