diff --git a/hooks/useIntersectionObserver.ts b/hooks/useIntersectionObserver.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71be724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hooks/useIntersectionObserver.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
+export const useIntersectionObserver = (callback: () => void) => {
+ const observerRef = useRef(null);
+ const targetRef = useRef(null);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ observerRef.current = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
+ if (entries[0].isIntersecting) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ });
+ const currentTarget = targetRef.current;
+ if (currentTarget) {
+ observerRef.current.observe(currentTarget);
+ }
+ return () => {
+ if (observerRef.current && currentTarget) {
+ observerRef.current.unobserve(currentTarget);
+ }
+ };
+ }, [callback]);
+ return targetRef;
diff --git a/next.config.mjs b/next.config.mjs
index 4c95100..3f28469 100644
--- a/next.config.mjs
+++ b/next.config.mjs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import nextPWA from "next-pwa";
const withPWA = nextPWA({
dest: "public",
+ disableDevLogs: true,
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index a7ad2e7..8f4dd78 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
"@types/lodash": "^4.17.5",
"clsx": "^2.1.1",
"express": "^4.19.2",
+ "framer-motion": "^11.3.6",
"http-proxy-middleware": "^3.0.0",
"next": "14.2.3",
"next-pwa": "^5.6.0",
diff --git a/params/home.ts b/params/home.ts
index c341761..231e192 100644
--- a/params/home.ts
+++ b/params/home.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { type HomeSearchParams } from "app/page";
+import { type HomeSearchParams } from "@/app/page";
export const HomeSearchParamsKeys: Record = {
page: "page",
diff --git a/public/sitemap-0.xml b/public/sitemap-0.xml
index 71694c7..7bcf720 100644
--- a/public/sitemap-0.xml
+++ b/public/sitemap-0.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/sw.js b/public/sw.js
index 0f6f4f9..11d7d20 100644
--- a/public/sw.js
+++ b/public/sw.js
@@ -1,101 +1 @@
- * Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// If the loader is already loaded, just stop.
-if (!self.define) {
- let registry = {};
- // Used for `eval` and `importScripts` where we can't get script URL by other means.
- // In both cases, it's safe to use a global var because those functions are synchronous.
- let nextDefineUri;
- const singleRequire = (uri, parentUri) => {
- uri = new URL(uri + ".js", parentUri).href;
- return registry[uri] || (
- new Promise(resolve => {
- if ("document" in self) {
- const script = document.createElement("script");
- script.src = uri;
- script.onload = resolve;
- document.head.appendChild(script);
- } else {
- nextDefineUri = uri;
- importScripts(uri);
- resolve();
- }
- })
- .then(() => {
- let promise = registry[uri];
- if (!promise) {
- throw new Error(`Module ${uri} didn’t register its module`);
- }
- return promise;
- })
- );
- };
- self.define = (depsNames, factory) => {
- const uri = nextDefineUri || ("document" in self ? document.currentScript.src : "") || location.href;
- if (registry[uri]) {
- // Module is already loading or loaded.
- return;
- }
- let exports = {};
- const require = depUri => singleRequire(depUri, uri);
- const specialDeps = {
- module: { uri },
- exports,
- require
- };
- registry[uri] = Promise.all(depsNames.map(
- depName => specialDeps[depName] || require(depName)
- )).then(deps => {
- factory(...deps);
- return exports;
- });
- };
-define(['./workbox-bd7e3b9b'], (function (workbox) { 'use strict';
- importScripts();
- self.skipWaiting();
- workbox.clientsClaim();
- workbox.registerRoute("/", new workbox.NetworkFirst({
- "cacheName": "start-url",
- plugins: [{
- cacheWillUpdate: async ({
- request,
- response,
- event,
- state
- }) => {
- if (response && response.type === 'opaqueredirect') {
- return new Response(response.body, {
- status: 200,
- statusText: 'OK',
- headers: response.headers
- });
- }
- return response;
- }
- }]
- }), 'GET');
- workbox.registerRoute(/.*/i, new workbox.NetworkOnly({
- "cacheName": "dev",
- plugins: []
- }), 'GET');
-//# sourceMappingURL=sw.js.map
+if(!self.define){let e,n={};const s=(s,i)=>(s=new URL(s+".js",i).href,n[s]||new Promise((n=>{if("document"in self){const e=document.createElement("script");e.src=s,e.onload=n,document.head.appendChild(e)}else e=s,importScripts(s),n()})).then((()=>{let e=n[s];if(!e)throw new Error(`Module ${s} didn’t register its module`);return e})));self.define=(i,a)=>{const c=e||("document"in self?document.currentScript.src:"")||location.href;if(n[c])return;let t={};const r=e=>s(e,c),o={module:{uri:c},exports:t,require:r};n[c]=Promise.all(i.map((e=>o[e]||r(e)))).then((e=>(a(...e),t)))}}define(["./workbox-1bb06f5e"],(function(e){"use strict";importScripts(),self.skipWaiting(),e.clientsClaim(),e.precacheAndRoute([{url:"/_next/app-build-manifest.json",revision:"834ddde806280b7c0a0802cfbadf915c"},{url:"/_next/static/XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2/_buildManifest.js",revision:"1220b5a944c48613145f398ce67eb1a6"},{url:"/_next/static/XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2/_ssgManifest.js",revision:"b6652df95db52feb4daf4eca35380933"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/23-3feefa7749fa66e2.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/231-911216db49603077.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/355-28d73670993ef2aa.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/56-a118dac523cbe568.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/795-f9d29ed9d354a4eb.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/868-aec63e113ad9ce77.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/956-d137194b30af911c.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/app/_not-found/page-79b495137fe4bb30.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/app/approve/%5Btoken%5D/page-ac114d7fa0e09bad.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/app/collection/page-0c6497573095474a.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/app/layout-bb630ed04ca7ea4c.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/app/not-found-5fda3a3bf52b1da8.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/app/page-b81e9667e81a53b9.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/app/rush/page-4028cf453169407b.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/fd9d1056-df739fe01488f449.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/framework-f66176bb897dc684.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/main-app-2d065eeb9152982f.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/main-cca54381336d47fd.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/pages/_app-6a626577ffa902a4.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/pages/_error-1be831200e60c5c0.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/polyfills-78c92fac7aa8fdd8.js",revision:"79330112775102f91e1010318bae2bd3"},{url:"/_next/static/chunks/webpack-ee8bb2449cda5318.js",revision:"XPBSXzVKN4j82UFe8whJ2"},{url:"/_next/static/css/8c95eb8c17684a77.css",revision:"8c95eb8c17684a77"},{url:"/android-icon-144x144.png",revision:"6759132b350dbd42d0b7d2cab9ce5530"},{url:"/android-icon-192x192.png",revision:"9e33fa721097463a1b1719a996c6fa67"},{url:"/android-icon-36x36.png",revision:"798a271cee1a2b59b75cb5f1226742b2"},{url:"/android-icon-48x48.png",revision:"a1d8f16aeb07ecd952f52468fccbcfb4"},{url:"/android-icon-72x72.png",revision:"7d06274997f9c487b5bcffbbd8cdc34c"},{url:"/android-icon-96x96.png",revision:"9c0921dec295964999a36b35952fdb6d"},{url:"/apple-icon-114x114.png",revision:"8d7f2fc99030621ff9a9a2a50d1dafac"},{url:"/apple-icon-120x120.png",revision:"9770fbbb10e255f50c1d35b4c8a08f5e"},{url:"/apple-icon-144x144.png",revision:"6759132b350dbd42d0b7d2cab9ce5530"},{url:"/apple-icon-152x152.png",revision:"2e4e621e30f3b1053235b44ae8e3c6f0"},{url:"/apple-icon-180x180.png",revision:"6220642e41701fe9d8239d67da6ab9cb"},{url:"/apple-icon-57x57.png",revision:"cfe2ec06126a0ee653feccce4ffae90c"},{url:"/apple-icon-60x60.png",revision:"fb0121a4559f8a47cadd6cfc1b9c20f2"},{url:"/apple-icon-72x72.png",revision:"7d06274997f9c487b5bcffbbd8cdc34c"},{url:"/apple-icon-76x76.png",revision:"03f264740d44d6924c196bf9d9d03292"},{url:"/apple-icon-precomposed.png",revision:"120a7a664f4dd4bdab2196dfb55c2317"},{url:"/apple-icon.png",revision:"120a7a664f4dd4bdab2196dfb55c2317"},{url:"/browserconfig.xml",revision:"653d077300a12f09a69caeea7a8947f8"},{url:"/favicon-16x16.png",revision:"8797cee8b434246f07e1faac79051226"},{url:"/favicon-32x32.png",revision:"8515e168319bdb25a8dadff677bf3842"},{url:"/favicon-96x96.png",revision:"9c0921dec295964999a36b35952fdb6d"},{url:"/favicon.ico",revision:"a43cfb62be12c6c131dbee5179ae573e"},{url:"/icons/filter-icon.svg",revision:"84fb135ec441d6a35f75fac45a054188"},{url:"/icons/hamburger.svg",revision:"3bc45c87760a08a25ced1638daae5fe2"},{url:"/icons/logo.svg",revision:"6186cd0ddcd940ada6b08699c7f53563"},{url:"/images/banner.png",revision:"c35a295649614f9cbfa06e5f34d0ba9e"},{url:"/images/feed-thumbnail.png",revision:"c838fa59c1c4212ba67b3068c0547c77"},{url:"/manifest.json",revision:"331e65bb280d67c52adb2e026830d778"},{url:"/ms-icon-144x144.png",revision:"6759132b350dbd42d0b7d2cab9ce5530"},{url:"/ms-icon-150x150.png",revision:"5daae2980b5087164c0dc45e74c78d42"},{url:"/ms-icon-310x310.png",revision:"74e046853643f801fac301378fdd8341"},{url:"/ms-icon-70x70.png",revision:"d23787632ce5a44f1c45fc134a01897d"},{url:"/og-image.png",revision:"5d43692f0374dcb953a9c88a3dd51579"},{url:"/robots.txt",revision:"392722063f88f423215cc39f1976037b"},{url:"/sitemap-0.xml",revision:"7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e.NetworkFirst({cacheName:"start-url",plugins:[{cacheWillUpdate:async({request:e,response:n,event:s,state:i})=>n&&"opaqueredirect"===n.type?new Response(n.body,{status:200,statusText:"OK",headers:n.headers}):n}]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/^https:\/\/fonts\.(?:gstatic)\.com\/.*/i,new e.CacheFirst({cacheName:"google-fonts-webfonts",plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:4,maxAgeSeconds:31536e3})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/^https:\/\/fonts\.(?:googleapis)\.com\/.*/i,new e.StaleWhileRevalidate({cacheName:"google-fonts-stylesheets",plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:4,maxAgeSeconds:604800})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/\.(?:eot|otf|ttc|ttf|woff|woff2|font.css)$/i,new e.StaleWhileRevalidate({cacheName:"static-font-assets",plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:4,maxAgeSeconds:604800})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/\.