Applying interpolate #1632
Hi all. Been at this pretty much all weekend and this morning. I cannot seem to get interpolate as shown in the analyses examples to work in my script. ChatGPT couldn't even get it to stop skipping the first empties. I also read that the interp1d version is different than the pandas version, and figured you guys knew what you were doing by creating your own function for this data. I have tried a few ways but this is the current version I am attempting. I figured since i want a CSV and you guys play with the h5 that i can try to convert to h5 convert back to slp and then write as csv but also feel it should be easier than this... Any ideas? Thanks.
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Update: I believed this worked, with a small adjustment to the script above of adding the --video to the end of the conversion back from h5 to slp after interpolating. It appears to have done what I had hoped which is:
This is the current version below that worked in case others want to adapt it for their own or you guys find it useful: import subprocess
import os
import sleap
from import main as write_analysis
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import h5py
# Step 1: Set Paths to various directories and files
# Models
centroid = "C:/Users/jramb/Documents/Sleap/models/1_centroid_model/training_config.json"
centered = "C:/Users/jramb/Documents/Sleap/models/1_centered_model/training_config.json"
# SLEAP Track Parameters
parameters = "--tracking.tracker simplemaxtracks --max_instances 1 --tracking.max_tracks 1 --tracking.similarity instance --tracking.match hungarian --tracking.track_window 5 --tracking.post_connect_single_breaks 0 --tracking.max_tracking 1 --verbosity rich --no-empty-frames"
# Video Directory
video_path = "C:/Users/jramb/Documents/Sleap/results/videos"
# Inference Result Location
inf_path = "C:/Users/jramb/Documents/Sleap/results/track"
# Location of Files for Analyses
analysis_path = "C:/Users/jramb/Documents/Sleap/results/analyses"
# Box Number and Subject CSV
box_mapping_path = "C:/Users/jramb/Documents/Sleap/results/Box_Subject.csv"
box_mapping_df = pd.read_csv(box_mapping_path)
# Step 2: Define interpolation function
def fill_missing(Y, kind="linear"):
"""Fills missing values independently along each dimension after the first."""
# Store initial shape.
initial_shape = Y.shape
# Flatten after first dim.
Y = Y.reshape((initial_shape[0], -1))
# Interpolate along each slice.
for i in range(Y.shape[-1]):
y = Y[:, i]
# Build interpolant.
x = np.flatnonzero(~np.isnan(y))
f = interp1d(x, y[x], kind=kind, fill_value=np.nan, bounds_error=False)
# Fill missing
xq = np.flatnonzero(np.isnan(y))
y[xq] = f(xq)
# Fill leading or trailing NaNs with the nearest non-NaN values
mask = np.isnan(y)
y[mask] = np.interp(np.flatnonzero(mask), np.flatnonzero(~mask), y[~mask])
# Save slice
Y[:, i] = y
# Restore to initial shape.
Y = Y.reshape(initial_shape)
return Y
# Step 3: Tracking, Interpolating, and CSV File Creation
for video_file in os.listdir(video_path):
if video_file.endswith(".mp4"):
video_path_full = os.path.join(video_path, video_file)
video_name_no_ext = os.path.splitext(video_file)[0]
session_name = video_name_no_ext.split("_")[0]
box_number = video_name_no_ext.split("_")[1]
subject = box_mapping_df.loc[box_mapping_df["Box"] == box_number, "Subject"].values[0]
print(f"Begin Tracking For {video_name_no_ext}")
# Run sleap-track
track_command = f"sleap-track -m \"{centroid}\" -m \"{centered}\" {parameters} -o \"{inf_path}/{session_name}_{subject}.slp\" \"{video_path_full}\"", shell=True)
print(f"Tracking Completed For {video_name_no_ext}")
# Convert to h5
convert_command = f"sleap-convert --format analysis -o \"{inf_path}/{session_name}_{subject}.h5\" \"{inf_path}/{session_name}_{subject}.slp\"", shell=True)
# Read the h5 file
h5_file_path = f"{inf_path}/{session_name}_{subject}.h5"
with h5py.File(h5_file_path, "a") as f:
dset_names = list(f.keys())
locations = f["tracks"][:].T # Transpose the data
# Apply fill_missing function
locations = fill_missing(locations)
# Transpose back and save the updated data
f["tracks"][:] = locations.T
# Convert back to slp
convert_back_command = f"sleap-convert --format sleap \"{h5_file_path}\" -o \"{inf_path}/{session_name}_{subject}.slp\" --video \"{video_path_full}\"", shell=True)
print(f"Processing Complete For {session_name}_{subject}")
# Write analysis to CSV format
labels = sleap.load_file(f"{inf_path}/{session_name}_{subject}.slp")
csv_path = f"{analysis_path}/{session_name}_{subject}.csv"
print(f"CSV File Created For {session_name}_{subject}")
# Post-Process of CSV File
# Read with index_col=False to avoid issues with index columns
df = pd.read_csv(csv_path, index_col=False)
# Add Subject to Columns
new_column_names = [f"{col}_{subject}" for col in df.columns]
# Rename Columns directly in the existing DataFrame
df.columns = new_column_names
# Save File without including the index
df.to_csv(csv_path, index=False)
print(f"Processing Complete For {session_name}_{subject}")
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I believed this worked, with a small adjustment to the script above of adding the --video to the end of the conversion back from h5 to slp after interpolating. It appears to have done what I had hoped which is:
This is the current version below that worked in case others want to adapt it for their own or you guys find it useful: