All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Grafana revisions:
- Tarantool 3:
- Tarantool Cartridge and 1.10—2.x:
- Tarantool Data Grid 2:
- Prometheus TDG average panels displaying lifetime average instead of a moving one (#237)
Grafana revisions:
- Tarantool 3:
- Tarantool Cartridge and 1.10—2.x:
- Tarantool Data Grid 2:
- Use Grafana 11 color scheme for Prometheus cluster overview panel (#234)
- Drop Grafana 8 support (#234)
- Bump recommended requirements to Grafana 11 (#234)
- Prometheus cluster overview panel not works for Grafana 11+ (#234)
Grafana revisions:
- Tarantool 3:
- Tarantool Cartridge and 1.10—2.x:
- Tarantool Data Grid 2:
- Panels for Tarantool 3 configuration status and alerts (#224)
- Use consistent style for panel requirements (PR #231)
- Missing panel requirement for vinyl Bloom filter panel (PR #231)
Grafana revisions:
- Tarantool 3:
- Tarantool Cartridge and 1.10—2.x:
- Tarantool Data Grid 2:
panels section (cluster
for Tarantool 3) (#224)replication_tarantool3
panels section (replication
for Tarantool 3) (#224)
- Renamed build
panels section tocluster_cartridge
. It affects all custom-built dashboards which had usedcluster
(#224) - Renamed build
panels section toreplication_cartridge
. It affects all custom-built dashboards which had usedreplication
(#224) - Remove deprecated
targets frommake
(#224) - Make default template use Tarantool 3 sections (#224)
- Use
in InfluxQL requests (PR #229)
- Removed extra quotation mark for TDG jobs_average_panel query (#220)
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 18, Prometheus revision 18, InfluxDB TDG revision 7, Prometheus TDG revision 7.
- Use auto decimal scaling for most panels (PR #213)
- Scaling for some low values panels (PR #213)
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 17, Prometheus revision 17, InfluxDB TDG revision 6, Prometheus TDG revision 6.
- Custom filters support on static build
- Option to skip Prometheus job on static build
- Option to static build with custom set of sections
- Custom description and Grafana tags on manual build
- API to build a dashboard from YAML config
- Support for metrics prefix on manual build
- Display two digits after decimal point instead of three
- Deprecate make single line static build
- Hide additional columns in overview table
- TDG Kafka brokers rps panels alias condition for InfluxDB
- Fill missing values with null on TDG CPU panels for InfluxDB
- Remove useless kind group in TDG jobs panels for InfluxDB
- CRUD tuples query alias filtering for Prometheus
- TDG tuples query alias filtering
- Policy in alias extraction for InfluxDB dashboards
- Remove redundant "include all" regex for alias if no condition required
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 16, Prometheus revision 16, InfluxDB TDG revision 5, Prometheus TDG revision 5.
- Dashboard title customization
- Panels for transaction operations
- Panels with net statistics per thread
- Panel with failover trigger count
- Panels with syncro replication queue statistics
- Panels with leader election statistics
- Panels with MVCC statistics
- Replace LuaJit deprecated metrics with new ones
- Set Prometheus
dynamically - Set InfluxDB
dynamically - Set InfluxDB
dynamically - Set datasource dynamically
- Use expirationd module metrics in TDG dashboard
- Move replication panels to a separate row
- TDG dashboard latency units (graphql, iproto, rest requests)
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 15, Prometheus revision 15, InfluxDB TDG revision 4, Prometheus TDG revision 4.
- Variable to select displayed cluster instances
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 14, Prometheus revision 14, InfluxDB TDG revision 3, Prometheus TDG revision 3.
- Options to build static dashboards
- Runtime arena memory panel
- Vinyl tuple cache and level 0 memory panels
- Set default Prometheus job to
- Set default InfluxDB measurement to
- Use in-built
instead of user-defined$rate_time_range
- Use
in InfluxQL requests
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 13, Prometheus revision 13, InfluxDB TDG revision 2, Prometheus TDG revision 2.
- Panels for expirationd module statistics
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 12, Prometheus revision 12, InfluxDB TDG revision 2, Prometheus TDG revision 2.
- TDG dashboard file connectors processed panel name changed to "Total files processed"
- Set valid metrics name to TDG dashboard Kafka partitions panels
- Display only 99th quantile for Prometheus TDG Kafka metrics
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 12, Prometheus revision 12, InfluxDB TDG revision 1, Prometheus TDG revision 1.
