- Status: proposed
- Date: 2020-Nov-04
Technical Story: As an Open Source project, we want to document the policies and guideline on how we create a new release.
Project Thoth itself consists of many components all having their own release cycles and delivery artifacts such as container image or Python libraries.
- a monolithic, coordinated release of all components by creating a tag within the thoth-application repository
- have a rolling release, and no tags on any repository
Chosen option: we do a monolithic, coordinated release, because it will enable us to have a release at the project/product level while maintianing freedom of others to update.
- users have a clear base line of versions, these versions have been tested with each other and have undergone integration testing.
- a release can be referenced from documents, so that operational procedures have a clear relationship with component versions being used
- we can maintain sets of different versions for different deployment environments
- we can provide a version string with each API provided by the project
- A release might not contain the latest versions of components