All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning(
Initial Release
SHQ16-2072 address autocomplete changes
SHQ16-2072 address autocomplete changes
SHQ16-2112 support for address elements specific to New York, UK and Sweden
SHQ16-2150 handle no API key, increase z-index and handle apartment number
SHQ16-2150 handle no API key, increase z-index and handle apartment number. Also changed tagged version number
SHQ16-2150 handle no API key, increase z-index and handle apartment number. Also changed tagged version number
SHQ16-2244 add polyfill for IE 11 issue
SHQ16-2328 moved css for autocomplete to less file
M2-56 code sniffer changes
Updated README with grammar corrections
SHQ18-65 - handle Google API authentication errors
SHQ18-260 Disable Google Chrome autofill if address lookup is enabled
Added a setting to use extended postcodes when available