(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|png|svg|ico|webp)$/i,new e.StaleWhileRevalidate({cacheName:"static-image-assets",plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:64,maxAgeSeconds:86400})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/\/_next\/image\?url=.+$/i,new e.StaleWhileRevalidate({cacheName:"next-image",plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:64,maxAgeSeconds:86400})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/\.(?:mp3|wav|ogg)$/i,new e.CacheFirst({cacheName:"static-audio-assets",plugins:[new e.RangeRequestsPlugin,new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:32,maxAgeSeconds:86400})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/\.(?:mp4)$/i,new e.CacheFirst({cacheName:"static-video-assets",plugins:[new e.RangeRequestsPlugin,new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:32,maxAgeSeconds:86400})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/\.(?:js)$/i,new e.StaleWhileRevalidate({cacheName:"static-js-assets",plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:32,maxAgeSeconds:86400})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/\.(?:css|less)$/i,new e.StaleWhileRevalidate({cacheName:"static-style-assets",plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:32,maxAgeSeconds:86400})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/\/_next\/data\/.+\/.+\.json$/i,new e.StaleWhileRevalidate({cacheName:"next-data",plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:32,maxAgeSeconds:86400})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute(/\.(?:json|xml|csv)$/i,new e.NetworkFirst({cacheName:"static-data-assets",plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:32,maxAgeSeconds:86400})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute((({url:e})=>{if(!(self.origin===e.origin))return!1;const n=e.pathname;return!n.startsWith("/api/auth/")&&!!n.startsWith("/api/")}),new e.NetworkFirst({cacheName:"apis",networkTimeoutSeconds:10,plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:16,maxAgeSeconds:86400})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute((({url:e})=>{if(!(self.origin===e.origin))return!1;return!e.pathname.startsWith("/api/")}),new e.NetworkFirst({cacheName:"others",networkTimeoutSeconds:10,plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:32,maxAgeSeconds:86400})]}),"GET"),e.registerRoute((({url:e})=>!(self.origin===e.origin)),new e.NetworkFirst({cacheName:"cross-origin",networkTimeoutSeconds:10,plugins:[new e.ExpirationPlugin({maxEntries:32,maxAgeSeconds:3600})]}),"GET"),self.__WB_DISABLE_DEV_LOGS=!0}));
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--- a/public/sw.js.map
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-{"version":3,"file":"sw.js","sources":["../../../../private/var/folders/mg/ld8rh__d39vdky0664rjd_680000gn/T/5468d5b74301b2726dc631fb6eeedbc4/sw.js"],"sourcesContent":["import {registerRoute as workbox_routing_registerRoute} from '/Users/mac/dev/nerd-planet-client/node_modules/workbox-routing/registerRoute.mjs';\nimport {NetworkFirst as workbox_strategies_NetworkFirst} from '/Users/mac/dev/nerd-planet-client/node_modules/workbox-strategies/NetworkFirst.mjs';\nimport {NetworkOnly as workbox_strategies_NetworkOnly} from '/Users/mac/dev/nerd-planet-client/node_modules/workbox-strategies/NetworkOnly.mjs';\nimport {clientsClaim as workbox_core_clientsClaim} from '/Users/mac/dev/nerd-planet-client/node_modules/workbox-core/clientsClaim.mjs';/**\n * Welcome to your Workbox-powered service worker!\n *\n * You'll need to register this file in your web app.\n * See https://goo.gl/nhQhGp\n *\n * The rest of the code is auto-generated. Please don't update this file\n * directly; instead, make changes to your Workbox build configuration\n * and re-run your build process.\n * See https://goo.gl/2aRDsh\n */\n\n\nimportScripts(\n \n);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nself.skipWaiting();\n\nworkbox_core_clientsClaim();\n\n\n\nworkbox_routing_registerRoute(\"/\", new workbox_strategies_NetworkFirst({ \"cacheName\":\"start-url\", plugins: [{ cacheWillUpdate: async ({ request, response, event, state }) => { if (response && response.type === 'opaqueredirect') { return new Response(response.body, { status: 200, statusText: 'OK', headers: response.headers }) } return response } }] }), 'GET');\nworkbox_routing_registerRoute(/.*/i, new workbox_strategies_NetworkOnly({ \"cacheName\":\"dev\", plugins: [] }), 'GET');\n\n\n\n\n"],"names":["importScripts","self","skipWaiting","workbox_core_clientsClaim","workbox_routing_registerRoute","workbox_strategies_NetworkFirst","plugins","cacheWillUpdate","request","response","event","state","type","Response","body","status","statusText","headers","workbox_strategies_NetworkOnly"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAgBAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAa,EAEZ,CAAA;EAQDC,CAAI,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAACC,CAAW,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAE,CAAA;AAElBC,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAyB,EAAE,CAAA;AAI3BC,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAA6B,CAAC,CAAA,CAAA,CAAG,CAAE,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAIC,oBAA+B,CAAC,CAAA;EAAE,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAW,EAAC,CAAW,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;EAAEC,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAO,EAAE,CAAC,CAAA;GAAEC,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAe,EAAE,CAAO,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;QAAEC,CAAO,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;QAAEC,CAAQ,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;QAAEC,CAAK,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;AAAEC,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA;AAAM,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAC,CAAK,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;EAAE,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAIF,QAAQ,CAAIA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAQ,CAACG,CAAI,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAK,gBAAgB,CAAE,CAAA,CAAA;AAAE,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,OAAO,CAAIC,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAQ,CAACJ,CAAQ,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAACK,IAAI,CAAE,CAAA,CAAA;EAAEC,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAM,EAAE,CAAG,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;EAAEC,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAU,EAAE,CAAI,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;YAAEC,CAAO,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAER,CAAQ,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAACQ,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA;AAAQ,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAC,CAAC,CAAA;EAAC,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;EAAE,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAOR,QAAQ,CAAA;EAAC,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;KAAG,CAAA;AAAE,CAAA,CAAA,CAAC,CAAC,CAAA,CAAE,CAAK,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAC,CAAA;AACxWL,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAA6B,CAAC,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAK,CAAE,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAIc,mBAA8B,CAAC,CAAA;EAAE,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAW,EAAC,CAAK,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA;EAAEZ,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAAA,CAAO,EAAE,CAAA,CAAA;EAAG,CAAC,CAAC,CAAE,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAA,CAAK,CAAC,CAAA;;"}
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/workbox-1bb06f5e.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+define(["exports"],(function(t){"use strict";try{self["workbox:core:6.6.0"]&&_()}catch(t){}const e=(t,...e)=>{let s=t;return e.length>0&&(s+=` :: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`),s};class s extends Error{constructor(t,s){super(e(t,s)),this.name=t,this.details=s}}try{self["workbox:routing:6.6.0"]&&_()}catch(t){}const n=t=>t&&"object"==typeof t?t:{handle:t};class r{constructor(t,e,s="GET"){this.handler=n(e),this.match=t,this.method=s}setCatchHandler(t){this.catchHandler=n(t)}}class i extends r{constructor(t,e,s){super((({url:e})=>{const s=t.exec(e.href);if(s&&(e.origin===location.origin||0===s.index))return s.slice(1)}),e,s)}}class a{constructor(){this.t=new Map,this.i=new Map}get routes(){return this.t}addFetchListener(){self.addEventListener("fetch",(t=>{const{request:e}=t,s=this.handleRequest({request:e,event:t});s&&t.respondWith(s)}))}addCacheListener(){self.addEventListener("message",(t=>{if(t.data&&"CACHE_URLS"===t.data.type){const{payload:e}=t.data,s=Promise.all(e.urlsToCache.map((e=>{"string"==typeof e&&(e=[e]);const s=new Request(...e);return this.handleRequest({request:s,event:t})})));t.waitUntil(s),t.ports&&t.ports[0]&&s.then((()=>t.ports[0].postMessage(!0)))}}))}handleRequest({request:t,event:e}){const s=new URL(t.url,location.href);if(!s.protocol.startsWith("http"))return;const n=s.origin===location.origin,{params:r,route:i}=this.findMatchingRoute({event:e,request:t,sameOrigin:n,url:s});let a=i&&i.handler;const o=t.method;if(!a&&this.i.has(o)&&(a=this.i.get(o)),!a)return;let c;try{c=a.handle({url:s,request:t,event:e,params:r})}catch(t){c=Promise.reject(t)}const h=i&&i.catchHandler;return c instanceof Promise&&(this.o||h)&&(c=c.catch((async n=>{if(h)try{return await h.handle({url:s,request:t,event:e,params:r})}catch(t){t instanceof Error&&(n=t)}if(this.o)return this.o.handle({url:s,request:t,event:e});throw n}))),c}findMatchingRoute({url:t,sameOrigin:e,request:s,event:n}){const r=this.t.get(s.method)||[];for(const i of r){let r;const a=i.match({url:t,sameOrigin:e,request:s,event:n});if(a)return r=a,(Array.isArray(r)&&0===r.length||a.constructor===Object&&0===Object.keys(a).length||"boolean"==typeof a)&&(r=void 0),{route:i,params:r}}return{}}setDefaultHandler(t,e="GET"){this.i.set(e,n(t))}setCatchHandler(t){this.o=n(t)}registerRoute(t){this.t.has(t.method)||this.t.set(t.method,[]),this.t.get(t.method).push(t)}unregisterRoute(t){if(!this.t.has(t.method))throw new s("unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method",{method:t.method});const e=this.t.get(t.method).indexOf(t);if(!(e>-1))throw new s("unregister-route-route-not-registered");this.t.get(t.method).splice(e,1)}}let o;const c=()=>(o||(o=new a,o.addFetchListener(),o.addCacheListener()),o);function h(t,e,n){let a;if("string"==typeof t){const s=new URL(t,location.href);a=new r((({url:t})=>t.href===s.href),e,n)}else if(t instanceof RegExp)a=new i(t,e,n);else if("function"==typeof t)a=new r(t,e,n);else{if(!