A power efficient server.
- Motherboard: Supermicro M11SDV-8C-LN4F
- 128G UDIMM
- 1TB M2 Drive
- 500W PSU
For smaller ai workloads and desktop GUI virtual machine support
- Motherboard: ""
- Nvidia 4070 Super 12GB VRAM
For heavy AI Workloads
Model Rasberry Pi 4 Memory 8GB
Purpose - Testing AI in an IOT / Edge environment. Testing with on device training with
Model Rasberry Pi 4 Memory 4GB
Purpose - Netbooter for proxmox nodes
Model Rasberry Pi 3 Memory 4GB
Unifi NAS Pro
- Unifi Dream Machine Pro
- Unifi Aggregation Switch
- Unifi switch
- Aruba switch
- 2 unifi mini flex switch
- Unifi PSU
- Backup Power Supply
- 1u Starlink power toggle