Microservice to poll bitcoin.de API orderbook for the missing minutely trading chart info on BTC-EURO, BCH-EURO and ETH-EURO crypto charts.
This is WIP and my first python / flask / sqlAlchemy / google cloud project so feel free to comment
- request bitcoin.de api-keys
- setup a mysql database or setup a google cloud sql instance
- install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- set credentials to your env and run the flask-service
export BTCDE_API_KEY='...'
export BTCDE_API_SECRET='...'
export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI='mysql+pymysql://user:pw@/db?unix_socket=/tmp/cloudsql.sock/db-onnection-name'
- setup database tables with migration
python create_tables.py
- run the server
python main.py
- setup a cron job to call the tracking task /task/track_btcde or on google cloud app deploy cron.yaml
gcloud app deploy cron.yaml