diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore
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diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd
index 1d00af2..2596654 100644
--- a/README.Rmd
+++ b/README.Rmd
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ library(magrittr)
# magrittr
[![Travis-CI Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tidyverse/magrittr.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tidyverse/magrittr)
+[![AppVeyor build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/tidyverse/magrittr?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/tidyverse/magrittr)
## Overview
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c495adb..6379b5d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,21 +1,31 @@
-[![Travis-CI Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tidyverse/magrittr.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tidyverse/magrittr) [![CRAN\_Status\_Badge](http://www.r-pkg.org/badges/version/magrittr)](https://cran.r-project.org/package=magrittr)
+# magrittr
+[![Travis-CI Build
+[![AppVeyor build
-The magrittr package offers a set of operators which make your code more readable by:
+## Overview
-- structuring sequences of data operations left-to-right (as opposed to from the inside and out),
-- avoiding nested function calls,
-- minimizing the need for local variables and function definitions, and
-- making it easy to add steps anywhere in the sequence of operations.
+The magrittr package offers a set of operators which make your code more
+readable by:
-The operators pipe their left-hand side values forward into expressions that appear on the right-hand side, i.e. one can replace `f(x)` with `x %>% f()`, where `%>%` is the (main) pipe-operator. When coupling several function calls with the pipe-operator, the benefit will become more apparent. Consider this pseudo example:
+ - structuring sequences of data operations left-to-right (as opposed
+ to from the inside and out),
+ - avoiding nested function calls,
+ - minimizing the need for local variables and function definitions,
+ and
+ - making it easy to add steps anywhere in the sequence of operations.
+The operators pipe their left-hand side values forward into expressions
+that appear on the right-hand side, i.e. one can replace `f(x)` with `x
+%>% f()`, where `%>%` is the (main) pipe-operator. When coupling several
+function calls with the pipe-operator, the benefit will become more
+apparent. Consider this pseudo example:
``` r
the_data <-
@@ -25,12 +35,16 @@ the_data <-
-Four operations are performed to arrive at the desired data set, and they are written in a natural order: the same as the order of execution. Also, no temporary variables are needed. If yet another operation is required, it is straight-forward to add to the sequence of operations wherever it may be needed.
+Four operations are performed to arrive at the desired data set, and
+they are written in a natural order: the same as the order of execution.
+Also, no temporary variables are needed. If yet another operation is
+required, it is straight-forward to add to the sequence of operations
+wherever it may be needed.
-If you are new to magrittr, the best place to start is the [pipes chapter](http://r4ds.had.co.nz/pipes.html) in R for data science.
+If you are new to magrittr, the best place to start is the [pipes
+chapter](http://r4ds.had.co.nz/pipes.html) in R for data science.
+## Installation
``` r
# The easiest way to get magrittr is to install the whole tidyverse:
@@ -44,35 +58,45 @@ install.packages("magrittr")
+## Usage
### Basic piping
-- `x %>% f` is equivalent to `f(x)`
-- `x %>% f(y)` is equivalent to `f(x, y)`
-- `x %>% f %>% g %>% h` is equivalent to `h(g(f(x)))`
+ - `x %>% f` is equivalent to `f(x)`
+ - `x %>% f(y)` is equivalent to `f(x, y)`
+ - `x %>% f %>% g %>% h` is equivalent to `h(g(f(x)))`
-Here, "equivalent" is not technically exact: evaluation is non-standard, and the left-hand side is evaluated before passed on to the right-hand side expression. However, in most cases this has no practical implication.
+Here, “equivalent” is not technically exact: evaluation is non-standard,
+and the left-hand side is evaluated before passed on to the right-hand
+side expression. However, in most cases this has no practical
### The argument placeholder
-- `x %>% f(y, .)` is equivalent to `f(y, x)`
-- `x %>% f(y, z = .)` is equivalent to `f(y, z = x)`
+ - `x %>% f(y, .)` is equivalent to `f(y, x)`
+ - `x %>% f(y, z = .)` is equivalent to `f(y, z = x)`
### Re-using the placeholder for attributes
-It is straight-forward to use the placeholder several times in a right-hand side expression. However, when the placeholder only appears in a nested expressions magrittr will still apply the first-argument rule. The reason is that in most cases this results more clean code.
