{% embed url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/gbn0y0zcfkv5eyi/Getting%20Started%20With%20MachineLearning%20%28all%20in%20one%29\_V0.92.pdf?dl=0" %}
- Machine Learning is Fun! – Medium
- Learning AI if You Suck at Math
- Statistics Books for Machine Learning
- An Introduction to Deep Learning for Tabular Data · fast.ai
- The Best Machine Learning Resources – Machine Learning for Humans – Medium
- A Beginner’s Guide to AI/ML 🤖👶 – Machine Learning for Humans – Medium
- Chris Albon
- Machine Learning Flashcards
- No Free Hunch | The Official Blog of Kaggle.com
- Machine Learning Glossary | Google Developers
- Facebook’s Field Guide to Machine Learning video series – Facebook Research
- Machine Learning Crash Course | Google Developers
- Elements of Statistical Learning: data mining, inference, and prediction. 2nd Edition.
- Machine Learning Crash Course | Google Developers
- Neural networks and deep learning
- Think Bayes – Green Tea Press
- The Elements of AI - a free online course
- ****Brandon Rohrer****
- The Mechanics of Machine Learning
- pablo14/data-science-live-book: An open source book to learn data science, data analysis and machine learning, suitable for all ages!
- ****liveBook - Deep Learning with Python****
- ****ML Universal Guides | Google Developers****
- 机器之心年度盘点:2018年重大研究与开源项目