Run tests in a single module using multiple forks:
$ ./gradlew --parallel -PtestForks=2 :sql:test
Run the doc-tests:
$ ./gradlew itest (export ITEST_FILE_NAME_FILTER=<file-name> if you want to only run the test of a particular file. Clear the env var to test all files.)
Filter tests:
$ ./gradlew test -Dtest.single='YourTestClass' $ ./gradlew test --tests '*ClassName.testMethodName'
Extra options:
$ ./gradlew :sql:test -Dtests.seed=8352BE0120F826A9 $ ./gradlew :sql:test -Dtests.iters=20 $ ./gradlew :sql:test -Dtests.nightly=true # defaults to "false" $ ./gradlew :sql:test -Dtests.verbose=true # log result of all invoked tests
More logging:
$ ./gradlew -PtestLogging -Dtests.loggers.levels=io.crate:DEBUG,io.crate.planner.consumer.NestedLoopConsumer:TRACE :sql:test
Or with code changes:
Use @TestLogging(["<packageName1>:<logLevel1>", ...])
on your test class or
test method to enable more detailed logging. For example: