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PHP driver for Tarantool 1.6 ============================

PECL PHP driver for Tarantool.

If you're looking for 1.5 version, check out branch 'stable'.


To build Tarantool PHP extenstion PHP-devel package is required. The package should contain phpize utility.

$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install


To run tests Tarantool server and PHP/PECL package are requred.

$ ./

It'll automaticly find and start Tarantool and, then, run phpunit.phar based tests. If Tarantool doesn't defined in PATH variable, you may define it in TARANTOOL_BOX_PATH enviroment variable.

$ TARANTOOL_BOX_PATH=/path/to/tarantool/bin/tarantool ./

Installing from PEAR

Tarantool-PHP has its own PEAR repository. You may install it from PEAR with just a few commands:

pecl channel-discover
pecl install Tarantool-PHP/Tarantool-beta

Building RPM/DEB/PECL Packages

For building packages - please, read

IDE autocompletion

Stubs can be found at tarantool/tarantool-php-stubs. Place it into project library path in your IDE.

API and Configuration

Configuration file

  • tarantool.persistent - Enable persistent connections (don't close connections between sessions) (defaults: True, can't be changed in runtime)
  • tarantool.timeout - Connection timeout (defaults: 10 seconds, can be changed in runtime)
  • tarantool.retry_count - Amount of attempts to connect (defaults: 1, can be changed in runtime)
  • tarantool.retry_sleep - Sleep between connecting retries (defaults: 0.1 second, can be changed in runtime)
  • tarantool.request_timeout - Read/write timeout for requests (defaults: 10 second, can be changed in runtime)

Classes and Methods


  1. Predefined Constants
  2. Class Tarantool
  1. Manipulation connection
  1. Database queries

Predefined Constants

Description: Available Tarantool Constants

  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_EQ - Equality iterator (ALL)
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_REQ - Reverse equality iterator
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_ALL - Get all rows
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_LT - Less then iterator
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_LE - Less and equal iterator
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_GE - Greater and equal iterator
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_GT - Gtreater then iterator
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_BITS_ALL_SET - check if all given bits are set (BITSET only)
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_BITS_ANY_SET - check if any given bits are set (BITSET only)
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_BITS_ALL_NOT_SET - check if all given bits are not set (BITSET only)
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_OVERLAPS - find dots in the n-dimension cube (RTREE only)
  • Tarantool::ITERATOR_NEIGHBOR - find nearest dots (RTREE only)

Class Tarantool

Tarantool {
    public       Tarantool::__construct ( [ string $host = 'localhost' [, int $port = 3301 [, string $user = "guest" [, string $password = NULL [, string $persistent_id = NULL ] ] ] ] ] )
    public bool  Tarantool::connect ( void )
    public bool  Tarantool::disconnect ( void )
    public bool  Tarantool::flushSchema ( void )
    public bool  Tarantool::ping ( void )
    public array Tarantool::select (mixed $space [, mixed $key = array() [, mixed $index = 0 [, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX [, int $offset = 0 [, $iterator = Tarantool::ITERATOR_EQ ] ] ] ] ] )
    public array Tarantool::insert (mixed $space, array $tuple)
    public array Tarantool::replace (mixed $space, array $tuple)
    public array Tarantool::call (string $procedure [, mixed args [, array $opts ] ] )
    public array Tarantool::evaluate (string $expression [, mixed args] )
    public array Tarantool::delete (mixed $space, mixed $key [, mixed $index] )
    public array Tarantool::update (mixed $space, mixed $key, array $ops [, number $index] )
    public array Tarantool::upsert (mixed $space, mixed $key, array $ops [, number $index] )


public Tarantool::__construct ( [ string $host = 'localhost' [, int $port = 3301 [, string $user = "guest" [, string $password = NULL [, string $persistent_id = NULL ] ] ] ] ] )

Description: Creates a Tarantool client


  • host: string, default is 'localhost'
  • port: number, default is 3301
  • user: string, default is 'guest'
  • password: string
  • persistent_id: string (set it, and connection will be persistent, if persistent in config isn't set)

Return Value

Tarantool class instance

$tnt = new Tarantool(); // -> new Tarantool('localhost', 3301);
$tnt = new Tarantool(''); // -> new Tarantool('', 3301);
$tnt = new Tarantool('localhost', 16847);

Manipulation connection


public bool Tarantool::connect ( void )

Description: Explicit connect to Tarantool Server. If not used, then connection will be opened on demand.

