E-Commerce Site using Node.js
Requires Node.js.
Requires MongoDB Connection String.
Requires Stripe Private and Public Test Keys.
Place as environment variables in a .env file:
- MONGODB_STRING=your-connection-string
Other environment variables:
- SESSION_KEY=your-session-secret
- PORT=3000
- NODE_ENV=development
- Change to NODE_ENV=production prior to deployment to enhance session security and enforce HTTPS
Install Dependencies:
- Open comand prompt
- Navigate to root directory
- Enter command: npm install
Seed Database with Initial Menu Items:
- Enter command: node seedMenu.js
Start Web App:
- Enter command: npm start
To make a (fake) order, first register:
- Username of your choice
- Password Requirements:
- Minimum length 8
- Maximum length 100
- Must have at least one uppercase letter
- Must have at least one lowercase letter
- Must have at least one digit
- Must have at least one symbol
To checkout, enter card#: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiration: any future date (05/31).
CVC: any 3 digit number.
Zip: any 5 digit number.
Register a user you want to be admin.
In MongoDB Compass, navigate to users folder.
Open shell and enter command:
db.users.updateOne( { username: "your-username" }, { $set: { isAdmin: true } } );
Now you can login with those credentials to be directed to the Admin Panel.