These relationship types can be made between any entities in the CTIM.
- is a copy of some other object.related-to
- a generic relation to another object. Please use one of the defined entity relationships below if at all applicable.derived-from
- is based on another object, but is different. For example, if I am making a copy of an AttackPattern record that is located in the global CTIA instance, so that I can edit it locally in my organizations CTIA instance, than I would record aderived-from
relationship in my local CTIA instance.
- based-on - Indicator, for pattern based indicators or engines
- element-of - Indicator, for observable based indicators and feeds
- based-on - Judgement
- based-on - Sighting, for complex sightings
- sighting-of - Indicator, for pattern based indicators or engines
- member-of - Indicator, for observable based indicators and feeds
- member-of - Incident
- based-on - Indicator, for complex indicators
- indicates - Campaign
- indicates - Actor
- indicates - Attack Pattern
- indicates - Malware
- indicates - Tool
- attributed-to - Campaign
- attributed-to - Actor
- exploits - ExploitTarget
- uses - COA
- targets - ExploitTarget
- uses - Attack Pattern
- uses - Malware
- uses - Tool
- attributed-to - Actor
- mitigates - Attack Pattern
- mitigates - ExploitTarget
- mitigates - Incident
- mitigates - Malware
- mitigates - Tool
- uses - Attack Pattern
- uses - Malware
- uses - Tool
Attack Pattern
- targets - ExploitTarget
- uses - Malware
- uses - Tool
- exploits - Weakness
- technique-of - AttackPattern (technique) -> AttackPattern (tactic)
- subtechnique-of - AttackPattern (technique) -> AttackPattern (technique)
- targets - ExploitTarget
- uses - Tool
- variant-of - Tool
- targets - ExploitTarget
- variant-of - Weakness
- based-on - Weakness