(t instanceof r))throw new s("unsupported-route-type",{moduleName:"workbox-routing",funcName:"registerRoute",paramName:"capture"});a=t}return c().registerRoute(a),a}try{self["workbox:strategies:6.6.0"]&&_()}catch(t){}const u={cacheWillUpdate:async({response:t})=>200===t.status||0===t.status?t:null},l={googleAnalytics:"googleAnalytics",precache:"precache-v2",prefix:"workbox",runtime:"runtime",suffix:"undefined"!=typeof registration?registration.scope:""},f=t=>[l.prefix,t,l.suffix].filter((t=>t&&t.length>0)).join("-"),w=t=>t||f(l.precache),d=t=>t||f(l.runtime);function p(t,e){const s=new URL(t);for(const t of e)s.searchParams.delete(t);return s.href}class y{constructor(){this.promise=new Promise(((t,e)=>{this.resolve=t,this.reject=e}))}}const g=new Set;function m(t){return"string"==typeof t?new Request(t):t}class R{constructor(t,e){this.h={},Object.assign(this,e),this.event=e.event,this.u=t,this.l=new y,this.p=[],this.m=[...t.plugins],this.R=new Map;for(const t of this.m)this.R.set(t,{});this.event.waitUntil(this.l.promise)}async fetch(t){const{event:e}=this;let n=m(t);if("navigate"===n.mode&&e instanceof FetchEvent&&e.preloadResponse){const t=await e.preloadResponse;if(t)return t}const r=this.hasCallback("fetchDidFail")?n.clone():null;try{for(const t of this.iterateCallbacks("requestWillFetch"))n=await t({request:n.clone(),event:e})}catch(t){if(t instanceof Error)throw new s("plugin-error-request-will-fetch",{thrownErrorMessage:t.message})}const i=n.clone();try{let t;t=await fetch(n,"navigate"===n.mode?void 0:this.u.fetchOptions);for(const s of this.iterateCallbacks("fetchDidSucceed"))t=await s({event:e,request:i,response:t});return t}catch(t){throw r&&await this.runCallbacks("fetchDidFail",{error:t,event:e,originalRequest:r.clone(),request:i.clone()}),t}}async fetchAndCachePut(t){const e=await this.fetch(t),s=e.clone();return this.waitUntil(this.cachePut(t,s)),e}async cacheMatch(t){const e=m(t);let s;const{cacheName:n,matchOptions:r}=this.u,i=await this.getCacheKey(e,"read"),a=Object.assign(Object.assign({},r),{cacheName:n});s=await caches.match(i,a);for(const t of this.iterateCallbacks("cachedResponseWillBeUsed"))s=await t({cacheName:n,matchOptions:r,cachedResponse:s,request:i,event:this.event})||void 0;return s}async cachePut(t,e){const n=m(t);var r;await(r=0,new Promise((t=>setTimeout(t,r))));const i=await this.getCacheKey(n,"write");if(!e)throw new s("cache-put-with-no-response",{url:(a=i.url,new URL(String(a),location.href).href.replace(new RegExp(`^${location.origin}`),""))});var a;const o=await this.v(e);if(!o)return!1;const{cacheName:c,matchOptions:h}=this.u,u=await self.caches.open(c),l=this.hasCallback("cacheDidUpdate"),f=l?await async function(t,e,s,n){const r=p(e.url,s);if(e.url===r)return t.match(e,n);const i=Object.assign(Object.assign({},n),{ignoreSearch:!0}),a=await t.keys(e,i);for(const e of a)if(r===p(e.url,s))return t.match(e,n)}(u,i.clone(),["__WB_REVISION__"],h):null;try{await u.put(i,l?o.clone():o)}catch(t){if(t instanceof Error)throw"QuotaExceededError"===t.name&&await async function(){for(const t of g)await t()}(),t}for(const t of this.iterateCallbacks("cacheDidUpdate"))await t({cacheName:c,oldResponse:f,newResponse:o.clone(),request:i,event:this.event});return!0}async getCacheKey(t,e){const s=`${t.url} | ${e}`;if(!this.h[s]){let n=t;for(const t of this.iterateCallbacks("cacheKeyWillBeUsed"))n=m(await t({mode:e,request:n,event:this.event,params:this.params}));this.h[s]=n}return this.h[s]}hasCallback(t){for(const e of this.u.plugins)if(t in e)return!0;return!1}async runCallbacks(t,e){for(const s of this.iterateCallbacks(t))await s(e)}*iterateCallbacks(t){for(const e of this.u.plugins)if("function"==typeof e[t]){const s=this.R.get(e),n=n=>{const r=Object.assign(Object.assign({},n),{state:s});return e[t](r)};yield n}}waitUntil(t){return this.p.push(t),t}async doneWaiting(){let t;for(;t=this.p.shift();)await t}destroy(){this.l.resolve(null)}async v(t){let e=t,s=!1;for(const t of this.iterateCallbacks("cacheWillUpdate"))if(e=await t({request:this.request,response:e,event:this.event})||void 0,s=!0,!e)break;return s||e&&200!==e.status&&(e=void 0),e}}class v{constructor(t={}){this.cacheName=d(t.cacheName),this.plugins=t.plugins||[],this.fetchOptions=t.fetchOptions,this.matchOptions=t.matchOptions}handle(t){const[e]=this.handleAll(t);return e}handleAll(t){t instanceof FetchEvent&&(t={event:t,request:t.request});const e=t.event,s="string"==typeof t.request?new Request(t.request):t.request,n="params"in t?t.params:void 0,r=new R(this,{event:e,request:s,params:n}),i=this.q(r,s,e);return[i,this.D(i,r,s,e)]}async q(t,e,n){let r;await t.runCallbacks("handlerWillStart",{event:n,request:e});try{if(r=await this.U(e,t),!r||"error"===r.type)throw new s("no-response",{url:e.url})}catch(s){if(s instanceof Error)for(const i of t.iterateCallbacks("handlerDidError"))if(r=await i({error:s,event:n,request:e}),r)break;if(!r)throw s}for(const s of t.iterateCallbacks("handlerWillRespond"))r=await s({event:n,request:e,response:r});return r}async D(t,e,s,n){let r,i;try{r=await t}catch(i){}try{await e.runCallbacks("handlerDidRespond",{event:n,request:s,response:r}),await e.doneWaiting()}catch(t){t instanceof Error&&(i=t)}if(await e.runCallbacks("handlerDidComplete",{event:n,request:s,response:r,error:i}),e.destroy(),i)throw i}}function b(t){t.then((()=>{}))}function q(){return q=Object.assign?Object.assign.bind():function(t){for(var e=1;ee.some((e=>t instanceof e));let U,x;const L=new WeakMap,I=new WeakMap,C=new WeakMap,E=new WeakMap,N=new WeakMap;let O={get(t,e,s){if(t instanceof IDBTransaction){if("done"===e)return I.get(t);if("objectStoreNames"===e)return t.objectStoreNames||C.get(t);if("store"===e)return s.objectStoreNames[1]?void 0:s.objectStore(s.objectStoreNames[0])}return B(t[e])},set:(t,e,s)=>(t[e]=s,!0),has:(t,e)=>t instanceof IDBTransaction&&("done"===e||"store"===e)||e in t};function T(t){return t!==IDBDatabase.prototype.transaction||"objectStoreNames"in IDBTransaction.prototype?(x||(x=[IDBCursor.prototype.advance,IDBCursor.prototype.continue,IDBCursor.prototype.continuePrimaryKey])).includes(t)?function(...e){return t.apply(P(this),e),B(L.get(this))}:function(...e){return B(t.apply(P(this),e))}:function(e,...s){const n=t.call(P(this),e,...s);return C.set(n,e.sort?e.sort():[e]),B(n)}}function k(t){return"function"==typeof t?T(t):(t instanceof IDBTransaction&&function(t){if(I.has(t))return;const e=new Promise(((e,s)=>{const n=()=>{t.removeEventListener("complete",r),t.removeEventListener("error",i),t.removeEventListener("abort",i)},r=()=>{e(),n()},i=()=>{s(t.error||new DOMException("AbortError","AbortError")),n()};t.addEventListener("complete",r),t.addEventListener("error",i),t.addEventListener("abort",i)}));I.set(t,e)}(t),D(t,U||(U=[IDBDatabase,IDBObjectStore,IDBIndex,IDBCursor,IDBTransaction]))?new Proxy(t,O):t)}function B(t){if(t instanceof IDBRequest)return function(t){const e=new Promise(((e,s)=>{const n=()=>{t.removeEventListener("success",r),t.removeEventListener("error",i)},r=()=>{e(B(t.result)),n()},i=()=>{s(t.error),n()};t.addEventListener("success",r),t.addEventListener("error",i)}));return e.then((e=>{e instanceof IDBCursor&&L.set(e,t)})).catch((()=>{})),N.set(e,t),e}(t);if(E.has(t))return E.get(t);const e=k(t);return e!==t&&(E.set(t,e),N.set(e,t)),e}const P=t=>N.get(t);const M=["get","getKey","getAll","getAllKeys","count"],W=["put","add","delete","clear"],j=new Map;function S(t,e){if(!(t instanceof IDBDatabase)||e in t||"string"!=typeof e)return;if(j.get(e))return j.get(e);const s=e.replace(/FromIndex$/,""),n=e!==s,r=W.includes(s);if(!(s in(n?IDBIndex:IDBObjectStore).prototype)||!r&&!M.includes(s))return;const i=async function(t,...e){const i=this.transaction(t,r?"readwrite":"readonly");let a=i.store;return n&&(a=a.index(e.shift())),(await Promise.all([a[s](...e),r&&i.done]))[0]};return j.set(e,i),i}O=(t=>q({},t,{get:(e,s,n)=>S(e,s)||t.get(e,s,n),has:(e,s)=>!!S(e,s)||t.has(e,s)}))(O);try{self["workbox:expiration:6.6.0"]&&_()}catch(t){}const K="cache-entries",A=t=>{const e=new URL(t,location.href);return e.hash="",e.href};class F{constructor(t){this._=null,this.L=t}I(t){const e=t.createObjectStore(K,{keyPath:"id"});e.createIndex("cacheName","cacheName",{unique:!1}),e.createIndex("timestamp","timestamp",{unique:!1})}C(t){this.I(t),this.L&&function(t,{blocked:e}={}){const s=indexedDB.deleteDatabase(t);e&&s.addEventListener("blocked",(t=>e(t.oldVersion,t))),B(s).then((()=>{}))}(this.L)}async setTimestamp(t,e){const s={url:t=A(t),timestamp:e,cacheName:this.L,id:this.N(t)},n=(await this.getDb()).transaction(K,"readwrite",{durability:"relaxed"});await n.store.put(s),await n.done}async getTimestamp(t){const e=await this.getDb(),s=await e.get(K,this.N(t));return null==s?void 0:s.timestamp}async expireEntries(t,e){const s=await this.getDb();let n=await s.transaction(K).store.index("timestamp").openCursor(null,"prev");const r=[];let i=0;for(;n;){const s=n.value;s.cacheName===this.L&&(t&&s.timestamp=e?r.push(n.value):i++),n=await n.continue()}const a=[];for(const t of r)await s.delete(K,t.id),a.push(t.url);return a}N(t){return this.L+"|"+A(t)}async getDb(){return this._||(this._=await function(t,e,{blocked:s,upgrade:n,blocking:r,terminated:i}={}){const a=indexedDB.open(t,e),o=B(a);return n&&a.addEventListener("upgradeneeded",(t=>{n(B(a.result),t.oldVersion,t.newVersion,B(a.transaction),t)})),s&&a.addEventListener("blocked",(t=>s(t.oldVersion,t.newVersion,t))),o.then((t=>{i&&t.addEventListener("close",(()=>i())),r&&t.addEventListener("versionchange",(t=>r(t.oldVersion,t.newVersion,t)))})).catch((()=>{})),o}("workbox-expiration",1,{upgrade:this.C.bind(this)})),this._}}class H{constructor(t,e={}){this.O=!1,this.T=!1,this.k=e.maxEntries,this.B=e.maxAgeSeconds,this.P=e.matchOptions,this.L=t,this.M=new F(t)}async expireEntries(){if(this.O)return void(this.T=!0);this.O=!0;const t=this.B?Date.now()-1e3*this.B:0,e=await this.M.expireEntries(t,this.k),s=await self.caches.open(this.L);for(const t of e)await s.delete(t,this.P);this.O=!1,this.T&&(this.T=!1,b(this.expireEntries()))}async updateTimestamp(t){await this.M.setTimestamp(t,Date.now())}async isURLExpired(t){if(this.B){const e=await this.M.getTimestamp(t),s=Date.now()-1e3*this.B;return void 0===e||er||e&&e<0)throw new s("range-not-satisfiable",{size:r,end:n,start:e});let i,a;return void 0!==e&&void 0!==n?(i=e,a=n+1):void 0!==e&&void 0===n?(i=e,a=r):void 0!