This file contains tips and lessons running Fatdog64.
LinuxFest Northwest 2016: Why Puppylinux is awesome and why you should use it NorthWest video that talks about the sfs and frugal install
- pass the flag -m32 to gcc
export CFLAGS='-m32'
export CXXFLAGS='-m32'
export LDFLAGS='-m32'
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libdir=/usr/lib64 --enable-gui
Fatdog64 supports multilib.
- Running 32 bit OS in Fatdog
- How 64bit + 32bit Linux works?
There is the usermode linux, lxc, and also qemu. See *
- see
- lxc-create -t download -n ubuntu1604 -- --dist ubuntu --release xenial --arch amd64
To login you'll have to change the root password of the ubuntu container with:
chroot /var/lib/lxc/ubuntu1604/rootfs/
Then you can start it and login with: lxc-start -n ubuntu1604
Accessing the NTFS aka Windows partition with read write access. This turns off the hiberante during shutdown and reboot, in order for the Linux to have write access to the Windows system. Or else Windows system is read only.
powercfg /h off
The /usr/share/doc directory contains lot of information for the software installed. A lot of the files are in html foramt. Therefore, hosting the directories in web server make lot of sense.
Fatdog64 comes with civet web server. See /etc/init.d/60-civetweb to enable it Modify the file civetweb.conf to host the directories
open up the /etc/civetweb.conf, and look for the line document_root, change it to document_root /usr/share/doc
document_root /usr/share/doc
/etc/init.d/civetweb start
download the links source code
configure --enable-graphics --enable-utf8
make install
Now start 'links -g' as graphics mode. Go to Setup, Fonts, Regular Fonts, and select the other fonts. In my case, I use WenQuanYi Micro Hei to view website in Chinese