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After nodes prediction I can't get those results in hdf5 file #1782

Answered by roomrys
GioLetti asked this question in Help!
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Hi @GioLetti,

For single animal projects, we suggest not using Tracks at all. The main purpose of Tracks is to sort which pose estimation/annotation belongs to which animal throughout an entire video. However, if there is just a single pose estimation/annotation in each LabeledFrame, then we already know that the pose estimation belongs to the one and only animal being annotated (i.e. single animal project).

However, the logic for checking whether the user has a single animal project is not as direct as looping through all the user's labels to check that there are not more than 1 annotation per frame. Instead, we (in this case, incorrectly) assume that the Labels/slp project will have no T…

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