==n&&void 0===e&&(i=r-n,a=r),{start:i,end:a}}(i,r.start,r.end),o=i.slice(a.start,a.end),c=o.size,h=new Response(o,{status:206,statusText:"Partial Content",headers:e.headers});return h.headers.set("Content-Length",String(c)),h.headers.set("Content-Range",`bytes ${a.start}-${a.end-1}/${i.size}`),h}catch(t){return new Response("",{status:416,statusText:"Range Not Satisfiable"})}}function z(t,e){const s=e();return t.waitUntil(s),s}try{self["workbox:precaching:6.6.0"]&&_()}catch(t){}function G(t){if(!t)throw new s("add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type",{entry:t});if("string"==typeof t){const e=new URL(t,location.href);return{cacheKey:e.href,url:e.href}}const{revision:e,url:n}=t;if(!n)throw new s("add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type",{entry:t});if(!e){const t=new URL(n,location.href);return{cacheKey:t.href,url:t.href}}const r=new URL(n,location.href),i=new URL(n,location.href);return r.searchParams.set("__WB_REVISION__",e),{cacheKey:r.href,url:i.href}}class V{constructor(){this.updatedURLs=[],this.notUpdatedURLs=[],this.handlerWillStart=async({request:t,state:e})=>{e&&(e.originalRequest=t)},this.cachedResponseWillBeUsed=async({event:t,state:e,cachedResponse:s})=>{if("install"===t.type&&e&&e.originalRequest&&e.originalRequest instanceof Request){const t=e.originalRequest.url;s?this.notUpdatedURLs.push(t):this.updatedURLs.push(t)}return s}}}class J{constructor({precacheController:t}){this.cacheKeyWillBeUsed=async({request:t,params:e})=>{const s=(null==e?void 0:e.cacheKey)||this.W.getCacheKeyForURL(t.url);return s?new Request(s,{headers:t.headers}):t},this.W=t}}let Q,X;async function Y(t,e){let n=null;if(t.url){n=new URL(t.url).origin}if(n!==self.location.origin)throw new s("cross-origin-copy-response",{origin:n});const r=t.clone(),i={headers:new Headers(r.headers),status:r.status,statusText:r.statusText},a=e?e(i):i,o=function(){if(void 0===Q){const t=new Response("");if("body"in t)try{new Response(t.body),Q=!0}catch(t){Q=!1}Q=!1}return Q}()?r.body:await r.blob();return new Response(o,a)}class Z extends v{constructor(t={}){t.cacheName=w(t.cacheName),super(t),this.j=!1!==t.fallbackToNetwork,this.plugins.push(Z.copyRedirectedCacheableResponsesPlugin)}async U(t,e){const s=await e.cacheMatch(t);return s||(e.event&&"install"===e.event.type?await this.S(t,e):await this.K(t,e))}async K(t,e){let n;const r=e.params||{};if(!this.j)throw new s("missing-precache-entry",{cacheName:this.cacheName,url:t.url});{const s=r.integrity,i=t.integrity,a=!i||i===s;n=await e.fetch(new Request(t,{integrity:"no-cors"!==t.mode?i||s:void 0})),s&&a&&"no-cors"!==t.mode&&(this.A(),await e.cachePut(t,n.clone()))}return n}async S(t,e){this.A();const n=await e.fetch(t);if(!await e.cachePut(t,n.clone()))throw new s("bad-precaching-response",{url:t.url,status:n.status});return n}A(){let t=null,e=0;for(const[s,n]of this.plugins.entries())n!==Z.copyRedirectedCacheableResponsesPlugin&&(n===Z.defaultPrecacheCacheabilityPlugin&&(t=s),n.cacheWillUpdate&&e++);0===e?this.plugins.push(Z.defaultPrecacheCacheabilityPlugin):e>1&&null!==t&&this.plugins.splice(t,1)}}Z.defaultPrecacheCacheabilityPlugin={cacheWillUpdate:async({response:t})=>!t||t.status>=400?null:t},Z.copyRedirectedCacheableResponsesPlugin={cacheWillUpdate:async({response:t})=>t.redirected?await Y(t):t};class tt{constructor({cacheName:t,plugins:e=[],fallbackToNetwork:s=!0}={}){this.F=new Map,this.H=new Map,this.$=new Map,this.u=new Z({cacheName:w(t),plugins:[...e,new J({precacheController:this})],fallbackToNetwork:s}),this.install=this.install.bind(this),this.activate=this.activate.bind(this)}get strategy(){return this.u}precache(t){this.addToCacheList(t),this.G||(self.addEventListener("install",this.install),self.addEventListener("activate",this.activate),this.G=!0)}addToCacheList(t){const e=[];for(const n of t){"string"==typeof n?e.push(n):n&&void 0===n.revision&&e.push(n.url);const{cacheKey:t,url:r}=G(n),i="string"!=typeof n&&n.revision?"reload":"default";if(this.F.has(r)&&this.F.get(r)!==t)throw new s("add-to-cache-list-conflicting-entries",{firstEntry:this.F.get(r),secondEntry:t});if("string"!=typeof n&&n.integrity){if(this.$.has(t)&&this.$.get(t)!==n.integrity)throw new s("add-to-cache-list-conflicting-integrities",{url:r});this.$.set(t,n.integrity)}if(this.F.set(r,t),this.H.set(r,i),e.length>0){const t=`Workbox is precaching URLs without revision info: ${e.join(", ")}\nThis is generally NOT safe. Learn more at https://bit.ly/wb-precache`;console.warn(t)}}}install(t){return z(t,(async()=>{const e=new V;this.strategy.plugins.push(e);for(const[e,s]of this.F){const n=this.$.get(s),r=this.H.get(e),i=new Request(e,{integrity:n,cache:r,credentials:"same-origin"});await Promise.all(this.strategy.handleAll({params:{cacheKey:s},request:i,event:t}))}const{updatedURLs:s,notUpdatedURLs:n}=e;return{updatedURLs:s,notUpdatedURLs:n}}))}activate(t){return z(t,(async()=>{const t=await self.caches.open(this.strategy.cacheName),e=await t.keys(),s=new Set(this.F.values()),n=[];for(const r of e)s.has(r.url)||(await t.delete(r),n.push(r.url));return{deletedURLs:n}}))}getURLsToCacheKeys(){return this.F}getCachedURLs(){return[...this.F.keys()]}getCacheKeyForURL(t){const e=new URL(t,location.href);return this.F.get(e.href)}getIntegrityForCacheKey(t){return this.$.get(t)}async matchPrecache(t){const e=t instanceof Request?t.url:t,s=this.getCacheKeyForURL(e);if(s){return(await self.caches.open(this.strategy.cacheName)).match(s)}}createHandlerBoundToURL(t){const e=this.getCacheKeyForURL(t);if(!e)throw new s("non-precached-url",{url:t});return s=>(s.request=new Request(t),s.params=Object.assign({cacheKey:e},s.params),this.strategy.handle(s))}}const et=()=>(X||(X=new tt),X);class st extends r{constructor(t,e){super((({request:s})=>{const n=t.getURLsToCacheKeys();for(const r of function*(t,{ignoreURLParametersMatching:e=[/^utm_/,/^fbclid$/],directoryIndex:s="index.html",cleanURLs:n=!0,urlManipulation:r}={}){const i=new URL(t,location.href);i.hash="",yield i.href;const a=function(t,e=[]){for(const s of[...t.searchParams.keys()])e.some((t=>t.test(s)))&&t.searchParams.delete(s);return t}(i,e);if(yield a.href,s&&a.pathname.endsWith("/")){const t=new URL(a.href);t.pathname+=s,yield t.href}if(n){const t=new URL(a.href);t.pathname+=".html",yield t.href}if(r){const t=r({url:i});for(const e of t)yield e.href}}(s.url,e)){const e=n.get(r);if(e){return{cacheKey:e,integrity:t.getIntegrityForCacheKey(e)}}}}),t.strategy)}}t.CacheFirst=class extends v{async U(t,e){let n,r=await e.cacheMatch(t);if(!r)try{r=await e.fetchAndCachePut(t)}catch(t){t instanceof Error&&(n=t)}if(!r)throw new s("no-response",{url:t.url,error:n});return r}},t.ExpirationPlugin=class{constructor(t={}){this.cachedResponseWillBeUsed=async({event:t,request:e,cacheName:s,cachedResponse:n})=>{if(!n)return null;const r=this.V(n),i=this.J(s);b(i.expireEntries());const a=i.updateTimestamp(e.url);if(t)try{t.waitUntil(a)}catch(t){}return r?n:null},this.cacheDidUpdate=async({cacheName:t,request:e})=>{const s=this.J(t);await s.updateTimestamp(e.url),await s.expireEntries()},this.X=t,this.B=t.maxAgeSeconds,this.Y=new Map,t.purgeOnQuotaError&&function(t){g.add(t)}((()=>this.deleteCacheAndMetadata()))}J(t){if(t===d())throw new s("expire-custom-caches-only");let e=this.Y.get(t);return e||(e=new H(t,this.X),this.Y.set(t,e)),e}V(t){if(!this.B)return!0;const e=this.Z(t);if(null===e)return!0;return e>=Date.now()-1e3*this.B}Z(t){if(!t.headers.has("date"))return null;const e=t.headers.get("date"),s=new Date(e).getTime();return isNaN(s)?null:s}async deleteCacheAndMetadata(){for(const[t,e]of this.Y)await self.caches.delete(t),await e.delete();this.Y=new Map}},t.NetworkFirst=class extends v{constructor(t={}){super(t),this.plugins.some((t=>"cacheWillUpdate"in t))||this.plugins.unshift(u),this.tt=t.networkTimeoutSeconds||0}async U(t,e){const n=[],r=[];let i;if(this.tt){const{id:s,promise:a}=this.et({request:t,logs:n,handler:e});i=s,r.push(a)}const a=this.st({timeoutId:i,request:t,logs:n,handler:e});r.push(a);const o=await e.waitUntil((async()=>await e.waitUntil(Promise.race(r))||await a)());if(!o)throw new s("no-response",{url:t.url});return o}et({request:t,logs:e,handler:s}){let n;return{promise:new Promise((e=>{n=setTimeout((async()=>{e(await s.cacheMatch(t))}),1e3*this.tt)})),id:n}}async st({timeoutId:t,request:e,logs:s,handler:n}){let r,i;try{i=await n.fetchAndCachePut(e)}catch(t){t instanceof Error&&(r=t)}return t&&clearTimeout(t),!r&&i||(i=await n.cacheMatch(e)),i}},t.RangeRequestsPlugin=class{constructor(){this.cachedResponseWillBeUsed=async({request:t,cachedResponse:e})=>e&&t.headers.has("range")?await $(t,e):e}},t.StaleWhileRevalidate=class extends v{constructor(t={}){super(t),this.plugins.some((t=>"cacheWillUpdate"in t))||this.plugins.unshift(u)}async U(t,e){const n=e.fetchAndCachePut(t).catch((()=>{}));e.waitUntil(n);let r,i=await e.cacheMatch(t);if(i);else try{i=await n}catch(t){t instanceof Error&&(r=t)}if(!i)throw new s("no-response",{url:t.url,error:r});return i}},t.cleanupOutdatedCaches=function(){self.addEventListener("activate",(t=>{const e=w();t.waitUntil((async(t,e="-precache-")=>{const s=(await self.caches.keys()).filter((s=>s.includes(e)&&s.includes(self.registration.scope)&&s!==t));return await Promise.all(s.map((t=>self.caches.delete(t)))),s})(e).then((t=>{})))}))},t.clientsClaim=function(){self.addEventListener("activate",(()=>self.clients.claim()))},t.precacheAndRoute=function(t,e){!function(t){et().precache(t)}(t),function(t){const e=et();h(new st(e,t))}(e)},t.registerRoute=h}));
diff --git a/public/workbox-bd7e3b9b.js b/public/workbox-bd7e3b9b.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 14ce496..0000000
--- a/public/workbox-bd7e3b9b.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2456 +0,0 @@
-define(['exports'], (function (exports) { 'use strict';
- // @ts-ignore
- try {
- self['workbox:core:6.6.0'] && _();
- } catch (e) {}
- /*
- Copyright 2019 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- const logger = (() => {
- // Don't overwrite this value if it's already set.
- // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/pull/2284#issuecomment-560470923
- if (!('__WB_DISABLE_DEV_LOGS' in globalThis)) {
- self.__WB_DISABLE_DEV_LOGS = false;
- }
- let inGroup = false;
- const methodToColorMap = {
- debug: `#7f8c8d`,
- log: `#2ecc71`,
- warn: `#f39c12`,
- error: `#c0392b`,
- groupCollapsed: `#3498db`,
- groupEnd: null // No colored prefix on groupEnd
- };
- const print = function (method, args) {
- if (self.__WB_DISABLE_DEV_LOGS) {
- return;
- }
- if (method === 'groupCollapsed') {
- // Safari doesn't print all console.groupCollapsed() arguments:
- // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=182754
- if (/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
- console[method](...args);
- return;
- }
- }
- const styles = [`background: ${methodToColorMap[method]}`, `border-radius: 0.5em`, `color: white`, `font-weight: bold`, `padding: 2px 0.5em`];
- // When in a group, the workbox prefix is not displayed.
