Implement a Text widget in exercise1() displaying the phrase "Hello Flutter!". Modify the TextStyle of the Text widget by changing its fontSize, color, and fontWeight.
Replace the FlutterLogo in exercise2() with an Icon widget. Choose an icon from Icons class (e.g., Icons.home) and set its size and color.
In exercise3(), use an Image widget to display a network image. You can use any image URL. Explore how to set the width, height, and fit properties of the image (e.g., BoxFit.cover).
Create a TextButton in exercise4() that prints "Pressed". Set up an onPressed function that prints a message to the console when the button is tapped.
For exercise5(), create a Column with two children: a Container with a Text widget and another Container with an Icon. Apply padding, margins, and decoration (like borders or color) to the Containers to see how they lay out within the Column.