Releases: tilkinsc/LuaConsole
Improvement Release
This build uses lua5.3.4. Licenses included with the src.
- Added -D to define globals
- Uses size_t now
- More standard compliant
- Configured to support multiple OS differences
- Code organizations
Includes testing.lua, which prints out arguments inputted using the -n switch at the end. Also now displays use of the -D switch.
Compiled on Intel machine using mingw64.
Make a folder in your C:\Program Files\ or where ever and make a 'bin' folder. Shove lua.exe and luaw.exe into it. Add this 'bin' folder to your path. C:\Program Files\LuaConsole\bin, for example. Or just use the's method and shove them into C:\Windows\System32.
Use luaw when you want to do stuff in lua and use the interpreter
@echo off
rem Debug version
rem Compile everything debug
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O0 -g3 -c *.c
rem Link lua_debug.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O0 -g3 -o lua_debug.exe console.o additions.o -llua
rem Link luaw_debug.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O0 -g3 -o luaw_debug.exe consolew.o additions.o -llua
rem Release version
rem Compile everything release
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g0 -c *.c
rem Link luaw.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g0 -o lua.exe console.o additions.o -llua
rem Link lua.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g0 -o luaw.exe consolew.o additions.o -llua
Official Release
This version isn't recommended for use, as lua.exe and lua_debug.exe doesn't output anything from stdout or stderr.
The product now exemplifies a product that can be put to use. This build uses lua5.3.4. Licenses included with the src.
- Added arguments using the -n switch
- Fixed up some formatting
- Uses correct #include for unix versus windows
- Tries to support c89 only if accepting // comments
- Updated help message
- Moved copyright to always print in the stdout
Includes testing.lua, which prints out arguments inputted using the -n switch at the end.
Compiled on Intel machine using mingw64.
Make a folder in your C:\Program Files\ or where ever and make a 'bin' folder. Shove lua.exe and luaw.exe into it. Add this 'bin' folder to your path. C:\Program Files\LuaConsole\bin, for example.
Use luaw when you want to do stuff in lua and have the interpreter at your fingertips, or just
@echo off
rem Debug version
rem Compile everything debug
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O0 -g3 -c *.c
rem Link lua_debug.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O0 -g3 -mwindows -o lua_debug.exe console.o additions.o -llua
rem Link luaw_debug.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O0 -g3 -o luaw_debug.exe consolew.o additions.o -llua
rem Release version
rem Compile everything release
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g0 -c *.c
rem Link luaw.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g0 -mwindows -o lua.exe console.o additions.o -llua
rem Link lua.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g0 -o luaw.exe consolew.o additions.o -llua
v1.2 Addition Release
Adds a few things to the console.
- missed a few EXIT_FAILURE/EXIT_SUCCESS when using exit()
- added full support of luaw.exe (with window) versus lua.exe (without)
- removed invalid project files
- text cleanup
- use luaw.exe when you want a window and stdout/stderr to the console
- use lua.exe when you don't want a window and stdout/stderr to maybe a redirect
Below is compiled on windows using gcc.exe from mingw32 without using MSYS. On an amd computer.
Compiled with:
@echo off
rem Debug version
rem Compile everything debug
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O0 -g3 -c *.c
rem Link lua_debug.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O0 -g3 -mwindows -o lua_debug.exe console.o additions.o -llua
rem Link luaw_debug.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O0 -g3 -o luaw_debug.exe consolew.o additions.o -llua
rem Release version
rem Compile everything release
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g0 -c *.c
rem Link luaw.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g0 -mwindows -o lua.exe console.o additions.o -llua
rem Link lua.exe
gcc -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g0 -o luaw.exe consolew.o additions.o -llua
V1.1 Solidified Release
This release adds a few features and fixes text and other issues.
- fixed calloc, as malloc is afterward memset to all 0s
- help text now reflects current switches
- made more macros
- added -c flag
- added more comments to source
- copyright now shows
- copyright can be squelched with -c
- removed unneeded imports
- added imports that were hidden behind compiler
- don't use mingw32 hack for unistd.h
- renamed and shifted functions
- reordered defines so they set chdir properly
- updated to reflect
Compiled with gcc.exe using mingw32. MSYS was not used. lua.exe is dangerous if -p or no file is specified because you have to terminate it yourself (no gui, waits in line by line interpretation mode). luaw.exe is fine, and can just take that one instead. In the future I am planning to support LuaConsole with no gui (optimizations...).
gcc -O2 -Wall -g0 -c *.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -g0 -mwindows -o lua.exe *.o
gcc -O2 -Wall -g0 -c *.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -g0 -o luaw.exe *.o
v1.0 First Release
This is a windows build using mingw32.
Lua5.3.4 was used.
Compiled using:
gcc -O2 -g0 -Wall -c *.c
gcc -O2 -g0 -Wall -o lua.exe *.o