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Level 2 - Add TLS protection

2.0 Install CFSSL


go get -u
go get -u

2.1 Generate self signed SSL certs

Set the env variable with the ip of your server (same as in app.yml):

export SERVER_IP=<Server static IP>

Copy the contents of to your Cloud Shell or local environment as and run it with


2.2 Upload the certificates to storage bucket

Think of a unique storage bucket name (or just use your PROJECT_ID) and run

export GS_BUCKET=gs://<unique bucket name>

Create this bucket with:

gsutil mb $GS_BUCKET

Copy the certificates into the bucket:

gsutil cp cfssl/*.pem $GS_BUCKET

2.3 Give Read Only access to the bucket for our server

Modify the resource google_compute_instance in, adding a service_account block:

resource "google_compute_instance" "workshop-server" {

  service_account {
    scopes = ["storage-ro"]

2.4 Download the certificates

Add a new systemd unit to cloud-config.yaml which will download the certificates from the bucket. Change <BUCKET_NAME> to the one you have just created:

- name: cfssl-download.service
  command: start
  content: |
    Description=Download the server certificates from storage bucket

    ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker pull google/cloud-sdk:alpine
    ExecStart=/bin/bash -c \
                '/usr/bin/docker run --rm --name cfssl-lodwnload \
                          -v /etc/cfssl:/etc/cfssl \
                            google/cloud-sdk:alpine gsutil cp gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/{ca,server}* /etc/cfssl'

2.5 Make traefik read the certificates

Now you need to update traefik configuration to read the certificates:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --name traefik \
                              -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
                              -v /etc/cfssl:/etc/cfssl:ro \
                              -p 80:80 \
                              -p 443:443 \
                              -p 8080:8080 \
                                 traefik \
                                    --api --docker \
                                    --entryPoints='Name:http  Address::80  Redirect.EntryPoint:https' \
                                    --entryPoints='Name:https Address::443 TLS:/etc/cfssl/server.pem,/etc/cfssl/server-key.pem CA:/etc/cfssl/ca.pem'

To open 443 port in firewall, change line ports = ["80"] in to ports = ["80", "443"]

resource "google_compute_firewall" "api" {
  allow {
    protocol = "tcp"
    ports    = ["80", "443"]

2.6 Update entrypoint for the whoami container

Add more more labels for the whoami container start command in cloud-config.yaml:

--label traefik.frontend.entryPoints=http,https \
--label traefik.frontend.redirect.entryPoint=https \

2.7 Apply the changes

In order to apply the changes to our server, we will need to recreate it. To do so, we need to mark it to be destroyed on the next run:

terraform taint  google_compute_instance.workshop-server

Now we can apply the the changes with terraform apply

2.8 Modify the app code to make requests with client certificate

First, we need to update our .gcloudignore file to ignore the unnecessary certificates. To do so, add the following:


This configuration will make sure that only client.pem and client-key.pem are included in the code package.

Now, modify the app code in main.go file to perform TLS Mutual Auth request to out TLS protected webserver:

  1. Add new import "crypto/tls":
package main

import (
  1. Create a custom http client:
var client = &http.Client{}

func init() {
    cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("cfssl/client.pem", "cfssl/client-key.pem")
    if err != nil {

    client.Transport = &http.Transport{
        TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
            InsecureSkipVerify: true,
            Certificates:       []tls.Certificate{cert},
  1. Replace default http client, with custom one inside a demoHandler function. To do so, replace:
rs, err := http.Get(hostEndpoint)


rs, err := client.Get(hostEndpoint)

Deploy the new app version with gcloud app deploy.

2.9 Verifying

Now, you can try to open

<STATIC PUBLIC IP>:80/whoami - you will see a certificate error

<APP_URL>/demo - you should see the same output as in previous level (btw, this may take some time to work, be patient)

2.10 Clean up

If you have created a new GCP project for this workshop, you can delete the whole project with all the created resources.

gcloud projects delete $PROJECT_ID

In case you used an old GCP project and you want to delete workshop resources, use the following commands:

terraform destroy
gsutil rm -r gs://$GS_BUCKET
gcloud iam service-accounts delete terraform@${PROJECT_ID}