- const logPrefix = inGroup ? [] : ['%cworkbox', styles.join(';')];
- console[method](...logPrefix, ...args);
- if (method === 'groupCollapsed') {
- inGroup = true;
- }
- if (method === 'groupEnd') {
- inGroup = false;
- }
- };
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- const api = {};
- const loggerMethods = Object.keys(methodToColorMap);
- for (const key of loggerMethods) {
- const method = key;
- api[method] = (...args) => {
- print(method, args);
- };
- }
- return api;
- })();
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- const messages$1 = {
- 'invalid-value': ({
- paramName,
- validValueDescription,
- value
- }) => {
- if (!paramName || !validValueDescription) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'invalid-value' error.`);
- }
- return `The '${paramName}' parameter was given a value with an ` + `unexpected value. ${validValueDescription} Received a value of ` + `${JSON.stringify(value)}.`;
- },
- 'not-an-array': ({
- moduleName,
- className,
- funcName,
- paramName
- }) => {
- if (!moduleName || !className || !funcName || !paramName) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'not-an-array' error.`);
- }
- return `The parameter '${paramName}' passed into ` + `'${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}()' must be an array.`;
- },
- 'incorrect-type': ({
- expectedType,
- paramName,
- moduleName,
- className,
- funcName
- }) => {
- if (!expectedType || !paramName || !moduleName || !funcName) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'incorrect-type' error.`);
- }
- const classNameStr = className ? `${className}.` : '';
- return `The parameter '${paramName}' passed into ` + `'${moduleName}.${classNameStr}` + `${funcName}()' must be of type ${expectedType}.`;
- },
- 'incorrect-class': ({
- expectedClassName,
- paramName,
- moduleName,
- className,
- funcName,
- isReturnValueProblem
- }) => {
- if (!expectedClassName || !moduleName || !funcName) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'incorrect-class' error.`);
- }
- const classNameStr = className ? `${className}.` : '';
- if (isReturnValueProblem) {
- return `The return value from ` + `'${moduleName}.${classNameStr}${funcName}()' ` + `must be an instance of class ${expectedClassName}.`;
- }
- return `The parameter '${paramName}' passed into ` + `'${moduleName}.${classNameStr}${funcName}()' ` + `must be an instance of class ${expectedClassName}.`;
- },
- 'missing-a-method': ({
- expectedMethod,
- paramName,
- moduleName,
- className,
- funcName
- }) => {
- if (!expectedMethod || !paramName || !moduleName || !className || !funcName) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'missing-a-method' error.`);
- }
- return `${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}() expected the ` + `'${paramName}' parameter to expose a '${expectedMethod}' method.`;
- },
- 'add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type': ({
- entry
- }) => {
- return `An unexpected entry was passed to ` + `'workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.addToCacheList()' The entry ` + `'${JSON.stringify(entry)}' isn't supported. You must supply an array of ` + `strings with one or more characters, objects with a url property or ` + `Request objects.`;
- },
- 'add-to-cache-list-conflicting-entries': ({
- firstEntry,
- secondEntry
- }) => {
- if (!firstEntry || !secondEntry) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to ` + `'add-to-cache-list-duplicate-entries' error.`);
- }
- return `Two of the entries passed to ` + `'workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.addToCacheList()' had the URL ` + `${firstEntry} but different revision details. Workbox is ` + `unable to cache and version the asset correctly. Please remove one ` + `of the entries.`;
- },
- 'plugin-error-request-will-fetch': ({
- thrownErrorMessage
- }) => {
- if (!thrownErrorMessage) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to ` + `'plugin-error-request-will-fetch', error.`);
- }
- return `An error was thrown by a plugins 'requestWillFetch()' method. ` + `The thrown error message was: '${thrownErrorMessage}'.`;
- },
- 'invalid-cache-name': ({
- cacheNameId,
- value
- }) => {
- if (!cacheNameId) {
- throw new Error(`Expected a 'cacheNameId' for error 'invalid-cache-name'`);
- }
- return `You must provide a name containing at least one character for ` + `setCacheDetails({${cacheNameId}: '...'}). Received a value of ` + `'${JSON.stringify(value)}'`;
- },
- 'unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method': ({
- method
- }) => {
- if (!method) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to ` + `'unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method' error.`);
- }
- return `The route you're trying to unregister was not previously ` + `registered for the method type '${method}'.`;
- },
- 'unregister-route-route-not-registered': () => {
- return `The route you're trying to unregister was not previously ` + `registered.`;
- },
- 'queue-replay-failed': ({
- name
- }) => {
- return `Replaying the background sync queue '${name}' failed.`;
- },
- 'duplicate-queue-name': ({
- name
- }) => {
- return `The Queue name '${name}' is already being used. ` + `All instances of backgroundSync.Queue must be given unique names.`;
- },
- 'expired-test-without-max-age': ({
- methodName,
- paramName
- }) => {
- return `The '${methodName}()' method can only be used when the ` + `'${paramName}' is used in the constructor.`;
- },
- 'unsupported-route-type': ({
- moduleName,
- className,
- funcName,
- paramName
- }) => {
- return `The supplied '${paramName}' parameter was an unsupported type. ` + `Please check the docs for ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName} for ` + `valid input types.`;
- },
- 'not-array-of-class': ({
- value,
- expectedClass,
- moduleName,
- className,
- funcName,
- paramName
- }) => {
- return `The supplied '${paramName}' parameter must be an array of ` + `'${expectedClass}' objects. Received '${JSON.stringify(value)},'. ` + `Please check the call to ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}() ` + `to fix the issue.`;
- },
- 'max-entries-or-age-required': ({
- moduleName,
- className,
- funcName
- }) => {
- return `You must define either config.maxEntries or config.maxAgeSeconds` + `in ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}`;
- },
- 'statuses-or-headers-required': ({
- moduleName,
- className,
- funcName
- }) => {
- return `You must define either config.statuses or config.headers` + `in ${moduleName}.${className}.${funcName}`;
- },
- 'invalid-string': ({
- moduleName,
- funcName,
- paramName
- }) => {
- if (!paramName || !moduleName || !funcName) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'invalid-string' error.`);
- }
- return `When using strings, the '${paramName}' parameter must start with ` + `'http' (for cross-origin matches) or '/' (for same-origin matches). ` + `Please see the docs for ${moduleName}.${funcName}() for ` + `more info.`;
- },
- 'channel-name-required': () => {
- return `You must provide a channelName to construct a ` + `BroadcastCacheUpdate instance.`;
- },
- 'invalid-responses-are-same-args': () => {
- return `The arguments passed into responsesAreSame() appear to be ` + `invalid. Please ensure valid Responses are used.`;
- },
- 'expire-custom-caches-only': () => {
- return `You must provide a 'cacheName' property when using the ` + `expiration plugin with a runtime caching strategy.`;
- },
- 'unit-must-be-bytes': ({
- normalizedRangeHeader
- }) => {
- if (!normalizedRangeHeader) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'unit-must-be-bytes' error.`);
- }
- return `The 'unit' portion of the Range header must be set to 'bytes'. ` + `The Range header provided was "${normalizedRangeHeader}"`;
- },
- 'single-range-only': ({
- normalizedRangeHeader
- }) => {
- if (!normalizedRangeHeader) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'single-range-only' error.`);
- }
- return `Multiple ranges are not supported. Please use a single start ` + `value, and optional end value. The Range header provided was ` + `"${normalizedRangeHeader}"`;
- },
- 'invalid-range-values': ({
- normalizedRangeHeader
- }) => {
- if (!normalizedRangeHeader) {
- throw new Error(`Unexpected input to 'invalid-range-values' error.`);
- }
- return `The Range header is missing both start and end values. At least ` + `one of those values is needed. The Range header provided was ` + `"${normalizedRangeHeader}"`;
- },
- 'no-range-header': () => {
- return `No Range header was found in the Request provided.`;
- },
- 'range-not-satisfiable': ({
- size,
- start,
- end
- }) => {
- return `The start (${start}) and end (${end}) values in the Range are ` + `not satisfiable by the cached response, which is ${size} bytes.`;
- },
- 'attempt-to-cache-non-get-request': ({
- url,
- method
- }) => {
- return `Unable to cache '${url}' because it is a '${method}' request and ` + `only 'GET' requests can be cached.`;
- },
- 'cache-put-with-no-response': ({
- url
- }) => {
- return `There was an attempt to cache '${url}' but the response was not ` + `defined.`;
- },
- 'no-response': ({
- url,
- error
- }) => {
- let message = `The strategy could not generate a response for '${url}'.`;
- if (error) {
- message += ` The underlying error is ${error}.`;
- }
- return message;
- },
- 'bad-precaching-response': ({
- url,
- status
- }) => {
- return `The precaching request for '${url}' failed` + (status ? ` with an HTTP status of ${status}.` : `.`);
- },
- 'non-precached-url': ({
- url
- }) => {
- return `createHandlerBoundToURL('${url}') was called, but that URL is ` + `not precached. Please pass in a URL that is precached instead.`;
- },
- 'add-to-cache-list-conflicting-integrities': ({
- url
- }) => {
- return `Two of the entries passed to ` + `'workbox-precaching.PrecacheController.addToCacheList()' had the URL ` + `${url} with different integrity values. Please remove one of them.`;
- },
- 'missing-precache-entry': ({
- cacheName,
- url
- }) => {
- return `Unable to find a precached response in ${cacheName} for ${url}.`;
- },
- 'cross-origin-copy-response': ({
- origin
- }) => {
- return `workbox-core.copyResponse() can only be used with same-origin ` + `responses. It was passed a response with origin ${origin}.`;
- },
- 'opaque-streams-source': ({
- type
- }) => {
- const message = `One of the workbox-streams sources resulted in an ` + `'${type}' response.`;
- if (type === 'opaqueredirect') {
- return `${message} Please do not use a navigation request that results ` + `in a redirect as a source.`;
- }
- return `${message} Please ensure your sources are CORS-enabled.`;
- }
- };
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- const generatorFunction = (code, details = {}) => {
- const message = messages$1[code];
- if (!message) {
- throw new Error(`Unable to find message for code '${code}'.`);
- }
- return message(details);
- };
- const messageGenerator = generatorFunction;
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * Workbox errors should be thrown with this class.
- * This allows use to ensure the type easily in tests,
- * helps developers identify errors from workbox
- * easily and allows use to optimise error
- * messages correctly.
- *
- * @private
- */
- class WorkboxError extends Error {
- /**
- *
- * @param {string} errorCode The error code that
- * identifies this particular error.
- * @param {Object=} details Any relevant arguments
- * that will help developers identify issues should
- * be added as a key on the context object.
- */
- constructor(errorCode, details) {
- const message = messageGenerator(errorCode, details);
- super(message);
- this.name = errorCode;
- this.details = details;
- }
- }
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /*
- * This method throws if the supplied value is not an array.
- * The destructed values are required to produce a meaningful error for users.
- * The destructed and restructured object is so it's clear what is
- * needed.
- */
- const isArray = (value, details) => {
- if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
- throw new WorkboxError('not-an-array', details);
- }
- };
- const hasMethod = (object, expectedMethod, details) => {
- const type = typeof object[expectedMethod];
- if (type !== 'function') {
- details['expectedMethod'] = expectedMethod;
- throw new WorkboxError('missing-a-method', details);
- }
- };
- const isType = (object, expectedType, details) => {
- if (typeof object !== expectedType) {
- details['expectedType'] = expectedType;
- throw new WorkboxError('incorrect-type', details);
- }
- };
- const isInstance = (object,
- // Need the general type to do the check later.
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- expectedClass, details) => {
- if (!(object instanceof expectedClass)) {
- details['expectedClassName'] = expectedClass.name;
- throw new WorkboxError('incorrect-class', details);
- }
- };
- const isOneOf = (value, validValues, details) => {
- if (!validValues.includes(value)) {
- details['validValueDescription'] = `Valid values are ${JSON.stringify(validValues)}.`;
- throw new WorkboxError('invalid-value', details);
- }
- };
- const isArrayOfClass = (value,
- // Need general type to do check later.
- expectedClass,
- // eslint-disable-line
- details) => {
- const error = new WorkboxError('not-array-of-class', details);
- if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
- throw error;
- }
- for (const item of value) {
- if (!(item instanceof expectedClass)) {
- throw error;
- }
- }
- };
- const finalAssertExports = {
- hasMethod,
- isArray,
- isInstance,
- isOneOf,
- isType,
- isArrayOfClass
- };
- // @ts-ignore
- try {
- self['workbox:routing:6.6.0'] && _();
- } catch (e) {}
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * The default HTTP method, 'GET', used when there's no specific method
- * configured for a route.
- *
- * @type {string}
- *
- * @private
- */
- const defaultMethod = 'GET';
- /**
- * The list of valid HTTP methods associated with requests that could be routed.
- *
- * @type {Array}
- *
- * @private
- */
- const validMethods = ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT'];
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * @param {function()|Object} handler Either a function, or an object with a
- * 'handle' method.
- * @return {Object} An object with a handle method.
- *
- * @private
- */
- const normalizeHandler = handler => {
- if (handler && typeof handler === 'object') {
- {
- finalAssertExports.hasMethod(handler, 'handle', {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- className: 'Route',
- funcName: 'constructor',
- paramName: 'handler'
- });
- }
- return handler;
- } else {
- {
- finalAssertExports.isType(handler, 'function', {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- className: 'Route',
- funcName: 'constructor',
- paramName: 'handler'
- });
- }
- return {
- handle: handler
- };
- }
- };
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * A `Route` consists of a pair of callback functions, "match" and "handler".
- * The "match" callback determine if a route should be used to "handle" a
- * request by returning a non-falsy value if it can. The "handler" callback
- * is called when there is a match and should return a Promise that resolves
- * to a `Response`.
- *
- * @memberof workbox-routing
- */
- class Route {
- /**
- * Constructor for Route class.
- *
- * @param {workbox-routing~matchCallback} match
- * A callback function that determines whether the route matches a given
- * `fetch` event by returning a non-falsy value.
- * @param {workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
- * function that returns a Promise resolving to a Response.
- * @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
- * against.
- */
- constructor(match, handler, method = defaultMethod) {
- {
- finalAssertExports.isType(match, 'function', {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- className: 'Route',
- funcName: 'constructor',
- paramName: 'match'
- });
- if (method) {
- finalAssertExports.isOneOf(method, validMethods, {
- paramName: 'method'
- });
- }
- }
- // These values are referenced directly by Router so cannot be
- // altered by minificaton.
