The files in this folder can be used to reproduce the numerical experiment simulating a supersonic jet with Trixi.jl. All results were obtained with Julia v1.6.2 on a computer running Kubuntu 20.04.
To reproduce the numerical experiments and the figure shown in the paper, proceed as follows.
- Start Julia in this folder and activate the project environment therein
julia --project=.
in this folder). Pass the command line option--check-bounds=no
to increase the runtime performance. You can also use multithreading by passing the command line option--threads=XXX
to Julia. - Execute the following code in Julia.
julia> using Trixi julia> trixi_include("elixir_euler_astro_jet.jl") [output of the simulation]
If you want to modify some plots, you can adapt the plotting commands in the elixir or work in the Julia REPL as desired.