+It is straight-forward to use the placeholder several times in a
+right-hand side expression. However, when the placeholder only appears
+in a nested expressions magrittr will still apply the first-argument
+rule. The reason is that in most cases this results more clean code.
-`x %>% f(y = nrow(.), z = ncol(.))` is equivalent to `f(x, y = nrow(x), z = ncol(x))`
+`x %>% f(y = nrow(.), z = ncol(.))` is equivalent to `f(x, y = nrow(x),
+z = ncol(x))`
-The behavior can be overruled by enclosing the right-hand side in braces:
+The behavior can be overruled by enclosing the right-hand side in
-`x %>% {f(y = nrow(.), z = ncol(.))}` is equivalent to `f(y = nrow(x), z = ncol(x))`
+`x %>% {f(y = nrow(.), z = ncol(.))}` is equivalent to `f(y = nrow(x), z
+= ncol(x))`
### Building (unary) functions
-Any pipeline starting with the `.` will return a function which can later be used to apply the pipeline to values. Building functions in magrittr is therefore similar to building other values.
+Any pipeline starting with the `.` will return a function which can
+later be used to apply the pipeline to values. Building functions in
+magrittr is therefore similar to building other values.
``` r
f <- . %>% cos %>% sin
@@ -82,7 +106,11 @@ f <- function(.) sin(cos(.))
### Pipe with exposition of variables
-Many functions accept a data argument, e.g. `lm` and `aggregate`, which is very useful in a pipeline where data is first processed and then passed into such a function. There are also functions that do not have a data argument, for which it is useful to expose the variables in the data. This is done with the `%$%` operator:
+Many functions accept a data argument, e.g. `lm` and `aggregate`, which
+is very useful in a pipeline where data is first processed and then
+passed into such a function. There are also functions that do not have a
+data argument, for which it is useful to expose the variables in the
+data. This is done with the `%$%` operator:
``` r
iris %>%
@@ -94,11 +122,12 @@ data.frame(z = rnorm(100)) %$%
### Compound assignment pipe operations
-There is also a pipe operator which can be used as shorthand notation in situations where the left-hand side is being "overwritten":
+There is also a pipe operator which can be used as shorthand notation in
+situations where the left-hand side is being “overwritten”:
``` r
iris$Sepal.Length <-
@@ -106,10 +135,13 @@ iris$Sepal.Length <-
-To avoid the repetition of the left-hand side immediately after the assignment operator, use the `%<>%` operator:
+To avoid the repetition of the left-hand side immediately after the
+assignment operator, use the `%<>%` operator:
``` r
iris$Sepal.Length %<>% sqrt
-This operator works exactly like `%>%`, except the pipeline assigns the result rather than returning it. It must be the first pipe operator in a longer chain.
+This operator works exactly like `%>%`, except the pipeline assigns the
+result rather than returning it. It must be the first pipe operator in a
+longer chain.
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6c1438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/appveyor.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# DO NOT CHANGE the "init" and "install" sections below
+# Download script file from GitHub
+ ps: |
+ $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
+ Invoke-WebRequest http://raw.github.com/krlmlr/r-appveyor/master/scripts/appveyor-tool.ps1 -OutFile "..\appveyor-tool.ps1"
+ Import-Module '..\appveyor-tool.ps1'
+ ps: Bootstrap
+ - C:\RLibrary
+# Adapt as necessary starting from here
+ - travis-tool.sh install_deps
+ - travis-tool.sh run_tests
+ - 7z a failure.zip *.Rcheck\*
+ - appveyor PushArtifact failure.zip
+ - path: '*.Rcheck\**\*.log'
+ name: Logs
+ - path: '*.Rcheck\**\*.out'
+ name: Logs
+ - path: '*.Rcheck\**\*.fail'
+ name: Logs
+ - path: '*.Rcheck\**\*.Rout'
+ name: Logs
+ - path: '\*_*.tar.gz'
+ name: Bits
+ - path: '\*_*.zip'
+ name: Bits
diff --git a/man/figures/exposition-1.png b/man/figures/exposition-1.png
index 2c693ed..f78ec70 100644
Binary files a/man/figures/exposition-1.png and b/man/figures/exposition-1.png differ