- this.handler = normalizeHandler(handler);
- this.match = match;
- this.method = method;
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param {workbox-routing-handlerCallback} handler A callback
- * function that returns a Promise resolving to a Response
- */
- setCatchHandler(handler) {
- this.catchHandler = normalizeHandler(handler);
- }
- }
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * RegExpRoute makes it easy to create a regular expression based
- * {@link workbox-routing.Route}.
- *
- * For same-origin requests the RegExp only needs to match part of the URL. For
- * requests against third-party servers, you must define a RegExp that matches
- * the start of the URL.
- *
- * @memberof workbox-routing
- * @extends workbox-routing.Route
- */
- class RegExpRoute extends Route {
- /**
- * If the regular expression contains
- * [capture groups]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp#grouping-back-references},
- * the captured values will be passed to the
- * {@link workbox-routing~handlerCallback} `params`
- * argument.
- *
- * @param {RegExp} regExp The regular expression to match against URLs.
- * @param {workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
- * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
- * @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
- * against.
- */
- constructor(regExp, handler, method) {
- {
- finalAssertExports.isInstance(regExp, RegExp, {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- className: 'RegExpRoute',
- funcName: 'constructor',
- paramName: 'pattern'
- });
- }
- const match = ({
- url
- }) => {
- const result = regExp.exec(url.href);
- // Return immediately if there's no match.
- if (!result) {
- return;
- }
- // Require that the match start at the first character in the URL string
- // if it's a cross-origin request.
- // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/281 for the context
- // behind this behavior.
- if (url.origin !== location.origin && result.index !== 0) {
- {
- logger.debug(`The regular expression '${regExp.toString()}' only partially matched ` + `against the cross-origin URL '${url.toString()}'. RegExpRoute's will only ` + `handle cross-origin requests if they match the entire URL.`);
- }
- return;
- }
- // If the route matches, but there aren't any capture groups defined, then
- // this will return [], which is truthy and therefore sufficient to
- // indicate a match.
- // If there are capture groups, then it will return their values.
- return result.slice(1);
- };
- super(match, handler, method);
- }
- }
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- const getFriendlyURL = url => {
- const urlObj = new URL(String(url), location.href);
- // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/2323
- // We want to include everything, except for the origin if it's same-origin.
- return urlObj.href.replace(new RegExp(`^${location.origin}`), '');
- };
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * The Router can be used to process a `FetchEvent` using one or more
- * {@link workbox-routing.Route}, responding with a `Response` if
- * a matching route exists.
- *
- * If no route matches a given a request, the Router will use a "default"
- * handler if one is defined.
- *
- * Should the matching Route throw an error, the Router will use a "catch"
- * handler if one is defined to gracefully deal with issues and respond with a
- * Request.
- *
- * If a request matches multiple routes, the **earliest** registered route will
- * be used to respond to the request.
- *
- * @memberof workbox-routing
- */
- class Router {
- /**
- * Initializes a new Router.
- */
- constructor() {
- this._routes = new Map();
- this._defaultHandlerMap = new Map();
- }
- /**
- * @return {Map>} routes A `Map` of HTTP
- * method name ('GET', etc.) to an array of all the corresponding `Route`
- * instances that are registered.
- */
- get routes() {
- return this._routes;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a fetch event listener to respond to events when a route matches
- * the event's request.
- */
- addFetchListener() {
- // See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/28357#issuecomment-436484705
- self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
- const {
- request
- } = event;
- const responsePromise = this.handleRequest({
- request,
- event
- });
- if (responsePromise) {
- event.respondWith(responsePromise);
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Adds a message event listener for URLs to cache from the window.
- * This is useful to cache resources loaded on the page prior to when the
- * service worker started controlling it.
- *
- * The format of the message data sent from the window should be as follows.
- * Where the `urlsToCache` array may consist of URL strings or an array of
- * URL string + `requestInit` object (the same as you'd pass to `fetch()`).
- *
- * ```
- * {
- * type: 'CACHE_URLS',
- * payload: {
- * urlsToCache: [
- * './script1.js',
- * './script2.js',
- * ['./script3.js', {mode: 'no-cors'}],
- * ],
- * },
- * }
- * ```
- */
- addCacheListener() {
- // See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/28357#issuecomment-436484705
- self.addEventListener('message', event => {
- // event.data is type 'any'
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
- if (event.data && event.data.type === 'CACHE_URLS') {
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
- const {
- payload
- } = event.data;
- {
- logger.debug(`Caching URLs from the window`, payload.urlsToCache);
- }
- const requestPromises = Promise.all(payload.urlsToCache.map(entry => {
- if (typeof entry === 'string') {
- entry = [entry];
- }
- const request = new Request(...entry);
- return this.handleRequest({
- request,
- event
- });
- // TODO(philipwalton): TypeScript errors without this typecast for
- // some reason (probably a bug). The real type here should work but
- // doesn't: `Array | undefined>`.
- })); // TypeScript
- event.waitUntil(requestPromises);
- // If a MessageChannel was used, reply to the message on success.
- if (event.ports && event.ports[0]) {
- void requestPromises.then(() => event.ports[0].postMessage(true));
- }
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Apply the routing rules to a FetchEvent object to get a Response from an
- * appropriate Route's handler.
- *
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {Request} options.request The request to handle.
- * @param {ExtendableEvent} options.event The event that triggered the
- * request.
- * @return {Promise|undefined} A promise is returned if a
- * registered route can handle the request. If there is no matching
- * route and there's no `defaultHandler`, `undefined` is returned.
- */
- handleRequest({
- request,
- event
- }) {
- {
- finalAssertExports.isInstance(request, Request, {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- className: 'Router',
- funcName: 'handleRequest',
- paramName: 'options.request'
- });
- }
- const url = new URL(request.url, location.href);
- if (!url.protocol.startsWith('http')) {
- {
- logger.debug(`Workbox Router only supports URLs that start with 'http'.`);
- }
- return;
- }
- const sameOrigin = url.origin === location.origin;
- const {
- params,
- route
- } = this.findMatchingRoute({
- event,
- request,
- sameOrigin,
- url
- });
- let handler = route && route.handler;
- const debugMessages = [];
- {
- if (handler) {
- debugMessages.push([`Found a route to handle this request:`, route]);
- if (params) {
- debugMessages.push([`Passing the following params to the route's handler:`, params]);
- }
- }
- }
- // If we don't have a handler because there was no matching route, then
- // fall back to defaultHandler if that's defined.
- const method = request.method;
- if (!handler && this._defaultHandlerMap.has(method)) {
- {
- debugMessages.push(`Failed to find a matching route. Falling ` + `back to the default handler for ${method}.`);
- }
- handler = this._defaultHandlerMap.get(method);
- }
- if (!handler) {
- {
- // No handler so Workbox will do nothing. If logs is set of debug
- // i.e. verbose, we should print out this information.
- logger.debug(`No route found for: ${getFriendlyURL(url)}`);
- }
- return;
- }
- {
- // We have a handler, meaning Workbox is going to handle the route.
- // print the routing details to the console.
- logger.groupCollapsed(`Router is responding to: ${getFriendlyURL(url)}`);
- debugMessages.forEach(msg => {
- if (Array.isArray(msg)) {
- logger.log(...msg);
- } else {
- logger.log(msg);
- }
- });
- logger.groupEnd();
- }
- // Wrap in try and catch in case the handle method throws a synchronous
- // error. It should still callback to the catch handler.
- let responsePromise;
- try {
- responsePromise = handler.handle({
- url,
- request,
- event,
- params
- });
- } catch (err) {
- responsePromise = Promise.reject(err);
- }
- // Get route's catch handler, if it exists
- const catchHandler = route && route.catchHandler;
- if (responsePromise instanceof Promise && (this._catchHandler || catchHandler)) {
- responsePromise = responsePromise.catch(async err => {
- // If there's a route catch handler, process that first
- if (catchHandler) {
- {
- // Still include URL here as it will be async from the console group
- // and may not make sense without the URL
- logger.groupCollapsed(`Error thrown when responding to: ` + ` ${getFriendlyURL(url)}. Falling back to route's Catch Handler.`);
- logger.error(`Error thrown by:`, route);
- logger.error(err);
- logger.groupEnd();
- }
- try {
- return await catchHandler.handle({
- url,
- request,
- event,
- params
- });
- } catch (catchErr) {
- if (catchErr instanceof Error) {
- err = catchErr;
- }
- }
- }
- if (this._catchHandler) {
- {
- // Still include URL here as it will be async from the console group
- // and may not make sense without the URL
- logger.groupCollapsed(`Error thrown when responding to: ` + ` ${getFriendlyURL(url)}. Falling back to global Catch Handler.`);
- logger.error(`Error thrown by:`, route);
- logger.error(err);
- logger.groupEnd();
- }
- return this._catchHandler.handle({
- url,
- request,
- event
- });
- }
- throw err;
- });
- }
- return responsePromise;
- }
- /**
- * Checks a request and URL (and optionally an event) against the list of
- * registered routes, and if there's a match, returns the corresponding
- * route along with any params generated by the match.
- *
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {URL} options.url
- * @param {boolean} options.sameOrigin The result of comparing `url.origin`
- * against the current origin.
- * @param {Request} options.request The request to match.
- * @param {Event} options.event The corresponding event.
- * @return {Object} An object with `route` and `params` properties.
- * They are populated if a matching route was found or `undefined`
- * otherwise.
- */
- findMatchingRoute({
- url,
- sameOrigin,
- request,
- event
- }) {
- const routes = this._routes.get(request.method) || [];
- for (const route of routes) {
- let params;
- // route.match returns type any, not possible to change right now.
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
- const matchResult = route.match({
- url,
- sameOrigin,
- request,
- event
- });
- if (matchResult) {
- {
- // Warn developers that using an async matchCallback is almost always
- // not the right thing to do.
- if (matchResult instanceof Promise) {
- logger.warn(`While routing ${getFriendlyURL(url)}, an async ` + `matchCallback function was used. Please convert the ` + `following route to use a synchronous matchCallback function:`, route);
- }
- }
- // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/2079
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
- params = matchResult;
- if (Array.isArray(params) && params.length === 0) {
- // Instead of passing an empty array in as params, use undefined.
- params = undefined;
- } else if (matchResult.constructor === Object &&
- // eslint-disable-line
- Object.keys(matchResult).length === 0) {
- // Instead of passing an empty object in as params, use undefined.
- params = undefined;
- } else if (typeof matchResult === 'boolean') {
- // For the boolean value true (rather than just something truth-y),
- // don't set params.
- // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/pull/2134#issuecomment-513924353
- params = undefined;
- }
- // Return early if have a match.
- return {
- route,
- params
- };
- }
- }
- // If no match was found above, return and empty object.
- return {};
- }
- /**
- * Define a default `handler` that's called when no routes explicitly
- * match the incoming request.
- *
- * Each HTTP method ('GET', 'POST', etc.) gets its own default handler.
- *
- * Without a default handler, unmatched requests will go against the
- * network as if there were no service worker present.
- *
- * @param {workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
- * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
- * @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to associate with this
- * default handler. Each method has its own default.
- */
- setDefaultHandler(handler, method = defaultMethod) {
- this._defaultHandlerMap.set(method, normalizeHandler(handler));
- }
- /**
- * If a Route throws an error while handling a request, this `handler`
- * will be called and given a chance to provide a response.
- *
- * @param {workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
- * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
- */
- setCatchHandler(handler) {
- this._catchHandler = normalizeHandler(handler);
- }
- /**
- * Registers a route with the router.
- *
- * @param {workbox-routing.Route} route The route to register.
- */
- registerRoute(route) {
- {
- finalAssertExports.isType(route, 'object', {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- className: 'Router',
- funcName: 'registerRoute',
- paramName: 'route'
- });
- finalAssertExports.hasMethod(route, 'match', {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- className: 'Router',
- funcName: 'registerRoute',
- paramName: 'route'
- });
- finalAssertExports.isType(route.handler, 'object', {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- className: 'Router',
- funcName: 'registerRoute',
- paramName: 'route'
- });
- finalAssertExports.hasMethod(route.handler, 'handle', {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- className: 'Router',
- funcName: 'registerRoute',
- paramName: 'route.handler'
- });
- finalAssertExports.isType(route.method, 'string', {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- className: 'Router',
- funcName: 'registerRoute',
- paramName: 'route.method'
- });
- }
- if (!this._routes.has(route.method)) {
- this._routes.set(route.method, []);
- }
- // Give precedence to all of the earlier routes by adding this additional
- // route to the end of the array.
