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Recursive repeater for AngularJS

or how to build a tree by hand

Demo is here :

This frangTreeRepeat directive is derived from ngRepeat, to perform a recursive repeat of an HTML element on a hierarchical data structure.

The idea is not to have a monolithic full tree component, but a low level recursive repeater which allow to build a tree with any template, and any data structure type. Of course any sort of tree built with those low level directives may be packaged itself in a ready to use directive.

There are 5 directives :

  • frangTree, that only publishes a controller ; it must be set on an element containing those with the other directives
  • frangTreeRepeat, with exact same syntax as ngRepeat
  • frangTreeInsertChildren, with an AngularJS expression that evaluates to the collection of children nodes, used for next level of repeat
    • the same HTML element with frangTreeRepeat directive is repeated against the children nodes
    • all the repeated elements are inserted into that element with frangTreeInsertChildren directive
  • frangTreeDrag, to mark an element as draggable
    • it takes an expression, evaluated on the dragged node, the value of which will be referenced as $drag in frang-tree-drop expression
  • frangTreeDrop, to mark a drag and drop target
    • it takes an expression which will be evaluated as an action, and where $drag references the value of frang-tree-drag expression
    • it takes also a frang-tree-allow-drop attribute, with an expression to check if the target node allows dropping here ; if this attribute is not present, dropping is allowed on all nodes

Sample template, with an action when a node is clicked :

<ul frang-tree>
  <li frang-tree-repeat="node in treeData">
      <div><span class="icon"
                 ng-class="{collapsed: node.collapsed, expanded: !node.collapsed}"
                 ng-show="node.children && node.children.length > 0"
                 ng-click="node.collapsed = !node.collapsed"></span>
           <span class="label"
                 ng-class="{folder: node.children && node.children.length > 0}"
      <ul ng-if="!node.collapsed && node.children && node.children.length > 0"

Sample template, with drag and drop support :

<ul frang-tree>
  <li frang-tree-repeat="node in treeData" frang-tree-drag="{node: node, parent: $parent.node}"
                                           frang-tree-drop="drop(node, dragData.node, dragData.parent)"
                                           frang-tree-allow-drop="node.label.substring(0, 6) == 'Folder'">
      <div><span class="icon"
                 ng-class="{collapsed: node.collapsed, expanded: !node.collapsed}"
                 ng-show="node.children && node.children.length > 0"
                 ng-click="node.collapsed = !node.collapsed"></span>
           <span class="label"
                 ng-class="{folder: node.children && node.children.length > 0}"
      <ul ng-if="!node.collapsed && node.children && node.children.length > 0"