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Module: tfgnn

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Public interface for TensorFlow GNN package.

All the public symbols, data types and functions are provided from this top-level package. To use the library, you should use a single import statement, like this:

import tensorflow_gnn as tfgnn


experimental module: Experimental (unstable) parts of the public interface of TensorFlow GNN.

keras module: The tfgnn.keras package.

proto module: The protocol message (protobuf) types defined by TensorFlow GNN.

sampler module: Public interface for GNN Sampler.


class Adjacency: Stores how edges connect pairs of nodes from source and target node sets.

class AdjacencySpec: A type spec for tfgnn.Adjacency.

class Context: A composite tensor for graph context features.

class ContextSpec: A type spec for tfgnn.Context.

class EdgeSet: A composite tensor for edge set features, size and adjacency information.

class EdgeSetSpec: A type spec for tfgnn.EdgeSet.

class Feature: The schema entry for a single feature.

class FeatureDefaultValues: Default values for graph context, node sets and edge sets features.

class GraphSchema: The top-level container for the schema of a graph dataset.

class GraphTensor: A composite tensor for heterogeneous directed graphs with features.

class GraphTensorSpec: A type spec for tfgnn.GraphTensor.

class HyperAdjacency: Stores how (hyper-)edges connect tuples of nodes from incident node sets.

class HyperAdjacencySpec: A type spec for tfgnn.HyperAdjacency.

class NodeSet: A composite tensor for node set features plus size information.

class NodeSetSpec: A type spec for tfgnn.NodeSet.

class SizeConstraints: Constraints on the number of entities in the graph.

class ValidationError: A schema validation error.


add_readout_from_first_node(...): Adds a readout structure equivalent to tfgnn.gather_first_node().

add_self_loops(...): Adds self-loops for edge_set_name EVEN if they already exist.

assert_constraints(...): Validate the shape constaints of a graph's features at runtime.

assert_satisfies_size_constraints(...): Raises InvalidArgumentError if graph_tensor exceeds size_constraints.

assert_satisfies_total_sizes(...): Raises InvalidArgumentError if graph_tensor exceeds size_constraints.

broadcast(...): Broadcasts values from nodes to edges, or from context to nodes or edges.

broadcast_context_to_edges(...): Broadcasts a context value to the edge_set edges.

broadcast_context_to_nodes(...): Broadcasts a context value to the node_set nodes.

broadcast_node_to_edges(...): Broadcasts values from nodes to incident edges.

check_compatible_with_schema_pb(...): Checks that the given spec or value is compatible with the graph schema.

check_homogeneous_graph_tensor(...): Raises ValueError when tfgnn.get_homogeneous_node_and_edge_set_name() does.

check_required_features(...): Checks the requirements of a given schema against another.

check_scalar_graph_tensor(...): Checks that graph tensor is scalar (has rank 0).

combine_values(...): Combines a list of tensors into one (by concatenation or otherwise).

convert_to_line_graph(...): Obtain a graph's line graph.

create_graph_spec_from_schema_pb(...): Converts a graph schema proto message to a scalar GraphTensorSpec.

create_schema_pb_from_graph_spec(...): Converts scalar GraphTensorSpec to a graph schema proto message.

dataset_filter_with_summary(...): Dataset filter with a summary for the fraction of dataset elements removed.

dataset_from_generator(...): Creates dataset from generator of any nest of scalar graph pieces.

disable_graph_tensor_validation(...): Disables both static and runtime checks of graph tensors.

disable_graph_tensor_validation_at_runtime(...): Disables runtime checks (tf.debugging.Assert) of graph tensors.

enable_graph_tensor_validation(...): Enables static checks of graph tensors.

enable_graph_tensor_validation_at_runtime(...): Enables both static and runtime checks of graph tensors.

find_tight_size_constraints(...): Returns smallest possible size constraints that allow dataset padding.

