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112 lines (80 loc) · 5.75 KB

File metadata and controls

112 lines (80 loc) · 5.75 KB
  • Add: MyDictionary, visible in inspector!!1

  • Ability to see all objects with Commentary component on scene

  • Add: SingleScriptableObject. No more messy Create/ with CreateAssetMenuAttribute for settings SO's

    • Can it cache itself somehow...? To gain static or single entry point access
    • Base class (attribute?) to ensure that there is at least one SO of this type
    • SelectFolder/Filename prompt will automatically appear on recompilation if no instances of SO found?
      • Warning if there is more than one?
      • Static accessor? Or probably better to add Load method?
  • Add: MultiScene asset

    • To save/load opened loaded/active scenes in editor
    • Write last opened asset id to EditorPrefs, bind to Save event to update asset automatically?
  • Add: EditorPrefs asset. To sync some specified editor prefs (via VCS)

    • asset stores its version (incremented every time on changes). Store different import/export versions?
    • stores latest sync version in EditorPrefs
    • if EditorPref value changed, compare EditorPrefs version with asset export version
  • Add: Separator type to draw separator after the field..?

  • Change: ConstantsSelectionAttribute — Allow to set custom value

  • Change: ReorderableCollection - add dropdown area to assign bunch of objects via drag-n-drop

  • Allow Commentary to be a type (to be shown and edited inside of other inspector) +

    • Statically assign via script
    • Make readonly
  • AnimationStateReference not working with nested inspector

  • AnimationParameterReference to set parameter and it's value via inspector and simply Apply() in code

  • Add EditorEvent.BeforePlaymodeComponentIteration to call Object.FindObjectsOfType() only once

    • RequireLayerOtRagAttributeHandler and MustBeAssignedAttributeChecker
  • Make FoldoutAttribute animated & alternative toolbar design

  • Setting to get MyBoxUpdate warnings about new versions + about bugfixes

  • OnPlaymodeLogger (MyLogger?) to accumulate log messages before playmode and log on playmode

    • Some systems log things on BeforePlaymode and such messages will be erased if ClearOnPlay is set on Console
    • RequireLayerOtRagAttributeHandler and some other system...
  • RangedFloat/Int and MinMaxFloat/Int functionality should be merged?

  • Test coverage, man (ง •̀_•́)ง

  • Update GUIDComponent? Remove it?

  • IPrepareAlways to use Prepare() without bool return

  • Auto generate MyLayers and MyTags scripts with const strings/ints representing actual, well, layers and tags

  • Add documentation links for MonoBehaviour types

  • Allow to opt out MustBeAssigned and AutoProperty checks? Add highlight in inspector if disabled?

  • MustBeAssigned may work with ScriptableObjects in project?

    • Allow to disable this feature? Measure performance
  • DisplayInspector — Allow to fold inspector

  • MonoBehaviourPool

    • Static class with GetPoolable(this GameObject prefab) and DeactivatePoolable(this MB behaviour) or something
  • MyGizmos => Arrow, Dotted, Cross?

    • MyGizmos, MyHandles, MyDebug should be reconsidered
  • MyGizmosHandler && MyOnGUIHandler

    • MyDebug.DrawText is working only in OnDrawGizmos :(
    • I want to access OnDrawGizmos in non-MonoBehaviour scripts
    • MyOnGUI may be useful, for instance, in FPSCounter feature
    • MB with static access, with lazy initialization and HideAndDontSave?
      • EveryFrame subscription is heavy...
      • Push struct with IDraw and logic to draw with gizmos, remove pushed structs from MyGizmosHandler.OnDrawGizmos? Measure performance
      • Some way to draw every-frame Gizmos with system, that run only once per x seconds?
  • Highlight empty fields with MustBeAssignedAttribute in inspector

    • Same with AutoProperty fields, if none found on GO
  • AssetPresetPreprocessor is very slow on matching assets, profile & optimize

    • At least skip import if nothing changed?
  • Node editor tools (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

  • AnimationCreator is pretty cool with simple Idle-Play or looping Idle animators.

    • So the idea is to add Context menu item to generate AnimationController asset with imbedded AnimationClips assets
    • The simplest case is Animator with Play clip and empty default Idle. To play single animation on some event
    • Another case is Animator winh one Default looping clip fir infinite cycled animation
    • Is it possible to play animation without animator?
  • EmbeddedAnimationCreator to EmbeddedAssetCreator?

    • It is possible to embed one asset inside of another via script. Will be cool to have such functionality via ContextMenuItems
    • It's cool to have, to pack related assets into one parent asset. Like animation clips in animator or relates SO assets or whatewer
    • How to unparent assets?
  • MyBundleUtility is a mess. Might be useful

    • Yeah well it looks like Unity now have its own Bandles Tools
    • Tools to build bundles out of scenes (with multiscene solutions)
      • And handle bundles loading/unloading on scene load/unload?
  • TemplatesCreator

    • Template is custom code snippets, like "Create/C# Script" but for custom things
    • Add a way to add templates as separate assets
    • There is no way to have MenuItems with runtime naming :(?
      • MenuItems is separate feature/wrapper for TemplateCreator?
      • ?? I may generate separate script with MenuItems in any selected by used folder. Find this script and get its path to regenerate if needed!