Active community.
More and more teams and companies trust in Tock and open conversational platforms.
Join community members on
- Gitter and feel free to ask!
+ Gitter and feel free to ask!
+ đïž Ask for invitation to the Tock Community Virtual Coffee every other Thursday. đ
Tock & Bedrock at La Nuit des Meetups
++ At + La Nuit des Meetup 2024, SNCF Connect & Tech presented a demo of a + conversational experience leveraging the Tock platform with the + Bedrock service from Amazon, showing the benefits of an "hybrid" solution + providing both deterministic answers and Generative AI (RAG), stating one can experiment + with various AI models then decide, where and when to use them in order to build + the best user experience. +
+Testimony: 8 years with Tock đ at OSXP
+ SNCF Connect & Tech, ENEDIS, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa and Linagora ran a
+ roundtable at Opensource Experience 2023
+ to share their experience with Tock in production, collaborations, the growing connection
+ with the Eclipse Foundation, what comes next for Tock with Generative IA (LLM/RAG).
+ Tock, 8 ans de prod et collaborations is available for replay (in French).
Crédit Mutuel Arkéa at AI For Finance
+ During the AI for Finance convention, the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa conversational team
+ leaders presented a REX about setting an hybrid organization to adopt LLM solutions
+ and leveraging the Tock platform as a "hub".
+ The talk is
+ available for replay (in French, for registered attendees).
Tock+LLM at VivaTech 2023
+ At VivaTech 2023 the Groupe SNCF shared recents experiments
+ with various LLM and Generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT or Bloom,
+ as well as the benefits of integrating them with Tock as a platform
+ providing more control and decoupled solutions.
+ La Revue du Digital wrote an article entitled
+ ChatGPT isn't ready to answer SNCF customers (in French).
SPooN+Tock avatars showcase
+ Devoxx France, DevFest Nantes... SNCF Connect & Tech now leverages
+ Tock and SPooN
+ technologies to run its "employer brand" stand during major tech events.
+ Meet Mate
+ the robot: it is inexhaustible on the company, knows the current job offers, guides visitors during the convention...
+ always with a pure Open Source heart!
Tock & ChatGPT demo at FOSDEM
++ Several weeks after the service from OpenAI was launched, SNCF Connect & Tech performed a + live demo at FOSDEM 2023 (track Kotlin). They created and integrated + a Tock bot with ChatGPT in 20 minutes, + building a unified conversational experience with both traditional (deterministic) answers + and more possibilities from a powerful Generative AI solution, such as ChatGPT. +
+Tock at university & CSIESR
+ The Université de Lorraine
+ presented their REX about setting up the "Ully" chatbot with RASA then Tock,
+ first at Assises du CSIESR
+ then in the publication
+ la collection numérique (Feb. 2023, p.60).
+ The presentation
+ Retour d'expérience sur la mise en place d'un agent conversationnel
+ (in French) is available for replay. More about Ully in
+ la collection numérique (Feb. 2023, p.60).
Internal chatbots at scale
+ SNCF, ENEDIS, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa... More and more organizations use Tock
+ to build and run internal assistants, some of them being open to
+ more than 100 000 employees.
+ There are various use cases: HR, legal support, purchasing, IT support,
+ using new tools, booking resources, helpdesks, DevOps, and more.
+ See
+ Tock user stories for more.
SPooN connects avatars to Tock
+ SPooN,
+ a company designing virtual avatars and totems, has developed a
+ Tock connector
+ making it possible to give life to a Tock bot through an animated avatar with multimodal interaction
+ (voice, eyes and touch) to build a rich and engaging experience.
+ To know more, contact the SPooN
+ team, or the Tock community on Gitter.
Podcast: Chatbot Stratégie #19
+ An interview of
+ François Nollen
+ (SNCF, TOSIT, Tock) by
+ Diolag
+ is now available at
+ Chatbot Stratégies,
+ as an opportunity to know more about the first years and the team behind Tock.
+ The 3 episodes
+ (in French) are available on the
+ Chatbot Stratégies
+ Website, as well as usual podcasting platforms.
Tock showcase.
Tock meets IMA
- After the
- Do Tank Data Science: NLP late 2020, Tock meets again with
- (Innovation Makers Alliance) to present the solution in detail,
- as part of the Open Source route, with SNCF and Enedis.
- Subscription to the
- online meeting (in French) is free. Rendez-vous the 21st of
- January to share with the IMA, Tock and Open Source community.
