Pybehave uses Sources to link Components to external systems. Where Components are generally hardware-agnostic, Sources are implementation specific. Sources can communicate with a variety of hardware including DAQs, serial controllers, video, or network events to control components with a unified framework. Sources are shared across Tasks and specific to each piece of hardware connected to the Workstation
Sources have two methods related to initialization: the standard Python __init__
and the pybehave specific initialize
The former is used to declare all class attributes and indicate which variables are required to construct the Source from
the Workstation interface. This method is called from the Workstation process and all variables declared in the method must
be copied and sent via inter-process communication to create the Source. All code related to actually connecting the Source
to hardware and any non-basic processing of class attributes should happen in the initialize
The fundamental purpose of a Source is to connect a component to specific hardware which is done through the register_component
method. The register_component
method takes a Task and Component as arguments to associate the component's address
with the corresponding hardware representation. Depending on the hardware that is being interfaced, overriding this method
may be as simple as keeping track of the components or require extensive interfacing with hardware libraries. Additional information
necessary for registering a component with the Source can be delivered using a Component's metadata. For the core Sources,
required metadata is indicated in the package reference.
Sources are responsible for writing new values for Components out to hardware and reading new values for Components from hardware.
Depending on the type of Source one or both of these functionalities might be required. To implement behavior for writing to
a Source, a user should override the write_component
method. The write_component
method is responsible for taking a component ID
and a value to write (msg
) and updates the hardware component accordingly.
Reading from a Source typically requires the implementation of some form of asynchronous programming. One available option is
to instead have a custom Source override the ThreadSource class which will have event handling run in a separate thread from
the initialize
method. Users can then put any polling or external event processing in the end of the initialize
method. Alternatively,
new threads can be created based on registering or writing a component. When new values are received for a component, the
method can be called to signal the new value.
Since some Sources might require functionality to relinquish control of certain hardware, two additional methods are provided:
and close_source
. close_component
takes a component ID as input and alerts the system that the component
is no longer required. close_component
is called when a task is removed from the chamber or refreshed. In contrast, close_source
is called when pybehave is exited or the Source is removed from the Workstation.
register_component(component: Component, metadata: Dict) -> None
Can be overridden to configure connection from the task to the selected component.
the new Component to be registered with the Source.
any metadata associated with this Component.
write_component(component_id: str, msg: Any) -> None
Can be overridden to implement behavior for modifying the value of the indicated component through the interface represented by the Source.
the ID associated with a Component connected to the Source that should be updated.
the new value for the Component.
update_component(cid: str, value: Any, metadata: Dict = None) -> None
This method should be called to indicate a Component has updated based on new information from the Source.
the ID associated with the updated Component
the new value received from the Source for the Component.
close_source() -> None
Override to close all connections with the interface represented by the Source.
close_component(component_id: str) -> None
Override to close the connection between a specific component and the interface represented by the Source.
output_file_changed(event: PybEvents.OutputFileChangedEvent) -> None
Override to implement behavior that should be executed when the output file is changed in the Workstation GUI.
constants_updated(event: PybEvents.ConstantsUpdateEvent) -> None
Override to implement behavior that should be executed when constants are updated through the SubjectConfiguration widget.
unavailable() -> None
Call to signal to other processes that the Source has lost connection to the hardware.
class WhiskerLineSource(ThreadSource):
address: str ='localhost'
port: int = 3233
whisker_path: str = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\WhiskerControl\WhiskerServer.exe")
Communicates with digital input and output lines represented via a connection to Whisker. This Source is only compatible with Windows.
Required Extras: whisker
Run pip install pybehave[whisker]
if the extra is missing.
IP address for the computer running the Whisker Server. Use "localhost" if pybehave and Whisker are on the same machine.
the port associated with the Whisker Server.
the path to the Whisker executable
class WhiskerTouchScreenSource(ThreadSource):
whisker_path=r"C:\Program Files (x86)\WhiskerControl\WhiskerServer.exe")
Communicates with touchscreen objects represented via a connection to Whisker.
Required Extras: whisker
Run pip install pybehave[whisker]
if the extra is missing.
IP address for the computer running the Whisker Server. Use "localhost" if pybehave and Whisker are on the same machine.
the port associated with the Whisker Server.
the path to the Whisker executable
class OESource(ThreadSource):
address: str
in_port: str
out_port: str
Source for coordinating connections to the networking system in OpenEphys. Make sure all events to/from OpenEphys are received/sent in JSON mode.
Required Extras: oe
Run pip install pybehave[oe]
if the extra is missing.
IP address for the computer running OpenEphys. Use "localhost" if pybehave and OpenEphys are on the same machine.
the port associated with receiving messages from OpenEphys. Should typically correspond to the EventBroadcaster plugin.
the port associated with sending message to OpenEphys. Should typically correspond to the NetworkEvents plugin.
class OSControllerSource(ThreadSource):
coms: List[str]
Source for coordinating connections to the Open Source Controller for Animal Research (OSCAR). Has functionality for digital and analog inputs and outputs.
Required Extras: serial
Run pip install pybehave[serial]
if the extra is missing.
list of serial port IDs corresponding to OSCAR interfaces.
class SerialSource(Source)
Source for coordinating connections to serial devices.
Required Extras: serial
Run pip install pybehave[serial]
if the extra is missing.
Required Metadata:
baudrate: int
the baudrate for the Serial connection corresponding to a registered Component
Optional Metadata:
terminator: str
character sequence appended to the end of every written Serial message for the Component
class VideoSource(ThreadSource):
screen_width: int = None
screen_height: int = None
rows: int = None
cols: int = None
Source for coordinating video recording with Webcams. Generally intended for sole use with Video components. Currently supports standard USB webcams.
Required Extras: video
Run pip install pybehave[video]
if the extra is missing.
the width of the display for the video interface in pixels
the height of the display for the video interface in pixels
the number of rows for the grid of individual videos in the interface
the number of columns for the grid of individual videos in the interface
Required Metadata:
row: int
the row the video feed for this Component should be placed in
col: int
the column the video feed for this Component should be placed in
row_span: int
how many rows the video feed for this Component should occupy
col_span: int
how many columns the video feed for this Component should occupy
fr: int
the frame rate the video feed for this Component should be saved at
class HikVisionSource(Source):
ip : str
user : str
password : str
Source for coordinating video recording with HikVision CCTV systems. Generally intended for sole use with Video components. Recordings will start when the Video component is started and downloaded in a separate thread when the video is stopped. By default, the source will draw a small black rectangle in the bottom left of the video to assist with synchronization.
Required Extras: hikvision
Run pip install pybehave[hikvision]
if the extra is missing.
the IP of the DVR
the username of the administrator account on the DVR
the password for the administrator account on the DVR
class NIDAQSource(Source):
dev : str
Source for coordinating connections to National Instruments hardware. Has functionality for digital and analog outputs. Input functionality is currently not implemented.
Required Extras: ni
Run pip install pybehave[ni]
if the extra is missing.
the device ID of the DAQ
Required Metadata for ANALOG_OUTPUT:
sr: int
the sampling rate for the output
class BayesOptSource()
Source for coordinating selection of arbitrary parameters (like stimulation or task variables) according to an outcome of interest
using Bayesian optimization with gaussian process regression. Typically used with the general purpose Both
component class.
Required Extras: bo
Run pip install pybehave[bo]
if the extra is missing.