Examples used in the following article Programovací jazyk Go a grafika: další užitečné funkce poskytované knihovnou GG
This article is part of the serie about Go programming language Programovací jazyk Go
- Clear screen by Fill method
- Clear screen by Clear method
- Use RGB/RGBA for specifying draw color
- Setting alpha channel
- Changing line width
- Changing line caps
- Changing line dash
- Simple path consisting of line segments
- Open path
- Closed path
- Quadratic Bezier curves
- Quadratic Bezier curves + its control points
- Cubic Bezier curves
- Cubic Bezier curves + its control points
- Bezier curve rotation
- Canvas conversion to an image
- Transformation - Rotate
- Transformation - RotateAbout
- Transformation - Scale
- Transformation - Translate etc.
- Simple text rendering
- Centerd text rendering
- Centered text rendering