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174 lines (155 loc) · 10.6 KB

File metadata and controls

174 lines (155 loc) · 10.6 KB


All notable changes to this package will be documented in this file.


  • Breaking Changes: MyDelayedActions.DelayedAction methods now start themselves automatically
  • Breaking Changes: MinMaxFloat.RandomInRangeInclusive was redundant, removed
  • Breaking Changes: Extension IList.GetRandomCollection is removed, replaced with IList.ExclusiveSample
  • Breaking Changes: Removed bunch of methods from MyPhysics class
  • Changed: ReadOnlyAttribute now might be conditional, just like ConditionalField. Thanks to @CrizGames!
  • Changed: AutoProperty and MustBeAssigned attributes now work fine with ScriptableObjects! Thanks to @tonygiang for the addition! TODO Docs - Changed: SceneAttribute is now rendered as popup list of scenes from Editor Build Settings
  • Extensions: collection.FillBy(index => { }) allows to use factory method to fill up the collection. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: IList.SwapInPlace(a, b) swaps two elements in collection. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: IList.Shuffle() shuffles elements in collection using the Knuth algorithm. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: IList.ExclusiveSample() returns collection of random elements. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: Rigidbody.ToggleConstraints extension. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: Transform.SetLossyScale. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: Camera.WorldPointOffsetByDepth to keep point position on screen but with specified distance from camera. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: Component/GameObject.SetLayerRecursively. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: RectTransform.ShiftAnchor to offset anchor. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: RectTransform.GetAnchorCenter to get mid point between anchorMin and anchorMax. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: RectTransform.GetAnchorDelta to get parent-relative size of the RectTransform. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: Vector.Pow to raise each component of the source Vector to the specified power. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Extensions: Vector.ScaleBy immutably returns the result of the source vector multiplied with another vector. Thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Fix: FPSCounter now works correctly if EditorOnly is toggled. Thanks to @TheWalruzz! TODO Docs - Fix: DisplayInspector now will show warning if used on property of the wrong type TODO Docs - Fix: FoldoutAttribute visual improvements

[1.7.0] - 2021-06-09

  • Breaking Changes: MyCollections.AsEnumerable renamed to SingleToEnumerable
  • Breaking Changes: MyCollections.GetOrDefault renamed to GetOrAdd
  • Breaking Changes: MonoSingleton class is removed, its functionality combined with Singleton class
  • Breaking Changes: WaitForUnscaledSeconds is removed since we have WaitForSecondsRealtime (whow, it's here since Unity 5.4! Nostalgic memories :D)
  • Breaking Changes: UIImageBasedToggle removed. Unity's Toggle able to do same things this days
  • Added: Donation button in MyBox window ;)
  • Added: TransformData type to store and restore position, rotation and scale
  • Added: CharactersRange Attribute to validate string by set of characters
  • Added: RegexString Attribute to validate string by Regular Expression
  • Added: OverrideLabelAttribute
  • Added: Ability to use AutoPropertyAttribute to assign from parent, scene of asset folder, thanks to @tonygiang!
  • Added: ConditionalFields supports Enum Flag as conditions! Thanks to Dietmar Puschmann for this addition
  • Added: MyEditorEvents.OnEditorStarts event
  • Added: UnityEvent inspector now is foldable, thanks to @karsion!
  • Extensions: MyCollections.FirstIndex - more generalized version
  • Extensions: MyCollections.GetWeightedRandom and GetWeightedRandomIndex
  • Changed: AutoPropertyAttribute will also check prefabs on prefab mode open
  • Changed: MyBox will only check for updates when editor opens
  • Changed: Singleton now might be used as parent class of MonoBehaviour to cache and remove duplicating instances
  • Changed: UIImageBasedButton now uses Highlight sprites when Pointed
  • Fix: DisplayInspectorAttribute works better with (and inside of) collections
  • Fix: MyString.ToCamelCase() extension works better now, thanks to @derfium!
  • Fix: MinValue/MaxValueAttribute build warnings fixed

[1.6.2] - 2021-04-08

  • Fix: MyBox Window settings were not applied correctly

[1.6.1] - 2021-04-07

  • Changed: MyBox Window now contains all settings and some useful links
  • Fix: MyBox Updater now should properly update UPM version

[1.6.0] - 2021-04-05

  • Added: SceneAttribute to keep scene name in a string. Consider to use SceneReference type as it is more flexible
  • Changed: MyCollection.NextIndexInCircle() extension now works with offsets
  • Extension: MyString.Colored(UnityEngine.Color)
  • Extension: MyString.SurroundedWith()
  • Extension: GetObjectsOfLayerInChilds now also receives layer as a string
  • Extension: MySerializedProperty.GetValue() now works with collections
  • Fix: DisplayInspector now (finally) works right with Unity 2020.2 reorderable collections
  • Fix: SeparatorAttribute works better with collections
  • Fix: SeparatorAttribute looks not as ugly as before :D
  • Fix: ConditionalFieldAttribute optimizations and fixes
  • Fix: AnimationStateReference now works with collections