- this._routes.get(route.method).push(route);
- }
- /**
- * Unregisters a route with the router.
- *
- * @param {workbox-routing.Route} route The route to unregister.
- */
- unregisterRoute(route) {
- if (!this._routes.has(route.method)) {
- throw new WorkboxError('unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method', {
- method: route.method
- });
- }
- const routeIndex = this._routes.get(route.method).indexOf(route);
- if (routeIndex > -1) {
- this._routes.get(route.method).splice(routeIndex, 1);
- } else {
- throw new WorkboxError('unregister-route-route-not-registered');
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Copyright 2019 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- let defaultRouter;
- /**
- * Creates a new, singleton Router instance if one does not exist. If one
- * does already exist, that instance is returned.
- *
- * @private
- * @return {Router}
- */
- const getOrCreateDefaultRouter = () => {
- if (!defaultRouter) {
- defaultRouter = new Router();
- // The helpers that use the default Router assume these listeners exist.
- defaultRouter.addFetchListener();
- defaultRouter.addCacheListener();
- }
- return defaultRouter;
- };
- /*
- Copyright 2019 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * Easily register a RegExp, string, or function with a caching
- * strategy to a singleton Router instance.
- *
- * This method will generate a Route for you if needed and
- * call {@link workbox-routing.Router#registerRoute}.
- *
- * @param {RegExp|string|workbox-routing.Route~matchCallback|workbox-routing.Route} capture
- * If the capture param is a `Route`, all other arguments will be ignored.
- * @param {workbox-routing~handlerCallback} [handler] A callback
- * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response. This parameter
- * is required if `capture` is not a `Route` object.
- * @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
- * against.
- * @return {workbox-routing.Route} The generated `Route`.
- *
- * @memberof workbox-routing
- */
- function registerRoute(capture, handler, method) {
- let route;
- if (typeof capture === 'string') {
- const captureUrl = new URL(capture, location.href);
- {
- if (!(capture.startsWith('/') || capture.startsWith('http'))) {
- throw new WorkboxError('invalid-string', {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- funcName: 'registerRoute',
- paramName: 'capture'
- });
- }
- // We want to check if Express-style wildcards are in the pathname only.
- // TODO: Remove this log message in v4.
- const valueToCheck = capture.startsWith('http') ? captureUrl.pathname : capture;
- // See https://github.com/pillarjs/path-to-regexp#parameters
- const wildcards = '[*:?+]';
- if (new RegExp(`${wildcards}`).exec(valueToCheck)) {
- logger.debug(`The '$capture' parameter contains an Express-style wildcard ` + `character (${wildcards}). Strings are now always interpreted as ` + `exact matches; use a RegExp for partial or wildcard matches.`);
- }
- }
- const matchCallback = ({
- url
- }) => {
- {
- if (url.pathname === captureUrl.pathname && url.origin !== captureUrl.origin) {
- logger.debug(`${capture} only partially matches the cross-origin URL ` + `${url.toString()}. This route will only handle cross-origin requests ` + `if they match the entire URL.`);
- }
- }
- return url.href === captureUrl.href;
- };
- // If `capture` is a string then `handler` and `method` must be present.
- route = new Route(matchCallback, handler, method);
- } else if (capture instanceof RegExp) {
- // If `capture` is a `RegExp` then `handler` and `method` must be present.
- route = new RegExpRoute(capture, handler, method);
- } else if (typeof capture === 'function') {
- // If `capture` is a function then `handler` and `method` must be present.
- route = new Route(capture, handler, method);
- } else if (capture instanceof Route) {
- route = capture;
- } else {
- throw new WorkboxError('unsupported-route-type', {
- moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
- funcName: 'registerRoute',
- paramName: 'capture'
- });
- }
- const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
- defaultRouter.registerRoute(route);
- return route;
- }
- // @ts-ignore
- try {
- self['workbox:strategies:6.6.0'] && _();
- } catch (e) {}
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- const cacheOkAndOpaquePlugin = {
- /**
- * Returns a valid response (to allow caching) if the status is 200 (OK) or
- * 0 (opaque).
- *
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {Response} options.response
- * @return {Response|null}
- *
- * @private
- */
- cacheWillUpdate: async ({
- response
- }) => {
- if (response.status === 200 || response.status === 0) {
- return response;
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- const _cacheNameDetails = {
- googleAnalytics: 'googleAnalytics',
- precache: 'precache-v2',
- prefix: 'workbox',
- runtime: 'runtime',
- suffix: typeof registration !== 'undefined' ? registration.scope : ''
- };
- const _createCacheName = cacheName => {
- return [_cacheNameDetails.prefix, cacheName, _cacheNameDetails.suffix].filter(value => value && value.length > 0).join('-');
- };
- const eachCacheNameDetail = fn => {
- for (const key of Object.keys(_cacheNameDetails)) {
- fn(key);
- }
- };
- const cacheNames = {
- updateDetails: details => {
- eachCacheNameDetail(key => {
- if (typeof details[key] === 'string') {
- _cacheNameDetails[key] = details[key];
- }
- });
- },
- getGoogleAnalyticsName: userCacheName => {
- return userCacheName || _createCacheName(_cacheNameDetails.googleAnalytics);
- },
- getPrecacheName: userCacheName => {
- return userCacheName || _createCacheName(_cacheNameDetails.precache);
- },
- getPrefix: () => {
- return _cacheNameDetails.prefix;
- },
- getRuntimeName: userCacheName => {
- return userCacheName || _createCacheName(_cacheNameDetails.runtime);
- },
- getSuffix: () => {
- return _cacheNameDetails.suffix;
- }
- };
- /*
- Copyright 2020 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- function stripParams(fullURL, ignoreParams) {
- const strippedURL = new URL(fullURL);
- for (const param of ignoreParams) {
- strippedURL.searchParams.delete(param);
- }
- return strippedURL.href;
- }
- /**
- * Matches an item in the cache, ignoring specific URL params. This is similar
- * to the `ignoreSearch` option, but it allows you to ignore just specific
- * params (while continuing to match on the others).
- *
- * @private
- * @param {Cache} cache
- * @param {Request} request
- * @param {Object} matchOptions
- * @param {Array} ignoreParams
- * @return {Promise}
- */
- async function cacheMatchIgnoreParams(cache, request, ignoreParams, matchOptions) {
- const strippedRequestURL = stripParams(request.url, ignoreParams);
- // If the request doesn't include any ignored params, match as normal.
- if (request.url === strippedRequestURL) {
- return cache.match(request, matchOptions);
- }
- // Otherwise, match by comparing keys
- const keysOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, matchOptions), {
- ignoreSearch: true
- });
- const cacheKeys = await cache.keys(request, keysOptions);
- for (const cacheKey of cacheKeys) {
- const strippedCacheKeyURL = stripParams(cacheKey.url, ignoreParams);
- if (strippedRequestURL === strippedCacheKeyURL) {
- return cache.match(cacheKey, matchOptions);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * The Deferred class composes Promises in a way that allows for them to be
- * resolved or rejected from outside the constructor. In most cases promises
- * should be used directly, but Deferreds can be necessary when the logic to
- * resolve a promise must be separate.
- *
- * @private
- */
- class Deferred {
- /**
- * Creates a promise and exposes its resolve and reject functions as methods.
- */
- constructor() {
- this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- this.resolve = resolve;
- this.reject = reject;
- });
- }
- }
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- // Callbacks to be executed whenever there's a quota error.
- // Can't change Function type right now.
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- const quotaErrorCallbacks = new Set();
- /*
- Copyright 2018 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * Runs all of the callback functions, one at a time sequentially, in the order
- * in which they were registered.
- *
- * @memberof workbox-core
- * @private
- */
- async function executeQuotaErrorCallbacks() {
- {
- logger.log(`About to run ${quotaErrorCallbacks.size} ` + `callbacks to clean up caches.`);
- }
- for (const callback of quotaErrorCallbacks) {
- await callback();
- {
- logger.log(callback, 'is complete.');
- }
- }
- {
- logger.log('Finished running callbacks.');
- }
- }
- /*
- Copyright 2019 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * Returns a promise that resolves and the passed number of milliseconds.
- * This utility is an async/await-friendly version of `setTimeout`.
- *
- * @param {number} ms
- * @return {Promise}
- * @private
- */
- function timeout(ms) {
- return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
- }
- /*
- Copyright 2020 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- function toRequest(input) {
- return typeof input === 'string' ? new Request(input) : input;
- }
- /**
- * A class created every time a Strategy instance instance calls
- * {@link workbox-strategies.Strategy~handle} or
- * {@link workbox-strategies.Strategy~handleAll} that wraps all fetch and
- * cache actions around plugin callbacks and keeps track of when the strategy
- * is "done" (i.e. all added `event.waitUntil()` promises have resolved).
- *
- * @memberof workbox-strategies
- */
- class StrategyHandler {
- /**
- * Creates a new instance associated with the passed strategy and event
- * that's handling the request.
- *
- * The constructor also initializes the state that will be passed to each of
- * the plugins handling this request.
- *
- * @param {workbox-strategies.Strategy} strategy
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {Request|string} options.request A request to run this strategy for.
- * @param {ExtendableEvent} options.event The event associated with the
- * request.
- * @param {URL} [options.url]
- * @param {*} [options.params] The return value from the
- * {@link workbox-routing~matchCallback} (if applicable).
- */
- constructor(strategy, options) {
- this._cacheKeys = {};
- /**
- * The request the strategy is performing (passed to the strategy's
- * `handle()` or `handleAll()` method).
- * @name request
- * @instance
- * @type {Request}
- * @memberof workbox-strategies.StrategyHandler
- */
- /**
- * The event associated with this request.
- * @name event
- * @instance
- * @type {ExtendableEvent}
- * @memberof workbox-strategies.StrategyHandler
- */
- /**
- * A `URL` instance of `request.url` (if passed to the strategy's
- * `handle()` or `handleAll()` method).
- * Note: the `url` param will be present if the strategy was invoked
- * from a workbox `Route` object.
- * @name url
- * @instance
- * @type {URL|undefined}
- * @memberof workbox-strategies.StrategyHandler
- */
- /**
- * A `param` value (if passed to the strategy's
- * `handle()` or `handleAll()` method).
- * Note: the `param` param will be present if the strategy was invoked
- * from a workbox `Route` object and the
- * {@link workbox-routing~matchCallback} returned
- * a truthy value (it will be that value).
- * @name params
- * @instance
- * @type {*|undefined}
- * @memberof workbox-strategies.StrategyHandler
- */
- {
- finalAssertExports.isInstance(options.event, ExtendableEvent, {
- moduleName: 'workbox-strategies',
- className: 'StrategyHandler',
- funcName: 'constructor',
- paramName: 'options.event'
- });
- }
- Object.assign(this, options);
- this.event = options.event;
- this._strategy = strategy;
- this._handlerDeferred = new Deferred();
- this._extendLifetimePromises = [];
- // Copy the plugins list (since it's mutable on the strategy),
- // so any mutations don't affect this handler instance.
- this._plugins = [...strategy.plugins];
- this._pluginStateMap = new Map();
- for (const plugin of this._plugins) {
- this._pluginStateMap.set(plugin, {});
- }
- this.event.waitUntil(this._handlerDeferred.promise);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches a given request (and invokes any applicable plugin callback
- * methods) using the `fetchOptions` (for non-navigation requests) and
- * `plugins` defined on the `Strategy` object.
- *
- * The following plugin lifecycle methods are invoked when using this method:
- * - `requestWillFetch()`
- * - `fetchDidSucceed()`
- * - `fetchDidFail()`
- *
- * @param {Request|string} input The URL or request to fetch.
- * @return {Promise}
- */
- async fetch(input) {
- const {
- event
- } = this;
- let request = toRequest(input);
- if (request.mode === 'navigate' && event instanceof FetchEvent && event.preloadResponse) {
- const possiblePreloadResponse = await event.preloadResponse;
- if (possiblePreloadResponse) {
- {
- logger.log(`Using a preloaded navigation response for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}'`);
- }
- return possiblePreloadResponse;
- }
- }
- // If there is a fetchDidFail plugin, we need to save a clone of the
- // original request before it's either modified by a requestWillFetch
- // plugin or before the original request's body is consumed via fetch().