Late 2020, INSERM SNCF and Allo-Media will share their experience building the
- AlloCovid
- conversational service, based on Tock, at the
+ AlloCovid conversational service, based on Tock, at the
Voice Tech Paris 2020
@@ -328,20 +506,20 @@
- AlloCovid
+ AlloCovid
Built around a Tock bot,
- the French AlloCovid
+ the French AlloCovid
service informs and guides population about the Covid-19.
Designed by French experts, partners and volunteers,
it is available by phone, on the Web and WhatsApp.
- Find out more by visiting
- The bot sources are available here.
+ The Website is now closed, but bot sources are available
+ here.
@@ -328,20 +506,20 @@
- Find out more by visiting - The bot sources are available here. + The Website is now closed, but bot sources are available + here.
PrĂȘt pour l'IA GĂ©nĂ©rative
Solution éprouvée
Tock est au coeur de services plébiscités comme
- SNCF Tock est au coeur de services tels que
SNCF Connect
- (Best Robot Experience en 2018+2019)
- ou le service
+ (3M visites par jour),
đ AlloCovid
- en 2020.
Une communauté active.
N'hĂ©sitez pas Ă venir en parler avec la communautĂ© sur - Gitter . + Gitter .+ đïž Demandez l'invitation au Tock Community Virtual Coffee un jeudi sur deux. đ
+ Tock+LLM Ă VivaTech 2023
Tock+LLM Ă VivaTech 2023
+ L'édition VivaTech 2023 a été l'occasion pour le Groupe SNCF de
+ présenter ses expérimentations en cours avec différentes technologies LLM et IA Générative
+ comme ChatGPT ou Bloom, et les perspectives de leur intégration à travers la plateforme Tock.
+ ChatGPT nâest pas prĂȘt pour rĂ©pondre aux clients de la SNCF
+ dans la Revue du Digital.
Mate le robot qui parle de l'entreprise, propose des offres d'emploi, guide les visiteurs sur le salon... - toujours avec un coeur Open Source!. + toujours avec un coeur Open Source !
SPooN connecte ses avatars Ă
La société SPooN,
qui conçoit des totems et avatars virtuels, a développé un
connecteur Tock
- permettant de donner vie à un bot Tock à travers un avatar animé à l'interaction vocale,
- visuelle et tactile, pour des expériences riches et engageantes.
+ permettant de donner vie à un bot Tock à travers un avatar animé à l'interaction multimodale
+ (voix, regard, tactile) pour des expériences plus riches et engageantes.
Pour en savoir plus, contactez l'Ă©quipe SPooN
ou la communauté Tock sur Gitter.
@@ -681,9 +698,7 @@
Le salon Voice Tech Paris
- 2020
- accueillera une partie de
- l'Ă©quipe AlloCovid
+ 2020 accueillera une partie de l'Ă©quipe AlloCovid
(INSERM, SNCF, Allo-Media) pour un retour sur la mise en place de ce service
conversationnel basé sur Tock.
@@ -716,23 +731,21 @@
- AlloCovid, un bot engagé
+ AlloCovid, un bot engagé
- Le service AlloCovid,
+ Le service AlloCovid,
construit autour d'un bot Tock,
permet d'informer et orienter la population sur le Covid-19.
Fruit de la collaboration de nombreux experts français, partenaires et bénévoles,
il est accessible par téléphone, sur le Web et WhatsApp.
- Pour en savoir plus, RDV sur
- Les sources du bot sont elles disponibles est dorénavant fermé, mais
+ les sources du bot sont disponibles ici.
Le salon Voice Tech Paris
- 2020
- accueillera une partie de
- l'Ă©quipe AlloCovid
+ 2020 accueillera une partie de l'Ă©quipe AlloCovid
(INSERM, SNCF, Allo-Media) pour un retour sur la mise en place de ce service
conversationnel basé sur Tock.
@@ -716,23 +731,21 @@
- AlloCovid, un bot engagé
+ AlloCovid, un bot engagé
AlloCovid, un bot engagé
+AlloCovid, un bot engagé
- Le service AlloCovid,
+ Le service AlloCovid,
construit autour d'un bot Tock,
permet d'informer et orienter la population sur le Covid-19.
Fruit de la collaboration de nombreux experts français, partenaires et bénévoles,
il est accessible par téléphone, sur le Web et WhatsApp.
- Pour en savoir plus, RDV sur
- Les sources du bot sont elles disponibles est dorénavant fermé, mais
+ les sources du bot sont disponibles ici.