diff --git a/app.py b/app.py
index 4515dd1..6ac9df5 100644
--- a/app.py
+++ b/app.py
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
from botocore.client import Config
# bootstrap is what helps styling for a better presentation
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
-import config as cfg
+import config
+from config import app
import layout_components as lc
from scripts.obs_placefile import Mesowest
@@ -54,348 +55,245 @@
# Regular expressions. First one finds lat/lon pairs, second finds the timestamps.
LAT_LON_REGEX = "[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,100},[ ]{0,1}[|\\s-][0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,100}"
TIME_REGEX = "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}Z"
-# ----------------------------- Define class RadarSimulator -----------------------------------
-class RadarSimulator(Config):
+Idea is to move all of these functions to some other utility file within the main dir
+to get them out of the app.
+def create_logfile(LOG_DIR):
- A class to simulate radar operations, inheriting configurations from a base Config class.
- This simulator is designed to mimic the behavior of a radar system over a specified period,
- starting from a predefined date and time. It allows for the simulation of radar data generation,
- including the handling of time shifts and geographical coordinates.
- Attributes:
+ Generate the main logfile for the download and processing scripts.
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ filename=f'{LOG_DIR}/scripts.txt', # Log file location
+ level=logging.INFO, # Log level (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
+ format='%(levelname)s %(asctime)s :: %(message)s',
+ datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+ )
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- self.event_start_year = 2023
- self.event_start_month = 6
- self.days_in_month = 30
- self.event_start_day = 7
- self.event_start_hour = 21
- self.event_start_minute = 45
- self.event_duration = 30
- self.timestring = None
- self.number_of_radars = 1
- self.radar_list = []
- self.playback_dropdown_dict = {}
- self.radar_dict = {}
- self.radar_files_dict = {}
- self.radar = None
- self.lat = None
- self.lon = None
- self.new_radar = 'None'
- self.new_lat = None
- self.new_lon = None
- self.scripts_progress = 'Scripts not started'
- self.base_dir = Path.cwd()
- self.playback_initiated = False
- self.playback_speed = 1.0
- self.playback_start = 'Not Ready'
- self.playback_end = 'Not Ready'
- self.playback_start_str = 'Not Ready'
- self.playback_end_str = 'Not Ready'
- self.playback_current_time = 'Not Ready'
- self.playback_clock = None
- self.playback_clock_str = None
- self.simulation_running = False
- self.playback_paused = False
- #self.make_simulation_times()
- # This will generate a logfile. Something we'll want to turn on in the future.
- self.log = self.create_logfile()
- UpdateHodoHTML('None') # set up the hodo page with no images
- def create_logfile(self):
- """
- Creates an initial logfile. Stored in the data dir for now. Call is
- sa.log.info or sa.log.error or sa.log.warning or sa.log.exception
- """
- os.makedirs(cfg.LOG_DIR, exist_ok=True)
- logging.basicConfig(filename=f"{cfg.LOG_DIR}/logfile.txt",
- format='%(levelname)s %(asctime)s :: %(message)s',
- datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
- log = logging.getLogger()
- log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- return log
- def create_radar_dict(self) -> None:
- """
- Creates dictionary of radar sites and their metadata to be used in the simulation.
- """
- for _i, radar in enumerate(self.radar_list):
- self.lat = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == radar]['lat'].values[0]
- self.lon = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == radar]['lon'].values[0]
- asos_one = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == radar]['asos_one'].values[0]
- asos_two = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == radar]['asos_two'].values[0]
- self.radar_dict[radar.upper()] = {'lat': self.lat, 'lon': self.lon,
- 'asos_one': asos_one, 'asos_two': asos_two,
- 'radar': radar.upper(), 'file_list': []}
- def copy_grlevel2_cfg_file(self) -> None:
- """
- Ensures a grlevel2.cfg file is copied into the polling directory.
- This file is required for GR2Analyst to poll for radar data.
- """
- source = cfg.BASE_DIR / 'grlevel2.cfg'
- destination = cfg.POLLING_DIR / 'grlevel2.cfg'
- try:
- shutil.copyfile(source, destination)
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Error copying {source} to {destination}: {e}")
- def date_time_string(self,dt) -> str:
- """
- Converts a datetime object to a string.
- """
- return datetime.strftime(dt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
- def date_time_object(self,dt_str) -> datetime:
- """
- Converts a string to a timezone aware datetime object.
- """
- dt = datetime.strptime(dt_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
- dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
- return dt
- def timestamp_from_string(self,dt_str) -> float:
- """
- Converts a string to a timestamp.
- """
- return datetime.strptime(dt_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M").timestamp()
- def make_simulation_times(self) -> None:
- """
- playback_start_time: datetime object
- - the time the simulation starts.
- - set to (current UTC time rounded to nearest 30 minutes then minus 2hrs)
- - This is "recent enough" for GR2Analyst to poll data
- playback_timer: datetime object
- - the "current" displaced realtime during the playback
- event_start_time: datetime object
- - the historical time the actual event started.
- - based on user inputs of the event start time
- simulation_time_shift: timedelta object
- the difference between the playback start time and the event start time
- simulation_seconds_shift: int
- the difference between the playback start time and the event start time in seconds
- Variables ending with "_str" are the string representations of the datetime objects
- """
- self.playback_start = datetime.now(pytz.utc) - timedelta(hours=2)
- self.playback_start = self.playback_start.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
- if self.playback_start.minute < 30:
- self.playback_start = self.playback_start.replace(minute=0)
- else:
- self.playback_start = self.playback_start.replace(minute=30)
- self.playback_start_str = self.date_time_string(self.playback_start)
- self.playback_end = self.playback_start + \
- timedelta(minutes=int(self.event_duration))
- self.playback_end_str = self.date_time_string(self.playback_end)
- self.playback_clock = self.playback_start + timedelta(seconds=600)
- self.playback_clock_str = self.date_time_string(self.playback_clock)
- self.event_start_time = datetime(self.event_start_year, self.event_start_month,
- self.event_start_day, self.event_start_hour,
- self.event_start_minute, second=0,
- tzinfo=timezone.utc)
- self.simulation_time_shift = self.playback_start - self.event_start_time
- self.simulation_seconds_shift = round(
- self.simulation_time_shift.total_seconds())
- self.event_start_str = self.date_time_string(self.event_start_time)
- increment_list = []
- for t in range(0, int(self.event_duration/5) + 1 , 1):
- new_time = self.playback_start + timedelta(seconds=t*300)
- new_time_str = self.date_time_string(new_time)
- increment_list.append(new_time_str)
- self.playback_dropdown_dict = [{'label': increment, 'value': increment} for increment in increment_list]
- def change_playback_time(self,dseconds) -> str:
- """
- This function is called by the playback_clock interval component. It updates the playback
- time and checks if the simulation is complete. If so, it will stop the interval component.
- """
- self.playback_clock += timedelta(seconds=dseconds * self.playback_speed)
- if self.playback_start < self.playback_clock < self.playback_end:
- self.playback_clock_str = self.date_time_string(self.playback_clock)
- elif self.playback_clock >= self.playback_end:
- self.playback_clock_str = self.playback_end_str
- else:
- self.playback_clock_str = self.playback_start_str
- return self.playback_clock_str
- def get_days_in_month(self) -> None:
- """
- Helper function to determine number of days to display in the dropdown
- """
- self.days_in_month = calendar.monthrange(
- self.event_start_year, self.event_start_month)[1]
- def get_timestamp(self, file: str) -> float:
- """
- - extracts datetime info from the radar filename
- - returns a datetime timestamp (epoch seconds) object
- """
- file_epoch_time = datetime.strptime(
- file[4:19], '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S').timestamp()
- return file_epoch_time
- def move_point(self, plat, plon):
- # radar1_lat, radar1_lon, radar2_lat, radar2_lon, lat, lon
- """
- Shift placefiles to a different radar site. Maintains the original azimuth and range
- from a specified RDA and applies it to a new radar location.
- Parameters:
- -----------
- plat: float
- Original placefile latitude
- plon: float
- Original palcefile longitude
+def shift_placefiles(PLACEFILES_DIR, sim_times, radar_info) -> None:
+ """
+ # While the _shifted placefiles should be purged for each run, just ensure we're
+ # only querying the "original" placefiles to shift (exclude any with _shifted.txt)
+ """
+ filenames = glob(f"{PLACEFILES_DIR}/*.txt")
+ filenames = [x for x in filenames if "shifted" not in x]
+ for file_ in filenames:
+ with open(file_, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+ data = f.readlines()
+ outfilename = f"{file_[0:file_.index('.txt')]}_shifted.txt"
+ outfile = open(outfilename, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ for line in data:
+ new_line = line
+ if sim_times['simulation_seconds_shift'] is not None and \
+ any(x in line for x in ['Valid', 'TimeRange']):
+ new_line = shift_time(line, sim_times['simulation_seconds_shift'])
+ # Shift this line in space. Only perform if both an original and transpose
+ # radar have been specified.
+ if radar_info['new_radar'] != 'None' and radar_info['radar'] is not None:
+ regex = re.findall(LAT_LON_REGEX, line)
+ if len(regex) > 0:
+ idx = regex[0].index(',')
+ plat, plon = float(regex[0][0:idx]), float(regex[0][idx+1:])
+ lat_out, lon_out = move_point(plat, plon, radar_info['lat'],
+ radar_info['lon'], radar_info['new_lat'],
+ radar_info['new_lon'])
+ new_line = line.replace(regex[0], f"{lat_out}, {lon_out}")
+ outfile.write(new_line)
+ outfile.close()
+def shift_time(line: str, simulation_seconds_shift: int) -> str:
+ """
+ Shifts the time-associated lines in a placefile.
+ These look for 'Valid' and 'TimeRange'.
+ """
+ simulation_time_shift = timedelta(seconds=simulation_seconds_shift)
+ new_line = line
+ if 'Valid:' in line:
+ idx = line.find('Valid:')
+ # Leave off \n character
+ valid_timestring = line[idx+len('Valid:')+1:-1]
+ dt = datetime.strptime(valid_timestring, '%H:%MZ %a %b %d %Y')
+ new_validstring = datetime.strftime(dt + simulation_time_shift,
+ '%H:%MZ %a %b %d %Y')
+ new_line = line.replace(valid_timestring, new_validstring)
+ if 'TimeRange' in line:
+ regex = re.findall(TIME_REGEX, line)
+ dt = datetime.strptime(regex[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+ new_datestring_1 = datetime.strftime(dt + simulation_time_shift,
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+ dt = datetime.strptime(regex[1], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+ new_datestring_2 = datetime.strftime(dt + simulation_time_shift,
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
+ new_line = line.replace(f"{regex[0]} {regex[1]}",
+ f"{new_datestring_1} {new_datestring_2}")
+ return new_line
+def move_point(plat, plon, lat, lon, new_radar_lat, new_radar_lon):
+ """
+ Shift placefiles to a different radar site. Maintains the original azimuth and range
+ from a specified RDA and applies it to a new radar location.
- self.lat and self.lon is the lat/lon pair for the original radar
- self.new_lat and self.new_lon is for the transposed radar. These values are set in
- the transpose_radar function after a user makes a selection in the new_radar_selection
- dropdown.
+ Parameters:
+ -----------
+ plat: float
+ Original placefile latitude
+ plon: float
+ Original palcefile longitude
- """
- def _clamp(n, minimum, maximum):
- """
- Helper function to make sure we're not taking the square root of a negative
- number during the calculation of `c` below. Same as numpy.clip().
