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Token Terminal Blockchain Indexing Task

In this task, you will implement a simplified version of the Token Terminal ELT process. This assignment assumes some knowledge of the blockchain, but no in-depth knowledge of the scaped data is required.

We expect you to do this task at your own time. And all software required can be used free of charge.

Please keep the code readable and add comments where relevant. If you hit any issues, feel free to be creative. Or hit us up and we can help. If you make any assumptions, please note those in the comments.

We don't expect you to use more than 2-3 hours of active time. This task requires a ~50GB file download, so please do it before working on it.

You can keep the solutions as naive as possible, and it's okay if you don't have the time to complete the entire task. We know it's a bit intense.

How to

  1. Fork this repo, or make a private clone of it
  2. Implement the indexer and commit the code
  3. Implement SQL queries or create table/view commands and save those into one or many SQL files that you commit to the repo
  4. Push the code to github. If you want to make the repo private, invite jamo as reader. Or send it over as a zip.
  5. Jarmo will coordinate the follow-up call to review the solution and have a great conversation.


  1. Build a dataset in our data warehouse, where we have two tables:

    1. blocks
    2. transactions
  2. Analytics

    1. Contract metrics


  1. Set up a blockchain node
  2. Implement a lightweight naive indexer to extract the raw data from the chain
  3. Load the data into the data warehouse
  4. Implement the data model and a Trending contracts dataset.

SQL Style guide

For the SQL style guide, we ask you to keep the following key points in mind when writing the SQL.

  1. Keep the SQL readable. Avoid short table names, acronyms,
    • Don't do from raw.blocks as b, but use blocks as the table name
  2. Use CTEs over subqueries. CTEs keep the SQL readable, only use subqueries when must (hint there isn't a need)
  3. We use dbt to manage dependencies, to avoid scope creep we don't install and setup dbt here.
    • Save a couple of SQL queries as tables, or create the required views and tables manually
    • Use, e.g., numbers in the filenames to describe the file dependencies. E.g. 0001_init_tables.sql 0002_blocks.sql and so on.

System requirements

  • Linux or Mac. This has not been tested on Windows but it might still work
  • Docker, we assume you have this installed already.
  • Nodejs/typescript, you can use nvm or brew install
  • Clickhouse: no install required; see below the single step to get the binary.

1. Running the blockchain node

For this task, we'll set up and run the Linea Sepolia node. The node is a generic geth node (geth is a classic evm node client), and their testnet sepia is nice and small. This allows us to dive into the data quickly without massive disk space requirements.

You should have ~200GB of free disk space for this task.

In this repo, we have provided a ready-made docker-compose file for running the node. This is rarely the case, but the goal is not to test your ability to Google arbitrary configuration flags.

Setting up the node from the archival snapshot

We provide a ready-to-use archival snapshot of the Linea sepolia node to speed up the setup time. The file is 64GB, so downloading and extracting it may take a moment.

For the fastest download, use the provided command and install aria2 (apt install aria2)

aria2c -s14 -x14 -k100M

You may also just curl -o linea-sepolia.tar.xz the file.

Assuming you downloaded the file to the repo root, use the following command to extract it into the right location:

tar xvf linea-sepolia.tar.xz -C linea

The files should go to ./linea/linea-sepolia/geth/

ls -la linea/linea-sepolia/geth
total 4162
drwx------ 6 root root    10 Sep 24 07:55 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root     4 Sep 24 08:13 ..
drwx------ 4 root root     4 Sep 21 10:55 blobpool
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 35691 Sep 22 17:19 chaindata
-rw------- 1 root root    66 Sep 21 10:55 jwtsecret
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root     8 Sep 21 10:55 lightchaindata
-rw------- 1 root root     0 Sep 21 10:55 LOCK
-rw------- 1 root root    64 Sep 21 10:55 nodekey
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     8 Sep 24 07:59 nodes
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     0 Sep 24 07:55 transactions.rlp

The linea-sepolia folder will be mounted to the docker container.

Setting up the node

With the archival snapshot downloaded and extracted, you may start the node.

To do it, go to ./linea and use docker compose up -d.

Use docker logs linea-node-1 to view the logs. Once the node logs Imported new chain segment it should be catching up and ready to query. You don't need to wait for the node to catch up to the latest block, instead we are ok to query the data that is already present in the archival snapshot.

To see the latest available block, you may use the following query:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber", "params": ["latest", false], "id": "x"}' | jq .

To get the block number in plain text:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber", "params": ["latest", false], "id": "x"}' | jq .result.number -r | xargs printf "%d\n"

When updating this task, the latest block is 3 851 490.

For more information on running Linea, see their docs: Note that we are using the geth client in this task.

2. Implementing the indexer

In the second phase of the task we get more hands on writing code. Our goal is to extract blockchain data and prepare it to be loaded to our data warehouse. We use the JSON RPC API provided by the blockchain node to index the data.

Implement a program that takes START and COUNT parameters from env, and scrapes the range from START to START+COUNT and produces one or many files to be loaded to clickhouse. There are multiple valid file formats that we can use, for simplicity I recommend json-newline.

This repository contains some convenience functions and example schemas to allow you to focus. We've included some convenience functions in the repo to help interact with the chain.

With the ELT mindset in mind, we don't want to apply excessive transformations while loading the data. However, there are TWO transformations to make our lives easier. The rest of the data manipulation can happen in the data warehouse.

  • Make blockNumber and timestamp human readable. And add those to all entries we load to data (receipts, traces)
  • Extract transactions to it's own file for simplicity. It's also ok to unnest it later on.

For this task, it's enough to scrape the blocks between 2125000 and 2314500.

Here are the relevant JSON RPC methods and links to their documentation. You might not need to view the docs pages to be successful with this task.

  • blocks
    • eth_getBlockByNumber
    • Docs
    • Note this can also return the full transaction data, set the second parameter to true
    • We did this particular query to test if the node is up
  • transactionReceipts
    • eth_getBlockReceipts
    • Docs
    • This returns transaction receipts. We need to link these to transactions for the analytics needs. To follow the ELT workflow


  • To keep this workflow easy, you should write the files under the clickhouse user_files folder: db/user_files.

3. Loading the data into clickhouse

Setting up Clickhouse locally

This couldn't be easier. And this is why we use clickhouse in this task.

Run the clickhouse related commands in the ./db folder.

Get the latest binary:

curl | sh

And start up the clickhouse local server:

./clickhouse server

Leave this running in its own tab. (or tmux pane)

Test the Clickhouse cli connection

./clickhouse client

Load data

To save data, below is provided example queries to create the blocks, transactions, receipts tables.

See ./sql folder for examples of the schema and import queries.

These assume you have saved the data with similar modifications, so you may need to make minor edits.

You can use clickhouse to infer the schema from the files: e.g., describe table file('./blocks_*') FORMAT JSONCompactEachRow; Note: The path for file is relative to the ./db/user_files

4. Analytics

Trending Contracts Metrics

In the final task, we implement a simple Trending Contracts dataset.

Implement three time series metrics for all contracts.

  1. gas_used_daily

    • timestamp -- at daily granularity
    • contract_address -- to address from transactions
    • gas_used
  2. active_addresses_daily

    • timestamp -- at daily granularity
    • contract_address -- to address from transactions
    • active_addresses_count -- distinct count of addresses transacting with the contract address
  3. transactions_count_daily

    • timestamp -- at daily granularity
    • contract_address -- to address from transactions
    • transactions_count -- the number of transactions sent to this address