[1.5.0] - 2020-07-15

  • Added: WarningsPool, used to log repeated message only one time
  • Changed: MustBeAssigned attribute now will check fields on prefab when it is saved in prefab mode
  • Changed: AutoProperty attribute now will fill fields on prefab when it is saved in prefab mode
  • Changed: IPrepareFeature now have three Prepare events: OnPrepareBefore, OnPrepare, OnPrepareAfter for execution order control
  • Changed: IPrepareFeature now is in MyBox.EditorTools namespace
  • Changed: ButtonMethodAttribute — new setting to draw button before or after inspector
  • Changed: Clean Empty Directories Feature is now disabled by default
  • Extension: MyReflection extensions, with HasMethod, HasField and HasProperty object extensions
  • Extension: Dictionary.GetOrDefault to return default() value if key is not found
  • Extension: IEnumerable.ForEach, just like List.ForEach. Also takes Func<>!
  • Fix: Build exception (again!) because of internal WarningsPool
  • Fix: MustBeAssigned occasional NullReferenceException during build
  • Fix: TransformShakeExtension — shake bounds wasn't worked

[1.4.1] - 2020-06-06

  • Added: SceneReference.LoadSceneAsync method
  • Changed: Image.SetAlpha changed to more generic Graphic.SetAlpha
  • Changed: WarningsPool now allows to write any log type, not just warnings
  • Fix: Build exception because of CollectionWrapperBase

[1.4.0] - 2020-05-18

  • Added: ConstantsSelectionAttribute to popup all const values of a specific type
  • Added: CollectionWrapper to use ConditionalField on collections
  • Added: InitializationFieldAttribute to make field read-only in Playmode
  • Added: MyCursor type to with handy hotspot assignment
  • Added: MyCoroutines.CoroutineGroup with handy StartAll() and AnyProcessing
  • Added: MyDebug.LogColor(Color) because why not
  • Changed: ConditionalField now correctly uses CustomDrawer if drawer affects base type of target field
  • Changed: DisplayInspectorAttribute now supports ButtonMethodAttribute inside of displayed types
  • Changed: RequiredLayerAttribute might accept layer index instead of the name
  • Changed: AnimationStateReference now might reference any object on scene
  • Changed: ColliderGizmo now works with MeshColliders
  • Extension: MinMax.RandomInRange
  • Extension: Transform.StartShake now have "fade" parameter
  • Extension: Coroutine.StartNext(IEnumerator) to easily create sequence of coroutines
  • Extension: SerializedProperty.IsNumerical to detect vectors or float/int
  • Extension: SerializedProperty.GetValue/SetValue to operate with object reference
  • Fix: Reorderable Collections drawing issue
  • Fix: ColliderGizmo compilation problem in Unity2020.1
  • Fix: CleanEmptyDirectories didn't allow to create folders
  • Fix: CleanEmptyDirectories NullReferenceException fix
  • Fix: AutoProperty rare NullReferenceException fix
  • Fix: ConditionalField multiple fixes
  • Fix: PositiveValeOnlyAttribute label drawing properly
  • Fix: GameObject.HasComponent extension redundant constraint removed
  • Fix: UnityObjectEditor rare NullReferenceException fix
  • Fix: Billboard component

[1.3.0] - 2020-01-16

  • Added: FoldoutAttribute. Thanks to PixeyeHQ!
  • Added: UnityEvent inspector revamp! Now it's foldable and reorderable :). Thanks to Byron Mayne!
  • Fix: TransformShakeExtension critical bug fixed

[1.2.0] - 2019-11-13

  • Added: Reorderable Collections!
  • Added: Transform.StartShake and Transform.EndShake extension methods. Use on Camera transform for screen shake effect for instance
  • Added: NavMeshPath.GetPointsOnPath extension to split path on evenly distributed points
  • Added: MyEditor.CopyToClipboard method. Copy string via script like with Ctrl+C
  • Changed: ConditionalFieldAttribute works on custom types inside of collections
  • Changed: ConditionalFieldAttribute now works much faster!
  • Changed: ColliderGizmo now also highlights NavMeshObstacles
  • GUIDComponent updated
  • Fix: Compilation error fixed
  • Fix: MyBox Updater fixed. Exceptional cases logged with warnings

[1.1.0] - 2019-09-25

  • Added: Commentary component. Add commentaries in inspector;
  • Fix: UIRelativePosition fixes;
  • Few redundant warnings removed
  • Versioning changed to release patches more often without extra warnings

[1.0.4] - 2019-09-16

  • Added: UIRelativePosition type allows to align UI element relative to some other RectTransform with offsets and stuff
  • Added: AssetPath and AssetFolderPath types. String wrappers with "Browse" button in inspector. Thanks to Nate Wilson (wilsnat) for the idea
  • Changed: ConditionalFieldAttribute now works on fields with custom inspectors! Thanks to Nate Wilson (wilsnat)
  • Changed: RangedInt/Float and MinMaxInt/Float now have constructors for static instantiation
  • Fix: ConditionalFieldAttribute always hide the field if "compare to" values were not assigned

[1.0.3] - 2019-09-02

  • RequireLayer and RequireTag attributes
  • MonoSingleton Type
  • Fixed indent issue with nested inspector for MinMaxInt/Float, Optional, OptionalMinMax type
  • MySceneBundle is a Tool to transfer data from one scene to another. Thanks to Kaynn-Cahya for this addition!

[1.0.2] - 2019-08-17

  • Fix: breaking problem with MyCoroutines type
  • Added: MinMaxInt/Float Clamp and Lerp extension methods
  • Added: MinMaxInt/Float Length and MidPoint extension methods
  • Now MyBox will automatically check for updates!

[1.0.1] - 2019-08-15

  • Compilation errors fixed
  • Removed obsolete warning

[1.0.0] - 2019-08-13

First version with Unity Package Manager support.

Let's take it as the first release since now you are able to install MyBox with Package Manager and update it with "Tools/MyBox/Check for updates"