A feature-rich Liquid implementation for Node.js, with compliance with Jekyll and Github Pages. See:
npm install --save shopify-liquid
Parse and Render:
var Liquid = require('shopify-liquid');
var engine = Liquid();
engine.parseAndRender('{{name | capitalize}}', {name: 'alice'})
// html === 'Alice'
Caching templates:
var tpl = engine.parse('{{name | capitalize}}');
engine.render(tpl, {name: 'alice'})
// html === 'Alice'
var engine = Liquid({
root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'views/'), // for layouts and partials
extname: '.liquid',
cache: false
engine.renderFile("hello.liquid", {name: 'alice'})
// html === 'Alice'
// equivalent to:
engine.renderFile("hello", {name: 'alice'})
// html === 'Alice'
default to false
, extname
default to .liquid
, root
default to ""
Undefined filters and variables will be rendered as empty string by default. Enable strict rendering to throw errors upon undefined variables/filters:
var opts = {
strict_variables: true,
strict_filters: true
engine.parseAndRender("{{ foo }}", {}, opts).catch(function(err){
// err.message === undefined variable: foo
engine.parseAndRender("{{ 'foo' | filter1 }}", {}, opts).catch(function(err){
// err.message === undefined filter: filter1
// Note: the below opts also work:
// engine.render(tpl, ctx, opts)
// engine.renderFile(path, ctx, opts)
// register liquid engine
app.engine('liquid', engine.express({
strict_variables: true, // Default: fasle
strict_filters: true // Default: false
app.set('views', './views'); // specify the views directory
app.set('view engine', 'liquid'); // set to default
There's an Express demo here.
Download the dist files and import into your HTML.
And window.Liquid
is what you want.
<html lang="en">
<script src="dist/liquid.min.js"></script>
var engine = window.Liquid();
var src = '{{ name | capitalize}}';
var ctx = {
name: 'welcome to Shopify Liquid'
engine.parseAndRender(src, ctx)
.then(function(html) {
// html === Welcome to Shopify Liquid
There's also a demo.
// file: color.liquid
color: '{{ color }}' shape: '{{ shape }}'
// file: theme.liquid
{% assign shape = 'circle' %}
{% include 'color' %}
{% include 'color' with 'red' %}
{% include 'color', color: 'yellow', shape: 'square' %}
The output will be:
color: '' shape: 'circle'
color: 'red' shape: 'circle'
color: 'yellow' shape: 'square'
// file: default-layout.liquid
{% block content %}My default content{% endblock %}
// file: page.liquid
{% layout "default-layout" %}
{% block content %}My page content{% endblock %}
The output of page.liquid
My page content
- It's possible to define multiple blocks.
- block name is optional when there's only one block.
// Usage: {{ name | uppper }}
engine.registerFilter('upper', function(v){
return v.toUpperCase();
See existing filter implementations: https://github.com/harttle/shopify-liquid/blob/master/filters.js
// Usage: {% upper name%}
engine.registerTag('upper', {
parse: function(tagToken, remainTokens) {
this.str = tagToken.args; // name
render: function(scope, hash) {
var str = Liquid.evalValue(this.str, scope); // 'alice'
return Promise.resolve(str.toUpperCase()); // 'Alice'
See existing tag implementations: https://github.com/harttle/shopify-liquid/blob/master/tags/
- Make a fork.
- Write a test to demonstrate your feature is not supported yet.
- Optionaly, change source files to make all test pass.
- Create a pull request.