There are currently the following modules of
- WebApp (Angular):
- API Gateway (NodeJS):
To contribute make sure to clone the repo to your local device and make a feature branch. If you do not have the sufficient rights to create a feature branch in our repo you'll need to fork it and continue there with your feature branch.
Your branch should either be prefixed with "feature/" or "bug/" to make the purpose of your branch clear.
Add the changes to your branch and make sure the following quality criterias are met:
- No tslint errors are reported (use the tslint files in the modules)
- The code style standards are followed (see arsnova-click.xml for IntelliJ configuration)
- The code coverage in all modules is at least 60% (for statements)
- All unit tests pass
Open a Pull Request to the staging branch of the relevant module and resolve all upcoming discussions.
Prefix your Pull Request with "WIP: " until all discussions have been resolved.