- Please open an issue that would clearly define the problem, or bug you are trying to solve. (please use the appropriate template for each). Once complete please open pull request as a proposed solution to it.
- Ensure that your source branch is up-to-date with the
branch, could be built and tested locally. Update proper configuration files with details of changes to the interface, such as added environment variables, changed API endpoints, etc. - When opening pull requests please be aware that the CI process runs checks on linting, unit tests, and end-to-end smoke tests. If your pull request fails these, we kindly ask that you update the tests pertaining to your pull request in the branch.
- Please follow the coding conventions that are mostly enforced by either the root-level TS or lint configs. Avoid disabling such rules or provide a strong reason behind that.
- Please keep in mind that it might take some time until your pull request gets properly reviewed, and be open for further discussions.
Please see README.md for more info.