Return Value

BOOL: True on success Raises Exception if can't connect to Tarantool.


public bool Tarantool::disconnect ( void )

Description: Explicitly close connection to Tarantool Server. If you're using persistent connections, then it'll be saved to connection pool.

Return Value

BOOL: True


public bool Tarantool::flushSchema ( void )

Description: Remove space/index schema from client.

Return Value

BOOL: True


public bool Tarantool::ping ( void )

Description: Ping Tarantool server.

Return Value

BOOL: True

Throws Exception on error.

Database queries


public array Tarantool::select(mixed $space [, mixed $key = array() [, mixed $index = 0 [, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX [, int $offset = 0 [, $iterator = Tarantool::ITERATOR_EQ ] ] ] ] ] )

Description: Execute select query from Tarantool server.


  • space: String/Number, Space id to select from (mandatory)
  • key: String/Number or Array, key to select (Array() by default, selects everything from space)
  • index: String/Number, Index id to select from (0 by default)
  • limit: Number, limit number of rows to return from select (INT_MAX by default)
  • offset: Number, offset to select from (0 by default)
  • iterator: Constant, iterator type. See Predefined Constants for more information (Tarantool::ITERATOR_EQ by default). You can also use strings 'eq', 'req', 'all', 'lt', 'le', 'ge', 'gt', 'bits_all_set', 'bits_any_set', 'bits_all_not_set', 'overlaps', 'neighbor', 'bits_all_set', 'bits_any_set', 'bits_all_not_set' (in both lowercase/uppercase) instead of constants

Return Value

Array of arrays: in case of success - list of tuples that satisfy your request, or empty array, if nothing was found.

BOOL: False and raises Exception in case of error.


// Select everything from space 'test'
// Selects from space 'test' by PK with id == 1
$tnt->select("test", 1);
// The same as previous
$tnt->select("test", array(1));
// Selects from space 'test' by secondary key from index 'isec' and == {1, 'hello'}
$tnt->select("test", array(1, "hello"), "isec");
// Selects second hundred of rows from space test
$tnt->select("test", null, null, 100, 100);
// Selects second hundred of rows from space test in reverse equality order
// It meanse: select penultimate hundred
$tnt->select("test", null, null, 100, 100, Tarantool::ITERATOR_REQ);

Tarantool::insert, Tarantool::replace

public array Tarantool::insert(mixed $space, array $tuple)
public array Tarantool::replace(mixed $space, array $tuple)

Description: Insert (if not exists query with same PK) or Replace tuple.


  • space: String/Number, Space id to select from (mandatory)
  • tuple: Array, Tuple to Insert/Replace (mandatory)

Return Value

Array in case of success - tuple that was inserted into Tarantool.

BOOL: False and raises Exception in case of error.


// It'll be processed OK, since no tuples with PK == 1 are in space 'test'
$tnt->insert("test", array(1, 2, "smth"));
// We've just inserted tuple with PK == 1, so it'll fail
// error will be ER_TUPLE_FOUND
$tnt->insert("test", array(1, 3, "smth completely different"));
// But it won't be a problem for replace
$tnt->replace("test", array(1, 3, "smth completely different"));


public array Tarantool::call(string $procedure [, mixed args [, array $opts]])

Description: Call stored procedure


  • procedure: String, procedure to call (mandatory)
  • args: Any value to pass to procedure as arguments (empty by default)
  • opts: Array, options


  • call_16
    If true - call_16 mode of "call" will be used (returned data converted to tuples).
    If false - call_17 mode of "call" will be used (returned data has an arbitrary structure). Since tarantool 1.7.2.
    Default - call_16 mode.
      "call_16" => <bool>

Return Value

BOOL: False and raises Exception in case of error.

call_16 mode (default):

Array of arrays in case of success - tuples that were returned by stored procedure.

call_17 mode:

Any value, that was returned by stored procedure.


$tnt->call("test_3", array(3, 4), array('call_16' => false));


public array Tarantool::evaluate(string $expression [, mixed args])

Description: Evaluate given lua code (demands current user to have 'execute' rights for 'universe' in Tarantool)


  • expression: String, Lua code to evaluate (mandatory)
  • args: Any value to pass to procedure as arguments (empty by default)

Return Value

Any value, that was returned from evaluated code.

