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This is a collection of shell scripts that can be run in a clean installation of Ubuntu 14.04 (64bits) desktop edition in order to build a Drupal development environment similar to the pre-configured development environment that was offered for download as a VirtualBox image for Ubuntu 12.04 (32bit).

This work is derived from the QuickStrat and DrupalPro projects (see credits below).

This code has been tested in a VirtualBox machine but should work in a physical machine after applying some security hardening to the system.

Tested on:

-[x] Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit) -[x] Lubuntu 14.04 (64bit) -[x] Linux Mint 17.1 (64bit) Cinnamon

Note: For Lubuntu and Linux Mint use the selective installation method explained below and skip the cleanup script.

#How to use

##Install Ubuntu

Install Ubuntu 14.04 (64bits) Desktop Edition on your computer.

IMPORTANT: During the installation you will be asked to create a user account. Make sure that the username for this account is: drupalpro

Once the installation is done you can login to your new system using your "drupalpro" account and the password that you selected.

Note: At this point if you are installing Ubuntu in a VirtualBox machine you may want to install also the VirtualBox guest additions. Instructions at (look under "Installing the Linux Guest Additions"). If you are installing in a physical machine ignore this note.

##Update Ubuntu for the first time

Open the terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+t and type the following two commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

##Retrieve this code using Git

###Install Git

In the terminal type:

sudo apt-get install git

###Retrieve this code

In the terminal type:

git clone ~/drupalpro_install

##Run the configuration scripts

In the terminal navigate to the directory where you just cloned the installation scripts:

cd ~/drupalpro_install

There are two ways of running the scripts that will set Drupalpro for you (use only one):

A) The fast way - If you want to run all the scripts at once use the script as follows:


B) The selective way - Run the configuration scripts one-by-one. A good reason for doing so is if you would like to keep the office software that comes with Ubuntu; in this case you would run the scripts as explained below with the exception of because this script will erase the office package, games, etc. Aother reason could be that you prefer installing a diffrent IDE and don't want to install Netbeans, in this case you don't need to run the script In case you want to be selective do as follows:







##Create your first Drupal site

In your terminal navigate to the "websites" directory:

cd ~/websites

... and run the following command to install a Website:

drush qc all --codepath=/home/drupalpro/websites/ --makefile=/home/drupalpro/make_templates/d7.make --profile=standard

Now you should be able to visit your website using a browser and typing in the address bar.

If you want to install another site use the same command above and modify the variables --domain and --codepath.

If you want to destroy a site run the following:

drush qd

#Possible issues

##Drush installation may fail

In some cases the installation of Drush fails. You can test whether Drush is installed by running the command:

drush --version

If the above can't detect the version of Drush it is probably because the script failled to around the following lines:

FILE = $HOME/.bashrc if [ -f $FILE ]; then sed -i '1i export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"' $HOME/.bashrc else echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"' >> $HOME/.bashrc fi

Sugestions to fix this in the script are welcome. In the meantime to fix the problem you need to determine whether the file ~/.bashrc was created and then run one of the two commands above accordingly. After that you can run 'drush --version' again to see if Drush got installed.

Las but not least, once Drush gets installed you should run 'drush cc drush' so that it recognizes the addon scripts.

##Apache may give you a access/permission error

If after addig a new site using Drush you get an access denied error while visiting the URL of the new site it may be that Apache don't have the permissions required to execute files. Since permissions are inherited you need to ensure that the directries above your webroot are no restricting apache. In cases when this issue has arised the problem has been solved by giving 755 permission to the drupalpro directory as follows:

cd /home sudo chmod 755 -R drupalpro


So far only one IDE environment (Netbeans) has been installed. If you know how to script the installation of other environments please fork this code and it will be added.


DrupalPro14 is based on the Quickstart project ( and the DrupalPro project (, the first by Michael Cole ( and the later by Mike Stewart (