- """
- return max(min(maximum, n), minimum)
- # Compute the initial distance from the original radar location
- phi1, phi2 = math.radians(self.lat), math.radians(plat)
- d_phi = math.radians(plat - self.lat)
- d_lambda = math.radians(plon - self.lon)
- a = math.sin(d_phi/2)**2 + (math.cos(phi1) *
- math.cos(phi2) * math.sin(d_lambda/2)**2)
- a = _clamp(a, 0, a)
- c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))
- d = R * c
- # Compute the bearing
- y = math.sin(d_lambda) * math.cos(phi2)
- x = (math.cos(phi1) * math.sin(phi2)) - (math.sin(phi1) * math.cos(phi2) *
- math.cos(d_lambda))
- theta = math.atan2(y, x)
- bearing = (math.degrees(theta) + 360) % 360
- # Apply this distance and bearing to the new radar location
- phi_new, lambda_new = math.radians(
- self.new_lat), math.radians(self.new_lon)
- phi_out = math.asin((math.sin(phi_new) * math.cos(d/R)) + (math.cos(phi_new) *
- math.sin(d/R) * math.cos(math.radians(bearing))))
- lambda_out = lambda_new + math.atan2(math.sin(math.radians(bearing)) *
- math.sin(d/R) * math.cos(phi_new),
- math.cos(d/R) - math.sin(phi_new) * math.sin(phi_out))
- return math.degrees(phi_out), math.degrees(lambda_out)
- def shift_placefiles(self) -> None:
- """
- # While the _shifted placefiles should be purged for each run, just ensure we're
- # only querying the "original" placefiles to shift (exclude any with _shifted.txt)
- """
- filenames = glob(f"{cfg.PLACEFILES_DIR}/*.txt")
- filenames = [x for x in filenames if "shifted" not in x]
- for file_ in filenames:
- with open(file_, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
- data = f.readlines()
- outfilename = f"{file_[0:file_.index('.txt')]}_shifted.txt"
- outfile = open(outfilename, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
- for line in data:
- new_line = line
- if self.simulation_time_shift is not None and any(x in line for x in ['Valid', 'TimeRange']):
- new_line = self.shift_time(line)
- # Shift this line in space. Only perform if both an original and
- # transposing radar have been specified.
- if self.new_radar != 'None' and self.radar is not None:
- regex = re.findall(LAT_LON_REGEX, line)
- if len(regex) > 0:
- idx = regex[0].index(',')
- lat, lon = float(regex[0][0:idx]), float(
- regex[0][idx+1:])
- lat_out, lon_out = self.move_point(lat, lon)
- new_line = line.replace(
- regex[0], f"{lat_out}, {lon_out}")
- outfile.write(new_line)
- outfile.close()
- def shift_time(self, line: str) -> str:
- """
- Shifts the time-associated lines in a placefile.
- These look for 'Valid' and 'TimeRange'.
- """
- new_line = line
- if 'Valid:' in line:
- idx = line.find('Valid:')
- # Leave off \n character
- valid_timestring = line[idx+len('Valid:')+1:-1]
- dt = datetime.strptime(valid_timestring, '%H:%MZ %a %b %d %Y')
- new_validstring = datetime.strftime(dt + self.simulation_time_shift,
- '%H:%MZ %a %b %d %Y')
- new_line = line.replace(valid_timestring, new_validstring)
- if 'TimeRange' in line:
- regex = re.findall(TIME_REGEX, line)
- dt = datetime.strptime(regex[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
- new_datestring_1 = datetime.strftime(dt + self.simulation_time_shift,
- '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
- dt = datetime.strptime(regex[1], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
- new_datestring_2 = datetime.strftime(dt + self.simulation_time_shift,
- '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
- new_line = line.replace(f"{regex[0]} {regex[1]}",
- f"{new_datestring_1} {new_datestring_2}")
- return new_line
- def datetime_object_from_timestring(self, dt_str: str) -> datetime:
- """
- - extracts datetime info from the radar filename
- - converts it to a timezone aware datetime object in UTC
- """
- file_time = datetime.strptime(dt_str, '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
- utc_file_time = file_time.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
- return utc_file_time
+ lat and lon is the lat/lon pair for the original radar
+ new_lat and new_lon is for the transposed radar. These values are set in
+ the transpose_radar function after a user makes a selection in the
+ new_radar_selection dropdown.
- def remove_files_and_dirs(self) -> None:
+ """
+ def _clamp(n, minimum, maximum):
- Cleans up files and directories from the previous simulation so these datasets
- are not included in the current simulation.
+ Helper function to make sure we're not taking the square root of a negative
+ number during the calculation of `c` below.
- for directory in dirs:
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory, topdown=False):
- for name in files:
- if name != 'grlevel2.cfg':
- os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
- for name in dirs:
- os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
+ return max(min(maximum, n), minimum)
+ # Compute the initial distance from the original radar location
+ phi1, phi2 = math.radians(lat), math.radians(plat)
+ d_phi = math.radians(plat - lat)
+ d_lambda = math.radians(plon - lon)
+ a = math.sin(d_phi/2)**2 + (math.cos(phi1) *
+ math.cos(phi2) * math.sin(d_lambda/2)**2)
+ a = _clamp(a, 0, a)
+ c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))
+ d = R * c
+ # Compute the bearing
+ y = math.sin(d_lambda) * math.cos(phi2)
+ x = (math.cos(phi1) * math.sin(phi2)) - (math.sin(phi1) * math.cos(phi2) *
+ math.cos(d_lambda))
+ theta = math.atan2(y, x)
+ bearing = (math.degrees(theta) + 360) % 360
+ # Apply this distance and bearing to the new radar location
+ phi_new, lambda_new = math.radians(new_radar_lat), math.radians(new_radar_lon)
+ phi_out = math.asin((math.sin(phi_new) * math.cos(d/R)) + (math.cos(phi_new) *
+ math.sin(d/R) * math.cos(math.radians(bearing))))
+ lambda_out = lambda_new + math.atan2(math.sin(math.radians(bearing)) *
+ math.sin(d/R) * math.cos(phi_new),
+ math.cos(d/R) - math.sin(phi_new) * math.sin(phi_out))
+ return math.degrees(phi_out), math.degrees(lambda_out)
+def copy_grlevel2_cfg_file(cfg) -> None:
+ """
+ Ensures a grlevel2.cfg file is copied into the polling directory.
+ This file is required for GR2Analyst to poll for radar data.
+ """
+ source = f"{cfg['BASE_DIR']}/grlevel2.cfg"
+ destination = f"{cfg['POLLING_DIR']}/grlevel2.cfg"
+ try:
+ shutil.copyfile(source, destination)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"Error copying {source} to {destination}: {e}")
-# ----------------------------- Initialize the app --------------------------------------------
+def remove_files_and_dirs(cfg) -> None:
+ """
+ Cleans up files and directories from the previous simulation so these datasets
+ are not included in the current simulation.
+ """
+ dirs = [cfg['RADAR_DIR'], cfg['POLLING_DIR'], cfg['HODOGRAPHS_DIR'], cfg['MODEL_DIR'],
+ for directory in dirs:
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory, topdown=False):
+ for name in files:
+ if name != 'grlevel2.cfg':
+ os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
+ for name in dirs:
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
+def date_time_string(dt) -> str:
+ """
+ Converts a datetime object to a string.
+ """
+ return datetime.strftime(dt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
+def make_simulation_times(event_start_time, event_duration) -> dict:
+ """
+ playback_start_time: datetime object
+ - the time the simulation starts.
+ - set to (current UTC time rounded to nearest 30 minutes then minus 2hrs)
+ - This is "recent enough" for GR2Analyst to poll data
+ playback_timer: datetime object
+ - the "current" displaced realtime during the playback
+ event_start_time: datetime object
+ - the historical time the actual event started.
+ - based on user inputs of the event start time
+ simulation_time_shift: timedelta object
+ the difference between the playback start time and the event start time
+ simulation_seconds_shift: int
+ the difference between the playback start time and the event start time in seconds
+ Variables ending with "_str" are the string representations of the datetime objects
+ """
-sa = RadarSimulator()
-app = Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.CYBORG],
- suppress_callback_exceptions=True, update_title=None)
-app.title = "Radar Simulator"
+ playback_start = datetime.now(pytz.utc) - timedelta(hours=2)
+ playback_start = playback_start.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
+ if playback_start.minute < 30:
+ playback_start = playback_start.replace(minute=0)
+ else:
+ playback_start = playback_start.replace(minute=30)
+ playback_start_str = date_time_string(playback_start)
+ playback_end = playback_start + timedelta(minutes=int(event_duration))
+ playback_end_str = date_time_string(playback_end)
+ playback_clock = playback_start + timedelta(seconds=600)
+ playback_clock_str = date_time_string(playback_clock)
+ # a timedelta object is not JSON serializable, so cannot be included in the output
+ # dictionary stored in the dcc.Store object. All references to simulation_time_shift
+ # will need to use the simulation_seconds_shift reference instead.
+ simulation_time_shift = playback_start - event_start_time
+ simulation_seconds_shift = round(simulation_time_shift.total_seconds())
+ event_start_str = date_time_string(event_start_time)
+ increment_list = []
+ for t in range(0, int(event_duration/5) + 1 , 1):
+ new_time = playback_start + timedelta(seconds=t*300)
+ new_time_str = date_time_string(new_time)
+ increment_list.append(new_time_str)
+ playback_dropdown_dict = [{'label': increment, 'value': increment} for increment in increment_list]
+ sim_times = {
+ 'event_start_str': event_start_str,
+ 'simulation_seconds_shift': simulation_seconds_shift,
+ 'playback_start_str': playback_start_str,
+ 'playback_start': playback_start,
+ 'playback_end_str': playback_end_str,
+ 'playback_end': playback_end,
+ 'playback_clock_str': playback_clock_str,
+ 'playback_clock': playback_clock,
+ 'playback_dropdown_dict': playback_dropdown_dict,
+ 'event_duration': event_duration
+ }
+ return sim_times
+def create_radar_dict(sa) -> dict:
+ """
+ Creates dictionary of radar sites and their metadata to be used in the simulation.
+ """
+ for _i, radar in enumerate(sa['radar_list']):
+ sa['lat'] = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == radar]['lat'].values[0]
+ sa['lon'] = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == radar]['lon'].values[0]
+ asos_one = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == radar]['asos_one'].values[0]
+ asos_two = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == radar]['asos_two'].values[0]
+ sa['radar_dict'][radar.upper()] = {'lat': sa['lat'], 'lon': sa['lon'],
+ 'asos_one': asos_one, 'asos_two': asos_two,
+ 'radar': radar.upper(), 'file_list': []}
# ----------------------------- Build the layout ---------------------------------------------
@@ -404,12 +302,9 @@ def remove_files_and_dirs(self) -> None:
-sim_day_selection = dbc.Col(html.Div([
- lc.step_day,
- dcc.Dropdown(np.arange(1, sa.days_in_month+1), 16, id='start_day', clearable=False)]))
playback_time_options = dbc.Col(html.Div([
- dcc.Dropdown(options={'label': 'Sim not started', 'value': ''}, id='change_time', disabled=True, clearable=False)]))
+ dcc.Dropdown(options={'label': 'Sim not started', 'value': ''}, id='change_time',
+ disabled=True, clearable=False)]))
playback_time_options_col = dbc.Col(html.Div([lc.change_playback_time_label, lc.spacer_mini,
@@ -425,39 +320,240 @@ def remove_files_and_dirs(self) -> None:
playback_controls, lc.spacer_mini,
-app.layout = dbc.Container([
- # testing directory size monitoring
- dcc.Interval(id='directory_monitor', disabled=False, interval=2*1000),
- dcc.Interval(id='playback_timer', disabled=True, interval=15*1000),
- # dcc.Store(id='model_dir_size'),
- # dcc.Store(id='radar_dir_size'),
- dcc.Store(id='tradar'),
- dcc.Store(id='dummy'),
- dcc.Store(id='playback_running_store', data=False),
- dcc.Store(id='playback_start_store'),
- dcc.Store(id='playback_end_store'),
- dcc.Store(id='playback_clock_store'),
- lc.top_section, lc.top_banner,
- dbc.Container([
- dbc.Container([
- html.Div([html.Div([lc.step_select_time_section, lc.spacer,
+ Output('dynamic_container', 'children'),
+ Output('layout_has_initialized', 'data'),
+ #Input('container_init', 'n_intervals'),
+ State('layout_has_initialized', 'data'),
+ State('dynamic_container', 'children'),
+ Input('configs', 'data')
+def generate_layout(layout_has_initialized, children, configs):
+ """
+ Dynamically generate the layout, which was started in the config file to set up
+ the unique session id. This callback should only be executed once at page load in.
