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This file contains three specifications:

  A specification of the consensus problem.
  A specification of a very abstract consensus algorithm
  with a high level (unchecked) TLA+ proof that it implements
  the Consensus spec.  I believe that this proof has been
  expanded and checked with the TLAPS proof system by
  Jean-Baptiste Tristan.
  A specification of a high-level version of the Paxos
  algorithm, a distributed message-passing algorithm that
  implements the Voting spec--and hence implements consensus.
  It contains a "first attempt" at an inductive invariant
  for the proof of implementation.  Tristan, who wrote most
  of a formal TLA+ proof of implementation, found that,
  while the invariant is indeed an invariant, it is not
  strong enough to be inductive.  (Note: because when he
  began the proof TLAPS did not handle records, Tristan
  rewrote the algorithm in terms of tuples for his proof.)
  Specifications that are used to model-check the corresponding
  three specifications above.  The Toolbox makes it unnecessary
  for the user to write such specs, essentially producing them
  itself from the models defined by the user.