BOOL: False and raises Exception in case of error.


$tnt->eval("return test_2()");
$tnt->eval("return test_3(...)", array(3, 4));
$tnt->evaluate("return test_3(...)", array(3, 4));


public array Tarantool::delete(mixed $space, mixed $key [, mixed $index])

Description: Delete record with given key.


  • space: String/Number, Space id to delete from (mandatory)
  • key: String/Number or Array, key to delete row with (mandatory)
  • index: String/Number, Index id to delete from (0 by default)

Return Value

Array in case of success - tuple that was deleted by query.

BOOL: False and raises Exception in case of error.


// Following code will delete all tuples from space `test`
$tuples = $tnt->select("test");
foreach($tuples as $value) {
    $tnt->delete("test", array($value[0]));


public array Tarantool::update(mixed $space, mixed $key, array $ops [, number $index] )

Description: Update record with given key (update in Tarantool is apply multiple given operations to tuple)


  • space: String/Number, Space id to select from (mandatory)
  • key: Array/Scalar, Key to match tuple with (mandatory)
  • ops: Array of Arrays, Operations to execute if tuple was found


<serializable> - any simple type which converts to MsgPack (scalar/array).

  • Splice operation - take field'th field, replace length bytes from offset byte with 'list':
      "field" => <number>,
      "op"    => ":",
      "offset"=> <number>,
      "length"=> <number>,
      "list"  => <string>
  • Numeric operations:
      "field" => <number>,
      "op" => ("+"|"-"|"&"|"^"|"|"),
      "arg" => <number>
    • "+" for addition
    • "-" for substraction
    • "&" for bitwise AND
    • "^" for bitwise XOR
    • "|" for bitwise OR
  • Delete arg fields from 'field':
      "field" => <number>,
      "op" => "#",
      "arg" => <number>
  • Replace/Insert before operations:
      "field" => <number>,
      "op"    => ("="|"!"),
      "arg"   => <serializable>
    • "=" replace field'th field with 'arg'
    • "=" insert 'arg' before field'th field
    "field" => <number>,
    "op"    => ":",
    "offset"=> <number>,
    "length"=> <number>,
    "list"  => <string>
    "field" => <number>,
    "op" => ("+"|"-"|"&"|"^"|"|"),
    "arg" => <number>
    "field" => <number>,
    "op" => "#",
    "arg" => <number>
    "field" => <number>,
    "op"    => ("="|"!"),
    "arg"   => <serializable>

Return Value

Array in case of success - tuple after it was updated.

BOOL: False and raises Exception in case of error.


$tnt->update("test", 1, array(
    "field" => 1,
    "op" => "+",
    "arg" => 16
    "field" => 3,
    "op" => "=",
    "arg" => 98
    "field" => 4,
    "op" => "=",
    "arg" => 0x11111,
$tnt->update("test", 1, array(
    "field" => 3,
    "op" => "-",
    "arg" => 10
    "field" => 4,
    "op" => "&",
    "arg" => 0x10101,
$tnt->update("test", 1, array(
    "field" => 4,
    "op" => "^",
    "arg" => 0x11100,
$tnt->update("test", 1, array(
    "field" => 4,
    "op" => "|",
    "arg" => 0x00010,
$tnt->update("test", 1, array(
    "field" => 2,
    "op" => ":",
    "offset" => 2,
    "length" => 2,
    "list" => "rrance and phillipe show"


public array Tarantool::upsert(mixed $space, array $tuple, array $ops [, number $index] )

Description: Update or Insert command (If tuple with PK == PK('tuple') exists, then it'll update this tuple with 'ops', otherwise 'tuple' will be inserted)


  • space: String/Number, Space id to select from (mandatory)
  • tuple: Array, Tuple to Insert (mandatory)
  • ops: Array of Arrays, Operations to execute if tuple was found. Operations are described in update section.

Return Value

Nothing. In simple cases - it mustn't throw errors and returns nothing, but sometimes it'll, check out documentation

BOOL: False and raises Exception in case of error.


$tnt->upsert("test", array(124, 10, "new tuple"), array(
    "field" => 1,
    "op" => "+",
    "arg" => 10


  • Global constants, e.g. TARANTOOL_ITER_<name>
  • Tarantool::authenticate method
  • configuration parameter: tarantool.con_per_host