+ Thereafter, layout_has_initialized will be set to True
+ """
+ if not layout_has_initialized['added'] and configs is not None:
+ if children is None: children = []
+ # Initialize configurable variables for load in
+ event_start_year = 2024
+ event_start_month = 7
+ event_start_day = 16
+ event_start_hour = 0
+ event_start_minute = 30
+ event_duration = 60
+ playback_speed = 1.0
+ number_of_radars = 1
+ radar_list = []
+ radar_dict = {}
+ radar = None
+ new_radar = 'None'
+ lat = None
+ lon = None
+ new_lat = None
+ new_lon = None
+ radar_files_dict = {}
+ #################################################
+ monitor_store = {}
+ monitor_store['radar_dl_completion'] = 0
+ monitor_store['hodograph_completion'] = 0
+ monitor_store['munger_completion'] = 0
+ monitor_store['placefile_status_string'] = ""
+ monitor_store['model_list'] = []
+ monitor_store['model_warning'] = ""
+ monitor_store['scripts_previously_running'] = False
+ radar_info = {
+ 'number_of_radars': number_of_radars,
+ 'radar_list': radar_list,
+ 'radar_dict': radar_dict,
+ 'radar': radar,
+ 'new_radar': new_radar,
+ 'lat': lat,
+ 'lon': lon,
+ 'new_lat': new_lat,
+ 'new_lon': new_lon,
+ 'radar_files_dict': radar_files_dict
+ }
+ # Settings for date dropdowns moved here to avoid specifying different values in
+ # the layout
+ now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
+ sim_year_section = dbc.Col(html.Div([lc.step_year, dcc.Dropdown(
+ np.arange(1992, now.year+1), event_start_year,
+ id='start_year', clearable=False),]))
+ sim_month_section = dbc.Col(html.Div([lc.step_month, dcc.Dropdown(
+ np.arange(1, 13), event_start_month,
+ id='start_month', clearable=False),]))
+ sim_day_selection = dbc.Col(html.Div([lc.step_day, dcc.Dropdown(
+ np.arange(1, 31), event_start_day,
+ id='start_day', clearable=False)]))
+ sim_hour_section = dbc.Col(html.Div([lc.step_hour, dcc.Dropdown(
+ np.arange(0, 24), event_start_hour,
+ id='start_hour', clearable=False),]))
+ sim_minute_section = dbc.Col(html.Div([lc.step_minute, dcc.Dropdown(
+ [0, 15, 30, 45], event_start_minute,
+ id='start_minute', clearable=False),]))
+ sim_duration_section = dbc.Col(html.Div([lc.step_duration, dcc.Dropdown(
+ np.arange(0, 240, 15), event_duration,
+ id='duration', clearable=False),]))
+ polling_section = dbc.Container(dbc.Container(html.Div(
+ [
+ dbc.Row([
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Copy this polling address into GR2Analyst -->"),
+ style=lc.steps_right, width=6),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem(f"{configs['LINK_BASE']}/polling",
+ href=f"{configs['LINK_BASE']}/polling", target="_blank"),
+ style=lc.polling_link, width=6)
+ ])
+ ])))
+ links_section = dbc.Container(dbc.Container(html.Div(
+ [polling_section,
+ lc.spacer_mini,
+ dbc.Row(
+ [
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Graphics"), style=lc.group_item_style, width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Hodographs webpage",
+ href=f"{configs['LINK_BASE']}/hodographs.html", target="_blank"), width=2)
+ ],
+ style={"display": "flex", "flexWrap": "wrap"}
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ [
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Sfc obs"), style=lc.group_item_style, width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Regular font",
+ href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/latest_surface_observations_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Large font",
+ href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/latest_surface_observations_lg_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Small font",
+ href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/latest_surface_observations_xlg_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ ],
+ style={"display": "flex", "flexWrap": "wrap"}
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ [
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Sfc obs parts"), style=lc.group_item_style, width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Wind",
+ href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/wind_shifted.txt", target="_blank"),width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Temp", href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/temp_shifted.txt", target="_blank"),width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Dwpt", href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/dwpt_shifted.txt", target="_blank"),width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem(" "),width=2),
+ ],
+ style={"display": "flex", "flexWrap": "wrap"},
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ [
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("NSE Shear"), style=lc.group_item_style, width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Effective", href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/ebwd_shifted.txt", target="_blank"),
+ width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("0-1 SHR", href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/shr1_shifted.txt", target="_blank"),
+ width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem(
+ "0-3 SHR", href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/shr3_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem(
+ "0-6 SHR", href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/shr6_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem(
+ "0-8 SHR", href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/shr8_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ ],
+ style={"display": "flex", "flexWrap": "wrap"},
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ [
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("NSE SRH"), style=lc.group_item_style, width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("Effective",
+ href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/esrh_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("0-500m", href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/srh500_shifted.txt", target="_blank"),
+ width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem(" "), width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem(" "), width=2),
+ ],
+ style={"display": "flex", "flexWrap": "wrap"},
+ ),
+ dbc.Row(
+ [
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("NSE Thermo"), style=lc.group_item_style, width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("MLCAPE",
+ href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/mlcape_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("MLCIN",
+ href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/mlcin_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("0-3 MLCP",
+ href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/cape3km_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("0-3 LR",
+ href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/lr03km_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ dbc.Col(dbc.ListGroupItem("MUCAPE",
+ href=f"{configs['PLACEFILES_LINKS']}/mucape_shifted.txt", target="_blank"), width=2),
+ ],
+ style={"display": "flex", "flexWrap": "wrap"},
+ ),
+ ]
+ )))
+ full_links_section = dbc.Container(
+ dbc.Container(
+ html.Div([
+ links_section
+ ]),id="placefiles_section",style=lc.section_box_pad))
+ new_items = dbc.Container([
+ dcc.Interval(id='playback_timer', disabled=True, interval=15*1000),
+ #dcc.Store(id='tradar'),
+ dcc.Store(id='dummy'),
+ dcc.Store(id='playback_running_store', data=False),
+ dcc.Store(id='playback_start_store'), # might be unused
+ dcc.Store(id='playback_end_store'), # might be unused
+ dcc.Store(id='playback_clock_store'), # might be unused
+ dcc.Store(id='radar_info', data=radar_info),
+ dcc.Store(id='sim_times'),
+ dcc.Store(id='playback_speed_store', data=playback_speed),
+ dcc.Store(id='playback_specs'),
+ # For app/script monitoring
+ dcc.Interval(id='directory_monitor', interval=2000),
+ dcc.Store(id='monitor_store', data=monitor_store),
+ lc.top_section, lc.top_banner,
+ dbc.Container([
+ dbc.Container([
+ html.Div([html.Div([lc.step_select_time_section, lc.spacer,
- lc.sim_year_section, lc.sim_month_section, sim_day_selection,
- lc.sim_hour_section, lc.sim_minute_section, lc.sim_duration_section,
+ sim_year_section, sim_month_section, sim_day_selection,
+ sim_hour_section, sim_minute_section, sim_duration_section,
lc.spacer, lc.step_time_confirm])], style={'padding': '1em'}),
- ], style=lc.section_box)])
- ]), lc.spacer,
- lc.full_radar_select_section, lc.spacer_mini,
- lc.map_section,
- lc.full_transpose_section,
- lc.scripts_button,
- lc.status_section,
- lc.spacer,lc.toggle_placefiles_btn,lc.spacer_mini,
- lc.full_links_section, lc.spacer,
- simulation_playback_section,
- html.Div(id='playback_speed_dummy', style={'display': 'none'}),
- lc.radar_id, lc.bottom_section
- ])# end of app.layout
+ ], style=lc.section_box)])
+ ]), lc.spacer,
+ lc.full_radar_select_section, lc.spacer_mini,
+ lc.map_section,
+ lc.full_transpose_section,
+ lc.scripts_button,
+ lc.status_section,
+ lc.spacer,lc.toggle_placefiles_btn,lc.spacer_mini,
+ full_links_section, lc.spacer,
+ simulation_playback_section,
+ lc.radar_id, lc.bottom_section
+ ])
+ # Append the new component to the current list of children
+ children = list(children)
+ children.append(new_items)
+ layout_has_initialized['added'] = True
+ create_logfile(configs['LOG_DIR'])
+ return children, layout_has_initialized
+ return children, layout_has_initialized
@@ -467,16 +563,17 @@ def remove_files_and_dirs(self) -> None:
# ----------------------------- Radar map section ---------------------------------------------
- [Output('show_radar_selection_feedback', 'children'),
+ Output('show_radar_selection_feedback', 'children'),
Output('confirm_radars_btn', 'children'),
- Output('confirm_radars_btn', 'disabled')],
- Input('radar_quantity', 'value'),
+ Output('confirm_radars_btn', 'disabled'),
+ Output('radar_info', 'data'),
+ [Input('radar_quantity', 'value'),
Input('graph', 'clickData'),
+ State('radar_info', 'data')],
-def display_click_data(quant_str: str, click_data: dict):
+def display_click_data(quant_str: str, click_data: dict, radar_info: dict):
Any time a radar site is clicked,
this function will trigger and update the radar list.
@@ -486,27 +583,30 @@ def display_click_data(quant_str: str, click_data: dict):
btn_deactivated = True
triggered_id = ctx.triggered_id
+ radar_info['number_of_radars'] = int(quant_str[0:1])
if triggered_id == 'radar_quantity':
- sa.number_of_radars = int(quant_str[0:1])
- sa.radar_list = []
- sa.radar_dict = {}
- return f'Use map to select {quant_str}', f'{select_action} selections', True
+ radar_info['number_of_radars'] = int(quant_str[0:1])
+ radar_info['radar_list'] = []
+ radar_info['radar_dict'] = {}
+ return f'Use map to select {quant_str}', f'{select_action} selections', True, radar_info
- sa.radar = click_data['points'][0]['customdata']
- print(f"Selected radar: {sa.radar}")
+ radar = click_data['points'][0]['customdata']
except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
- return 'No radar selected ...', f'{select_action} selections', True
+ return 'No radar selected ...', f'{select_action} selections', True, radar_info
- sa.radar_list.append(sa.radar)
- if len(sa.radar_list) > sa.number_of_radars:
- sa.radar_list = sa.radar_list[-sa.number_of_radars:]
- if len(sa.radar_list) == sa.number_of_radars:
+ if radar not in radar_info['radar_list']:
+ radar_info['radar_list'].append(radar)
+ if len(radar_info['radar_list']) > radar_info['number_of_radars']:
+ radar_info['radar_list'] = radar_info['radar_list'][-radar_info['number_of_radars']:]
+ if len(radar_info['radar_list']) == radar_info['number_of_radars']:
select_action = 'Finalize'
btn_deactivated = False
+ radar_info['radar'] = radar
- print(f"Radar list: {sa.radar_list}")
- listed_radars = ', '.join(sa.radar_list)
- return listed_radars, f'{select_action} selections', btn_deactivated
+ listed_radars = ', '.join(radar_info['radar_list'])
+ return listed_radars, f'{select_action} selections', btn_deactivated, radar_info
@@ -531,8 +631,9 @@ def toggle_map_display(map_n, confirm_n) -> dict:
Output('run_scripts_btn', 'disabled')
], Input('confirm_radars_btn', 'n_clicks'),
Input('radar_quantity', 'value'),
+ State('radar_info', 'data'),
-def finalize_radar_selections(clicks: int, _quant_str: str) -> dict:
+def finalize_radar_selections(clicks: int, _quant_str: str, radar_info: dict) -> dict:
This will display the transpose section on the page if the user has selected a single radar.