- TDG (ver. 2) example cluster draft
- Dashboard templates for TDG (ver. 2)
- Kafka metrics panels for TDG dashboard
- Thread CPU panels for TDG dashboard
- expirationd panels for TDG dashboard
- Tuples panels for TDG dashboard
- File connectors panels for TDG dashboard
- GraphQL requests panels for TDG dashboard
- IProto requests panels for TDG dashboard
- REST API requests panels for TDG dashboard
- Task statistics panels for TDG dashboard
- Change replication status panel labels
- Remove rate from fiber context switches panel
- Remove fiber context switches alert example
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 10, Prometheus revision 11
- Panels and alerts for CRUD module statistics
- Set default InfluxDB policy to
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 9, Prometheus revision 10
- Space tuples number and bsize panels
- Fiber stats panels and alert example
- Event loop time panel and alert example
- LuaJit statistics panels
- Transactions memory panel
- Net memory and new binary connections panels
- Vinyl index and bloom filter memory panels
- Clock delta panel
- Replication status panel and alert example
- Read only status panel
- Vinyl regulator blocked writers panel
- Net requests in progress/in stream queue panels
- Rework "Tarantool memory memory miscellaneous" section to "Tarantool runtime overview"
- Vinyl disk panels name
- Update metrics version to 0.13.0
- Update panel descriptions
- Collapse dashboard rows
- Use new metrics instead of deprecated ones
- Bump Grafana requirement to 8.x
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 8, Prometheus revision 8
- Overall net requests panel for Prometheus dashboard
- Use green color for low values in overall panels
- Configure default collector in example cluster
- Make variables comparison consistent in Prometheus dashboard
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 7, Prometheus revision 7
- Show CPU time in percents
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 6, Prometheus revision 6
- Support adding custom panels before dashboard build
- Simple customization guide
- Cluster for local Tarantool app monitoring
- Vinyl panels and alert examples
- Code rework: introduce grid generation, separate dashboards code
- Code rework: use common graph template to reduce code copypaste, set panel size in code
- Code rework: add dashboard wrap-up, group panels into sections
- Rename "Tarantool memory allocation overview" to "Tarantool memtx allocation overview"
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 5, Prometheus revision 5
- Prometheus example alert rules (instance state, memory usage, HTTP load and latency rule examples, etc)
- Test Prometheus example alert rules with promtool
- Cartridge issues metrics labels to Telegraf configuration
- Cartridge issues panels and "Cluster overview" row
- Network activity row and panels
- Non-CRUD operations panels
- CPU time getrusage panels
- Replication lag panel
- Update metrics version to 0.9.0
- Separate app cluster and load generator in example docker stand
- Use cartridge-cli to run and setup example app cluster instead of luatest
- Group Prometheus cluster overview panels into "Cluster overview" row
- Rework "Tarantool spaces statistics" block to "Tarantool operations statistics"
- Use Tarantool 2.x instead of Tarantool 1.x in test app and load generator
- Add missing space and replication metrics labels to Telegraf configuration
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 4, Prometheus revision 4
- Memory miscellaneous row with Lua memory panel
- Rename memory overview row
Grafana revisions: Prometheus revision 3
- Make Prometheus rps graphs rate() time range configurable
Grafana revisions: Prometheus revision 2
- Cluster overview panels for Prometheus
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 3, Prometheus revision 1
- Dashboard for Prometheus
- Update metrics version to 0.5.0
- Replace average latency collector with summary collector in example cluster
- Replace average latency panels with summary 99th percentile panels
- Example cluster now starts successfully
- Example cluster metrics no more breaks Prometheus metrics collect
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 2
- Publish dashboard on Grafana official and community built dashboards
- Generate HTTP and space operations traffic for example cluster with luatest
- Update metrics version to 0.3.0 in experimental cluster
- Rework example Tarantool instance on "cartridge.roles.metrics"
- Rework example Tarantool docker to start multiple instances with luatest
- Make InfluxDB policy configurable
- Documentation improvements and fixes
Grafana revisions: InfluxDB revision 1
- Ready for import InfluxDB dashboard: HTTP panels, memory panels, space operations panels
- Experimental docker cluster: Tarantool + Telegraf + InfluxDB + Grafana, Tarantool + Prometheus + Grafana
- Simple test on InfluxDB dashboard
- Build environment and documentation