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108 lines (73 loc) · 4.62 KB

File metadata and controls

108 lines (73 loc) · 4.62 KB


Helper scripts to process phototimer images.

    • Sort a path of timestamped phototimer images by frame timestamp, create a symlinked directory structure. Then, optionally add a timestamp overlay to each frame. Finally convert into a time-lapse .mp4 (x264) video.
    • Python helper script to add timestamp overlay to each frame. Uses multithreading to speed up image processing. Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt.
    • Alternate python helper script to add timestamp overlay to each frame. Does NOT use multithreading. Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt, minus multithreading.


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Every little bit is appreciated! Thank you! 🙏

Dependencies / Requirements

    • python3: >= 3.7 preferred (for threading bugfixes)
      • os
      • datetime
      • threading
    • pip packagess:
      • multiprocess
      • Pillow
      • pytz
    • python3
      • os
      • datetime
    • pip packagess:
      • Pillow
      • pytz
    • bash
    • ffmpeg
    • find
    • CPU core detection requires one of the following commands:
      • sysctl -n hw.ncpu
      • nproc --all


./  Copyright (C) 2017  James Cuzella
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type './ -l'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; See 'LICENSE' file for details.

Usage: ./ [-h] [-l] [-t] (-i input_phototimer_dir | ./path/to/phototimer )  (-o /path/to/output.mp4 | /path/to/output.mp4 )

Sort a path of timestamped phototimer images by frame timestamp, create a symlinked directory structure, 
optionally add a timestamp overlay to each frame, and convert into a time-lapse .mp4 (x264) video.

All arguments except input directory and output file path are optional and have defaults.

    -h                              Help. Display this usage message and exit.

    -l                              Show LICENSE file and exit.

    -v                              Output verbose debug messages.

    -n                              Dry run.
                                    Echo all processing operations, but do not actually do anything.

    -t                              Add timestamp image overlay to each frame based on image naming scheme.
                                    The default configuration is to add time & date stamp to bottom left of 
                                    all image frames before transcoding.
                                    NOTE: This is an irreversible process and will edit & overwrite the original images!
                                          It is recommended to run this on a copy of the originals
                                    See Example below for timestamp file path naming scheme

    -i /path/to/phototimer/images/  Input path to directory containing time-lapse phototimer 'images/*'

    -o /path/to/output.mp4          Output filename to use for .mp4 time-lapse video
                                    NOTE: This script will overwrite the output file without asking!

    The phototimer directory should have strftime pattern: 




    Note that this script is very minimal and will NOT handle every ordering case correctly

    It will also overwrite /path/to/output.mp4 without asking!