@@ -542,7 +643,7 @@ def finalize_radar_selections(clicks: int, _quant_str: str) -> dict:
if triggered_id == 'radar_quantity':
return disp_none, disp_none, disp_none, True
if clicks > 0:
- if sa.number_of_radars == 1 and len(sa.radar_list) == 1:
+ if radar_info['number_of_radars'] == 1 and len(radar_info['radar_list']) == 1:
return lc.section_box_pad, disp_none, {'display': 'block'}, False
return lc.section_box_pad, {'display': 'block'}, disp_none, False
@@ -551,181 +652,206 @@ def finalize_radar_selections(clicks: int, _quant_str: str) -> dict:
- Output('tradar', 'data'),
- Input('new_radar_selection', 'value'))
-def transpose_radar(value):
+ #Output('tradar', 'data'),
+ Output('radar_info', 'data', allow_duplicate=True),
+ [Input('new_radar_selection', 'value'),
+ Input('radar_quantity', 'value'),
+ State('radar_info', 'data')],
+ prevent_initial_call=True
+def transpose_radar(value, radar_quantity, radar_info):
If a user switches from a selection BACK to "None", without this, the application
- will not update sa.new_radar to None. Instead, it'll be the previous selection.
+ will not update new_radar to None. Instead, it'll be the previous selection.
Since we always evaluate "value" after every user selection, always set new_radar
initially to None.
- Added tradar as a dcc.Store as this callback didn't seem to execute otherwise. The
- tradar store value is not used (currently), as everything is stored in sa.whatever.
- sa.new_radar = 'None'
- if value != 'None':
- sa.new_radar = value
- sa.new_lat = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == sa.new_radar]['lat'].values[0]
- sa.new_lon = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == sa.new_radar]['lon'].values[0]
- return f'{sa.new_radar}'
- return 'None'
+ radar_info['new_radar'] = 'None'
+ radar_info['new_lat'] = None
+ radar_info['new_lon'] = None
+ radar_info['number_of_radars'] = int(radar_quantity[0:1])
+ if value != 'None' and radar_info['number_of_radars'] == 1:
+ new_radar = value
+ radar_info['new_radar'] = new_radar
+ radar_info['new_lat'] = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == new_radar]['lat'].values[0]
+ radar_info['new_lon'] = lc.df[lc.df['radar'] == new_radar]['lon'].values[0]
+ return radar_info
# ----------------------------- Run Scripts button --------------------------------------------
-def query_radar_files():
+def query_radar_files(cfg, radar_info, sim_times):
Get the radar files from the AWS bucket. This is a preliminary step to build the progess bar.
# Need to reset the expected files dictionary with each call. Otherwise, if a user
# cancels a request, the previously-requested files will still be in the dictionary.
- sa.radar_files_dict = {}
- for _r, radar in enumerate(sa.radar_list):
+ # radar_files_dict = {}
+ radar_info['radar_files_dict'] = {}
+ for _r, radar in enumerate(radar_info['radar_list']):
radar = radar.upper()
- args = [radar, f'{sa.event_start_str}', str(sa.event_duration), str(False)]
- sa.log.info(f"Passing {args} to Nexrad.py")
- results = utils.exec_script(cfg.NEXRAD_SCRIPT_PATH, args)
+ args = [radar, str(sim_times['event_start_str']), str(sim_times['event_duration']),
+ str(False), cfg['RADAR_DIR']]
+ #logging.info(f"{cfg['SESSION_ID']} :: Passing {args} to Nexrad.py")
+ results = utils.exec_script(Path(cfg['NEXRAD_SCRIPT_PATH']), args, cfg['SESSION_ID'])
if results['returncode'] in [signal.SIGTERM, -1*signal.SIGTERM]:
- sa.log.warning(f"User cancelled query_radar_files()")
+ logging.warning(f"{cfg['SESSION_ID']} :: User cancelled query_radar_files()")
json_data = results['stdout'].decode('utf-8')
- sa.log.info(f"Nexrad.py returned with {json_data}")
- sa.radar_files_dict.update(json.loads(json_data))
+ logging.info(f"{cfg['SESSION_ID']} :: Nexrad.py returned with {json_data}")
+ radar_info['radar_files_dict'].update(json.loads(json_data))
+ # Write radar metadata for this simulation to a text file. More complicated updating the
+ # dcc.Store object with this information since this function isn't a callback.
+ with open(f'{cfg['RADAR_DIR']}/radarinfo.json', 'w') as json_file:
+ json.dump(radar_info['radar_files_dict'], json_file)
return results
-def run_hodo_script(args) -> None:
- """
- Runs the hodo script with the necessary arguments.
- radar: str - the original radar, tells script where to find raw radar data
- sa.new_radar: str - Either 'None' or the new radar to transpose to
- asos_one: str - the first ASOS station to use for hodographs
- asos_two: str - the second ASOS station to use for hodographs as a backup
- sa.simulation_seconds_shift: str - time shift (seconds) between the event
- start and playback start
- """
- print(args)
- subprocess.run(["python", cfg.HODO_SCRIPT_PATH] + args, check=True)
def call_function(func, *args, **kwargs):
- if len(args) > 0:
- sa.log.info(f"Sending {args[1]} to {args[0]}")
+ # For the main script calls
+ if len(args) > 2 and func.__name__ != 'query_radar_files':
+ logging.info(f"Sending {args[1]} to {args[0]}")
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
if len(result['stderr']) > 0:
- sa.log.error(result['stderr'].decode('utf-8'))
+ logging.error(result['stderr'].decode('utf-8'))
if 'exception' in result:
- sa.log.error(f"Exception {result['exception']} occurred in {func.__name__}")
+ logging.error(f"Exception {result['exception']} occurred in {func.__name__}")
return result
-def run_with_cancel_button():
+def run_with_cancel_button(cfg, sim_times, radar_info):
This version of the script-launcher trying to work in cancel button
- """
- sa.scripts_progress = 'Setting up files and times'
- # determine actual event time, playback time, diff of these two
- sa.make_simulation_times()
+ """
+ UpdateHodoHTML('None', cfg['HODOGRAPHS_DIR'], cfg['HODOGRAPHS_PAGE'])
# clean out old files and directories
- sa.remove_files_and_dirs()
+ remove_files_and_dirs(cfg)
except Exception as e:
- sa.log.exception("Error removing files and directories: ", exc_info=True)
+ logging.exception("Error removing files and directories: ", exc_info=True)
# based on list of selected radars, create a dictionary of radar metadata
- sa.create_radar_dict()
- sa.copy_grlevel2_cfg_file()
+ create_radar_dict(radar_info)
+ copy_grlevel2_cfg_file(cfg)
except Exception as e:
- sa.log.exception("Error creating radar dict or config file: ", exc_info=True)
+ logging.exception("Error creating radar dict or config file: ", exc_info=True)
+ log_string = (
+ f"\n"
+ f"=========================Simulation Settings========================\n"
+ f"Session ID: {cfg['SESSION_ID']}\n"
+ f"{sim_times}\n"
+ f"{radar_info}\n"
+ f"====================================================================\n"
+ )
+ logging.info(log_string)
+ if len(radar_info['radar_list']) > 0:
- # Create initial dictionary of expected radar files
- if len(sa.radar_list) > 0:
- res = call_function(query_radar_files)
+ # Create initial dictionary of expected radar files.
+ # TO DO: report back issues with radar downloads (e.g. 0 files found)
+ res = call_function(query_radar_files, cfg, radar_info, sim_times)
if res['returncode'] in [signal.SIGTERM, -1*signal.SIGTERM]:
- for _r, radar in enumerate(sa.radar_list):
+ # Radar downloading and mungering steps
+ for _r, radar in enumerate(radar_info['radar_list']):
radar = radar.upper()
- if sa.new_radar == 'None':
+ if radar_info['new_radar'] == 'None':
new_radar = radar
- new_radar = sa.new_radar.upper()
+ new_radar = radar_info['new_radar'].upper()
except Exception as e:
- sa.log.exception("Error defining new radar: ", exc_info=True)
+ logging.exception("Error defining new radar: ", exc_info=True)
# Radar download
- args = [radar, str(sa.event_start_str), str(sa.event_duration), str(True)]
- res = call_function(utils.exec_script, cfg.NEXRAD_SCRIPT_PATH, args)
+ args = [radar, str(sim_times['event_start_str']),
+ str(sim_times['event_duration']), str(True), cfg['RADAR_DIR']]
+ res = call_function(utils.exec_script, Path(cfg['NEXRAD_SCRIPT_PATH']),
+ args, cfg['SESSION_ID'])
if res['returncode'] in [signal.SIGTERM, -1*signal.SIGTERM]:
# Munger
- args = [radar, str(sa.playback_start_str), str(sa.event_duration),
- str(sa.simulation_seconds_shift), new_radar]
- res = call_function(utils.exec_script, cfg.MUNGER_SCRIPT_FILEPATH, args)
+ args = [radar, str(sim_times['playback_start_str']),
+ str(sim_times['event_duration']),
+ str(sim_times['simulation_seconds_shift']), cfg['RADAR_DIR'],
+ new_radar]
+ res = call_function(utils.exec_script, Path(cfg['MUNGER_SCRIPT_FILEPATH']),
+ args, cfg['SESSION_ID'])
if res['returncode'] in [signal.SIGTERM, -1*signal.SIGTERM]:
# this gives the user some radar data to poll while other scripts are running
- UpdateDirList(new_radar, 'None', initialize=True)
+ UpdateDirList(new_radar, 'None', cfg['POLLING_DIR'], initialize=True)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error with UpdateDirList ", e)
- sa.log.exception(f"Error with UpdateDirList ", exc_info=True)
+ logging.exception(f"Error with UpdateDirList ", exc_info=True)
# Surface observations
- args = [str(sa.lat), str(sa.lon), sa.event_start_str, str(sa.event_duration)]
- res = call_function(utils.exec_script, cfg.OBS_SCRIPT_PATH, args)
+ args = [str(radar_info['lat']), str(radar_info['lon']),
+ sim_times['event_start_str'], cfg['PLACEFILES_DIR'],
+ str(sim_times['event_duration'])]
+ res = call_function(utils.exec_script, Path(cfg['OBS_SCRIPT_PATH']), args,
+ cfg['SESSION_ID'])
if res['returncode'] in [signal.SIGTERM, -1*signal.SIGTERM]:
# NSE placefiles
- #args = [str(sa.event_start_time), str(sa.event_duration), str(sa.scripts_path),
- # str(sa.data_dir), str(sa.placefiles_dir)]
- args = [str(sa.event_start_time), str(sa.event_duration), str(cfg.SCRIPTS_DIR),
- str(cfg.DATA_DIR), str(cfg.PLACEFILES_DIR)]
- res = call_function(utils.exec_script, cfg.NSE_SCRIPT_PATH, args)
+ args = [str(sim_times['event_start_str']), str(sim_times['event_duration']),
+ cfg['SCRIPTS_DIR'], cfg['DATA_DIR'], cfg['PLACEFILES_DIR']]
+ res = call_function(utils.exec_script, Path(cfg['NSE_SCRIPT_PATH']), args,
+ cfg['SESSION_ID'])
if res['returncode'] in [signal.SIGTERM, -1*signal.SIGTERM]:
# Since there will always be a timeshift associated with a simulation, this
# script needs to execute every time, even if a user doesn't select a radar
# to transpose to.
- sa.log.info(f"Entering function run_transpose_script")
- run_transpose_script()
+ logging.info(f"Entering function run_transpose_script")
+ run_transpose_script(cfg['PLACEFILES_DIR'], sim_times, radar_info)
# Hodographs
- for radar, data in sa.radar_dict.items():
+ for radar, data in radar_info['radar_dict'].items():
asos_one = data['asos_one']
asos_two = data['asos_two']
except KeyError as e:
- sa.log.exception("Error getting radar metadata: ", exc_info=True)
+ logging.exception("Error getting radar metadata: ", exc_info=True)
# Execute hodograph script
- args = [radar, sa.new_radar, asos_one, asos_two, str(sa.simulation_seconds_shift)]
- res = call_function(utils.exec_script, cfg.HODO_SCRIPT_PATH, args)
+ args = [radar, radar_info['new_radar'], asos_one, asos_two,
+ str(sim_times['simulation_seconds_shift']), cfg['RADAR_DIR'],
+ res = call_function(utils.exec_script, Path(cfg['HODO_SCRIPT_PATH']), args,
+ cfg['SESSION_ID'])
if res['returncode'] in [signal.SIGTERM, -1*signal.SIGTERM]:
- UpdateHodoHTML('None')
+ UpdateHodoHTML('None', cfg['HODOGRAPHS_DIR'], cfg['HODOGRAPHS_PAGE'])
except Exception as e:
print("Error updating hodo html: ", e)
- sa.log.exception("Error updating hodo html: ", exc_info=True)
+ logging.exception("Error updating hodo html: ", exc_info=True)
Output('show_script_progress', 'children', allow_duplicate=True),
- [Input('run_scripts_btn', 'n_clicks')],
+ [Input('run_scripts_btn', 'n_clicks'),
+ State('configs', 'data'),
+ State('sim_times', 'data'),
+ State('radar_info', 'data')],
(Output('start_year', 'disabled'), True, False),
@@ -738,14 +864,14 @@ def run_with_cancel_button():
(Output('map_btn', 'disabled'), True, False),
(Output('new_radar_selection', 'disabled'), True, False),
(Output('run_scripts_btn', 'disabled'), True, False),
- (Output('playback_clock_store', 'disabled'), True, False),
+ #(Output('playback_clock_store', 'disabled'), True, False),
(Output('confirm_radars_btn', 'disabled'), True, False), # added radar confirm btn
(Output('playback_btn', 'disabled'), True, False), # add start sim btn
#(Output('pause_resume_playback_btn', 'disabled'), True, False), # add pause/resume btn
(Output('change_time', 'disabled'), True, False), # wait to enable change time dropdown
(Output('cancel_scripts', 'disabled'), False, True),
-def launch_simulation(n_clicks) -> None:
+def launch_simulation(n_clicks, configs, sim_times, radar_info):
This function is called when the "Run Scripts" button is clicked. It will execute the
necessary scripts to simulate radar operations, create hodographs, and transpose placefiles.
@@ -753,10 +879,8 @@ def launch_simulation(n_clicks) -> None:
if n_clicks == 0:
raise PreventUpdate
- if cfg.PLATFORM == 'WINDOWS':
- sa.make_simulation_times()
- else:
- run_with_cancel_button()
+ if config.PLATFORM != 'WINDOWS':
+ run_with_cancel_button(configs, sim_times, radar_info)
# ----------------------------- Monitoring and reporting script status ------------------------
@@ -764,16 +888,17 @@ def launch_simulation(n_clicks) -> None:
Output('dummy', 'data'),
- [Input('cancel_scripts', 'n_clicks')],
+ [Input('cancel_scripts', 'n_clicks'),
+ State('session_id', 'data')],
-def cancel_scripts(n_clicks) -> None:
+def cancel_scripts(n_clicks, SESSION_ID) -> None:
This function is called when the "Cancel Scripts" button is clicked. It will cancel all
n_clicks (int): incremented whenever the "Cancel Scripts" button is clicked
if n_clicks > 0:
- utils.cancel_all(sa)
+ utils.cancel_all(SESSION_ID)
@@ -784,68 +909,104 @@ def cancel_scripts(n_clicks) -> None:
Output('model_table', 'data'),
Output('model_status_warning', 'children'),
Output('show_script_progress', 'children', allow_duplicate=True),
- [Input('directory_monitor', 'n_intervals')],
+ Output('monitor_store', 'data'),
+ [Input('directory_monitor', 'n_intervals'),
+ State('configs', 'data'),
+ State('cancel_scripts', 'disabled'),
+ State('monitor_store', 'data')],
-def monitor(_n):
+def monitor(_n, cfg, cancel_btn_disabled, monitor_store):
This function is called every second by the directory_monitor interval. It (1) checks
the status of the various scripts and reports them to the front-end application and
(2) monitors the completion status of the scripts.
+ In order to reduce background latency, this funcion only fully executes when the
+ downloading and pre-processing scripts are running, defined by the cancel button
+ being enabled. Previous status data is stored in monitor_store.
- processes = utils.get_app_processes()
+ radar_dl_completion = monitor_store['radar_dl_completion']
+ hodograph_completion = monitor_store['hodograph_completion']
+ munger_completion = monitor_store['munger_completion']
+ placefile_status_string = monitor_store['placefile_status_string']
+ model_list = monitor_store['model_list']
+ model_warning = monitor_store['model_warning']
screen_output = ""
- seen_scripts = []
- for p in processes:
- # Returns get_data or process (the two scripts launched by nse.py)
- name = p['cmdline'][1].rsplit('/')[-1].rsplit('.')[0]
- # Scripts executed as python modules will be like [python, -m, script.name]
- if p['cmdline'][1] == '-m':
- # Should return Nexrad, munger, nse, etc.
- name = p['cmdline'][2].rsplit('/')[-1].rsplit('.')[-1]
- if p['name'] == 'wgrib2':
- name = 'wgrib2'
- if name in cfg.scripts_list and name not in seen_scripts:
- runtime = time.time() - p['create_time']
- screen_output += f"{name}: running for {round(runtime,1)} s. "
- seen_scripts.append(name)
- # Radar file download status
- radar_dl_completion, radar_files = utils.radar_monitor(sa)
- # Radar mungering/transposing status
- munger_completion = utils.munger_monitor(sa)
- # Surface placefile status
- placefile_stats = utils.surface_placefile_monitor(sa)
- placefile_status_string = f"{placefile_stats[0]}/{placefile_stats[1]} files found"
- # Hodographs. Currently hard-coded to expect 2 files for every radar and radar file.
- num_hodograph_images = len(glob(f"{cfg.HODO_IMAGES}/*.png"))
- hodograph_completion = 0
- if len(radar_files) > 0:
- hodograph_completion = 100 * \
- (num_hodograph_images / (2*len(radar_files)))
- # NSE placefiles
- model_list, model_warning = utils.nse_status_checker(sa)
+ # Scripts are running or they just recently ended.
+ if not cancel_btn_disabled or monitor_store['scripts_previously_running']:
+ processes = utils.get_app_processes()
+ seen_scripts = []
+ for p in processes:
+ process_session_id = p['session_id']
+ if process_session_id == cfg['SESSION_ID']:
+ # Returns get_data or process (the two scripts launched by nse.py)
+ name = p['cmdline'][1].rsplit('/')[-1].rsplit('.')[0]
+ # Scripts executed as python modules will be like [python, -m, script.name]
+ if p['cmdline'][1] == '-m':
+ # Should return Nexrad, munger, nse, etc.
+ name = p['cmdline'][2].rsplit('/')[-1].rsplit('.')[-1]
+ if p['name'] == 'wgrib2':
+ name = 'wgrib2'
+ if name in config.scripts_list and name not in seen_scripts:
+ runtime = time.time() - p['create_time']
+ screen_output += f"{name}: running for {round(runtime,1)} s. "
+ seen_scripts.append(name)
+ # Radar file download status
+ radar_dl_completion, radar_files = utils.radar_monitor(cfg['RADAR_DIR'])
+ # Radar mungering/transposing status
+ munger_completion = utils.munger_monitor(cfg['RADAR_DIR'], cfg['POLLING_DIR'])
+ # Surface placefile status
+ placefile_stats = utils.surface_placefile_monitor(cfg['PLACEFILES_DIR'])
+ placefile_status_string = f"{placefile_stats[0]}/{placefile_stats[1]} files found"
+ # Hodographs. Currently hard-coded to expect 2 files for every radar and radar file.
+ num_hodograph_images = len(glob(f"{cfg['HODOGRAPHS_DIR']}/*.png"))
+ hodograph_completion = 0
+ if len(radar_files) > 0:
+ hodograph_completion = 100 * \
+ (num_hodograph_images / (2*len(radar_files)))
+ # NSE placefiles
+ model_list, model_warning = utils.nse_status_checker(cfg['MODEL_DIR'])
+ # Capture the latest status information
+ monitor_store['radar_dl_completion'] = radar_dl_completion
+ monitor_store['hodograph_completion'] = hodograph_completion
+ monitor_store['munger_completion'] = munger_completion
+ monitor_store['placefile_status_string'] = placefile_status_string
+ monitor_store['model_list'] = model_list
+ monitor_store['model_warning'] = model_warning
+ monitor_store['scripts_previously_running'] = True
+ return (radar_dl_completion, hodograph_completion, munger_completion,
+ placefile_status_string, model_list, model_warning, screen_output,
+ monitor_store)
+ # Scripts have completed/stopped, but were running the previous pass through.
+ if cancel_btn_disabled and monitor_store['scripts_previously_running']:
+ monitor_store['scripts_previously_running'] = False
return (radar_dl_completion, hodograph_completion, munger_completion,
- placefile_status_string, model_list, model_warning, screen_output)
+ placefile_status_string, model_list, model_warning, screen_output, monitor_store)
# ----------------------------- Transpose placefiles in time and space ------------------------
# A time shift will always be applied in the case of a simulation. Determination of
-# whether to also perform a spatial shift occurrs within self.shift_placefiles where
-# a check for sa.new_radar != None takes place.
-def run_transpose_script() -> None:
+# whether to also perform a spatial shift occurrs within shift_placefiles where a check for
+# new_radar != None takes place.
+def run_transpose_script(PLACEFILES_DIR, sim_times, radar_info) -> None:
Wrapper function to the shift_placefiles script
- sa.shift_placefiles()
+ shift_placefiles(PLACEFILES_DIR, sim_times, radar_info)
# ----------------------------- Toggle Placefiles Section --------------------------------------
@@ -880,29 +1041,52 @@ def toggle_placefiles_section(n) -> dict:
Output('end_readout', 'children'),
Output('end_readout', 'style'),
Output('change_time', 'options'),
- Input('playback_btn', 'n_clicks'),
+ Output('speed_dropdown', 'disabled'),
+ Output('playback_specs', 'data', allow_duplicate=True),
+ [Input('playback_btn', 'n_clicks'),
+ State('playback_speed_store', 'data'),
+ State('configs', 'data'),
+ State('sim_times', 'data'),
+ State('radar_info', 'data')],
-def initiate_playback(_nclick):
+def initiate_playback(_nclick, playback_speed, cfg, sim_times, radar_info):
- Enables/disables interval component that elapses the playback time
+ Enables/disables interval component that elapses the playback time. User can only
+ click this button this once.
