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Using This Template


This CloudFormation template deploys all the necessary infrastucture in AWS to support Metaflow's integration points and extend its capabilities into the Cloud. A brief snapshot of its components are as follows:

  • Amazon S3 Bucket - Metaflow uses Amazon S3 as a centralized data repository for all data that's leveraged by and generated for its flows. This template creates a dedicated private bucket and all appropriate permissions.

  • AWS Batch Compute Environment - In order to extend Metaflow's compute capabilities to the cloud, AWS Batch provides a simple API that runs container-based jobs to completion on AWS Elastic Container Service.

  • AWS Step Functions and Event Bridge IAM Resources - While Step Functions state machines aren't explicitly created by this template, Metaflow's 2.0+ releases include functionality to allow a 1:1 Flow <--> State Machine relationship. In order to facilitate this, there are some IAM roles and policies specific to allowing Metaflow to deploy and trigger Step Functions State Machines.

  • Amazon DynamoDB Table - Metaflow leverages DynamoDB to store information related to branching paths in flows executed by AWS Step Functions. This template deploys the appropriate table and overlays necessary permissions for AWS Batch and AWS Step Functions to communicate with it.

  • Amazon Sagemaker Notebook Instance - Metaflow's API allows for easy access to flow results and information which can be cleanly displayed in a Jupyter notebook. Amazon Sagemaker Notebook instances provide a fully managed notebook environment with dedicated and customizable compute resources.

  • Metadata and Database Services on AWS Fargate and Amazon Relational Database Service - To facilitate persistent programmatic access to flow information, Metaflow provides a Metadata service that can be run on cloud resources and enable remote accessibility. This CloudFormation template leverages AWS Fargate and Amazon Relational Database Service to deploy the Metadata Service Automatically.

  • Amazon API Gateway - To provide secure, encrypted access to a user's Metadata Service, this CloudFormation template uses Amazon API Gateway as a TLS termination point and an optional point of basic API authentication via key.

  • Amazon VPC Networking - All underlying network components are deployed to facilitate connectivity for the resources leveraged by Metaflow. Specifically, a VPC with (2) customizable subnets and Internet connectivity will be leveraged for this template.

  • AWS Identity and Access Management - Roles specific to Metaflow will be provisioned by this template in order to provide "principle of least privilege" access to resources such as AWS Batch and Amazon Sagemaker Notebook instances. Additionally, an optional role can be created that provides restricted access to only the resources Metaflow requires. This allows an easy path of utilization to users who don't need full access to all AWS resources.


  1. Adequate permissions to deploy all CloudFormation resources within an AWS account.

How To Deploy from the AWS Console

  1. Navigate to "Services" and select "CloudFormation" under the "Management and Governance" heading (or search for it in the search bar).
  2. Click "Create stack" and select "With new resources (standard)".
  3. Ensure "Template is ready" remains selected, choose "Upload a template file", and click "Choose file".
  4. Feel free to explore with "View in Designer" if you so choose, otherwise click "Next".
  5. Name your stack, select your parameters, and click "Next", noting that if you enable "APIBasicAuth" and/or "CustomRole", further configuration will be required after deployment. More info below.
  6. If desired, feel free to tag your stack in whatever way best fits your organization. When finished, click "Next".
  7. Ensure you select the check box next to "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources." and click "Create stack".
  8. Wait roughly 10-15 minutes for deployment to complete. The Stack status will eventually change to "CREATE_COMPLETE".

Once complete, you'll find an "Outputs" tab that contains values for the components generated by this CloudFormation template. Those values correlate to respective environment variables (listed next to the outputs) you'll set to enable cloud features within Metaflow.

Additional Configuration

Did you choose to enable "APIBasicAuth" and/or "CustomRole" and are wondering how they work? Then you're in the right place! Below are some details on what happens when those features are enabled and how to make use of them.

  • APIBasicAuth - In addition to TLS termination, Amazon API Gateway provides the ability to authenticate requests to Metaflow Metadata Service using an API key. Note that for security reasons, CloudFormation doesn't include the key itself in the output. CloudFormation only outputs the ID of the API Key for your stack. Follow one of the two instructions below to output the key, and then export it to the METAFLOW_SERVICE_AUTH_KEY environment variable.

    1. From the AWS CLI, run the following: aws apigateway get-api-key --api-key <YOUR_KEY_ID_FROM_CFN> --include-value | grep value
    2. From the AWS Console, navigate to "Services" and select "API Gateway" from "Networking & Content Delivery" (or search for it in the search bar). Click your API, select "API Keys" from the left side, select the API that corresponds to your Stack name, and click "show" next to "API Key".
  • CustomRole - This template can create an optional role that can be assumed by users (or applications) that includes limited permissions to only the resources required by Metaflow, including access only to the Amazon S3 bucket, AWS Batch Compute Environment, and Amazon Sagemaker Notebook Instance created by this template. You will, however, need to modify the trust policy for the role to grant access to the principals (users/roles/accounts) who will assume it, and you'll also need to have your users configure an appropriate role-assumption profile. The ARN of the Custom Role can be found in the "Output" tab of the CloudFormation stack under MetaflowUserRoleArn. To modify the trust policy to allow new principals, follow the directions here. Once you've granted access to the principals of your choice, have your users create a new Profile for the AWS CLI that assumes the role ARN by following the directions here.

Optional Metaflow User Interface (EnableUI)

Please note: This section can be ignored if EnableUI is set to false (this is the default value).

This template deploys the UI with authentication using Amazon Cognito. For Cognito to work, you'll need to provide a DNS name and SSL certificate from AWS ACM. That means you'll need a few additional steps if using the UI:

  1. Figure out what DNS name to use, that you have control of. You can either register a new domain name, or create a subdomain.
  2. Generate and verify a SSL certificate valid for that name using AWS ACM. Follow the instructions from AWS for this.
  3. Deploy this Cloudformation template. You'll need to set EnableUI to "true", and in addition to this:
    • set PublicDomainName to the domain name you chose
    • set CertificateArn to the certificate ARN from step 2 above
  4. After Cloudformation template is deployed, make note of LoadBalancerUIDNSName output value. You'll need to modify DNS settings to point your domain name to that name.
    • If you're using Route53, create an A record that is an Alias and choose the load balancer from the drop down.
    • If using a different DNS management tool/registrar, create a CNAME record that points to LoadBalancerUIDNSName
  5. After DNS changes propagate, you should be able to navigate to the DNS name in your browser and see a login prompt. To create a user, go to AWS Console -> Cognito -> User Pools, find the pool that corresponds to this stack and create a new user under "Users and Groups".