There are plenty of examples to base your next plugin on. After all, in Rematch, everything is a plugin: dispatch
, effects
, selectors
, subscriptions
- all plugins. Optional plugins can be provided as packages, such as "loading" & "persist".
{ config: initOptions }
An init options overwrite object. See init for a full list of options.
// example from persist plugin
const plugin = {
config: {
redux: {
combineReducers: customCombineReducers,
See "persist" as an example.
{ exposed: { [string]: any } }
A shared object for plugins to communicate with each other.
// example from select plugin
const selectors = {
expose: { select: {} },
See "dispatch", "select" as an example.
{ onModel(model: Model): void }
const plugin = {
onModel(model) {
// do something
A function called everytime a model is created.
Use this when creating new properties on the model, or augmenting existing properties.
As an example, see "dispatch", "effects", "subscriptions", etc.
{ middleware: (store: Model) => (next: Dispatch) => (action: Action): nextState }
const plugin = {
middleware: store => next => action => {
// do something here
return next(action)
Used for creating custom middleware.
See examples with "effects", "loading", & "subscriptions".
{ onStoreCreated(store: Store): void }
const plugin = {
onStoreCreated(store) {
// do something
Run last, as it is after the store is created. This provides access to the store
See examples with "dispatch" & "persist".
Returning an object from onStoreCreated
will result in the keys being merged onto the store
const plugin = {
onStoreCreated(store) {
return { count: 42 }
const store = init({ plugins: [plugin] })
store.count // 42
If you choose to do this with a plugin with TypeScript, be sure to update your stores typings.