+ playback_specs = {
+ 'playback_paused': False,
+ 'playback_clock': sim_times['playback_clock'],
+ 'playback_clock_str': sim_times['playback_clock_str'],
+ 'playback_start': sim_times['playback_start'],
+ 'playback_start_str': sim_times['playback_start_str'],
+ 'playback_end': sim_times['playback_end'],
+ 'playback_end_str': sim_times['playback_end_str'],
+ 'playback_speed': playback_speed,
+ 'new_radar': radar_info['new_radar'],
+ 'radar_list': radar_info['radar_list'],
+ }
btn_text = 'Simulation Launched'
btn_disabled = True
playback_running = True
- start = sa.playback_start_str
- end = sa.playback_end_str
+ start = sim_times['playback_start_str']
+ end = sim_times['playback_end_str']
style = lc.playback_times_style
- options = sa.playback_dropdown_dict
- if cfg.PLATFORM != 'WINDOWS':
- UpdateHodoHTML(sa.playback_clock_str)
- if sa.new_radar != 'None':
- UpdateDirList(sa.new_radar, sa.playback_clock_str)
+ options = sim_times['playback_dropdown_dict']
+ if config.PLATFORM != 'WINDOWS':
+ UpdateHodoHTML(sim_times['playback_clock_str'], cfg['HODOGRAPHS_DIR'],
+ if radar_info['new_radar'] != 'None':
+ UpdateDirList(radar_info['new_radar'], sim_times['playback_clock_str'],
+ cfg['POLLING_DIR'])
- for _r, radar in enumerate(sa.radar_list):
- UpdateDirList(radar,sa.playback_clock_str)
+ for _r, radar in enumerate(radar_info['radar_list']):
+ UpdateDirList(radar, sim_times['playback_clock_str'], cfg['POLLING_DIR'])
- return btn_text, btn_disabled, False, playback_running, start, style, end, style, options
+ return (btn_text, btn_disabled, False, playback_running, start, style, end, style, options,
+ False, playback_specs)
Output('playback_timer', 'disabled'),
@@ -911,47 +1095,71 @@ def initiate_playback(_nclick):
Output('pause_resume_playback_btn', 'children'),
Output('current_readout', 'children'),
Output('current_readout', 'style'),
+ Output('playback_specs', 'data', allow_duplicate=True),
[Input('pause_resume_playback_btn', 'n_clicks'),
Input('playback_timer', 'n_intervals'),
Input('change_time', 'value'),
- Input('playback_running_store', 'data')
+ Input('playback_running_store', 'data'),
+ Input('playback_speed_store', 'data'),
+ State('configs', 'data'),
+ State('playback_specs', 'data'),
], prevent_initial_call=True)
-def manage_clock_(nclicks, _n_intervals, new_time, _playback_running):
+def manage_clock_(nclicks, _n_intervals, new_time, _playback_running, playback_speed,
+ cfg, specs):
+ triggered_id = ctx.triggered_id
+ specs['playback_speed'] = playback_speed
interval_disabled = False
status = 'Running'
- sa.playback_paused = False
+ playback_paused = False
playback_btn_text = 'Pause Playback'
- if sa.playback_clock.tzinfo is None:
- sa.playback_clock = sa.playback_clock.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
- readout_time = datetime.strftime(sa.playback_clock, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ # Variables stored dcc.Store object are strings.
+ specs['playback_clock'] = datetime.strptime(specs['playback_clock'],
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00')
+ # Unsure why these string representations change.
+ try:
+ specs['playback_end'] = datetime.strptime(specs['playback_end'],
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00')
+ except ValueError:
+ specs['playback_end'] = datetime.strptime(specs['playback_end'],
+ '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+ if specs['playback_clock'].tzinfo is None:
+ specs['playback_clock'] = specs['playback_clock'].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ readout_time = datetime.strftime(specs['playback_clock'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
style = lc.feedback_green
- triggered_id = ctx.triggered_id
if triggered_id == 'playback_timer':
- if sa.playback_clock.tzinfo is None:
- sa.playback_clock = sa.playback_clock.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
- sa.playback_clock += timedelta(seconds=15 * sa.playback_speed)
- if sa.playback_clock < sa.playback_end:
- sa.playback_clock_str = sa.date_time_string(sa.playback_clock)
- readout_time = datetime.strftime(sa.playback_clock, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- if cfg.PLATFORM != 'WINDOWS':
- UpdateHodoHTML(sa.playback_clock_str)
- if sa.new_radar != 'None':
- UpdateDirList(sa.new_radar, sa.playback_clock_str)
+ if specs['playback_clock'].tzinfo is None:
+ specs['playback_clock'] = specs['playback_clock'].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ specs['playback_clock'] += timedelta(seconds=round(15*specs['playback_speed']))
+ if specs['playback_end'].tzinfo is None:
+ specs['playback_end'] = specs['playback_end'].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ if specs['playback_clock'] < specs['playback_end']:
+ specs['playback_clock_str'] = date_time_string(specs['playback_clock'])
+ readout_time = datetime.strftime(specs['playback_clock'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ if config.PLATFORM != 'WINDOWS':
+ UpdateHodoHTML(specs['playback_clock_str'], cfg['HODOGRAPHS_DIR'], cfg['HODOGRAPHS_PAGE'])
+ if specs['new_radar'] != 'None':
+ UpdateDirList(specs['new_radar'], specs['playback_clock_str'], cfg['POLLING_DIR'])
- for _r, radar in enumerate(sa.radar_list):
- UpdateDirList(radar,sa.playback_clock_str)
+ for _r, radar in enumerate(specs['radar_list']):
+ UpdateDirList(radar, specs['playback_clock_str'], cfg['POLLING_DIR'])
- if sa.playback_clock >= sa.playback_end:
+ if specs['playback_clock'] >= specs['playback_end']:
interval_disabled = True
- sa.playback_paused = True
- sa.playback_clock = sa.playback_end
- sa.playback_clock_str = sa.date_time_string(sa.playback_clock)
+ playback_paused = True
+ specs['playback_clock'] = specs['playback_end']
+ specs['playback_clock_str'] = date_time_string(specs['playback_clock'])
status = 'Simulation Complete'
playback_btn_text = 'Restart Simulation'
style = lc.feedback_yellow
@@ -959,30 +1167,30 @@ def manage_clock_(nclicks, _n_intervals, new_time, _playback_running):
if triggered_id == 'pause_resume_playback_btn':
interval_disabled = False
status = 'Running'
- sa.playback_paused = False
+ playback_paused = False
playback_btn_text = 'Pause Playback'
style = lc.feedback_green
if nclicks % 2 == 1:
interval_disabled = True
status = 'Paused'
- sa.playback_paused = True
+ playback_paused = True
playback_btn_text = 'Resume Playback'
style = lc.feedback_yellow
if triggered_id == 'change_time':
- sa.playback_clock = datetime.strptime(new_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
- if sa.playback_clock.tzinfo is None:
- sa.playback_clock = sa.playback_clock.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
- sa.playback_clock_str = new_time
- readout_time = datetime.strftime(sa.playback_clock, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
- if cfg.PLATFORM != 'WINDOWS':
- UpdateHodoHTML(sa.playback_clock_str)
- if sa.new_radar != 'None':
- UpdateDirList(sa.new_radar, sa.playback_clock_str)
+ specs['playback_clock'] = datetime.strptime(new_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
+ if specs['playback_clock'].tzinfo is None:
+ specs['playback_clock'] = specs['playback_clock'].replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ specs['playback_clock_str'] = new_time
+ readout_time = datetime.strftime(specs['playback_clock'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ if config.PLATFORM != 'WINDOWS':
+ UpdateHodoHTML(specs['playback_clock_str'], cfg['HODOGRAPHS_DIR'], cfg['HODOGRAPHS_PAGE'])
+ if specs['new_radar'] != 'None':
+ UpdateDirList(specs['new_radar'], specs['playback_clock_str'], cfg['POLLING_DIR'])
- for _r, radar in enumerate(sa.radar_list):
- UpdateDirList(radar,sa.playback_clock_str)
+ for _r, radar in enumerate(specs['radar_list']):
+ UpdateDirList(radar, specs['playback_clock_str'], cfg['POLLING_DIR'])
if triggered_id == 'playback_running_store':
@@ -991,59 +1199,66 @@ def manage_clock_(nclicks, _n_intervals, new_time, _playback_running):
# status = 'Paused'
# playback_btn_text = 'Resume Simulation'
- return interval_disabled, status, style, playback_btn_text, readout_time, style
+ # Without this, a change to either the playback speed or playback time will restart
+ # a paused simulation
+ if triggered_id in ['playback_speed_store', 'change_time']:
+ interval_disabled = specs['interval_disabled']
+ status = specs['status']
+ playback_btn_text = specs['playback_btn_text']
+ playback_paused = specs['playback_paused']
+ style = specs['style']
+ specs['interval_disabled'] = interval_disabled
+ specs['status'] = status
+ specs['playback_paused'] = playback_paused
+ specs['playback_btn_text'] = playback_btn_text
+ specs['style'] = style
+ return (specs['interval_disabled'], specs['status'], specs['style'],
+ specs['playback_btn_text'], readout_time, style, specs)
# ----------------------------- Playback Speed Callbacks --------------------------------------
- Output('playback_speed_dummy', 'children'),
- Input('speed_dropdown', 'value'))
+ Output('playback_speed_store', 'data'),
+ Input('speed_dropdown', 'value'),
+ prevent_initial_call=True
def update_playback_speed(selected_speed):
Updates the playback speed in the sa object
- sa.playback_speed = selected_speed
- sa.playback_speed = float(selected_speed)
+ selected_speed = float(selected_speed)
except ValueError:
print(f"Error converting {selected_speed} to float")
- sa.playback_speed = 1.0
+ selected_speed = 1.0
return selected_speed
# ----------------------------- Time Selection Summary and Callbacks --------------------------
Output('show_time_data', 'children'),
- Input('start_year', 'value'),
+ Output('sim_times', 'data'),
+ [Input('start_year', 'value'),
Input('start_month', 'value'),
Input('start_day', 'value'),
Input('start_hour', 'value'),
Input('start_minute', 'value'),
- Input('duration', 'value'),
+ Input('duration', 'value')]
-def get_sim(_yr, _mo, _dy, _hr, _mn, _dur) -> str:
+def get_sim(yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, dur) -> str:
Changes to any of the Inputs above will trigger this callback function to update
- the time summary displayed on the page. Variables already have been stored in sa
- object for use in scripts so don't need to be explicitly returned here.
- """
- sa.make_simulation_times()
- line1 = f'{sa.event_start_str}Z ____ {sa.event_duration} minutes'
- return line1
-@app.callback(Output('start_year', 'value'), Input('start_year', 'value'))
-def get_year(start_year) -> int:
- """
- Updates the start year variable in the sa object
+ the time summary displayed on the page, as well as recomputing variables for
+ the simulation.
- sa.event_start_year = start_year
- return sa.event_start_year
+ dt = datetime(yr, mo, dy, hr, mn, second=0, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ line = f'{dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")}Z ____ {dur} minutes'
+ sim_times = make_simulation_times(dt, dur)
+ return line, sim_times
Output('start_day', 'options'),
@@ -1057,119 +1272,17 @@ def update_day_dropdown(selected_year, selected_month):
for day in range(1, num_days+1)]
return day_options
-@app.callback(Output('start_month', 'value'), Input('start_month', 'value'))
-def get_month(start_month) -> int:
- """
- Updates the start month variable in the sa object
- """
- sa.event_start_month = start_month
- return sa.event_start_month
-@app.callback(Output('start_day', 'value'), Input('start_day', 'value'))
-def get_day(start_day) -> int:
- """
- Updates the start day variable in the sa object
- """
- sa.event_start_day = start_day
- return sa.event_start_day
-@app.callback(Output('start_hour', 'value'), Input('start_hour', 'value'))
-def get_hour(start_hour) -> int:
- """
- Updates the start hour variable in the sa object
- """
- sa.event_start_hour = start_hour
- return sa.event_start_hour
-@app.callback(Output('start_minute', 'value'), Input('start_minute', 'value'))
-def get_minute(start_minute) -> int:
- """
- Updates the start minute variable in the sa object
- """
- sa.event_start_minute = start_minute
- return sa.event_start_minute
-@app.callback(Output('duration', 'value'), Input('duration', 'value'))
-def get_duration(duration) -> int:
- """
- Updates the event duration (in minutes) in the sa object
- """
- sa.event_duration = duration
- return sa.event_duration
# ----------------------------- Start app -----------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__':
- if cfg.CLOUD:
+ if config.CLOUD:
app.run_server(host="", port=8050, threaded=True, debug=True, use_reloader=False,
- if cfg.PLATFORM == 'DARWIN':
+ if config.PLATFORM == 'DARWIN':
app.run(host="", port=8051, threaded=True, debug=True, use_reloader=False,
app.run(debug=True, port=8050, threaded=True, dev_tools_hot_reload=False)
-# pathname_params = dict()
-# if my_settings.hosting_path is not None:
-# pathname_params["routes_pathname_prefix"] = "/"
-# pathname_params["requests_pathname_prefix"] = "/{}/".format(my_settings.hosting_path)
-# Monitoring size of data and output directories for progress bar output
-def directory_stats(folder):
- """Return the size of a directory. If path hasn't been created yet, returns 0."""