gather_first_node(...): Gathers feature value from the first node of each graph component.

get_aux_type_prefix(...): Returns type prefix of aux node or edge set names, or None if non-aux.

get_homogeneous_node_and_edge_set_name(...): Returns the sole node_set_name, edge_set_name or raises ValueError.

get_io_spec(...): Returns parsing features for GraphTensorSpec type spec.

get_registered_reduce_operation_names(...): Returns the registered list of supported reduce operation names.

graph_tensor_to_values(...): Convert an eager GraphTensor to a mapping of mappings of PODTs.

homogeneous(...): Constructs a homogeneous GraphTensor with node features and one edge_set.

is_dense_tensor(...): Returns whether a tensor (TF or Keras) is a Tensor.

is_graph_tensor(...): Returns whether value is a GraphTensor (possibly wrapped for Keras).

is_ragged_tensor(...): Returns whether a tensor (TF or Keras) is a RaggedTensor.

iter_features(...): Utility function to iterate over the features of a graph schema.

iter_sets(...): Utility function to iterate over all the sets present in a graph schema.

learn_fit_or_skip_size_constraints(...): Learns the optimal size constraints for the fixed size batching with retry.

mask_edges(...): Creates a GraphTensor after applying edge_mask over the specified edge-set.

node_degree(...): Returns the degree of each node w.r.t. one side of an edge set.

pad_to_total_sizes(...): Pads graph tensor to the total sizes by inserting fake graph components.

parse_example(...): Parses a batch of serialized Example protos into a single GraphTensor.

parse_schema(...): Parse a schema from text-formatted protos.

parse_single_example(...): Parses a single serialized Example proto into a single GraphTensor.

pool(...): Pools values from edges to nodes, or from nodes or edges to context.

pool_edges_to_context(...): Aggregates (pools) edge values to graph context.

pool_edges_to_node(...): Aggregates (pools) edge values to incident nodes.

pool_neighbors_to_node(...): Aggregates (pools) neighbor node values along one or more edge sets.

pool_neighbors_to_node_feature(...): Aggregates (pools) sender node feature to receiver nodes feature.

pool_nodes_to_context(...): Aggregates (pools) node values to graph context.

random_graph_tensor(...): Generate a graph tensor from a spec, with random features.

read_schema(...): Read a proto schema from a file with text-formatted contents.

reorder_nodes(...): Reorders nodes within node sets according to indices.

reverse_tag(...): Flips tfgnn.SOURCE to tfgnn.TARGET and vice versa.

satisfies_size_constraints(...): Returns whether the input graph_tensor satisfies total_sizes.

satisfies_total_sizes(...): Returns whether the input graph_tensor satisfies total_sizes.

shuffle_features_globally(...): Shuffles context, node set and edge set features of a scalar GraphTensor.

shuffle_nodes(...): Randomly reorders nodes of given node sets, within each graph component.

softmax(...): Computes softmax over a many-to-one relationship in a GraphTensor.

softmax_edges_per_node(...): Returns softmax() of edge values per common node_tag node.

structured_readout(...): Reads out a feature value from select nodes (or edges) in a graph.

structured_readout_into_feature(...): Reads out a feature value from select nodes (or edges) in a graph.

validate_graph_tensor_for_readout(...): Checks graph supports structured_readout() from required_keys.

validate_graph_tensor_spec_for_readout(...): Checks graph_spec supports structured_readout() from required_keys.

validate_schema(...): Validates the correctness of a graph schema instance.

write_example(...): Encode an eager GraphTensor to a tf.train.Example proto.

write_schema(...): Write a GraphSchema to a text-formatted proto file.

Type Aliases







Other Members

CONTEXT 'context'
EDGES 'edges'
HIDDEN_STATE 'hidden_state'
NODES 'nodes'
SIZE_NAME '#size'
SOURCE_NAME '#source'
TARGET_NAME '#target'
**version** '1.0.0.dev3'