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245 lines (202 loc) · 6.78 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (202 loc) · 6.78 KB


Python application

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Grebe is forwarder Data-like string message from RabbitMQ to Clickhouse.

  1. Receive JSON, JSON Lines or CSV like string as message from RabbitMQ specified queue on RabbitMQ.
  2. Parse, convert, and create table if need it by Lake Weed. Each attributes are mapped to columns on Clickhouse table.



$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ chmod +x

$ ./ nayco -mh -dh


$ pytest


$ ./ -h

usage: [-h] [-mh MH] [-mp MP] [-dh DH] [-dp DP] [-dn DN]
                [--schema-store {local,rdb}]
                [--local-schema-dir LOCAL_SCHEMA_DIR]
                [--local-source-settings-file LOCAL_SOURCE_SETTINGS_FILE]
                [--type-file TYPE_FILE]
                [--tz TZ]
                [--api-port API_PORT]
                [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR}]
                [--log-format LOG_FORMAT] [--log-file LOG_FILE]
                [--log-file-count LOG_FILE_COUNT]
                [--log-file-size LOG_FILE_SIZE]
                [--retry-max-count RETRY_MAX_COUNT]

Forward Data-like string message from RabbitMQ to Clickhouse

positional arguments:
  queue_name            Queue name to subscribe on RabbitMQ

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -mh MH                RabbitMQ host
  -mp MP                RabbitMQ port
  -dh DH                Clickhouse host
  -dp DP                Clickhouse port by native connection
  -dn DN                Clickhouse DB name to store data
  --schema-store {local,rdb}
                        Schema store location
  --local-schema-dir LOCAL_SCHEMA_DIR
                        Schema DB directory path when schema-sotre is local
  -local-source-settings-file LOCAL_SOURCE_SETTINGS_FILE
                        Path to source settings as local file. If this parameter skipped, source setting will be create on DB
  --tz TZ               Timezone string will be used as default offset in parsing source string if it has no offset
  --api-port API_PORT   Port number of grebe Web API. It is disabled if this is not provided.
  --log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR}
                        Log level
  --log-format LOG_FORMAT
                        Log format by 'logging' package
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Log file path
  --log-file-count LOG_FILE_COUNT
                        Log file keep count
  --log-file-size LOG_FILE_SIZE
                        Size of each log file
  --retry-max-count RETRY_MAX_COUNT
                        Max count of retry to processing. Message is discard when exceeded max count.

This feature is provided by Lake Weed.

Settings each source


    <field_name> : <type>
    <field_name> : <type>

    <field_name> : <type>
    <field_name> : <type>

Specified types Example

    city: string
    city_code: int
    temperature : double
    location__longitude : double
    location__latitude  : double

This feature is provided by Lake Weed.


Gerebe provide web api when --api-port argument is specified as api port number.

When you launch with --api-port 8888, you can access http://localhost:8888/ and will be shown Grebe is running. message.

/ : GET

Grebe just show Grebe is running. message.

Example: (200)

Grebe is running.

/args : GET

Command line argument as json format will be shown.

Example: (200)

{"api_port":8888,"dh":"localhost","dp":9000,"local_schema_dir":"schemas","local_source_settings_file":"","log_file":null,"log_file_count":1000,"log_file_size":1000000,"log_format":"[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s | %(pathname)s(L%(lineno)s) | %(message)s","log_level":"INFO","mh":"localhost","mp":5672,"queue_name":"nayco","retry_max_count":3,"schema_store":"rdb","tz":"Asia/Tokyo"}

/schema_cache : GET

Current schema cache on Grebe. Schema chash is correspondance Source AMQP topic name and schema of message to destination table name.

Example: There are 2 schema_caches. (200)

    "schema": {
      "status": "String"
    "source": "rabbitmq_stat_aliveness-test",
    "table": "rabbitmq_stat_aliveness-test_001"
    "schema": {
      "arguments": "String",
      "auto_delete": "UInt8",
      "durable": "UInt8",
      "internal": "UInt8",
      "name": "String",
      "type": "String",
      "user_who_performed_action": "String",
      "vhost": "String"
    "source": "rabbitmq_stat_exchanges",
    "table": "rabbitmq_stat_exchanges_001"

/schema_cache/reload : GET

Reload schema cache from schema source.

Example: Success to reload all schemas. (200)

{"result":"Success","schema_count":66,"store":"<class 'grebe.schema_store_clickhouse.SchemaStoreClickhouse'>"}

Example: Failed reload schemas. (500)


/source_settings_cache : GET

Current source_settings cache on Grebe. source_settings chash is settings of source(AMQP topic name).

Example: There are 2 schema_caches. (200)

    "source_id": "weather",
    "source_settings": {
      "types": {
        "city": "string",
        "city_code": "int",
        "location__latitude": "double",
        "location__longitude": "double",
        "temperature": "double"
    "source_id": "rabbitmq_stat_aliveness-test",
    "source_settings": {
      "types": {
        "now": "datetime",
        "status": "string"

/source_settings_cache/reload : GET

Reload source_settings.

Example: Success to reload all source settings. (200)

{"result":"Success","store":"<class 'grebe.source_setting_store_clickhouse.SourceSettingStoreClickhouse'>"}

Example: Failed to reload. (500)


Deploy docker image

git tag vX.Y.Z
git push origin master --tags


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request