- num_files = 0
- total_size = 0
- if os.path.isdir(folder):
- total_size = sum(
- sum(
- os.path.getsize(os.path.join(walk_result[0], element))
- for element in walk_result[2]
- )
- for walk_result in os.walk(folder)
- )
- for _, _, files in os.walk(folder):
- num_files += len(files)
- return total_size/1024000, num_files
- #Output('tradar', 'value'),
- Output('model_dir_size', 'data'),
- Output('radar_dir_size', 'data'),
- #Output('model_table_df', 'data'),
- [Input('directory_monitor', 'n_intervals')],
- prevent_initial_call=True)
-def monitor(n):
- model_dir = directory_stats(f"{sa.data_dir}/model_data")
- radar_dir = directory_stats(f"{sa.data_dir}/radar")
- print("sa.new_radar", sa.new_radar)
- #print(model_dir)
- # Read modeldata.txt file
- #filename = f"{sa.data_dir}/model_data/model_list.txt"
- #model_table = []
- #if os.path.exists(filename):
- # model_listing = []
- # with open(filename, 'r') as f: model_list = f.readlines()
- # for line in model_list:
- # model_listing.append(line.rsplit('/', 1)[1][:-1])
- #
- # df = pd.DataFrame({'Model Data': model_listing})
- # output = df.to_dict('records')
- return model_dir[0], radar_dir[0]
diff --git a/config.py b/config.py
index ef800ce..3aae40a 100644
--- a/config.py
+++ b/config.py
@@ -4,8 +4,16 @@
from pathlib import Path
import os
import sys
+import time
+#import uuid
-#BASE_DIR = Path.cwd()
+#import flask
+from dash import Dash, dcc, html, State, Input, Output
+import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
+# Define the initial base directory
BASE_DIR = Path('/data/cloud-radar-server')
LINK_BASE = "https://rssic.nws.noaa.gov/assets"
CLOUD = True
@@ -26,42 +34,103 @@
CLOUD = False
+# Initialize the application layout. A unique session ID will be generated on each page
+# load.
+app = Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.CYBORG],
+ suppress_callback_exceptions=True, update_title=None)
+#server = flask.Flask(__name__)
+#app = Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=[dbc.themes.CYBORG],
+# suppress_callback_exceptions=True, update_title=None, server=server)
+app.title = "Radar Simulator"
+def init_layout():
+ """
+ Initialize the layout with a unique session id. The 'dynamic container' is used
+ within the app to build out the rest of the application layout on page load
+ """
+ #session_id = f'{time.time_ns()//1000}_{uuid.uuid4().hex}'
+ session_id = f'{time.time_ns()//1000000}'
+ return dbc.Container([
+ # Elements used to store and track the session id and initialize the layout
+ dcc.Store(id='session_id', data=session_id, storage_type='session'),
+ dcc.Interval(id='setup', interval=1, n_intervals=0, max_intervals=1),
+ dcc.Store(id='configs', data={}),
+ #dcc.Store(id='sim_settings', data={}),
+ # Elements needed to set up the layout on page load by app.py
+ dcc.Store(id='layout_has_initialized', data={'added': False}),
+ #dcc.Interval(id='container_init', interval=100, n_intervals=0, max_intervals=1),
+ html.Div(id='dynamic_container')
+ ])
-ASSETS_DIR = BASE_DIR / 'assets'
+app.layout = init_layout
+ Output('configs', 'data'),
+ Input('setup', 'n_intervals'),
+ State('session_id', 'data')
+def setup_paths_and_dirs(n_intervals, session_id):
+ """
+ Callback executed once on page load to query the session id in dcc.Store component.
+ Creates a dictionary of directory paths and stores in a separate dcc.Store component.
-HODOGRAPHS_PAGE = ASSETS_DIR / 'hodographs.html'
+ We cannot pass pathlib.Path objects in this dictionary since they're not
+ JSON-serializable.
+ """
+ if n_intervals > 0:
+ dirs = {
+ 'BASE_DIR': f'{BASE_DIR}',
+ 'ASSETS_DIR': f'{BASE_DIR}/assets/{session_id}',
+ 'DATA_DIR': f'{BASE_DIR}/data/{session_id}'
+ }
-HODO_HTML_LINK = f'{LINK_BASE}/hodographs.html'
-HODO_IMAGES = ASSETS_DIR / 'hodographs'
+ dirs['SESSION_ID'] = session_id
+ dirs['PLACEFILES_DIR'] = f"{dirs['ASSETS_DIR']}/placefiles"
+ dirs['HODOGRAPHS_DIR'] = f"{dirs['ASSETS_DIR']}/hodographs"
+ dirs['HODOGRAPHS_PAGE'] = f"{dirs['ASSETS_DIR']}/hodographs.html"
+ dirs['POLLING_DIR'] = f"{dirs['ASSETS_DIR']}/polling"
+ dirs['MODEL_DIR'] = f"{dirs['DATA_DIR']}/model_data"
+ dirs['RADAR_DIR'] = f"{dirs['DATA_DIR']}/radar"
+ dirs['LOG_DIR'] = f"{dirs['BASE_DIR']}/data/logs"
+ # Need to be updated
+ dirs['LINK_BASE'] = f"{LINK_BASE}/{session_id}"
+ dirs['PLACEFILES_LINKS'] = f"{dirs['LINK_BASE']}/placefiles"
+ dirs['HODO_HTML_LINK'] = f"{dirs['LINK_BASE']}/hodographs.html"
-DATA_DIR = BASE_DIR / 'data'
-MODEL_DIR = DATA_DIR / 'model_data'
-RADAR_DIR = DATA_DIR / 'radar'
-LOG_DIR = DATA_DIR / 'logs'
-CSV_PATH = BASE_DIR / 'radars.csv'
-SCRIPTS_DIR = BASE_DIR / 'scripts'
-OBS_SCRIPT_PATH = SCRIPTS_DIR / 'obs_placefile.py'
-HODO_SCRIPT_PATH = SCRIPTS_DIR / 'hodo_plot.py'
-nse_script_path = SCRIPTS_DIR / 'nse.py'
-LOG_DIR = DATA_DIR / 'logs'
+ # Static directories (not dependent on session id)
+ dirs['SCRIPTS_DIR'] = f'{BASE_DIR}/scripts'
+ dirs['OBS_SCRIPT_PATH'] = f'{dirs['SCRIPTS_DIR']}/obs_placefile.py'
+ dirs['HODO_SCRIPT_PATH'] = f'{dirs['SCRIPTS_DIR']}/hodo_plot.py'
+ dirs['NEXRAD_SCRIPT_PATH'] = f'{dirs['SCRIPTS_DIR']}/Nexrad.py'
+ dirs['L2MUNGER_FILEPATH'] = f'{dirs['SCRIPTS_DIR']}/l2munger'
+ dirs['MUNGER_SCRIPT_FILEPATH'] = f'{dirs['SCRIPTS_DIR']}/munger.py'
+ dirs['MUNGE_DIR'] = f'{dirs['SCRIPTS_DIR']}/munge'
+ dirs['NSE_SCRIPT_PATH'] = f'{dirs['SCRIPTS_DIR']}/nse.py'
+ dirs['DEBZ_FILEPATH'] = f'{dirs['SCRIPTS_DIR']}/debz.py'
+ dirs['CSV_PATH'] = f'{BASE_DIR}/radars.csv'
-os.makedirs(DATA_DIR, exist_ok=True)
-os.makedirs(HODO_IMAGES, exist_ok=True)
-os.makedirs(PLACEFILES_DIR, exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(dirs['MODEL_DIR'], exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(dirs['RADAR_DIR'], exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(dirs['HODOGRAPHS_DIR'], exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(dirs['PLACEFILES_DIR'], exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(dirs['POLLING_DIR'], exist_ok=True)
+ os.makedirs(dirs['LOG_DIR'], exist_ok=True)
+ return dirs
+# Names (without extensions) of various pre-processing scripts. Needed for script
+# monitoring and/or cancelling.
scripts_list = ["Nexrad", "munger", "obs_placefile", "nse", "wgrib2",
"get_data", "process", "hodo_plot"]
+# Names of surface placefiles for monitoring script
+surface_placefiles = [
+ 'wind.txt', 'temp.txt', 'latest_surface_observations.txt',
+ 'latest_surface_observations_lg.txt', 'latest_surface_observations_xlg.txt'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layout_components.py b/layout_components.py
index c2f5c5d..5153590 100644
--- a/layout_components.py
+++ b/layout_components.py
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash import html, dcc, dash_table
from dotenv import load_dotenv
-from config import LINK_BASE, PLACEFILES_LINKS
+#from config import LINK_BASE, PLACEFILES_LINKS
-now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
+#now = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
df = pd.read_csv('radars.csv', dtype={'lat': float, 'lon': float})
# df = pd.read_csv('radars_no_tdwr.csv', dtype={'lat': float, 'lon': float})
@@ -143,6 +143,10 @@
step_minute = html.Div(children="Minute", style=time_headers)
step_duration = html.Div(children="Duration", style=time_headers)
+# Date settings (sim_year_section, sim_month_section, etc.) moved to app.py
+# Moved these into the app in order to control defaults more easily and remove the
+# potential to specify different values in two locations
sim_year_section = dbc.Col(html.Div([step_year,
dcc.Dropdown(np.arange(1992, now.year + 1), now.year,
id='start_year', clearable=False),]))
@@ -158,6 +162,7 @@
sim_duration_section = dbc.Col(html.Div([
step_duration, dcc.Dropdown(np.arange(0, 240, 15), 60, id='duration', clearable=False),]))
CONFIRM_TIMES_TEXT = "Confirm start time and duration -->"
confirm_times_section = dbc.Col(
@@ -383,6 +388,11 @@
group_item_style_left = {'font-weight': 'bold', 'color': '#cccccc',
'font-size': '1.2em', 'text-align': 'left'}
+# Below items moved to application so session-specific placefile and polling directories can be
+# built dynamically
polling_section = dbc.Container(dbc.Container(html.Div(
@@ -399,7 +409,6 @@
# ----------------------------- Placefiles section --------------------------------------------
links_section = dbc.Container(dbc.Container(html.Div(
@@ -485,15 +494,16 @@
]#,id="placefiles_section", style={'display': 'block'}
-toggle_placefiles_btn = dbc.Container(dbc.Col(html.Div([dbc.Button(
- 'Hide Links Section', size="lg", id='toggle_placefiles_section_btn',
- n_clicks=0)],className="d-grid gap-2 col-12 mx-auto")))
full_links_section = dbc.Container(
+toggle_placefiles_btn = dbc.Container(dbc.Col(html.Div([dbc.Button(
+ 'Hide Links Section', size="lg", id='toggle_placefiles_section_btn',
+ n_clicks=0)],className="d-grid gap-2 col-12 mx-auto")))
# ----------------------------- Clock components ----------------------------------------------
@@ -548,7 +558,8 @@
playback_speed_label = html.Div(children="Playback Speed", style=time_headers)
playback_speed_dropdown_values = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 10.0]
playback_speed_options = [{'label': str(i) + 'x', 'value': i} for i in playback_speed_dropdown_values]
-playback_speed_dropdown = dcc.Dropdown(options=playback_speed_options, value=1.0, id='speed_dropdown')
+playback_speed_dropdown = dcc.Dropdown(options=playback_speed_options, value=1.0, id='speed_dropdown',
+ disabled=True)
playback_speed_col = dbc.Col(html.Div([playback_speed_label, spacer_mini, playback_speed_dropdown]))
diff --git a/scripts/Nexrad.py b/scripts/Nexrad.py
index 0cf760c..54cab49 100644
--- a/scripts/Nexrad.py
+++ b/scripts/Nexrad.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
import botocore
from botocore.client import Config
-from config import RADAR_DIR
+#from config import RADAR_DIR
class NexradDownloader:
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class NexradDownloader:
- def __init__(self, radar_id, start_tstr, duration, download):
+ def __init__(self, radar_id, start_tstr, duration, download, RADAR_DIR):
self.radar_id = radar_id
self.start_tstr = start_tstr
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def __init__(self, radar_id, start_tstr, duration, download):
self.prefix_day_one, self.prefix_day_two = self.make_prefix()
- self.download_directory = RADAR_DIR / self.radar_id / 'downloads'
+ self.download_directory = Path(f"{RADAR_DIR}/{self.radar_id}/downloads")
os.makedirs(self.download_directory, exist_ok=True)
@@ -124,4 +124,4 @@ def process_files(self) -> None:
download_flag = sys.argv[4]
if type(download_flag) == str:
download_flag = ast.literal_eval(download_flag)
- NexradDownloader(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], download_flag)
+ NexradDownloader(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], download_flag, sys.argv[5])
diff --git a/scripts/hodo_plot.py b/scripts/hodo_plot.py
index bc9edbc..5443984 100644
--- a/scripts/hodo_plot.py
+++ b/scripts/hodo_plot.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
from multiprocessing import Pool, freeze_support
from pathlib import Path
-from config import RADAR_DIR, HODO_IMAGES
+#from config import RADAR_DIR, HODO_IMAGES
import scripts.hodo_resources as hr
from dotenv import load_dotenv
@@ -42,10 +42,9 @@
asos_two = None
timeshift_seconds = int(sys.argv[5])
-#BASE_DIR = Path('/data/cloud-radar-server')
-#RADAR_DIR = BASE_DIR / 'data' / 'radar'
-#HODO_IMAGES = BASE_DIR / 'assets'/ 'hodographs'
+RADAR_DIR = Path(sys.argv[6])
+HODO_IMAGES = Path(sys.argv[7])
os.makedirs(THIS_RADAR, exist_ok=True)
DOWNLOADS = THIS_RADAR / 'downloads'
diff --git a/scripts/munger.py b/scripts/munger.py
index 6ac4120..3be5612 100644
--- a/scripts/munger.py
+++ b/scripts/munger.py
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import time
import pytz
+from pathlib import Path
class Munger():
@@ -44,19 +45,24 @@ class Munger():
If None, will use original radar location
- def __init__(self, original_rda, playback_start, duration, timeshift, new_rda='None'):
+ def __init__(self, original_rda, playback_start, duration, timeshift, RADAR_DIR, POLLING_DIR,
self.original_rda = original_rda.upper()
- self.source_directory = RADAR_DIR / self.original_rda / 'downloads'
+ self.source_directory = Path(f"{RADAR_DIR}/{self.original_rda}/downloads")
os.makedirs(self.source_directory, exist_ok=True)
self.playback_start = datetime.strptime(playback_start,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M").replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
self.duration = duration
self.seconds_shift = int(timeshift) # Needed for data passed in via command line.
