A framework for one-time password (OTP) generation.
Clone the repository recursively:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/think-biq/JustOnce .
To build the library:
Will generate the build environment to ./staging through cmake, and builds the library.
To run the tests:
make run-test
Will build a test executable using the testly test library.
To generate doxygen documentation:
make docs
Will build doxygen html output and put it into docs/html.
#include <JustOnce/otp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int Digits = 6;
int64_t Timestamp = 433512000;
int64_t Interval = 30;
otp_error_t State;
// Generates random OTP key (32 character long base32 encoded string).
char* Key = GenerateKey();
printf("Generating TOTP using Key '%s' ...\n", Key);
// Generates time-based one-time password.
int TOTP = CalculateTOTP(Key, Timestamp, Interval, Digits, &State);
// Converts otp code to string and prepends zeros if necessary (depending on digit count).
char* Code = MakeStringFromOTP(TOTP, Digits);
printf("TOTP: %s (State: %s)\n", Code, GetErrorName(State));
Feel free to stroll through the tests, to see further usage examples.
For detailed documentation, consider building doxygen html documentation.
Offers a SHA1 based HMAC generation.
Functionallity to generate and validate keys to be used for OTP generation.
String case functions and url encoding.
Generation and validation of one-time passwords.
Time utility functions to fetch unix timestamp and generate TOTP periods.