- const originalRequest = this.hasCallback('fetchDidFail') ? request.clone() : null;
- try {
- for (const cb of this.iterateCallbacks('requestWillFetch')) {
- request = await cb({
- request: request.clone(),
- event
- });
- }
- } catch (err) {
- if (err instanceof Error) {
- throw new WorkboxError('plugin-error-request-will-fetch', {
- thrownErrorMessage: err.message
- });
- }
- }
- // The request can be altered by plugins with `requestWillFetch` making
- // the original request (most likely from a `fetch` event) different
- // from the Request we make. Pass both to `fetchDidFail` to aid debugging.
- const pluginFilteredRequest = request.clone();
- try {
- let fetchResponse;
- // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/1796
- fetchResponse = await fetch(request, request.mode === 'navigate' ? undefined : this._strategy.fetchOptions);
- if ("development" !== 'production') {
- logger.debug(`Network request for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}' returned a response with ` + `status '${fetchResponse.status}'.`);
- }
- for (const callback of this.iterateCallbacks('fetchDidSucceed')) {
- fetchResponse = await callback({
- event,
- request: pluginFilteredRequest,
- response: fetchResponse
- });
- }
- return fetchResponse;
- } catch (error) {
- {
- logger.log(`Network request for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(request.url)}' threw an error.`, error);
- }
- // `originalRequest` will only exist if a `fetchDidFail` callback
- // is being used (see above).
- if (originalRequest) {
- await this.runCallbacks('fetchDidFail', {
- error: error,
- event,
- originalRequest: originalRequest.clone(),
- request: pluginFilteredRequest.clone()
- });
- }
- throw error;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Calls `this.fetch()` and (in the background) runs `this.cachePut()` on
- * the response generated by `this.fetch()`.
- *
- * The call to `this.cachePut()` automatically invokes `this.waitUntil()`,
- * so you do not have to manually call `waitUntil()` on the event.
- *
- * @param {Request|string} input The request or URL to fetch and cache.
- * @return {Promise}
- */
- async fetchAndCachePut(input) {
- const response = await this.fetch(input);
- const responseClone = response.clone();
- void this.waitUntil(this.cachePut(input, responseClone));
- return response;
- }
- /**
- * Matches a request from the cache (and invokes any applicable plugin
- * callback methods) using the `cacheName`, `matchOptions`, and `plugins`
- * defined on the strategy object.
- *
- * The following plugin lifecycle methods are invoked when using this method:
- * - cacheKeyWillByUsed()
- * - cachedResponseWillByUsed()
- *
- * @param {Request|string} key The Request or URL to use as the cache key.
- * @return {Promise} A matching response, if found.
- */
- async cacheMatch(key) {
- const request = toRequest(key);
- let cachedResponse;
- const {
- cacheName,
- matchOptions
- } = this._strategy;
- const effectiveRequest = await this.getCacheKey(request, 'read');
- const multiMatchOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, matchOptions), {
- cacheName
- });
- cachedResponse = await caches.match(effectiveRequest, multiMatchOptions);
- {
- if (cachedResponse) {
- logger.debug(`Found a cached response in '${cacheName}'.`);
- } else {
- logger.debug(`No cached response found in '${cacheName}'.`);
- }
- }
- for (const callback of this.iterateCallbacks('cachedResponseWillBeUsed')) {
- cachedResponse = (await callback({
- cacheName,
- matchOptions,
- cachedResponse,
- request: effectiveRequest,
- event: this.event
- })) || undefined;
- }
- return cachedResponse;
- }
- /**
- * Puts a request/response pair in the cache (and invokes any applicable
- * plugin callback methods) using the `cacheName` and `plugins` defined on
- * the strategy object.
- *
- * The following plugin lifecycle methods are invoked when using this method:
- * - cacheKeyWillByUsed()
- * - cacheWillUpdate()
- * - cacheDidUpdate()
- *
- * @param {Request|string} key The request or URL to use as the cache key.
- * @param {Response} response The response to cache.
- * @return {Promise} `false` if a cacheWillUpdate caused the response
- * not be cached, and `true` otherwise.
- */
- async cachePut(key, response) {
- const request = toRequest(key);
- // Run in the next task to avoid blocking other cache reads.
- // https://github.com/w3c/ServiceWorker/issues/1397
- await timeout(0);
- const effectiveRequest = await this.getCacheKey(request, 'write');
- {
- if (effectiveRequest.method && effectiveRequest.method !== 'GET') {
- throw new WorkboxError('attempt-to-cache-non-get-request', {
- url: getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url),
- method: effectiveRequest.method
- });
- }
- // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/2818
- const vary = response.headers.get('Vary');
- if (vary) {
- logger.debug(`The response for ${getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)} ` + `has a 'Vary: ${vary}' header. ` + `Consider setting the {ignoreVary: true} option on your strategy ` + `to ensure cache matching and deletion works as expected.`);
- }
- }
- if (!response) {
- {
- logger.error(`Cannot cache non-existent response for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)}'.`);
- }
- throw new WorkboxError('cache-put-with-no-response', {
- url: getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)
- });
- }
- const responseToCache = await this._ensureResponseSafeToCache(response);
- if (!responseToCache) {
- {
- logger.debug(`Response '${getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)}' ` + `will not be cached.`, responseToCache);
- }
- return false;
- }
- const {
- cacheName,
- matchOptions
- } = this._strategy;
- const cache = await self.caches.open(cacheName);
- const hasCacheUpdateCallback = this.hasCallback('cacheDidUpdate');
- const oldResponse = hasCacheUpdateCallback ? await cacheMatchIgnoreParams(
- // TODO(philipwalton): the `__WB_REVISION__` param is a precaching
- // feature. Consider into ways to only add this behavior if using
- // precaching.
- cache, effectiveRequest.clone(), ['__WB_REVISION__'], matchOptions) : null;
- {
- logger.debug(`Updating the '${cacheName}' cache with a new Response ` + `for ${getFriendlyURL(effectiveRequest.url)}.`);
- }
- try {
- await cache.put(effectiveRequest, hasCacheUpdateCallback ? responseToCache.clone() : responseToCache);
- } catch (error) {
- if (error instanceof Error) {
- // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMException#exception-QuotaExceededError
- if (error.name === 'QuotaExceededError') {
- await executeQuotaErrorCallbacks();
- }
- throw error;
- }
- }
- for (const callback of this.iterateCallbacks('cacheDidUpdate')) {
- await callback({
- cacheName,
- oldResponse,
- newResponse: responseToCache.clone(),
- request: effectiveRequest,
- event: this.event
- });
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Checks the list of plugins for the `cacheKeyWillBeUsed` callback, and
- * executes any of those callbacks found in sequence. The final `Request`
- * object returned by the last plugin is treated as the cache key for cache
- * reads and/or writes. If no `cacheKeyWillBeUsed` plugin callbacks have
- * been registered, the passed request is returned unmodified
- *
- * @param {Request} request
- * @param {string} mode
- * @return {Promise}
- */
- async getCacheKey(request, mode) {
- const key = `${request.url} | ${mode}`;
- if (!this._cacheKeys[key]) {
- let effectiveRequest = request;
- for (const callback of this.iterateCallbacks('cacheKeyWillBeUsed')) {
- effectiveRequest = toRequest(await callback({
- mode,
- request: effectiveRequest,
- event: this.event,
- // params has a type any can't change right now.
- params: this.params // eslint-disable-line
- }));
- }
- this._cacheKeys[key] = effectiveRequest;
- }
- return this._cacheKeys[key];
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the strategy has at least one plugin with the given
- * callback.
- *
- * @param {string} name The name of the callback to check for.
- * @return {boolean}
- */
- hasCallback(name) {
- for (const plugin of this._strategy.plugins) {
- if (name in plugin) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Runs all plugin callbacks matching the given name, in order, passing the
- * given param object (merged ith the current plugin state) as the only
- * argument.
- *
- * Note: since this method runs all plugins, it's not suitable for cases
- * where the return value of a callback needs to be applied prior to calling
- * the next callback. See
- * {@link workbox-strategies.StrategyHandler#iterateCallbacks}
- * below for how to handle that case.
- *
- * @param {string} name The name of the callback to run within each plugin.
- * @param {Object} param The object to pass as the first (and only) param
- * when executing each callback. This object will be merged with the
- * current plugin state prior to callback execution.
- */
- async runCallbacks(name, param) {
- for (const callback of this.iterateCallbacks(name)) {
- // TODO(philipwalton): not sure why `any` is needed. It seems like
- // this should work with `as WorkboxPluginCallbackParam[C]`.
- await callback(param);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Accepts a callback and returns an iterable of matching plugin callbacks,
- * where each callback is wrapped with the current handler state (i.e. when
- * you call each callback, whatever object parameter you pass it will
- * be merged with the plugin's current state).
- *
- * @param {string} name The name fo the callback to run
- * @return {Array}
- */
- *iterateCallbacks(name) {
- for (const plugin of this._strategy.plugins) {
- if (typeof plugin[name] === 'function') {
- const state = this._pluginStateMap.get(plugin);
- const statefulCallback = param => {
- const statefulParam = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, param), {
- state
- });
- // TODO(philipwalton): not sure why `any` is needed. It seems like
- // this should work with `as WorkboxPluginCallbackParam[C]`.
- return plugin[name](statefulParam);
- };
- yield statefulCallback;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adds a promise to the
- * [extend lifetime promises]{@link https://w3c.github.io/ServiceWorker/#extendableevent-extend-lifetime-promises}
- * of the event event associated with the request being handled (usually a
- * `FetchEvent`).
- *
- * Note: you can await
- * {@link workbox-strategies.StrategyHandler~doneWaiting}
- * to know when all added promises have settled.
- *
- * @param {Promise} promise A promise to add to the extend lifetime promises
- * of the event that triggered the request.
- */
- waitUntil(promise) {
- this._extendLifetimePromises.push(promise);
- return promise;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a promise that resolves once all promises passed to
- * {@link workbox-strategies.StrategyHandler~waitUntil}
- * have settled.
- *
- * Note: any work done after `doneWaiting()` settles should be manually
- * passed to an event's `waitUntil()` method (not this handler's
- * `waitUntil()` method), otherwise the service worker thread my be killed
- * prior to your work completing.
- */
- async doneWaiting() {
- let promise;
- while (promise = this._extendLifetimePromises.shift()) {
- await promise;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stops running the strategy and immediately resolves any pending
- * `waitUntil()` promises.
- */
- destroy() {
- this._handlerDeferred.resolve(null);
- }
- /**
- * This method will call cacheWillUpdate on the available plugins (or use
- * status === 200) to determine if the Response is safe and valid to cache.
- *
- * @param {Request} options.request
- * @param {Response} options.response
- * @return {Promise}
- *
- * @private
- */
- async _ensureResponseSafeToCache(response) {
- let responseToCache = response;
- let pluginsUsed = false;
- for (const callback of this.iterateCallbacks('cacheWillUpdate')) {
- responseToCache = (await callback({
- request: this.request,
- response: responseToCache,
- event: this.event
- })) || undefined;
- pluginsUsed = true;
- if (!responseToCache) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!pluginsUsed) {
- if (responseToCache && responseToCache.status !== 200) {
- responseToCache = undefined;
- }
- {
- if (responseToCache) {
- if (responseToCache.status !== 200) {
- if (responseToCache.status === 0) {
- logger.warn(`The response for '${this.request.url}' ` + `is an opaque response. The caching strategy that you're ` + `using will not cache opaque responses by default.`);
- } else {
- logger.debug(`The response for '${this.request.url}' ` + `returned a status code of '${response.status}' and won't ` + `be cached as a result.`);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return responseToCache;
- }
- }
- /*
- Copyright 2020 Google LLC
- Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
- https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
- */
- /**
- * An abstract base class that all other strategy classes must extend from:
- *
- * @memberof workbox-strategies
- */
- class Strategy {
- /**
- * Creates a new instance of the strategy and sets all documented option
- * properties as public instance properties.
- *
- * Note: if a custom strategy class extends the base Strategy class and does
- * not need more than these properties, it does not need to define its own
- * constructor.
- *
- * @param {Object} [options]
- * @param {string} [options.cacheName] Cache name to store and retrieve
- * requests. Defaults to the cache names provided by
- * {@link workbox-core.cacheNames}.
- * @param {Array