self.new_rda = new_rda
- self.this_radar_polling_dir = POLLING_DIR / self.original_rda
+ self.polling_dir = Path(POLLING_DIR)
+ self.assets_dir = self.polling_dir.parent
+ self.this_radar_polling_dir = Path(f"{POLLING_DIR}/{self.original_rda}")
if self.new_rda != 'None':
- self.this_radar_polling_dir = POLLING_DIR / self.new_rda.upper()
+ self.this_radar_polling_dir = Path(f"{POLLING_DIR}/{self.new_rda.upper()}")
+ self.l2munger_filepath = Path(L2MUNGER_FILEPATH)
+ self.debz_filepath = Path(DEBZ_FILEPATH)
os.makedirs(self.this_radar_polling_dir, exist_ok=True)
@@ -70,9 +76,9 @@ def copy_l2munger_executable(self) -> None:
The compiled l2munger executable needs to be in the source
radar files directory to work properly
- chmod_cmd = f'chmod 775 {L2MUNGER_FILEPATH}'
+ chmod_cmd = f'chmod 775 {self.l2munger_filepath}'
- cp_cmd = f'cp {L2MUNGER_FILEPATH} {self.source_directory}'
+ cp_cmd = f'cp {self.l2munger_filepath} {self.source_directory}'
@@ -102,7 +108,7 @@ def uncompress_files(self) -> None:
if 'V0' in filename_str:
# Keep existing logic for .V06 and .V08 files
- command_str = f'python {DEBZ_FILEPATH} {filename_str} {filename_str}.uncompressed'
+ command_str = f'python {self.debz_filepath} {filename_str} {filename_str}.uncompressed'
print(f'File type not recognized: {filename_str}')
@@ -163,7 +169,7 @@ def munge_files(self) -> None:
munges radar files to start at the reference time
also changes RDA location
- fout = open('/data/cloud-radar-server/assets/file_times.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
+ fout = open(f'{self.assets_dir}/file_times.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
self.source_files = list(self.source_directory.glob('*uncompressed'))
for uncompressed_file in self.uncompressed_files:
@@ -198,5 +204,6 @@ def munge_files(self) -> None:
playback_end_time = playback_start_time + timedelta(minutes=int(DURATION))
Munger(ORIG_RDA, playback_start_str, DURATION, seconds_shift, NEW_RDA)
- Munger(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5])
+ Munger(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5],
+ sys.argv[6], sys.argv[7], sys.argv[8], sys.argv[9])
#original_rda, playback_start, duration, timeshift, new_rda, playback_speed=1.5
diff --git a/scripts/nse.py b/scripts/nse.py
index 87065fd..734c19d 100644
--- a/scripts/nse.py
+++ b/scripts/nse.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
class Nse:
def __init__(self, sim_start, event_duration, scripts_path, data_path, output_path):
- self.sim_start = datetime.strptime(sim_start, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S+00:00')
+ self.sim_start = datetime.strptime(sim_start, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
self.sim_end = self.sim_start + timedelta(minutes=int(event_duration))
self.start_string = datetime.strftime(self.sim_start,"%Y-%m-%d/%H")
self.end_string = datetime.strftime(self.sim_end,"%Y-%m-%d/%H")
diff --git a/scripts/obs_placefile.py b/scripts/obs_placefile.py
index ca34dab..1c759f4 100644
--- a/scripts/obs_placefile.py
+++ b/scripts/obs_placefile.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
import pytz
import requests
from dotenv import load_dotenv
-from config import PLACEFILES_DIR
+#from config import PLACEFILES_DIR
#PLACEFILES_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'assets','placefiles')
@@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ class Mesowest():
- def __init__(self,lat,lon, event_timestr, duration=None):
+ def __init__(self,lat,lon, event_timestr, PLACEFILES_DIR, duration=None):
+ self.placefiles_dir = Path(PLACEFILES_DIR)
self.lat = float(lat)
self.lon = float(lon)
self.event_timestr = event_timestr
@@ -306,23 +307,23 @@ def build_placefile(self):
self.all_placefile += f'{obj_head} Threshold: {other_zoom}\n{rt_txt} End:\n\n'
- with open(os.path.join(PLACEFILES_DIR, 'temp.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
+ with open(os.path.join(self.placefiles_dir, 'temp.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
- with open(os.path.join(PLACEFILES_DIR, 'wind.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
+ with open(os.path.join(self.placefiles_dir, 'wind.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
- with open(os.path.join(PLACEFILES_DIR, 'dwpt.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
+ with open(os.path.join(self.placefiles_dir, 'dwpt.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
- with open(os.path.join(PLACEFILES_DIR, 'latest_surface_observations.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
+ with open(os.path.join(self.placefiles_dir, 'latest_surface_observations.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
- with open(os.path.join(PLACEFILES_DIR, 'latest_surface_observations.txt'),'r',encoding='utf8') as fin:
+ with open(os.path.join(self.placefiles_dir, 'latest_surface_observations.txt'),'r',encoding='utf8') as fin:
data = fin.readlines()
- with open(os.path.join(PLACEFILES_DIR, 'latest_surface_observations_lg.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as largefout:
- with open(os.path.join(PLACEFILES_DIR, 'latest_surface_observations_xlg.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as xlargefout:
+ with open(os.path.join(self.placefiles_dir, 'latest_surface_observations_lg.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as largefout:
+ with open(os.path.join(self.placefiles_dir, 'latest_surface_observations_xlg.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as xlargefout:
for line in data:
if 'Font: 1' in line:
largefout.write('Font: 1, 14, 1, "Arial"\n')
@@ -517,5 +518,5 @@ def build_object(self,new_str,short,this_dict):
if __name__ == "__main__":
- test = Mesowest(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4])
+ test = Mesowest(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5])
#test = Mesowest(42.9634, -85.6681, '2024-06-01 23:15:20 UTC', 60)
diff --git a/scripts/update_dir_list.py b/scripts/update_dir_list.py
index 16666dd..ae05034 100644
--- a/scripts/update_dir_list.py
+++ b/scripts/update_dir_list.py
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
-from config import POLLING_DIR
+from pathlib import Path
+#from config import POLLING_DIR
class UpdateDirList():
@@ -32,10 +33,10 @@ class UpdateDirList():
- def __init__(self, radar: str, current_playback_timestr: str, initialize: bool = False):
+ def __init__(self, radar: str, current_playback_timestr: str, POLLING_DIR: str, initialize: bool = False):
self.radar = radar.upper()
self.current_playback_timestr = current_playback_timestr
- self.this_radar_polling_directory = POLLING_DIR / self.radar
+ self.this_radar_polling_directory = Path(f'{POLLING_DIR}/{self.radar}')
self.dirlist_file = self.this_radar_polling_directory / 'dir.list'
self.current_playback_time = None
@@ -98,4 +99,4 @@ def update_dirlist(self) -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
#this_radar = 'KGRR'
#this_playback_time = '2024-06-01 23:15'
- UpdateDirList(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3])
+ UpdateDirList(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2],sys.argv[3],sys.argv[4])
diff --git a/scripts/update_hodo_page.py b/scripts/update_hodo_page.py
index c216cee..c21c24e 100644
--- a/scripts/update_hodo_page.py
+++ b/scripts/update_hodo_page.py
@@ -8,17 +8,15 @@
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
-#HODO_DIR = '/data/cloud-radar-server/assets/hodographs'
-#HODOGRAPHS_PAGE = '/data/cloud-radar-server/assets/hodographs.html'
dir_parts = Path.cwd().parts
if 'C:\\' in dir_parts:
PLATFORM = 'windows'
- HODOGRAPHS_DIR = 'C:/data/scripts/cloud-radar-server/assets/hodographs'
- HODOGRAPHS_PAGE = 'C:/data/scripts/cloud-radar-server/assets/hodographs.html'
- #link_base = "http://localhost:8050/assets"
- #cloud = False
+# HODOGRAPHS_DIR = 'C:/data/scripts/cloud-radar-server/assets/hodographs'
+# HODOGRAPHS_PAGE = 'C:/data/scripts/cloud-radar-server/assets/hodographs.html'
+# #link_base = "http://localhost:8050/assets"
+# #cloud = False
HEAD = """
@@ -58,8 +56,10 @@ class UpdateHodoHTML():
If True, the page will be initialized with a message that graphics are not available
If False, the page will be updated with "available" hodographs based on the current playback time
- def __init__(self, clock_str: str):
+ def __init__(self, clock_str: str, hodographs_dir: str, hodographs_page: str):
self.clock_str = clock_str
+ self.hodographs_dir = hodographs_dir
+ self.hodographs_page = hodographs_page
if self.clock_str == 'None':
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ def make_valid_hodo_list(self) -> list:
Returns a list of valid hodographs based on the current playback time
valid_hodo_list = []
- self.image_files = [f for f in os.listdir(HODOGRAPHS_DIR) if f.endswith('.png') or f.endswith('.jpg')]
+ self.image_files = [f for f in os.listdir(self.hodographs_dir) if f.endswith('.png') or f.endswith('.jpg')]
self.first_image_path = self.image_files[0]
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def initialize_hodo_page(self) -> None:
Initializes the hodographs.html page with a message that graphics are not available
- with open(HODOGRAPHS_PAGE, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fout:
+ with open(self.hodographs_page, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fout: